Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3 Page 37

by Alex Wolf

  “I have a surprise for you too.”

  “Oh yeah? What is it?”

  “If I told you, I’d have to kill you.”

  “You’ve been watching too many action movies with your dad.”

  “You’re one to talk. I heard the two of you up late last weekend.”

  “Guilty. We were watching porn, though.”

  “Deacon Collins!” I smack his arm and laugh at the same time.

  Some things never change.

  “We were studying the cinematography. It was incredible. You should’ve seen the lighting, and they got this one shot…”

  “Just stop before you dig yourself a hole.”

  Deacon puts his hands up in mock surrender, holding back a laugh.

  It took some convincing to get Dad to move in with us. He pleaded for us to put him in assisted living when I told him I was moving in with Deacon, but neither one of us were having that. Deacon goes out of his way to spend time with him. They watched sports nonstop while I studied for finals and I’m sure it’ll continue as I study for the bar.

  We go to all the Bears home games and Deacon is slowly teaching me everything he knows about football. I usually fall asleep while Dad sits there absorbing every little detail of Deacon’s stories.

  He had his place completely renovated to accommodate Dad. Everything is handicap accessible, and Dad can nearly function on his own when we aren’t there.

  Sometimes it doesn’t even seem real, that I’m with him.

  “You going to at least give me a hint?”

  I can’t keep it in any longer. I’m about to burst at the seams. “I wanted to discuss a career choice with you.”

  “Oh yeah?” His knuckles grip the steering wheel a little tighter, but he doesn’t overreact and keeps a smile plastered to his face.

  “Yeah. I think it’s best for all of us if I stay at The Hunter Group. What are your thoughts?” I watch his reaction in my peripheral vision.

  “Seriously? Don’t toy with me, woman.”

  “Yeah, I want to end where I started.”

  “That makes me so damn happy.” He pulls into a parking space near the restaurant. Before we exit the car, Deacon takes my hand and leans across the console. “You won’t regret it. I promise.”

  “I know.” I touch his face then kiss his lips.

  “Mmm.” He leans back and gazes into my eyes. “Come on we better get inside before I bend you over the hood of my car.”

  Deacon leads me through the front door and the moment we enter the dining room everyone from work jumps out and yells, “Surprise!” There’s a huge banner that reads Congratulations, Quinn.

  “What is this?”

  He cocks an eyebrow up at me. “I don’t know. A center for ants? What’s it look like?”

  I shake my head. “Point taken.” I give him a huge hug, then move through the room to thank everyone for coming.

  Even when we’re separated, I can’t stop craning my neck back to smile at him, though. It’s hard to take my eyes off the man I love.



  I stand next to Quinn, watching her scan the room. I know who she’s looking for and there’s no way I wouldn’t make sure he’s here. When she doesn’t see him, her smile fades.

  I whisper in her ear, “I have another surprise for you.” I nod to Abigail and she walks through a side door and then returns, wheeling in Mr. Richards.

  “Dad!” She sprints over to him.

  I walk behind, slowly soaking up the moment and taking videos and pictures with my phone, so she’ll have them later.

  “I’m so damn proud of you, kiddo.”

  She bends down and gives him a kiss on the cheek. “I love you.”

  He shoots me a wink and we all make our way to the huge table in the middle of the room. Over the course of the evening, everyone takes turns going around telling stories about how Quinn has bailed them out of a jam or gone above and beyond at work. Her Dad grins the entire time, loving the praise being heaped on his daughter. The goal was to have her feel like she was on top of the world and I’m positive I’ve succeeded.

  “I think I speak for everyone when I say we wouldn’t know our heads from our asses without you, Quinn.” Tate raises her glass.

  “That’s exactly right. I’d be completely lost without you and I know you’ll be just as effective as an attorney. So proud that you’ll be one of ours.” Decker winks at her.

  When we arrived earlier, I told him she was staying at the firm.

  “Quinn, you definitely keep my brothers in check.” Donavan grins his ass off, like she doesn’t save his ass as much as anybody’s, but it’s clear he’s joking.

