Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 37

by Sarah Bailey

  “Take me to bed and fuck me, knight… please.”

  I smiled.

  “Gladly, my love, fucking gladly.”

  Maybe if he was good for me tonight, I’ll tell him exactly what he wanted to hear.

  I wanted him here every day so I never had to be without him again.

  Chapter Sixty Three

  The last four months with Rhys had been more than I could’ve ever imagined. I’d moved into his place not long after he told me he loved me for the first time as adults. And I’d just completed the sale on my flat since we’d finally found the perfect place for us. It had three bedrooms, one of which we could turn into Rhys’ office and was very close to Steph’s flat. We’d just had our offer on it accepted so we had a lot to celebrate.

  The drive down to Brighton reminded me of when we’d driven down here together all those years ago. We had the windows rolled down and the music up loud. Rhys’ tanned skin had darkened in the sun over the past month. He had his sunglasses on and his hand tapped on the outside of the car door in time to the music. I’d never get over how handsome my boyfriend was.

  No matter how many times I told myself not to be nervous about today, it didn’t stop my skin prickling all over. I had no idea what I’d do if he said no but asking Rhys to marry me had been on my mind for months. Now we were moving forward and planning a future together, it felt like the right time. Taking him back to where this relationship had begun was only fitting.

  After I parked up, we strolled down the shopping streets to the beachfront hand in hand. The smile on his face lit my skin on fire.

  “Are you going to make me go on the teacup ride?”

  I raised an eyebrow.

  “Our day out wouldn’t be complete without it.”

  “Oh right, I forgot, you’re too scared to go on the rollercoaster.”

  I shoved him with my free hand.

  “Shut up, I am not.”

  “Don’t worry, baby, I’ll hold your hand so you don’t get scared.”

  He always gave me shit about it. I didn’t get scared, I just wasn’t a huge fan of heights.

  “I’m not your fucking baby.”

  He leant over and kissed my cheek. I couldn’t help the smile gracing my lips. Being with him always made me happy. Especially with how free and open we were with each other. I’d been damn happy when my father hadn’t attended Emily’s launch party for her new book. And getting to show off Rhys was the icing on the cake. He got a bit embarrassed about me gushing over how he’d done all the artwork but I was so damn proud of him. He’d been so inundated with work recently, he’d had to hire a virtual assistant to help him manage everything.

  “No, you’re my Prince Charming.”

  “I’ll take that.”

  I dug my hand in my pocket, running my fingers over the little box in it. It’d taken a considerable effort on my part to find out his ring size without giving the game away. I’d resorted to wrapping a piece of string around his finger when he was asleep. It’d been damn a miracle he hadn’t woken up since sometimes he could be a light sleeper.

  As much as I wanted to take him straight down the beach and propose to him, it’d have to wait. I wanted him relaxed and happy before I took the plunge. That and I was nervous as fuck. My palms were already sweating and I hoped Rhys assumed it was the heat of the day.

  We got down to the pier and Rhys turned to me, his eyes twinkling. He’d shoved his sunglasses up on the top of his head so I could see them now.

  “Let’s get doughnuts. I’ve been dying for these all week.”

  I shook my head but let him drag me over to the booth. We got twelve sugar-coated ones and took them with us as we strolled along the pier. Rhys leant on the railing and stuck one in his mouth, getting sugar all over it. I shook my head, grinning as I reached over and brushed it off.

  “What? Not going to lick it off?”

  “I bet you’d like that.”

  He leant over and kissed me.

  “I’d love it… though I’d love it more if you licked me all over.”

  “There’s always time for that later.”

  And if everything went well, I’d want to pin him down when we got home and make love to him, showing him how much I adored him with every kiss and every touch.

  God, I fucking hope he says yes.

  For the rest of the afternoon, we spent our time going on the rides, including the teacup one and playing in the arcades. I felt like a teenager all over again. Rhys made me feel on top of the world and spending the day together like this without any worries or cares was more than I could ever ask for. But I had a very important question to pose to him. And I intended to make sure he answered the way I hoped.

  I gripped his hand tighter as we walked down the promenade together away from the crowds out for a day in the sun. The closer we got to where we shared our first kiss, the more I wished I wasn’t so scared of doing this. Rhys had repeatedly told me he wanted forever with me, but marriage had never entered the equation. I had no idea if he even wanted it. Nothing would hold me back though. Rhys was my one and I wanted to be his husband. The two of us had been through so much together. I wanted to cement forever with vows and promises I’d never break again.

  “You remember when we were here last time with that freak storm? It was crazy.”

  I jumped at the sound of his voice, glancing at him. He frowned when he took in my face.

  “Jesus, A, you’re a bit skittish today. Is something wrong?”

  “No, no, nothing’s wrong. Everything’s perfect. Just perfect.”

  His eyebrow shot up and he stopped us in our tracks.

  “Okay, now I know something is up.”

  I had to just bite the bullet and ask him. I pulled him towards the stones even as he kept frowning at me.

  “Aaron, what’s going on?”

  We stopped on the pebbles. I took both his hands and held them tight.

  “I remember that day very well. Every second is branded in my memory. I could never forget it, Rhys. It’s the first time I kissed you.”

