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Smooth Kisses

Page 3

by Ella Goode

  “I’ll shadow you.” I go to give him a tart response but he beats me to it. “Make sure you don’t have to smack anyone else.” There’s that tone again. The one that I can’t read.

  “Shouldn’t you go back to your friend’s party?” I suggest.

  “I’ve seen the pictures of his fiancée on his phone a thousand times. I’m sure he can find someone new to show them to.”

  A bark of laughter comes from me. “He’s up at that party showing pictures of his fiancée to everyone?”

  A quick nod ensues.

  “That’s adorable.” I let out a small sigh. I really did misread everything, which is odd for me. Correctly gauging the situation is my job. It’s sweet to think that a man spends his bachelor party going on about the woman he is going to marry. I never understand the whole ‘party your last night of freedom.’ If you see it that way then why get married?

  Mr. Lennox pulls out his phone, snapping a picture of me.

  “What was that for?” I know better but still I try and snatch his own phone out of his hand. I really have a problem keeping my hands to myself today.

  “Just in case.” He pockets it.

  “In case of what?” He only shrugs at my question, not answering me.

  “Fine, you can follow me around.” I give in as if I really have a choice. The man owns everything here. He can come and go as he pleases. I turn, walking off. I don’t have to look to know he’s behind me. I should be annoyed. I should be a lot of things but more than anything I feel giddy as if I’m a schoolgirl with a first crush. One with silly butterflies dancing around in my stomach. As ridiculous as I know it is, they are still there. I have no control over them. Just like I seem to have no control when it comes to Andrew Lennox.



  She’s an adorable one, but she’s also incredibly competent. I spend the rest of the evening watching her live up to her surname. There isn’t a conflict that she can’t resolve, whether it is a crying child who has lost her favorite toy (Selena had a balloon-tying clown come and occupy the toddler while an army of bellmen were sent to search the beach for the doll) or a marital spat (she sent one woman to the spa and her wife to the golf course) or a squabble between team members (the latter brought out a sharp reprimand and a reminder that they were the face of the Lennox family. I liked that last bit. She’ll have to redo some of our marketing and internal materials).

  Her day goes long and she barely stops for a bite to eat. Around six, I decide it’s time for her to slow down. People who work like this end up with ulcers and heart attacks. Since Smooth is my future wife and mother of our many children, I’m going to need her around for as long as possible.

  “How are the fine dining options?” I ask, knowing full well that it’s the best. Before opening, we courted a local chef for months and finally got her to agree after we sent a sizeable check to a local charity at her request. It was a tax write-off and a good deed. Made me feel like a decent person for at least a couple of hours until I was off pillaging the next ruined resort for Lennox.

  “They’re excellent. Our main restaurant, which serves a French-Mexican fusion, received its second Michelin star. We’ve had several positive write-ups in the local and national press.”

  “I think I need to test it out for myself.”

  “Of course. Let me get you a table.”

  “For two.”

  A brief frown flickers over her face as if she doesn’t like the idea that I might be meeting with someone and, as endearing as it might be that she’s jealous, I don’t want to torment her. “You’re my plus one,” I say.

  The cloud disappears and is replaced by a flustered look. “I really can’t go.” She looks at her watch, likely to buy time to think of an excuse.

  “You can because you haven’t eaten anything but half a banana and a slice of toast in the last five hours.”

  “No. I’ve eaten more. We had lunch.”

  “We sat down for lunch but before the food arrived, you got a call that the VIP on the eleventh floor had run out of champagne. One thing we’ll need to work on is your ability to delegate.”

  “Delegate?” she repeats as if she’s never heard the word before.

  I take her elbow and steer her toward the restaurant that I’ve already contacted and whose manager has set up a table for us at the edge of the garden where they grow some of their greens and vegetables. “Yes. It’s a word that means as a person in charge, you ask others to do tasks that they are competent of fulfilling. It’s a useful management tool because it empowers your staff and it frees you up to handle matters that only you can oversee.”

