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Heart of a Prick

Page 7

by Ella Miles

  Her eyes follow me, lingering over my dick as I pull my boxers on.

  “Maybe,” she finally says, thinking.

  I shrug and walk to the door. I never order room service unless I plan on eating the food off her body. In fact, I haven’t done a nice thing for her all week unless you count giving her too many orgasms. The only reason I’m even opening the door to her suite for her is to keep her in the bed, naked, as long as I can.

  I open the door, expecting breakfast and instead find Bayron.

  I frown and stand firmly in the doorway. I would slam the door in his face without saying a word, but I’m guessing he’s here to tell Skye when people will arrive to pack her things and about her leaving instructions. I only allow him a moment to tell me that’s what he’s here for because ensuring that other people are taking care of her packing means I get more time with her today.

  “I need to speak with Miss Skye,” he says, ignoring me.

  I fold my arms across my chest, standing more firmly in the doorway. “You can tell me, and I’ll make sure she gets the message.”

  He shakes his head like he expected me to say that and it’s ridiculous. “Fine. Tell Miss Skye I have a message from Gabe. I’ll be waiting here for her to tell me what she wants me to do about it.”

  I roll my eyes as I slam the door in his face and walk back to Skye. I don’t know who Gabe is, but whoever he is, I’m sure that she won’t give a fuck what he has to say, not when she has me to keep her fully occupied the rest of the day. Gabe can wait until tonight when she’s back in the real world.

  “Was that Bayron?” Skye asks, amused. She knows how I feel about Bayron.

  “Yes,” I say, falling back onto the bed next to her. I was going to wait to fuck her until I came up with some crazy way to fuck her. While parasailing or something, but my dick needs her pussy now. I don’t even feel like tying her up or spanking her. I just need a good, fast, hard fuck.

  I grab her and pull her on top of my body until she is straddling me, my dick growing hard underneath her pussy that will quickly drench me as her hips thrust over me. I grab her hair that is tangled from sleep and pull her face to mine so that I can kiss her luscious lips. She easily gives in, always prepared for sex because she wants it as badly as I do.

  She moans into my lips as I push my tongue hard into her mouth, dancing with her tongue as I press our bodies tighter together. I watch her eyes roll back in her head as my cock pushes against her tight cunt.

  “What do you want, baby?” I ask. I never ask what she wants. There’s no need. I know. Her body gives me more than enough clues of what she wants.

  “I want—”

  Rattling on the door stops Skye in her tracks as she looks at me again, amused at what Bayron could have possibly said to me that would make me come back and fuck her to distract her and me.

  “What did Bayron want?” she asks.

  I shake my head. “Nothing. Here’s your last chance to get anything you want from me. You want it slow and easy. You want to take control. You want to tie me up. I’ll do anything you want. A one-time chance. What do you want?”

  Her grin widens as she leans down and kisses me hard and firm on the lips but doesn’t push her tongue into my mouth like I want her to.

  “You’re being bad, trying to distract me, because you don’t want me to do whatever nonsense Bayron wants me to do, but if I miss my flight because of you, you’re going to be in big trouble, mister. So, tell me what Bayron wanted, and then you can get back to fucking me however you want.”

  I glare at her, trying to convince her with my eyes that she doesn’t want to know what Bayron said, but it only makes her more adorable. She won’t give in to my glares or charm.

  I sigh. “Something about you having a phone call from someone. It was nothing. He said he’d wait out in the hallway for a few minutes until you decided what you wanted to do about it. I wouldn’t worry about it. You’re going to be home in twelve hours, and you can call them back then.”

  She nods and leans down, her lips hovering over mine to kiss me again when she stops.

  “Who?” she asks suddenly.

  I shrug. “Gabe.”

  “Oh,” she says, her body freezing as her eyes grow wide.

  I raise an eyebrow at her reaction, but I don’t ask the obvious question. Who is Gabe? I want to know. Is he her brother? Father? Child? Her dog? Best friend? Or Lover?

  I’d be fine with most of those answers. I don’t care if she has a kid. But I don’t want to know about a current or ex-lover. She’s still mine for the next eight hours until she has to leave for the airport.

  She rolls off me and onto her back before she bounces off the edge of the bed and begins putting her clothes back on.

  “What are you doing?”

  She ignores me and continues to put clothes on.

  I jump out of the bed, still only wearing my boxers and now a hard-on that won’t go away anytime soon.

  “Skye?” I ask, standing in front of her, not letting her go talk to Bayron until she talks to me first.

  She shakes her head, snapping out of whatever spell she has been under the last few seconds that made her forget that I was even here.

  “Sorry. I should go speak to Bayron. Just give me five minutes, and then we can get back to what we do best,” she says, smiling. She quickly kisses me on the lips and then slips under my arm and out to the door.

  I don’t know what just happened, but I don’t have a good feeling about it. She smiled at me, but it wasn’t genuine. She kissed me, but she kissed me like she was kissing a brother. With nothing behind it.

  I consider chasing after her and dragging her back inside to demand she tell me what the hell is going on, but I don’t. That’s not what we are. We are fuck buddies. I don’t get to ask about her life, and she doesn’t get to ask about my life.

