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Heart of a Prick

Page 13

by Ella Miles

  “Have I recently told you that you’re fired?”

  “Every damn day.”

  “I need your help.”

  He sighs. “You must be really desperate if you’re calling me, asking for help. I thought you handled everything yourself.”

  “Well, I’m up against a pro, and you’re the only one I can think of with any hacking skills that might be able to give me the information that I need. I need to know everything that you can get me about Gabe Cole. Everything. Understand?”

  “If she has a boyfriend, I hate to tell you there’s probably not much you can do to win her back, short of just waiting it out.”

  “Just do it.”

  It takes Noah an hour, but he got me everything I wanted to know about Gabe and more. Where he grew up. When they first met. And even a strong clue as to why she’s still with the bastard. And I’m planning on getting confirmation on that tonight.

  I step out of the car and walk into the conference center where the charity event for Love All Animals is taking place. Skye apparently does a lot more than just run her own veterinary clinic. She also owns a foundation that focuses on connecting animals and humans in need of each other. Animals that need a home are given one by people that need a companion. I think it’s the reason she puts up with Gabe.

  I find my table at the back of the large space, which has a stage at the front with a large screen behind it. I paid over a thousand dollars to attend, but the money was well worth it. One, it goes to a good cause, and two, I get another chance to be near Skye.

  I take my seat and ignore the others at the table, who are chatting politely to each other. I’m not here for them. I’m here for Skye.

  The lights dim, and a spotlight shines on the stage as I watch Skye walk to the center with a microphone in hand. She seems happy and content. I expect to see Gabe walk up onstage with her, but he doesn’t. I scan the room now and find him at a close table, watching her as intensely as I am.

  She starts talking, and she commands everyone’s attention in the room. Even those who were busy in conversation with others now can’t keep their eyes off of her. I expected her to be wearing something professional, a dress similar to what she wore last night, but she’s not. She is wearing a skintight black dress that shows off her body, her strong legs, toned arms, and just the right amount of cleavage. She looks gorgeous, and I know she’s wearing the dress for me. Because, as much as I knew that she wouldn’t stay in my bed this morning, she knew that I wouldn’t leave her alone tonight.

  “I’d like to tell you a story about the first animal that saved my life. I wish I could tell you the stories of all the animals that have saved my life over the years. Saved me from depression. Saved me from pain and heartache. Gave me hope that the world could seek good. And reminded me that we were all just animals trying to live and to survive, fighting our way through this difficult life.

  “But I don’t have the time, so instead, I’ll share just one story about a mouse named Moe. You see, growing up, I was wild and fierce—both qualities that I loved, but my parents, not so much. My passion for life got me in trouble many times. I skipped school and cheated on tests when I thought I didn’t need to learn the material. I drank in high school and smoked marijuana between classes. I drove my car too fast. I did all the things that I know you hope your children will never do.”

  The crowd chuckles a little, watching her.

  “But then I was hanging out with a friend who brought a mouse home to feed his snake. I couldn’t stand to watch him feed the mouse to the snake, so I stole the mouse and ran. I brought that mouse home and named him Moe, and he was the best friend I’d ever had for the next year.

  “I had a purpose in my life that was greater than me. I cared for the mouse, fed him, and took him to the vet when he was sick. I learned what life was really about. Fighting for others, even the tiny creatures of that we often forget about.

  “After that, I found my purpose protecting all animals, all beings that walk the earth.

  “Together, we’ve saved over one hundred thousand lives—animals and humans—and I’d like them to share a few of their stories.”

  The video starts with story after story of people and animals being connected, saving each other. Animals that were meant for slaughter. Dogs and cats to be euthanized because no one wanted them. Even reptiles, like lizards and snakes, were saved, all given to people who needed help. Some had mental health disorders, and others had physical diseases. Some were vets in need of animal support; others were just troubled youth, needing to find a purpose in their life again.

  But, by the time the video ends, there isn’t a dry eye in the house. Even I have a few tears in my eyes, even though I watched Skye most of the video.

  Then, dinner is served. I bide my time before I go see her. I allow her to make her rounds and talk to everyone that she is supposed to at the event. I let her worry and wonder if I’m really here or not. And only then, when she’s standing by herself, do I make my move.

  She starts walking toward the restroom, and I follow her, needing a moment alone with her and knowing that this might be the only place that I can get just that. She walks into the restroom, and I step in right behind her.

  A woman at the sink gives me a dirty look. “This is the woman’s restroom.”

  “I know. I just need a moment with Skye here. It’s an emergency.”

  Skye pauses when she hears me speak and glances over at the woman. “Could you give us a minute?”

  The woman scoffs and walks out the restroom, leaving us alone. I turn behind me and lock the door, so I can have a few minutes alone with her.

  She turns around and looks at me. She doesn’t seem surprised at all to see me standing there. “If you think you’re gonna fuck me in the restroom, then you’re crazy.”

  I chuckle. “Never even crossed my mind.” I wink.

  She smiles a genuine smile, and my heart sinks.

  “You’re not with him because you love him, are you?”

  She shakes her head.