  “I know what it means,” she snaps, pulling her elbow out of my hand. “I’m very good at it.”

  I gaze at her fondly. “You’re not but that’s okay. You need to have at least one flaw.”

  She sputters as I nudge her in the direction of the restaurant.

  “I have a lot of flaws,” she declares. “A lot.”

  Adorable. Fucking adorable. “Do tell.”

  “I’m messy at home. I don’t make my bed every morning and sometimes I throw my towel on the floor. I snack when I’m not hungry and-and-and…” She falters.

  “Stubborn?” I offer helpfully. “Sometimes jump to conclusions?”

  “Yes, stubborn. Wait, no, I’m not stubborn. I’m persistent,” she declares. Her chin is up and so is her color. I want to kiss her pink cheeks until she’s flushed from the top of her forehead to the tips of her toes.

  “I admire your positive attitude. It’s one trait that will help you adjust to your new position. Hello, Marcel. Thank you for helping me out. You know Ms. Smooth, right?” I nod to the maitre ‘d, who has come to escort us to our table.

  “Yes, of course, Ms. Smooth.” He bows his head. “I have the table prepared as you asked.”

  “When did you set this up?” Smooth asks as we follow Marcel through the dining room and out the back terrace. “You’ve been with me all day.”

  “I texted Anna while you were wrangling staff members. She’s very efficient, much like yourself.”

  “I didn’t realize that Anna was your assistant. She just said she was from the home office.”

  “She is.” We both take our seats. “She’s also getting married and wants to take an extended leave of absence. I told her only if she could find a replacement.”

  Smooth stops fussing with her napkin. “Are you talking about me?”

  “I am.”

  “I like my job,” she says, her voice growing small and less confident.

  It’s my turn to be confused. “I thought you would be thrilled at the opportunity to move up the corporate ladder. By joining the head office staff, you would not only be paid more, but you would be able to lend your skills to a more global market.”

  She shakes her head. “No. I’m happy here. I am very flattered that you would consider me, but this is where I belong.” A fake smile appears on her gorgeous mouth. “If that’s all, I won’t waste your time during dinner.”

  Smooth is half out of her seat before I grab her wrist to keep her from running off. There’s a story here and I just need to figure out what it is, which I will do because I’m not taking no for an answer. My proposal isn’t just for a job, it’s for life.



  He gives me a small pull on my wrist. It’s not enough to actually make me fall but my knees give out as I tumble into his lap. Thankfully we are tucked away in one of the more private tables. I look around anyway to make sure that none of the resort employees witness me sitting in his lap. When you work in a place like this word travels fast. I don’t need gossip to ruin my reputation or for people to get the wrong idea. I am lucky no one saw me smack him.

  There is already a buzz going around as it is. Andrew followed me everywhere today. At first I felt like I was in trouble and being watched over, but after a while I started to enjoy him watching me. It has something to do with the way he looks at me. It�
�s different. It does things to me. It causes my body to heat every time those eyes linger on my legs a little longer than they are supposed to. I’d be lying if I said I haven’t snuck a glance or ten his way.

  “Employees should not sit in their boss’s laps.” I don’t make a move to get up even though I should. No one is around and my feet are killing me. The day has been long in one way and short in another. There was no time to stop and enjoy Andrew’s company. I hated each minute as it passed because I knew soon he would leave my side. How could I seriously want to be near someone and away from them at the same time?

  “Don’t worry over things like that,” he tells me as he pulls me more into his lap. His hand tucks my hair behind my ear. I am grateful that I didn’t pull my hair back. I usually get tired of it being in my face by this time of the day. Andrew seems to appreciate the way it looks down, so I decided to leave it. The small little caress by him was worth it. His thumb brushes my cheek and I lean into it.