  I consider jacking off while I wait. It will give me something to keep me distracted, but I’d rather jack off in her. So, I wait. I walk to the kitchenette and pull out leftovers from our meal last night. I start eating them to stop my mind from thinking too hard. I quickly eat the fried chicken, annoyed that she isn’t back. I start pacing, walking all the way to the front door to try to listen to her conversation with Bayron before I walk back to the bedroom. Whatever she is talking to Bayron about, she isn’t angry or upset or frustrated. She seems calm, happy even. That only makes my own frustration grow.

  Finally, the door swings open, and a bouncing Skye walks back into the bedroom, but her grin quickly disappears the second she sees me frowning at her.

  “Did your conversation go well?” I ask.

  “Yes,” she says, swallowing hard.

  “And?” I ask, waiting for her to elaborate.

  She bites her lip, and I know whatever it is, it’s very bad for me. She only ever bites her lip when she’s nervous or she wants to be fucked. And, right now, I think it’s a little of both.

  “I have to leave…now.”

  My mouth drops open at that. Of all the things I imagined her saying when she returned, that wasn’t one of them.


  “Does it matter?”

  I narrow my eyes, walking toward her. “Yes, it fucking matters when it takes away time I was supposed to have with you.”

  Her eyes look away from me, toward her closet full of clothes that I’m sure she’s thinking about needing to get packed.

  I grab her chin and turn her face to mine so that I can see her. “Why. Are. You. Leaving?”

  “I’m sorry,” she says, narrowing her eyes at me as she pulls herself out of my grasp. She walks to the closet and pulls out a suitcase. She opens it, laying it on the bed before she returns to the closet and begins pulling out heaps of clothes and then placing them into the suitcase.

  “What are you doing?”

  “Packing.” She continues to throw clothes into the suitcase, not even bothering to fold them.

  I move in front of the suitcase as she holds another large
pile of clothes in her hands.


  “I have to pack,” she says, trying to move around me to put the clothes into the suitcase.

  I block her. “Stop. The staff can pack for you. You need to talk to me.”

  She shakes her head. “There is nothing to say.”

  I frown. This is not how we are going to end. She doesn’t get to stop this by just ignoring me and then leaving. That’s not how our story ends. Our story ends with great sex and with a twinkle at the thought that, someday, we could run into each other and have great sex again. But that we didn’t let our personal lives affect us. That we meant something to each other because what we had was perfect and untouched by the real world.

  I pick her up and carry her to the other side of the bed that isn’t currently holding a suitcase. I throw her down and pin her to the bed with my body as I lean down and kiss her.

  She doesn’t kiss me back. She doesn’t fight me off either. She does nothing. It’s like she isn’t even really here. She just stares off into space.

  I search her eyes for some clue as to what is going on. I find nothing.

  “Who is Gabe?” I ask because I’m desperate. And, even if Gabe is a boyfriend, I need to hear it. I need to know that he is the reason she’s rushing home. I need to be angry with someone and not direct it all at her. I don’t want to hate her. I need to know why she is thinking about another man instead of me.

  She swallows, and finally, I see a little of the fire in her eyes that I’m used to seeing.

  “A man who needs me.”

  I smirk and rub my dick against her thigh. “Right now, no man can need you more than I do.”

  I expect a smile. A laugh, even. I get neither, just a sad woman with sad eyes.

  “If he makes you this sad, why go back to him?”

  She swallows. “Because, despite what you know about me, I’m not this person. I don’t fuck random men. I don’t push people away and forget all of my troubles. That’s not who I am. I care deeply about everyone around me. I take care of them even if they don’t deserve it. I take care of them even if it hurts me.”

  I hate him. Whatever he’s done to her to make her like this makes me want to hunt him down to the ends of the earth. I want to make him pay for hurting her. I want her to stop feeling like she has to take care of him.

  “Stop looking at me like that,” she says, her voice soft from beneath me.

  “I can’t.”

  She shakes her head. “We don’t do this. We don’t share personal things with each other. We don’t have feelings for each other. We have sex. And it was great while it lasted. You were the distraction I desperately needed this week. You let me be selfish. You let me forget. But, now, our time is up. It’s time to return to the real world where we face real problems.”

  “I need one more fuck.”

  She closes her eyes rather than looking at me. “We don’t get to fuck anymore.”

  I kiss her again, desperate to get the one more time that we are both owed. She still won’t kiss me back. She’s already closing herself off to me, and she hasn’t even left yet.

  “Kiss me, Skye. Let me fuck you. Let me make you forget. One more time.”

  “No,” she says as her eyes open, and she gently pushes me off her body. She swings her legs over the edge of the bed, sitting up. “I need to leave in ten minutes for the airport.”

  She starts walking to the door, and I follow her. She opens it, standing behind the door, and I know what she is going to ask me to do.

  “Good-bye, Brody.”

  She doesn’t kiss me or hug me. She barely even looks at me. I don’t have a chance right now to change her mind. I’m not asking for forever, just one more time. But, apparently, that isn’t going to happen. We are done.

