Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1)

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Our Darkest Hour (Our Darkest Series Book 1) Page 36

by Sarah Bailey

  Seventeen years ago I’d fallen in love with him. I’d known then I wanted him forever even if I’d not dared to hope he would ever reciprocate my love. Having him with me now made me more certain than ever.

  I want you to be my husband, Rhys. I want to marry you and take your name.

  My own name had brought me nothing but heartache and pain. Being Rhys’ meant more to me than anything else. So if he said yes, I’d take his name and we’d be each other’s for life. Our love was once in a lifetime and one of a kind.

  I knew he wasn’t ready for that yet. I’d just got him back so scaring him away was the last thing I wanted to do. I’d continue to show Rhys he could trust me with his heart. Prove we’d work now we were adults, something I knew he was worried about. I’d wait until he could tell me he loved me too.

  For now, I’d love him the only way I knew how. Just like this. Us locked together in ecstasy and bliss. And when we crested the wave together, both panting and out of breath, peace washed over me. Rhys had chosen me. He’d picked us. He’d fight for this.

  “Fuck, I needed that,” he murmured after I rolled off him and disposed of the condom and he cleaned up the mess on his stomach.

  “Is that so?”

  “I missed it.”

  I shifted and laid my head on his chest, letting him stroke my hair.

  “I missed it too.”

  He snorted.

  “Of course you did. Don’t think I’ve forgotten how much you loved to fuck me when we were younger.”

  I ran my fingers along his stomach.

  “I did. I still do, but I love you being inside me just as much.”

  “I’m aware, you’re very vocal when you beg me to fuck you harder.”

  I dug my fingers into his ribs.

  “Shut up.”

  “Ooh, touchy, are we?”

  “Fuck off.”

  I looked up, finding him grinning. He wasn’t wrong. I did like it when he got rough and ordered me around.

  “As much as I’d love to lie in bed with you all day, we need to go see Mum and make sure she’s okay.”

  “Do you think she’ll eventually accept this?”

  He poked my nose with his free hand.

  “Yes, she used to adore you, I’m sure you can charm your way back into her good books again. You are my Prince Charming after all.”

  “I hope so.”

  His eyes grew concerned.

  “I don’t need anyone else’s approval to be with you, okay? This is my decision and she respects that even if she’s still upset with you right now. She had to see me go through my very worst when we broke up, so you have to give her some time, just as you did with me.”

  I reached up and stroked his face.

  “I’ll prove to her I’m worthy of you.”

  I shifted off him and got up, stretching.

  “You’re lucky Mer already approves of you or you’d have an uphill battle with that one.”

  I glanced back at him, watching as he got up and walked towards the door.

  “She does?”

  “Yes. She’s a hard one to please, but you are terribly charming when you want to be.”

  He winked at me as he left. I couldn’t help following, tugged by the cord binding us together, noting him disappearing into the shower. I hoped Steph wouldn’t mind us being a little late. There was no way I was passing up the opportunity to get wet and soapy with my boyfriend.

  I could prove to Steph I deserved her son even if it meant I had to do a little grovelling. Our past had been laid to rest. Now, we were moving forward. And we’d do it together. Just like I’d always wanted when we were kids.

  Chapter Sixty Two

  With the passing weeks, Aaron and I grew ever closer. It felt like we’d got back to where we’d been before everything fell apart. Except this time we were so much stronger. It’s as if going through our breakup and living without each other had only made it even more imperative we made this work now. We knew what being away from each other felt like. And neither of us wanted that again.

  I’d finished up the final illustrations for Emily’s new book a couple of days ago. They were perfect. A part of me knew they’d love the images whilst the other had my nerves tingling in anticipation of them hating everything about them. Aaron hadn’t seen any of it because I wanted to unveil it to them at the same time. I needed to see their reactions, which is why I was now sitting across from Diana, Xanthe and Aaron at Johnstone & Parrish.

  “Are we allowed to turn them over now?” Diana asked with a smile.

  “Go ahead.” I waved at the packs I’d made for them. “Just be honest with me.”

  I watched them look through each drawing, wiping my sweaty palms on my thighs as I tried not to say a word. Knowing Aaron so well, I could see his reaction written all over his face. Pride shone in those blue-grey depths.

  “These are stunning,” Diana said after a few minutes. “Emily is going to love them so much.” Her eyes flicked up to me. “Honestly, thank you for this. It’s been an absolute joy to work with you.”

  I smiled.

  “The pleasure is all mine. I didn’t think I’d get to illustrate for one of my favourite authors.”

  Diana’s eyes moved toward the door.

  “Well, we can do one better than that.”

  I glanced back to find Emily Davidson walking in, looking a little harassed.

  “I am so sorry I’m late, the bloody train got delayed. Did you start without me?”

  “I’m afraid we did, but come take a seat.”

  I watched the brunette Emily breeze in and take a seat next to me. My eyes remained glued on her, feeling a little star-struck.

  “Emily, this is Rhys.”