  “I think if I was your assistant, those are the things I would supposed to be worried about.” I settle into him, still making no effort to move. God, he feels good. Too good. Not only that, but he is offering me something I thought I wanted. That is, until it was there for my taking. I have a feeling this offer comes with a lot of strings. I was finally able to untangle myself from my mother’s a year ago. I don't want to fall into another web. She controlled my life for long enough with her manipulative behavior. Even though Andrew is offering me an amazing opportunity, I can’t accept it. There are some people that would say that I’m passing up an opportunity of a lifetime but I want to be the one that chooses the direction of my life.

  “I want you. I know you’d fit perfectly.” He gives me a half smile that I don’t think he often gives out. I’ve only seen him shoot them my way throughout the day. He doesn’t seem like the type of man that follows someone around all day smiling at them but that’s exactly what he did with me.

  “I’m not qualified.” That's the truth. Sure, I am good at this job but I’ve only been at it a short time. The assistant to Andrew Lennox probably should hold a master’s degree and have a ton of experience. That means he is only offering me the job because he wants more from me than to be his assistant.

  “I’ve seen you in action.” That smirk goes into a full smile now. I’m not sure we’re staying on topic with the heated, playful look in his eyes.

  “You don’t have to offer me a promotion to sleep with me, Andrew.” His thumb that was softly brushing my cheek back and forth pauses. I think I might have shocked us both a little but it’s the truth. I am enjoying his touch. We don't have to make this some game. We could both have a small taste. I could let loose for a moment. Enjoy the night in this man’s arms. He’s been acting like I hung the moon in the sky just for him. I know he is here for a long weekend. I could make the best of it. I need to remember not to lose my heart in the process. “We can enjoy the short time you’re in town together.” I give a small shrug as I try and hide my blush.

  I’m really not sure how to do this whole weekend fling thing. I’ve seen it done time and time again. I live at a freaking resort. I’ve seen it all. A weekend fling is nothing. People make a habit out of partying here and leaving it behind. I can too. Still, I am unsure if I’d actually be able to go through with one. I’ve already put the offer out there without considering that I don’t have any experience in this department. Suddenly my insecurities start to eat at me. Why would Andrew want a virgin when he could have someone who knows exactly what they are doing? I am confident in every part of my life besides this one. His touch has me offering things to him that I know nothing about.

  “I’m an all or nothing kind of man, Selena.” He leans in, brushing his mouth against mine. It isn't enough. I want more but before I can try and push more into the kiss he’s pulling back from my mouth. I sit there in shock for a moment. “All or nothing,” he says again.

  “You don’t want to sleep with me?” I whisper the question.

  “I’ll do many things to you, Selena, but fucking you isn't going to be one of them.” Before I can respond, the waiter returns. Andrew rattles off what we’ll have. He basically orders half the menu. I threw everything out onto the table and finally thought I was getting my bearings with this man, but once again he has me off kilter.

  “You have sex with your current assistant?” Andrew throws his head back and laughs. I know he doesn't because of his all-or-nothing comment but I ask anyway. He reaches over, rubbing his thumb between my furrowed eyebrows.

  “Stop thinking so much. Let me show you.” Again the waiter appears before I can push him for more. He sets down a glass of my favorite wine, which Andrew had ordered for me. He did it without having to ask me. The realization that he knew what I liked has me smiling. I relax and sip my drink. It’s nice being taken care of.

  I think I’m going to take him up on his offer. He can show me whatever he wants as long as he keeps looking at me like that and in small ways taking care of me. It is different and I am going to enjoy it while it lasts. He can have me for any position that is open. For now.



  Selena is trying to manage me and I don’t mind it. Dinner was grass-fed beef and homegrown ramps and carrots along with the in-house ravioli made with buckwheat filled with some kind of yogurt and cheese concoction. I barely register any of the expensive, locally-sourced ingredients because Smooth is on my lap the entire time.