  “Quinn, I know all about your secret stash of pens and office supplies.” Dex laughs and Abigail smacks the back of his head, Gibbs-style. “Ow! Damn. Okay. You’re awesome, Quinn. Thanks for everything.” He grins and nods to me. “Your turn, big boy.”

  There’s just one more thing that will make today perfect.

  I scoot my chair back and hold my hand out to her.

  “Umm. Okay. What’s this?” She takes my hand and rises from her seat. “What are you doing?”

  The confusion on her face makes this so much better. I walk over to her dad and hold out my hand. He smiles as he reaches into his pocket and pulls out a black box.

  I turn back to Quinn. I’m doing this the right way. Like in the romance movies I’ve watched with her. Clearly that shit works, and I want every tool in my arsenal to make Quinn happy the rest of her life. I stare deeply into the same green eyes I fell in love with the first time I saw them, knowing without a doubt she’s the one.

  I take her left hand in mine and drop to a knee.

  “Quinn, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met, inside and out. The first time I saw you, I knew. I can’t explain how or why, I just felt it in every cell of my body. And I want to tell you something in front of everyone tonight.” I look back over my shoulder at my brothers and our closest friends.

  Tate, who never cries, dabs a napkin at the corner of her eyes.

  “Words don’t exist to accurately express how much I love you. You’re my best friend. Every morning, when I wake up next to you, I feel like the luckiest man alive. But there’s one thing missing. A promise that you’ll be mine forever. So, I’m lowering myself before you today to ask you one question. Will you marry me?”

  Her head bobs up and down. “Yes, Deacon. Yes! A thousand times yes!” Her entire body trembles as she leans down to kiss me.

  I slide the ring on her finger. It’s an emerald-green princess cut that matches her eyes.

  “I love you so much. I had no idea you were going to do this.” Her eyes keep darting from the ring then back to me. The largest smile I’ve ever seen spreads across her face.

  She’s absolutely glowing, and I plan to work my ass off every day to keep it that way.

  When our moment is over, everyone makes their rounds congratulating us.

  I look at Dex and Donavan, wondering which poor bastard will be next, now that Decker and I are off the market.

  Once everyone has told us how happy they are for us, I take Quinn’s hands in mine and just stare into her eyes. “Fiancée.”

  “Fiancé.” She does a little fancy curtsy and we both laugh.

  I take her in my arms and hold her close to me, never wanting to let go. I kiss her forehead, then pull her back to me once more.

  I can’t think of anything in the world better than this moment, right here, right now, and I know the future will only be better.

  Because she’s all mine.

  Be sure to grab you BONUS epilogue! The link is at the end of Filthy Playboy.


  Two things matter in this world—pussy and money.

  There’s plenty of both on display tonight.

  Navigating through PRYSM night club, the bass thumps in my chest when I spot Wells Covington. He’s difficult to miss at six-four in his Brunello Cucinelli s
uit. I head up the stairs.

  “Collins!” He tosses me a head nod as I round the corner, like he already knew I was here and expected me right at that moment. He leans over the railing, observing the dance floor from above.

  I glance around. The place is anything but optimal for discussing business. This is casual, though. I use the term ‘casual’ loosely because I’m always on the hunt for a new whale to add to our client roster. Wells is the top of the food chain and Tecker (my brother Decker and his fiancée Tate) would be all up on my nuts if I wrap him up in a nice bow for the firm.

  “Hope you haven’t been waiting long.” I grip his hand firm after I make my way over.

  He’s constantly back and forth between Manhattan and Chicago. We were tight back at college, then drifted apart. I’ve been trying to meet with him for months. Our schedules never permitted a get together until tonight. One look at this bastard and I see nothing but dollar signs. It’s almost enough for me to ignore all the hot ass strutting half-naked around the club.


  “Nah. Haven’t ordered a drink yet.”

  “What do you want? It’s on me.”