  Diana indicated me with her hand. Emily turned to me with a bright smile on her face. And before I knew it, she’d reached out her hand to me. I took it despite not really liking human contact if I didn’t know a person. It was something I’d just had to get used to over the years.

  “It’s so nice to meet you.” She gave me a little knowing look. “Aaron has told me so much about you.”

  I glanced at Aaron who’d gone red and was shifting in his seat.

  “Has he now?”

  “All good things.” She lowered her voice. “He’s rather smitten.”

  I let go of her hand and felt a little awkward. As far as I was aware, he hadn’t mentioned our relationship to his work colleagues.

  “Yes… well… um…”

  “Did you want to show Emily what you’ve done for her?” Diana piped up, saving me from drowning.

  I slid the drawings across the table to Emily. Her eyes lit up as she looked through them.

  “Oh my god. You’ve captured my characters so well. Honestly, they’re brilliant.” Her hand pressed to her chest. “I’ve been so nervous about this new direction, but this makes it all so worthwhile.” She turned to me. “I cannot thank you enough. I’ve been reading your comic since the beginning and getting to have your artwork for my book is just such an honour.”

  What do I even say to that?

  Having her like my work was totally crazy.

  “The honour is absolutely all mine.”

  She waved me off, her ears going pink.

  “You are going to give him an early copy, right, Aaron?”

  “As long as you sign it,” he replied with a grin.

  “Wouldn’t have it any other way. And you have to come to the launch party. This one has never brought a plus one.” She waved at Aaron.

  I noted the way Diana and Xanthe looked between me and Aaron with confusion.

  Aaron rubbed the back of his neck.

  “I hadn’t asked him yet.”

  “Well, consider this an official invitation.”

  I looked between them. Aaron had clearly worked his charm with his authors. No one could resist that boy. Not even my mother who, after a few weeks, had finally come to accept A
aron back into the fold. She saw how happy he made me. How he supported me in my work and always made sure he consulted me about anything involving the two of us. When I told him I had to work late, he never complained about it. To be honest, he spent more time at my place than his own even though it was a longer journey to work for him. I had to admit, I liked he was there when I came to bed even the times he’d already been asleep. His presence helped me sleep easier.

  “I’d love to come.”

  Emily smiled wide.

  “That’s settled then. Right, are we going to approve these or do I have to strong-arm you into it?”

  My heart swelled as Aaron gave me one of those secret smiles of his. The ones where his eyes softened and his adoration shone through. He wanted me with him. To make it public knowledge we were together. Aaron had never let me doubt his feelings for me. And he never made me feel pressured to admit my own.

  I think I’m ready, A. I want to tell you how much I love you.

  I’d tell him later when we were alone. Right now, we still had business to conduct.

  The rest of the meeting went well. Emily had a further meeting with Aaron to discuss her next book. Aaron stood next to me by the lifts as they waited to go up and I waited for one to go down. Reaching out, he brushed his fingers over mine.

  “I’m so proud of you,” he murmured.

  “Thank you… you coming over later?”

  “Can’t keep me away.”

  I bit my lip, watching his eyes fall on it and darken.

  The lift to go down arrived. I smiled at Emily.

  “It was so nice to meet you. I guess I’ll see you at the launch.”

  “You definitely will.”

  I stepped forward into the lift but Aaron grabbed hold of my arm and spun me around. Next thing I knew, he’d kissed me. It was only a brief kiss, but I was startled all the same. Aaron didn’t shy away from public displays of affection, but we were in his office. Apparently, he didn’t care about that.

  “See you later, knight,” he whispered against my lips.

  He let me go and I backed away, pressing down on the button for the ground floor. My hand raised to my lips as I stared at him. His eyes held a promise of later and he mouthed the words ‘I love you’. My eyes remained fixed on him until the doors closed and the lift moved.

  Now I was surer than ever I wanted to tell him how I felt. I ran over how I’d do it in my mind all the way back to mine, but every idea I had seemed stupid.

  After I got home, I changed into something more comfortable and got on with some work as I had more projects due. My mind raced with all the possibilities of what would happen when Aaron got home.

  Home? Since when did you start thinking of your place as being his home too?

  We were here more than his considering I had my home office in my living room. Aaron’s flat might be bigger, but mine was more homely. We spent some weekends at his when he was taking care of his nieces, which had become a more regular occurrence whilst Harriet and Ralph worked on their marriage. Aaron and I didn’t mind as the girls were good for us and had been rather excited when he told them we were together. They’d immediately taken to calling me ‘Uncle Rhys’ and pestering me to teach them how to draw comic characters. Hetty and Harmony were sweet girls so I didn’t mind too much. And I knew it made Aaron happy to see me becoming part of the family.

  I must’ve got so lost in work and my thoughts, I barely noticed anything around me. The front door slamming shut made me jump and spin around my chair. I’d given Aaron a key a week ago, but I’d not got used to him coming and going on his own quite yet.

  “I come bearing gifts,” Aaron said as he walked in, holding up a bag from my local Thai place.

  “You spoil me.”

