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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 30

by Alex Wolf

  “What hospital? I’m on my way.”

  “No, you have Decker’s thing. I’m being selfish. I just wanted to hear your voice for a second.”

  She sounds like she’s about to have a breakdown and all I want to do is hold her in my arms.

  “Decker will understand. What hospital?”

  “University of Chicago Medical Center.”

  “Everything will be fine. He’ll be okay. Just drive safe, I’m on my way.” I take off in a dead sprint for the street. The only thing that matters right now is how fast I can get to her. I hail a cab and must scare the shit out of the cabbie when I leap in.

  “University of Chicago Medical Center! Now!” I pull three hundred bucks from my wallet and toss it up in his seat. “As fast as you can.”

  I arrive at the hospital and see Quinn alone in the waiting area. I rush up to the desk before she can cut me off.

  “Why the hell isn’t she back there with her dad?”

  The lady behind the counter holds her hands up and her eyes turn into two huge white orbs.

  I point back at Quinn, but don’t even turn. “This shit is unacceptable. I want her back there. Now!”

  Quinn puts her hand on my arm and turns me to face her. “It’s okay. I saw him already.” She bolts into my arms. I yank her close to me and run my hand up and down her back, then hold the back of her head in my palm and smooth her hair with it. I should feel terrible about her father, but at the same time I can’t help but think this is what I’m meant to do. Be there for her when she needs me. Everything in my world feels right again.

  I pull back from her, place both palms on her cheeks, and swipe her tears away with my thumbs. “What happened?”

  “God, I don’t know, just...thank you for coming. I would’ve called Heather but she’s working and I...”

  “Just, slow down. It’s going to be fine. I’m glad you called.”

  Her bloodshot eyes meet mine. “You are?”

  “Of course I am. So what’s going on?”

  “I wasn’t home. I was walking through the park and saw the ambulance and it all happened so fast. They took me back to see him right when we got here, but now they’re doing some kind of scan and making sure he didn’t have another stroke. I guess he tried to change chairs but forgot to lock his wheels in place. He hit his head on the corner of the entertainment stand.”

  I breathe a sigh of relief. Sounds like a bump on the head, but I make sure not to downplay anything. “I’m sure everything will be fine. He’s tough as nails.”

  Quinn shakes her head. “I should’ve been there.”

  “It’s not your fault. Accidents happen.”

  “I know, but still. He’s my responsibility. If I’d been there…”

  “You can’t hover over him twenty-four seven. You could’ve been in the shower or the kitchen. He won’t blame you.” I kiss her temple and hold her against me.

  The nurse comes through the double doors and calls Quinn over.

  I follow.

  “He didn’t have another stroke but we’re going to keep him overnight to monitor for signs of a concussion. Sorry, I know you were worried out here. You can go back in and see him now.”

  I shoo Quinn away when she glances back at me. “Go. I’ll wait out here.”

  She follows the nurse.

  I walk over to the desk. The woman looks like she might have a panic attack with me standing there.

  “I’m very sorry. I didn’t know she’d already been back to see him.”

  The woman nods. “It’s okay. No problem.”

  “No, it’s not okay. I should’ve had all the facts before I started in on you. I apologize.”

  “Okay, well, apology accepted, sir.”

  “Thank you.” I step outside for some fresh air and text Decker.

  Deacon: Sorry. Had to bounce. Something important came up.

  Decker: Something or someone?

  Deacon: Both.

  Decker: Everything okay?

  Deacon: It will be, but I can’t make it back out. I’m sorry.

  Decker: It’s fine. You owe me.

  When Quinn finally returns from the room, she’s smiling. “Thanks for coming and waiting. Sorry if I was a little dramatic on the phone.”

  He must be doing okay if she’s smiling.

  “Don’t mention it. Is he okay?”

  “I think so. He’s a little shaken up, but everything is normal.”

  “Good. So, you heading out?”

  “Yeah. For a bit. Dad said we both need rest and he’d have them throw me out if I didn’t go get some sleep.”