  I pull on some clothes and step out of her suite like she wants because, short of actually kidnapping her or tying her up for real, I don’t have any choices left. I hear the door shut behind me, and I feel a stabbing in my body that I wasn’t expecting whenever we said good-bye. But maybe it is because this isn’t how we were supposed to say good-bye.

  I turn and see Bayron standing in the hallway, looking at me with sadness in his eyes as well. I can’t stand any more gloom today. And I definitely can’t deal with him lecturing me right now about how I broke Skye’s heart. If her heart is broken, she did it to herself.

  “Would you pass a message along to Skye?” I ask Bayron.

  He smiles tightly. “Yes.”



  I lean my back against the door to remain standing instead of falling to the floor in a puddle like I really want to do. I did the right thing. It was time to say good-bye. My normal life is calling, and Brody does not fit into my normal life. But it still hurts.

  Not because I love him. I don’t.

  Not because I care for him. I do, but I care for a lot of people. It’s not what’s making me hurt.

  Not because I ever imagined any sort of future with Brody. I didn’t.

  It hurts because this wasn’t how we were supposed to end. We were supposed to go out with a bang. Literally. Not with an unexpected good-bye, as I’m being pulled back into a life I don’t know how to escape from.

  A knock on the door gets my heart racing with far too much hope. I know Brody is standing on the other side of the door, and he’s going to try to convince me one last time to fuck him. And I don’t have the strength to say no again. Despite not having the time, I don’t care. I need to forget. One more time.

  I turn around and throw the door open with a smile on my face.

  “Bayron,” I say, my lips and heart instantly falling.

  “He’s gone, Miss Skye,” Bayron says, reading my thoughts.


  “Are you ready for my staff to get you packed up?”

  I nod.

  He motions to the staff behind him to enter. I step aside to let them pass. I know they will have me packed up in a matter of minutes, and then I’ll have nothing left to do but leave.

  “He wanted me to give you a message,” he says.

  I bite my lip, trying to calm down. It’s probably just a good-bye. He never gave me a good-bye.

  “Do you want to hear it?”

  I nod.

  “He said that this isn’t good-bye. That you aren’t finished. He gets one more day. One more time. That was what the agreement was. Seven days. You’ve fulfilled only six of those days. He said he’ll be waiting for you at the airport.”

  He’s going to meet me at the airport. I know it. The grin and life in my cheeks returns.

  “Thank you, Bayron. For everything.” I lean forward and kiss him on the cheek.

  “Be careful, Miss Skye,” he says.

  “I will,” I say, knowing that he means be careful about Brody even though he isn’t the one I should be worried about. I put up a barrier between us the second I met him. Brody isn’t the problem. Gabe is.

  The fact that I’m ending my last day early to run back to Gabe only verifies that he’s the problem I don’t know how to move on from. He’s the one who broke my heart. I never gave Brody the same chance. It’s impossible for him to break my heart when I never gave it to him in the first place.

  I arrive at the airport with excitement and anxiety. My legs haven’t been able to stop shaking since I got into the car. I’ve tried to enjoy the last few minutes of my time in paradise by looking at the beautiful scenery as I am driven to the airport, but nothing holds my attention.

  I glance at the clock on the driver’s dashboard as he pulls up in front of the airport. I have thirty minutes until my flight. More than enough time to fuck Brody one last time in a restroom before going through security and still making my flight.

  I step out of the car and talk to the ticket agent to get my bags checked before I start looking for him.

  He’s here somewhere; I know it. I pull my phone out of my purse, looking at it before I realize that I don’t even have his pho
ne number. I don’t even know his last name. I know nothing about him that would allow me to find him.

  I could talk to Bayron. He’d give me whatever information he had on Brody if I wanted him to, but I don’t. I don’t want to know personal details. I just want his body one last time.

  I scan the airport lobby, but I don’t immediately see him. I know that I can’t walk through security. He’ll have no chance at finding me there. His flight back home isn’t until much later in the day. So, I walk over and take a seat on a bench, and I wait, letting in thoughts of Brody and igniting my deepest desires to have him one last time.

  My eyes widen when I see him pull the rope out from behind his back. In the last few days with him, I’ve learned that I love being tied up. I love giving him control over my body. He knows his way around my body better than I do. But even though I’ve started to trust him these last couple of days, my heart still beats faster and the adrenaline shoots through me whenever he does something even a little bit dangerous.

  “Hand,” he says. One word, but he commands my soul with it.

  I hold out my left hand and he begins tying the rope around my wrist. He looks to my other hand and I hold it out for him as well. He ties my hands together making sure that the rope is tight enough that I can’t escape, but not so tight that it will leave a mark.

  And then he pulls my arms above my head as he ties my wrists to the headboard. My arms instinctually pull at the rope testing to see if I can escape or not. I can’t.

  I don’t understand why I give him so much control. I don’t understand why I trust him, especially given my past with men, but I do.

  He pulls out another rope and I pant.

  He’s only ever tied my hands up, so it thrills and terrifies me to find out what it will feel like to completely give up everything to him.

  He grabs my ankle and takes his time tying a rope around each leg. Then stretches my legs wide as he attaches them to each of the posts on the foot of the bed.

  “Do you trust me?”

  “Yes,” I breathe.


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