  I put my hands in my pockets to keep my hands off of her. I want to comfort her. Or fuck her in the restroom or do something to get rid of the pain hiding beneath her fake smile.

  “I think I know why. It’s this foundation right? He has promised to stop funding it if you don’t marry him.”

  She looks at me without blinking. Her eyes grow dark with a fire I haven’t seen sparking out of them before. “Are. You. Serious?”

  I clench my teeth, trying to understand. “Yes.”

  She shakes her head. “You men are all the same. No, I’m not marrying him so that he’ll keep funding my foundation. I don’t give a crap about his money, although it’s one item on the long list of things he’s tried to threaten me with.”

  I take a step forward, unable to resist from at least holding her in my arms.

  She puts a hand up, and I stop.

  “I don’t need you to try to fix this. I’m not even sure that it’s something that can be fixed and definitely not easily.”

  “Then, explain to me what’s happening. Because I’ve tried to come up with a legitimate reason you would marry that man or even go back to him after last night, and I can’t come up with any. He was the reason you were in pain in the Bahamas. He was the reason you were in pain when I saw you in Albuquerque. He’s the reason your hair is tamer, your piercings are gone, and that you would even consider living in a home as fancy as his, which doesn’t have an animal in sight. He’s the reason for everything bad in your life, so why stay with him?”

  She runs her hand through her hair. “Because he owns me.”

  My mouth drops. “Like, you’re his slave? Like, he paid money, and you’re now his property?”

  She shakes her head. “No, but he might as well have. Gabe Cole is a powerful man who is used to getting whatever he wants in life. He’s threatened everyone I love in my life. My best friend, the princess—he threatened her in the back of her SUV. He infiltrated her entire
security team. My friend, Alicia—he kidnapped her and then filled her so full of drugs that she couldn’t even remember what happened the next day. My grandmother is in a nursing home, and he stopped her oxygen twice. She barely survived. He wants complete control, and he gets that. I’ve tried to leave him several times before, but every time I do, he threatens someone that I love, and I just can’t. Because I think he might actually kill them. Or me. And, now that you’re in my life, he’ll threaten to kill you. That arrangement game he was playing with you at dinner was just a test to see how much you cared about me. He was just playing with you in order to determine if he could use you as leverage against me. He would never share me.”

  “Have you gone to the police?”

  “Of course. But he is the police. Everyone that I talked to believes his story over mine. I have no options left but to give him what he wants and figure out how to fight to get out of it later.”

  I can’t stand it a second longer. I have to have her in my arms. And, this time, when I move to wrap my arms around her, she doesn’t stop me. And I’m thankful that she lets me hold her.

  “You need to leave. Go far, far away from here. He knows what happened last night, and he’s not happy.”

  I pull back just enough to look her directly in the eyes. “I’m not leaving you. I’m not going to let him hurt you.”

  “He won’t hurt me.”

  “Why? It seems like that’s all he does.”

  “Because I agreed to marry him tomorrow.”

  She looks strong and defiant as she says it, like it is her choice. Maybe that’s what she needs to believe, but it’s her choice to save her friends and family from this evil monster. But it’s a choice I won’t let her make.

  I look at her and softly kiss her on the lips, cherishing every moment that I have with her. Who knows when our last one together will be?

  “I’m going to save you.”

  She doesn’t argue with me, nor does she agree. Instead, she tightly wraps her arms around me and rests her head in the corner of my chest. She might not trust me, but she should. Because, despite what she might think, I’m not a dick.



  I stare into the mirror, not able to accept the reflection staring back at me. My hair is dark brown and curled without a speck of blue or red or purple or any of the colors my hair usually is to make it seem bright and vibrant. My piercings are all gone. Some of the holes have even healed up. I have a simple white veil on the back of my head, and a simple white dress hugs my body.

  I was never the princess. I was never the type of girl who dreamed of the big wedding with the big dress and the fancy decorations. That was never me, but I always thought that it could be a possibility. That maybe, someday, a man would care enough about me that I would want that. But getting forced into marrying a horrible, evil man was never my plan.

  He was such a good man when I first met him, but how did someone so amazing turn out to be so horrible?

  “Your coffee is three fifty,” the woman behind the bar says.

  I nod and reach into my purse to pull out my wallet, but I don’t feel it. I open my purse wide, practically sticking my head inside, searching for the wallet, but it’s not there.

  “I’m so sorry. It seems I left my wallet somewhere. Let me see if I have some cash at the bottom of my purse.” I frantically dig through the purse, trying to find some money to pay the woman. I was just on on a fourteen-hour flight from Monaco to LA after visiting my best friend. I have a six-hour layover until my next flight. There is no way I’m gonna survive without coffee or food or anything.

  “Let me pay.”

  I turn around to look at the man standing behind me. He’s one of the most beautiful men I’ve ever seen. Dark brown eyes, a strong jaw, and muscles for days.

  I don’t usually accept money from strangers, but I’m desperate, and he is handsome.

  “Thank you,” I say far too loudly.

  He smiles and pays the woman after ordering his own coffee.

  “How can I thank you?” I ask as we both walk away from the coffee shop in the LAX airport.