  “I’ll drive you home.”

  Quinn shakes her head. “That’s not—”

  “Quinn, I’m driving.”

  She nods and hands over the keys. We walk out through the ER and into the parking lot to her car. I open the passenger door for her, then walk around and climb in the driver’s side.

  The whole ride home I don’t say much. I know she has a lot on her mind.

  When we arrive, I walk her to the door. I give her a kiss, but I don’t want her to think I want more, with everything going on.

  When our lips part ways, her eyes roam up to mine. “Stay with me? Please.”

  I know I told her we needed to take this slow, but fuck she’s making it a torturous journey.

  How the hell can I tell her no? It’s impossible. There’s nothing I want more than to hold her and comfort her—take care of her and make sure she has everything she needs. I give her a nod.

  We both walk inside, and she heads to her bedroom. “Make yourself comfortable. I’m gonna change clothes.”

  “Sure.” I pretend like I’m about to sit down, but once she’s in her room I walk to the bathroom and start a bath for her. I find some lavender bath salts under the sink and dump them in. Once that’s started, I pull out my phone to order a pizza. When that’s done, I start back for the living room, but she appears in front of the bedroom door.

  “Thought you were making yourself comfortable on the couch?”

  I move out of her way and point to the tub. “Get in there. I don’t want to hear from you for thirty minutes. I’ll let you know when the food gets here.

  “What kind of food?”


  She shakes her head. “I don’t know how, but it seems like you can read my mind sometimes.”

  “I pay attention.”

  “Oh yeah? What kind of pizza did you get?”

  “Mushroom and extra cheese.” I walk past her and give her a playful little slap on the ass, coupled with a wink. “You’re welcome.”

  “Glad to see you’re still as cocky as ever.” The way she smiles as she says the words tells me I’m knocking it out of the park right now.

  “Thirty minutes. No sooner. Relax. I’ll hold down the fort.”

  Forty-five minutes later, she comes out of the bathroom wearing silly pajama pants with rubber ducks on them and a matching tank top. I can see her nipples through the thin material and my cock takes notice.

  I tug on her pantleg as she sits down on the couch. “Nice pants.”

  “Wore them just for you.” Quinn curls into me and it feels so fucking good to just hold her. “Thank you for the bath. It was perfect. You always know just what I need.”

  A movie plays in the background on the TV but I can’t stop staring at her.

  She wiggles her ass against me to get comfortable and it’s a little bit of heaven and hell at the same time. “I’m glad you’re here. Thank you.”

  I push a few strands of hair behind her ear. “Nowhere I’d rather be.” I tilt her chin up and kiss her softly on the lips. This is fucking perfect.

  The door buzzes. It must be the pizza.

  Quinn starts to get up.

  I stop her. “I got it. Just lie there and relax.”

  “Yes, sir.” She grins.

  Fuck, even the way she calls me “sir” makes my dick hard.

  I walk back with the pizza and set it o
n the coffee table. “I still don’t know what kind of normal human being from Chicago doesn’t like deep dish.”

  Quinn shrugs. “Can’t help what I like.” She takes a piece straight out of the box like fuck plates. “And I can’t believe you remembered my favorite place, and the exact pizza I always order.”

  “I’ve seen you haul in leftovers to the office. I notice everything about you.”

  Quinn takes a huge bite and her eyes roll back like she’s in heaven. “I can’t argue with you. You’re batting one hundred.”

  I laugh. “That’s actually a baseball stat, and one hundred is piss poor. One thousand is perfect.”

  She shrugs, not even remotely interested in anything but her pizza. “Well, I gave it my all.”

  “I applaud your effort.”


  It’s understating things to say I’m nervous about leaving Dad on his own today, but he did fine the last few days when I finally went back to work. I really didn’t need to take two days off last week, but Deacon went over my head to Decker and insisted they give me the time. It’s been one week since the fall.