  “Well yeah… though I still feel bad about the way I told you off over it.”

  “Don’t. I deserved that even if I don’t regret doing it.”

  He tried to let go of my hand so he could reach for me, but I held on tight.

  “You’re being really weird right now, A.”

  I shifted on my feet.

  “I know. I just… I’m nervous and freaking out, but I have to do this.”

  He began to open his mouth, but I let go of his hand and shoved mine over it.

  “Just let me talk, okay?”

  He nodded and I dropped my hand. I stared into his dark eyes, noting his concern. Rhys had no fucking idea what I was about to do.

  “You mean the world to me, Rhys. The whole entire world. I brought you here today for a reason and it’s not because we’re buying a flat together. This is where it all started for us. It’s where everything changed and that makes it special to me.”

  His eyes softened and I almost lost my nerve.

  Suck it up and say the words. Just do it, Aaron.

  I dug my hand in my pocket, curling it around the box.

  “Rhys… I… I have a very important question to ask you and I want you to consider it very carefully before you answer, okay?”

  A little furrow appeared in his brow but he nodded all the same. So I took that as my cue, watching his eyes widen when I dropped down onto one knee. There were a few people near us, but I only had eyes for him. My beautiful man.

  “I fell in love with you seventeen years ago. The moment I saw you, I knew you were the one. We have been through thick and thin together, ups and downs, heaven and hell. There’s no one in this world I want to spend my life with other than you. I love you so much, Rhys. You are my soulmate and my best friend. And nothing would make me happier than if you did me the honour of becoming my husband.”

tugged the box out of my pocket and dropped his other hand, opening it and holding it out to him.

  “Will you marry me?”

  I watched him swallow hard, his eyes pinning me in place with their intensity. Then they flicked down to the box where nestled inside was a plain palladium band. I knew for a fact, he wouldn’t want anything fancy. He wasn’t that type of person.

  “You want… you want me to marry you?”

  “Yes, knight. I want to be your husband more than anything else in the world.”

  He swallowed again. The pebbles were digging into my bare knee but I didn’t care. I’d wait here forever for his answer.

  “You’re fucking crazy, you know that, right?” he said, his voice low as he ran a hand through his hair.

  “You wouldn’t have me any other way.”

  He reached out and wrapped a hand around my bicep.

  “Damn it, A, get off your knee and come here.”

  He tried to tug me up but I wouldn’t budge.

  “You haven’t given me an answer yet.”

  “You’re such a pain.”

  Next thing I knew, he’d launched himself at me, pushing me back against the pebbles as he straddled my waist. His mouth brushed against mine as he stared down at me.

  “You’re fucking lucky I love you so much, prince.”

  “Is that a yes?”

  “It’s a put this damn ring you went out of your way to get me on my finger and kiss me.”

  I grinned and he put out his hand for me, letting me slide the ring on awkwardly from our position. Then before I had a chance to do anything else, his lips were on mine and we were practically dry humping each other in public.

  We were interrupted by some clapping and whooping. Rhys raised his head and stared at the people nearby who were making all the noise.

  “Congratulations!” someone called.

  “Oh Jesus,” Rhys muttered. “We have a fucking audience.”

  “You did just pounce on me after I asked you to be my husband.”

  He looked down at me.

  “Can you blame me? You’re like the hottest guy ever and you asked me to marry you. I think that calls for pouncing.”

  I snorted and pulled him down towards me again, kissing him, albeit more PG this time around. He rolled off me and reached out, entwining our fingers together.

  “Just so we’re on the same page, that was a yes, right?”

  “Yes, Aaron, I’ll marry you.”

  Relief flooded my veins and my heart squeezed. He put a hand over his eyes. I adored the fact my ring sat there now, showing the world he was mine.

  “Oh god, Mum is going to freak out and be a nightmare. She’ll want to help us plan the whole thing. Please tell me we don’t have to have some big ceremony with a ton of people there. I don’t want that. At all.”

  I laughed.

  “No, it can be as intimate as you want it to be. I don’t care, as long as I get to promise myself to you.”

  “Oh good, you know I hate being the centre of attention.”

  I reached out and stroked his cheek.

  “Don’t worry, I’ll make sure their eyes are on me.”

  He dropped his hand and turned to me with a grin.

  “How could they look at anyone else? Prince Charming is the main event.”

  “Well, this Prince Charming only gives a shit if his knight in shining armour is looking at him.”

  Rhys rolled on his side and leant down until our lips almost met.

  “I’ve only ever had eyes for you, A. You’re the only one I want to wake up to every morning and fall asleep with for the rest of our lives. I love you forever, prince.”

  He kissed me, making me melt for him entirely. I was so fucking happy. Rhys was going to be my husband. Nothing in this world could top that.

  “I love you forever too, knight.”


  Was it normal to be this nervous on your wedding day? My palms were all sweaty and I kept adjusting my suit every two minutes. Maybe it was the months of planning that had gone into this. Or the fact I was going to be standing up there and declaring my undying love to my soulmate. Either way, I couldn’t help feeling like I was about to faint.