  He eyes me up and down, grinning his ass off. I know he’s about to ask for something ridiculous. “Clase Azul. For old time’s sake.”

  Hmm. He’s being nostalgic. We used to chug that shit in Cancun on spring break in college. Last time I saw him he ordered twenty-one-year-old Suntory Hibiki, an eight-hundred-dollar bottle of Japanese whiskey.

  “Sounds like a party.” I motion a waitress over.

  A brunette in tight-fitting black jeans and a vee-cut top saunters our way. One look at us and she grins her ass off. She knows she’s just hit the lottery waiting on us. “What can I get you?”

  “Clase Azul Reposado. Bring the bottle.”

  Wells smirks.

  “You got it.” The girl wanders off through the crowd.

  “I’d much rather be having her.” Wells looks toward the crowd on the dance floor below.

  I follow his gaze to see who he’s leering at. I need to make sure he’s taken care of tonight. Shouldn’t be a problem.

  We may go way back, but time has passed. If I can get our relationship back on a personal level, he’ll be more apt to do business with the firm. Being the ultimate wingman is a specialty of mine, and I’m not above making sure he gets to fuck whoever he wants, if it comes to that.

  My tie feels like it tightens around my neck and the hair on the back of my neck stands up when my eyes land on his target. She’s hard to miss.


  Fuck. Why did she have to be here?

  Her long blonde curls bounce as she sways her hips to the music and waves her arms up in the air. The bright red dress she’s wearing clings tight to her curves.

  Of all the women in all the goddamn clubs in Chicago…

  It’s like the world hates me.

  Fuck, she’s hot.

  My nostrils flare when the asshole she’s dancing with grabs her hips from behind. He’s pawing all over her, and she doesn’t seem to mind one bit. In fact, I think she enjoys the attention.

  I’m not used to this feeling—jealousy. It’s totally foreign to me. I do my best to tame my reaction, but Wells is a goddamn shark and I’m sure he notices. You don’t become a billionaire in your thirties by not reading people like a book, and he’s the fucking Tony Stark of hedge funds.

  I’m seeing red.

  Not good.

  Why do I even give a shit? I don’t get hung up on chicks. Women chase me, not the other way around.

  Abigail is different, though.

  She’s not like the usual women I date—or fuck. She’s independent, young, and carefree. No baggage. Which is highly attractive.

  Wells grins, suddenly taking more of an interest. “You know her, don’t you?”

  “Yeah.” I let go of the railing after I look down and see the whites of my knuckles. “She works for the firm. Transferred from Dallas after the merger. You don’t want anything to do with her, trust me. She’s a stage five clinger. I’ll introduce you, though. If you want.”

  A devilish smile forms on his lips when the waitress returns with the tall, slender bottle of tequila and two shot glasses. I silently pray he’ll forget about Abigail as I snag the bottle and don’t bother with the glasses. I tip it up, and it burns in my throat.

  “Well fuck. I guess it’s like college all over again tonight.” Wells grins and takes a drink straight from the bottle too.

  I rub the back of my neck, unable to keep my eyes from darting to Abigail on the dance floor. It’s not like we’re dating. We’ve hung out a few times after work, totally casual. Okay, we made out once when we were hammered after a Bears game when she did me a huge favor for Deacon’s dumb ass; which he still owes me for.

  Still, there’s nothing going on with Abby and yet I have this unbelievable urge to grip that guy by the back of his neck and shove his face into a bucket of water. Nothing life threatening, just enough to feel his fear course through my palm.

  I want to stake my claim on her like a caveman. Brand her ass with my handprint.

  Wells leans over. “No need for an introduction. Plenty of women here tonight, Collins.”

  “Yeah.” I nod. He keeps calling me by my last name. That’s a good sign. It should make me happy.

  None of the women here compare to Abby, though. I glance around the bar and notice she has quite the group of admirers. Every fucker in the place stares at her from afar, and I know exactly what’s on all their minds.