  He grinned and shook his head, dumping the bag down on the coffee table. Then he came over and leant down to give me a kiss.

  “I like looking after you.”

  He pulled away and walked out, leaving me staring after him. Aaron did everything in his power to make sure I wanted for nothing. Whilst he was trying to make up for the past, it’s just the way he was. He wanted to take care of me.

  I got up and went into the kitchen, grabbing a couple of beers from the fridge before getting plates and cutlery. Carrying them out into the living room, I got everything set up and started dishing up when Aaron walked back in having changed out of his work clothes. He’d left a lot of his stuff here out of convenience and I didn’t mind one bit.

  He jumped on the sofa next to me and picked up his plate whilst I put the TV on. The two of us ate in a companionable silence with MasterChef on since we were obsessed with it.

  “How was the rest of your day?” I asked after I’d come back from the kitchen having put the plates in the dishwasher and cleaned up.

  I sat down and Aaron leant closer, putting his head in my lap as he stared up at me. I stroked his hair on automatic.

  “Good. Emily and I were discussing the sequel and how she wants you to do the artwork for the rest of the series.”

  “Meeting her was crazy for me, you know. Her words make me feel so many things and to have her like my art is just… mad. Also, since when did kissing at your workplace become acceptable?”

  He grinned, his blue-grey eyes twinkling.

  “You’re mine and I want the world to know.”

  “Even though it will get back to you know who?”

  He rolled his eyes.

  “I don’t give a shit what he thinks. I told you, I made it very clear his opinions don’t matter. Don’t need his toxic bullshit and disappointment in my life. Besides, Mum called earlier… Harriet told her about us.”


  Aaron and Kellie had a very shaky relationship, but he didn’t want to cut her out of his life completely.

  “She said she’s happy for us and apologised again for her part in the breakup. I don’t think she’ll ever leave him, but it doesn’t matter. She’s trying to be there for me and that’s all I can ask for.”

  I leant down and kissed his nose, stroking his cheek with one finger.

  “I’m so proud of you for not taking their crap any longer. You deserve better.”

  “I have you, Harriet and the girls, that’s all the family I need.”

  I sat up again and rested my arms over the back of the sofa. It’d been a long time since I felt so at ease. Having Aaron back in my life had brought me the utmost joy even though it’d been hard in the beginning.

  “I wanted to ask you something…”

  I glanced down at his face finding worry there.

  “What is it?”

  He didn’t meet my eyes and it concerned me.

  “I want… I want to move in with you.”

  I blinked, having not been expecting him to say that at all.

  “What? Here?”

  He nodded, still staring at my chest rather than my face as he fiddled with his t-shirt.

  “Is that even practical, A? We don’t have space for the girls and it takes you longer to get to work. Plus I rent and you own your flat.”

  “You don’t like working at mine. Besides, I can sell it and maybe we can get somewhere bigger so we can have the girls over still, but in this area so we’re close to Steph.”

  It’s not that I didn’t want to move in with Aaron. Nothing would make me happier than to have him with me all the time. I didn’t want it to be impractical for him. I could work anywhere. He was right though. I preferred being surrounded by my things when I was working. I’d just got my space exactly how I liked it.


  “I’ve thought a lot about it, Rhys. The longer journey doesn’t bother me. Getting to come home to you every night would make me so fucking happy. Please say you’ll at least think about it. You don’t have to decide now or anything.”

  “You’d really want to sell your place and move here?”

  He smiled, finally meeting my eyes.
/>   “Anywhere you are is home, knight, so yes, no doubt about it.”

  “Okay. I’ll think about it.”

  Though honestly, there wasn’t much to think about. Aaron basically lived here as it was. And he said he’d get us a place of our own close to my mum. He really was too bloody perfect and it made my heart sing.

  “Now, move, I want to spoon you.”

  He snorted but did as I asked, shifting off my lap and letting me lay down behind him with my arm slung over his chest. I rested my head on my elbow as I stroked my fingers along his body. He snuggled back against me, turning his attention to the TV. I loved holding him like this and he knew it.



  I leant forward, brushing my lips up against his ear.

  “I love you.”

  He almost knocked his head into mine with the way he turned it up so fast towards me. Aaron’s eyes were wide with shock.


  “I love you.”

  Tears welled in those blue-grey depths. I reached up and stroked his cheek.

  “No crying. You’re supposed to be happy right now.”

  “I am,” he whispered.

  I leant down and kissed him. He turned over so he could tangle his hand in my hair and press himself against me. My hand drifted down his back, landing on his beautiful behind and curling around it. Aaron let out a moan as he started grinding against me, making it very clear what he wanted. I kissed my way up his jaw towards his ear.

  “I want to take you to bed and show you how much I love you,” I murmured before biting down on his earlobe.

  He let out a strangled groan of pleasure, his fingers gripping my hair.

  “Please,” he breathed.

  “I better hear more begging tonight, prince. I want to reward you for being so patient with me.”

  I pulled back and stared at him. His flushed face and his stormy blue-grey eyes. This man was all mine and I loved him with my whole entire fucking soul.


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