  I’m still surprised Deacon didn’t try anything while we were alone at the house. All he did was hover over me and rush to get anything I needed. It was sweet and cute and so not how I imagined him handling any kind of crisis.

  Nerves flutter through my stomach thinking about him. I’m heading to his apartment; we still haven’t had sex since we started dating. It’s been nice getting to know him, but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t miss the sex. A girl has needs. I’m afraid it’ll be different, now that there’s an emotional connection there. Still, if there’s one thing I do know, it’s that I want sex. I want sex with Deacon, bad.

  When I arrive at his apartment, he greets me with a kiss. “I’m almost ready.”

  “Okay.” I grin at the walls. It seriously looks like he hired my dad to decorate.

  “That helmet’s signed by Tom Brady.”

  “Who?” I smile. It’s fun messing with him. Even I know who Tom Brady is.

  “You’re joking right?”

  I laugh. “Yeah. He’s married to Gisele.”

  Deacon shoots me a playful glare. “That the only reason you know who he is?”

  I shrug. “Is there anything else important about him?”

  He strolls over and takes my hands in his. “Did you know you’re perfect?”

  “I am? What am I doing here with you then?” I smirk.

  He hooks an arm around my waist and tickles my ribs. Our lips meet and going out to lunch just became an afterthought.

  “Fuck, I’ve missed your smart-ass mouth. Nice to have you back.”

  “That all you missed?” I whisper.

  “No. I missed these too.” His lips pepper sweet kisses down my throat as his hands slide down to my breasts over my t-shirt.


  Deacon wastes no time gripping the hem of my shirt and pulling it over my head. A groan strains from his throat when he gets a full look at the white sheer lace bra I’m wearing.

  “These. Off.” He fumbles with the button of my jeans, and I kick off the red leather heels I wore just for him. The moment my jeans are off, Deacon lifts me to his chest.

  My legs hook around his waist, and he carries me to his bedroom.

  “Your clothes are in my way now, Mr. Collins.”

  “We should do something about that.”

  “Yes, we should.”

  “Someone wants to get laid.”

  I shake my head and kiss him again. “You have no idea.”

  “Well, well, my dirty little office slut is still in there.”

  Any other man would get kneed in the balls for talking to me like that, but right now, in the moment, it’s hot as all hell. Excitement swirls down and pools between my thighs at his filthy mouth. He heaves me onto the bed, and I realize something. Not only is this my first time in his bed, but it’s our first time in a bed at all.

  It feels like we should celebrate or something. I suppose the sex will be enough of a reward, but there’s something special about the moment.

  I’m not sure how, but his clothes are off in an instant, as if they’ve magically disappeared.

  He hovers over me and brushes a lock of hair behind my ear. “You have no idea how many times I’ve imagined this.” His strong hands roam my body as he looms above, staring into my eyes. “Alone. In my room. No time constraints.”

  I gulp at the look in his eyes right now. He looks one part wolf, one part lion.

  He traces a finger along the curve of my shoulder. “Do you have any idea how beautiful you are?”

  “I enjoy hearing you tell me.”

  “Most beautiful woman I’ve ever seen.” His lips land on mine.

  It’s soft and slow at first, but I need more than that. “Thank you, Mr. Collins.” I bat my eyelashes at him, reach between his legs, and stroke his cock. It grows harder against my palm.

  “Fuck, I’m going to enjoy this.”

  “I sure hope so, big guy.” I smirk but all silliness leaves my face when those stormy eyes narrow on me.

  His hand slides between my thighs. “Plenty big, but you already know that.” His voice is coarse and laced with raw need. It’s primal and makes my blood hum with desire.

  My back arches into him, eager for his touch, longing for any kind of friction I can get.

  Sliding down my body, his mouth replaces his hand between my legs. His nose presses against my panties and he breathes me in. “I like these. Too bad they’re in my way.” Deacon snaps the waistband in one possessive movement.

  I let out a gasp before I can stop myself.