  “You look like a ghost right now,” Meredith said as she patted my arm.

  She looked absolutely stunning in a dove-grey dress which complimented her now natural strawberry blonde hair.

  “You’re not making me feel any better. Isn’t that what a best man is supposed to do?”

  “Best woman and yes, I’m sorry. You’re going to be fine. You love Aaron and he loves you. So don’t be getting cold feet right now or I’ll have to beat your skinny arse up.”

  “I do not have a skinny arse!”

  She leant back and looked at it.

  “No, you’re right, it’s perfectly proportioned. Nice and muscly. I see why your husband-to-be keeps staring at it.”

  I nudged her with my shoulder.

  “Oh, shut the fuck up already.”

  Aaron did have an unhealthy obsession with staring at it but then again, I had an unhealthy obsession with staring at him too. I guess we were both completely crazy about each other and it showed.

  “Language,” she hissed.

  I glanced over at Hetty and Harmony who also had matching dove-grey dresses with white flowers entwined in their blonde hair. They weren’t looking at us. The twins took their roles as flower girls very seriously. They were waiting for the music to start.

  “They’ve heard me and their uncle say the word fuck before… by accident.”

  Meredith raised her eyebrow.

  “Do I even want to know?”

  “When do you ever not want to know about my sex life?”

  Her green eyes lit up.

  “Spill right now!”

  Meredith was so fucking predictable.

  “Okay, so there I was, riding Aaron hard with my hand on his back, pinning him to the bed. He’s moaning and telling me to fuck him harder. The girls walk in just as I’m saying, ‘that’s it, fucking take my cock,’ and Hetty pipes up going ‘what does fuck mean, Uncle Rhys?’. I swear Aaron and I have never scrambled to hide ourselves under the covers so fast. Aaron practically died trying to tell them it was a bad word they shouldn’t use. We got an earful from Harriet over it since they asked her why I was on top of him when they went home.”

  Meredith shook with her attempt to hold back her laughter and I was trying not to join in myself.

  “Oh my god, you two are like horny rabbits. Did you forget they were staying?”

  “No, but we thought they’d gone to sleep. They don’t normally wake up in the night, but Hetty had a nightmare.”

  Telling Meredith that story had loosened me up. My best friend was right. I loved Aaron and becoming his husband was what I wanted.

  “At least you’ll have no interruptions tonight. And I still can’t believe Aaron invited Emily Davidson here. Isn’t that like fucking huge?”

  I grinned. Having my favourite author at my wedding? Pretty damn amazing. Emily and Aaron were close, which is why she was here.

  “Uhuh, that man certainly knows how to make me happy.”

  Meredith didn’t say anything else as the music started. The girls walked into the ceremony room and Meredith stepped forward. She glanced back, giving me a wink. I hadn’t wanted to be given away or anything so Mum was sitting up at the front. We hadn’t invited our fathers to the wedding since neither of them deserved to be here. We only had about thirty guests. I’d been insistent on keeping it small.

  Meredith walked into the ceremony room and I stepped forward, wiping my sweaty palms on my trousers. I looked down at myself. My blue suit moulded to every inch of me, as Aaron had insisted we have them tailored specifically for today. His matched mine. He wanted our wedding to be perfect.

  I shook myself and took a deep breath before walking in. I couldn’t help the smile gracing my fa
ce when I saw him waiting up there for me at the end of the aisle. Our guests paled in comparison to my beautiful blonde-haired, blue-grey eyed man who held my heart and soul in his palm. I walked up towards him, loving the way he smiled back at me, his eyes shining with happiness. When I reached him, he took my hand and squeezed it.

  “Hi,” he whispered.

  “Prince,” I murmured, making his cheeks redden.

  We turned to the registrar, who began proceedings and I half-listened, completely captivated by the man who was about to become my husband. We went through the various legal declarations we had to make before the registrar, Lydia, spoke to our guests.

  “Aaron and Rhys have chosen to write their own personal vows to one another. Aaron, would you like to begin?”

  He turned to me, clutching my hand tightly as he pulled out a small piece of paper.

  “Rhys, I have loved you since we were seven-year-old boys who had no idea of the trials and tribulations we’d go through in life. You have taught me how to be brave and stand up for myself. Today, I give myself to you completely. I promise to love, care and support you in all our future endeavours and to cherish every moment we have together. Whatever life throws at us, I know we’ll fight our way through it, just as we’ve always done. I love you, knight.”

  I bit my lip which made his eyes darken. His words made my heart swell. No one understood our nicknames for each other but us.

  “Thank you, Aaron. Now, Rhys, would you like to say your vows?” Lydia said with a smile.

  I’d thought long and hard about what I wanted to say to him. There didn’t seem words to express my feelings, but I’d tried my best. I pulled out my own sheet of paper even though I’d memorised everything I wanted to tell him.

  “From the day we met, you had me captivated by your blue-grey eyes and your smile. No one else has managed to challenge, frustrate and push me out of my comfort zone the way you always have. And for that, I am eternally grateful. You saved me, prince, every single day of our lives. I promise to love you, to support you and encourage you as we continue to grow stronger together with each passing day.”


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