  “You can keep me company while I wait for my flight.”

  I smile. “I’d love to.”

  We talked for hours. We both missed our connecting flight. He offered me a place to stay at his condo, and I accepted. I thought he was going to ask me out that night, but he didn’t. He was a gentleman, perfectly nice. Not a glimmer of the monster that I know he is now.

  I hear a knock on the door, and I jump.

  “Sorry, I didn’t mean to startle you. I just wanted let you know that it’s time,” Samantha, the wedding coordinator for the vineyard where we are getting married, says.

  I take a deep breath and work on my fake smile as I stand up, grabbing the flowers out of the vase next to me.

  “You look beautiful.”

  I practice my fake smile again. “Thank you.”

  “The bridesmaids are all lined up, ready to go down. Gabe wanted to know if you wanted one of the best men to walk you down the aisle or if you wanted to walk down alone.”

  “Alone.” I’m very much alone, so why would I want anything different?

  I follow Samantha out of the small dressing room to where the bridesmaids are standing in their cream-colored dresses, each holding a bouquet of red roses, at the doors that lead out to the vineyard. I don’t know any of the women, but they all look like perfect models in their dresses. It wouldn’t surprise me if there were all women who Gabe used to date or still does.

  Samantha walks to the front and starts giving the bridesmaids cues to walk down the aisle. I stand at the back, eyes glossed over, trying to imagine that I’m anywhere but here.

  I spent all last night, trying to come up with a plan that ended with me not having to walk down the aisle. But I came up with none. No solution or even an attempt at a solution became obvious. So, that means I’m getting married. I’ll figure out a way to undo it later.

  Samantha smiles at me, rightly thinking that this is the best day of my life when it’s not. It’s one of the worst.

  “You ready?” she says, her voice chipper.

  I nod, and she opens the doors.

  I thought that I would smile and put on an act as I walked down the aisle to the man blackmailing me into marrying him. But, in a last-second act of defiance, I don’t. I don’t smile, not one tiniest bit. I look stern, solemn, like I’m walking down to my funeral instead of my wedding. I walk slowly and deliberately down the grass path lined with beautiful flowers. I don’t look at Gabe. Instead, I stare past the people standing at the end of the aisle. I look out to the beautiful vineyard in the distance. I don’t even glance around at the seats to see if Brody showed up. I get to the end of the aisle and turn toward Gabe but don’t look him in the eye. I continue to look past him, trying my best to pretend I’m not here. The bridesmaid behind me asks if I want her to hold my bouquet for me.

  “No,” I hiss.

  Gabe tries to hold on to my hands. I’ll marry him in front of this large crowd of people, none of whom I know, but I’m not going to make it easy for him. I’m not going to hold his hand or smile or show any happiness about it. And I won’t give him pretty pictures that he can display all over the newspapers in the morning.

  I glare, and he smirks back as the minister begins saying something about love and the beauty that it brings and how much better it makes everyone’s lives.

  I call bullshit. There is nothing beautiful about love. There was a time when I thought I loved Gabe. We connected on so many things—food, music, movies. Our bodies connected when he wrapped his arms around me, making me feel safe. The way he let me have my independence and respected that I owned my own business and had my own dreams. But it was all a lie. Love isn’t real.

  “I do,” Gabe says, grabbing my hand and placing a ring on it before I have a chance to dissent.

  “And do you, Skye, take this man to be your husband?”

do.” I smile as I take the ring that is wrapped around my thumb and plunge it onto his finger, attempting to cause as much pain as I possibly can as I force the ring over his knuckle.

  “I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.”

  Gabe grins, but if he thinks I’m going to let him have this epic kiss, he’s crazy. He grabs my waist and back and dips me backward, away from the crowd, as his head comes down over me, but he doesn’t kiss me.

  He stops short and says, “You think you’re so smart, defying me, don’t you? But, now that you’re mine, I will punish you for every act of defiance you commit.”

  His lips press against mine, and I bite down hard. He pulls back with a smirk. I see the tiniest drop of blood dripping down his chin.

  He wipes up the blood with the back of his hand. “I’m really going to enjoy punishing you. Should I start with Alicia or Brody?”

  “Leave them alone.”


  Gabe lifts us back up as the crowd cheers, thinking that we spent the whole time in a passionate kiss together instead of what really happened.

  Gave interlocks his fingers with mine, firmly holding me so that there’s no way for me to let go.

  “Now, smile, or Brody’s the first to go.”

  I smile as Gabe walks me down the aisle. As soon as we get back inside, I jerk my hand away from Gabe’s. “Now what? How much longer do we have to do this?”

  He wraps his arms around me, pulling me to his body again. “Oh, honey. This never ends. You’re mine now. Tonight, we are going to spend the night dancing and drinking in front of my friends and the world, showing them just how much of an awesome couple we can be. Then, tomorrow, we get on a flight to the Bahamas to replace all those stupid memories of your old flame with me. And then, when we come back, all your stuff will be moved into my place. You’ll become my full-time wife, at my beck and call whenever I need you. Understand?”

  I spit in his face. “Go to hell.”


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