  If I thought he was sexy and dominating in the supply closet…he’s a whole other level of alpha in his bedroom. The look in his eyes tells me everything he wants to do to me, and I’d be lying if I said my heart rate doesn’t redline at the sight of him.

  I glance around the room. There’s nothing personal on display other than a black and white photograph of him and his brothers. I almost ask him to turn it around. It’s like their eyes are watching—judging—and waiting to score his performance.

  If I say it he might think I’m crazy, but right now, I might just be crazy the way he’s teasing me.

  Slow and methodical, he kisses the tops of my thighs, taking his sweet-ass time. I need more of him, now, but he knows exactly what I want and withholds like he always does, teasing me into a frenzy. He bites down on my skin hard enough to leave a mark.

  I let out a small yelp of approval and rake my nails through his hair.

  Looking up at me he says, “This is mine.” He flicks his tongue across my clit, his eyes fixed on me, watching every reaction. “Only mine, Quinn.”

  His words turn my insides to Jell-O. When he says things like that all my thoughts and reservations drift away. All I can do is nod in surrender.

  “Fingers or mouth?” He teases at my clit with his tongue and slides a finger inside me.

  I nod furiously.

  “Use your words, Quinn.” He slips the finger out, and I clench around nothing the second it leaves me.

  My hips lift instinctively, practically begging for his touch, and all the breath steals from my lungs. “Both.” It’s the only word I can manage.

  “So fucking greedy.” His mouth latches onto my clit and the man is relentless. This time he pushes two fingers in deep and with more force.

  Right when I’m on the edge of an epic orgasm, he lifts up, not letting me finish. “There’s nothing better than watching you get off.” He presses his mouth against my inner thigh and brushes his hands over my nipples. With one swift motion, he reaches up with both hands and jerks the cups of my bra down, leaving me exposed. His fingers grow possessive and dig into my hips as he yanks me against his face, over and over. “I could fuck this pussy with my mouth all goddamn day.”

  “I. No. Complain.” The man turns my words to gibberish, and a light moan parts my lips.

  He slides up
my body, slanting over me.

  His lips meet mine and against my mouth he whispers, “Can you taste yourself on my tongue?”

  Oh. My. God.

  Can he get any dirtier?

  Yes. Yes he can. It’s a ridiculous question.

  Rocking back on his calves he pulls a condom from the nightstand drawer.

  Pre-come beads on the head of his cock and I want to lick it off.

  Deacon takes his time rolling the condom on. I watch the whole time, praying for him to hurry up and get me off. I’m practically writhing on his bed. If he so much as breathes on me I’ll combust immediately.

  There’s something between us and we both feel it. I need to just give in and embrace it, put all my chips on the table, because not being serious with Deacon doesn’t seem like an option.

  He lies back and fists his dick so that it’s pointed up at the ceiling.

  I crawl toward him, unable to resist the pull vibrating through every atom of my body. I lift one leg and slowly slide down on him, until I’ve taken every last inch.

  He groans as I squeeze around him, and his eyes roll back for a brief second. “I’ve been dying for this. To have you in my bed, on top of me.”

  “Well, you have me.” Our bodies move together in perfect rhythm, like we’ve done this a million times. In a way, it feels like we have. Right now, we’re two old souls who’ve always shared a connection. I grind my hips in small circles, loving what it does to him.

  His thumb goes straight to my clit, stroking back and forth across it while he watches my face. His other palm smacks my ass and he groans. “Fuck. Right there.”

  I shudder at his words, his thumb, his cock—all of him. As much as I love the way I feel when he’s inside me, I also love knowing how crazy I drive him. That I can satisfy him as much as he satisfies me.

  “That’s it. Come on my dick. I want to feel you.”

  “Oh God, Deacon.” My orgasm crashes through me, spinning and whirling like a hurricane.

  His thumb speeds up on my clit and I ride the undulating waves until I’m breathless. I don’t know how I manage not to collapse onto him. I’m running on pure determination and willpower right now.


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