  They’re all pounding booze and watching her shake her ass. The back of her dress rides her thighs, coming dangerously close to showing her panties, if she’s even wearing any.

  I can’t fight my smile, despite the irritation coursing through my limbs. She has this spark about her that lights up the room with energy. She’s magnetic, like a tractor beam that reels you in. I get why these assholes are staring, and at the same time, I want to let every one of them know she’s off limits.

  I take another pull from the bottle when she walks off the dance floor toward the bathrooms. “Be right back.”

  Wells waves me off with a flippant hand and strikes up a conversation with a leggy brunette.

  I take the stairs two at a time to the lower level, losing sight of Abigail momentarily.

  The last thing I want to look like is a stalker, so I pull out my phone and do the ol’ ‘fake call’ routine. I shuffle down the narrow corridor toward the women’s bathroom, hoping I time this shit just right.

  I watch in a mirror and wait for her reflection, then I turn the corner just in time so Abigail bumps into me.

  “I’m so sorry. Are you okay?”

  I huff out a fake sigh, staring in the other direction. “I’ll call you back.” I make a show of pocketing my phone and glance up to meet her stunned gaze. “Don’t worry about… Abby?”

  “Oh my God, Dex!” She goes in for a hug, and I’m pretty sure it’s heaven with her tits pressed up against me.

  Fuck, I never want to let go of her. I’m close enough to smell her fruity body wash and the effect she has on me is damn near hypnotic.

  I have to compose myself and will my cock not to get hard up against her stomach.

  “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention.” Her hand slides down my arm.

  “It’s fine.”

  “What are you…,” we both say at the same time.

  I hold out a palm. “Ladies first.”

  “Out with friends. You?”

  “Here with a client. Hedge fund manager.”

  “Cool, well, I should…” She hooks a thumb over her shoulder toward the bathroom.

  “Right. Was good to see you.”

  “You too!” she yells over her shoulder, and I can still barely make out the words as she disappears through the door.

  Look at yourself for fuck’s sake. What’s wrong with you?

  We only made out the one time. We were both wasted, and I don’t know if she ev
en remembers it. I’d be lying if I said I didn’t remember every minute detail of the kiss, though. Not a damn day goes by I don’t think about it.

  I decide to take a piss, since I’m already down here, so I walk through the door. That idiot she was dancing with primps himself in the mirror, fixing his hair. The guy is pathetic. He’s wearing a fucking Winnie the Pooh shirt and corduroy pants.

  I thought this place had standards and a dress code. Fuck.

  I cannot believe I seriously have to compete with this ass basket.

  I take a piss in the urinal, unlike bitch boy over there who probably squatted in the stall. Afterward, I wash my hands, and he’s still there, checking himself out. Of course, as soon as I walk out of the bathroom, he decides to leave at the same time. I open the door and he speeds up to follow, but I let it fall right in his face.

  Stay away from what’s mine, pussy.

  As I walk out, Abigail leaves the women’s bathroom at the same time and we nearly collide again, this time not by design.

  I catch her in an awkward hug and do my best to try and pull her off to the side, so Pooh Bear doesn’t see us.

  Of course, he heads in our direction, and I pray for him to do something that makes it acceptable for me to kick the piss out of him.

  “Abby, you okay?”

  Fuck you for calling her Abby. I call her that.

  She’s still staring up at me with wide eyes, and I slowly stand her upright.

  I don’t ever want to let go of her and at the same time my palm twitches with the need to choke this asshole until he passes out.

  “Yeah, I’m good.” She smiles and it’s ridiculously cute. “This is Dex. He’s a partner at the firm and we’ve literally almost ran each other over twice in the last five minutes.” Her head tilts in my direction.

  Her friend shoves his hands in his pockets and shuffles his feet around like pussies do. “Oh, well, uhh… Chuck and Barbie got us a table.”

  What in the holy fuck kind of names are those? Chuck and Barbie? I scoff under my breath where Abigail doesn’t notice.

  Her hand flies out. “Dex, this is my friend Kyle. He lives in my building.”


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