  I let the slow burn of her nearness engulf me. She might not mean anything but with each small movement she makes as she reaches for a fork or picks up her wine glass, parts of her rub up against parts of me. There’s the brush of her bare arm against mine when she leans forward to grab a dinner roll. The lush curve of her ass grinds onto my lap when she bends to pick up a napkin that has fallen to the ground.

  It’s a tease and my body simultaneously loves and hates it. She feels good through the layers of our clothing but I know it would be a thousand times better if we were both naked and I could spread her wide, draping her legs over mine, so her cunt was open and accessible.

  “One day we’re going to do this without any clothes,” I tell her. “That way while I’m feeding your mouth, I can stroke your cunt at the same time.”

  An involuntary shudder courses through her. “I...if that’s what you want,” she says because she's such an innocent she doesn’t know how to respond.

  I love that for us. Every experience we have will be new together.

  “It’s what you want, but you don’t know it yet so let me tell you how it would go. I’d take off your clothes, starting with your top. We would go slow, though, because the reveal is half the fun.” I run a finger along the collar of her peach silk button-down shirt, careful not to touch her. I want to build the anticipation until she’s so hot, so turned on, so ravenous for me that whatever doubts are percolating in the back of her head are drowned out by her lust. “After each button is undone, I’d have to kiss the new skin. Here. Here and here.” My fingers skip down the front of her shirt. Her chest heaves and her tits strain for contact. I move downward. “Your panties would be getting damp. The juice from your cunt is making the silk stick to your skin. If I inhaled, I bet I could smell you.”

  I lean forward and tuck my nose behind her ear. “You smell like roses here. Does your pussy smell like roses? Does it feel like warm silk? Does it taste like spiced honey? You ever taste yourself, Smooth?”

  She gulps, the tiny bump in her throat moving up and down along the column of her neck. Even that’s erotic. My dick swells to massive proportions as I envision her dipping her capable fingers between her legs and then licking off her own cum. Even better would be her sticking her juicy fingers into my mouth and letting me suck her dry.

  “I—no, I haven’t. Look, Andrew, I’m only here to have a good time. If you want me, then let’s it.” She tucks her hair behind her ear and stares bashfully out into the distance.

  My fingers tap
dance along the waistband of her slim-fitting pencil skirt. “We will when you’re good and ready.” I inhale, tasting sea salt from the ocean, the vanilla bean of the ice cream that came with dessert and has since melted into a creamy pool the consistency of water, and the hint of something darker, earthier.

  “I’m ready,” she insists. She squirms on my lap and my cock nearly explodes with joy.

  “Then do it.”

  “Do what?”

  “Stick your fingers up your cunt and lick off your honey or let me do it.” Because I’m dying for a taste. Because I want nothing more than to sweep the remnants of our dinner onto the floor, lay you out on the table, and eat you for dessert. The melted ice cream wouldn’t be wasted either. I could paint her bare skin with the vanilla concoction and then lick and suck it off until she’s come a thousand times. Then I’d breach her maidenhead with my thick, stiff shaft and fuck her until she came a thousand more times.

  She huffs out a laugh. “Oh, so you don’t want to fuck me? You want to watch me touch myself?”

  “You say that like this is a binary choice. That I can only have one or the other. I want both. I want it all. I want to have you until we’re both too exhausted to move. I want to make love until we’re crying. I want to spread you open and eat you out until my tongue is numb and all I can taste for weeks is your flavor. I want to bend you over my knee and spank you until your ass is hot and your cunt is soaking. I want to take you again and again and again. But you’re not ready for that so we’ll wait until you are but don’t take too long.”

  “Or what? You’ll find your pleasure with some other woman?” she snaps. Her face is burning and I don’t know if it’s arousal or anger or some heady mix of the two. I love it when she’s angry. She’d be a wildcat. I’d take her while she’s yelling at me. That’d be a trip. I’d come out of it scratched and bruised and sore but it’d be worth it. Smooth is going to give me the ride of my life in more ways than one.


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