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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 41

by Alex Wolf

  You’re lying to yourself.

  Of course I am. I know exactly why I don’t want his company, and the name starts with a big fat D.

  Gah, Dexter is so frustrating. I know we need to talk about that dang kiss. I don’t want it to ruin our friendship, though. He’s one of my favorite people at work. Okay, he’s the best, with his pudding cups and broody stare he reserves for everyone but me, until lately.

  Stupid hormones.

  I’m about to give up on the menus and just walk to the store when a knock sounds at the door. I don’t want to get off the couch to answer but I need to. What if Barbie is expecting a package or something? I’ll never hear the end of it.

  I begrudgingly stomp to the front of the apartment.

  When I open the door, Kyle stands on the other side holding up a bag of fast food.

  “Stopped on my way home. Thought you might be hungry.” He flashes me a big cheesy grin.

  He’s so goofy but in a cute way. He is a bit of a dork in his tan Dockers and plaid shirt that’s untucked and unbuttoned. He has on a Mickey Mouse t-shirt underneath. He’s a manager at some video game store chain his dad owns.

  “Is it safe?” He scans the room behind me searching for Barbie. I’m surprised he even comes over here at all after some of the encounters he’s had with her.

  He only agreed to go out to PRYSM with us because it was so loud he wouldn’t be able to hear her talk most of the night.

  “Yes. And I’m starving.” I wave him in and close the door behind him. I know I said I didn’t really want his company right now, but I am so hungry. Plus, it’s silly. Kyle’s my friend. It shouldn’t matter what Dexter thinks. We’re not together. I just need to steer the conversation away from Dexter and it’ll be fine.

  Kyle places the bag on the kitchen counter and pulls out two steak sandwiches and two orders of fries.

  “You’re the best.”

  “I always come through.”

  “This is true.” I grab us some plates, cups, and pull a two liter of Pepsi from the fridge.

  The two of us settle in on the couch with our food, and I start flipping through Netflix. It’s my turn to pick.

  Kyle exhales an audible sigh when I make my choice.

  “Labyrinth is a cult classic. Who the hell doesn’t love David Bowie?”

  “You’re so weird.”

  “Says the grown man in his Mickey Mouse shirt.”

  “Pfft, whatever. I have great style.”

  I snicker. “Sure.”

  “You’re just used to being around suits all day, like that asshole you’re always fawning over.”

  No, we’re not supposed to talk about this. “I do not fawn over Se— Dexter.” Damn it! I’ve got to stop doing that.

  Kyle has this weird look on his face.

  Fine, I guess we’re doing this. I shrug. “What? He’s hot.”

  Kyle rolls his eyes. “Whatever. I don’t care who you date.”

  “I’m not dating him. We work together.”

  He smiles when he hears that. “Good. You’re too good for him.”

  “I’m not interested in dating anyone. You know that.” Even as the words leave my mouth, they sound weak.

  “So you say.”

  I pause the movie and turn to him. “What’s that supposed to mean?”

  He shrugs. “Nothing, damn. Let’s just eat and watch your movie.” He bites into his sandwich.

  I decide to let it go.

  I don’t want to argue with Kyle, but the room seems like it just cooled off about twenty degrees. I pick at my food. My mind drifts back to my conversation with Quinn. He likes you. I thought the two of you were secretly dating.

  “Hey.” Kyle taps my knee.

  I jolt before I can stop myself. “Sorry. Just have a lot on my mind.”

  “Yeah. I see that. If you want to talk or whatever...” He scratches at the back of his neck.

  I don’t say anything because I don’t want to talk to him about Dexter.

  “Okay, well, I think I’m going to call it a night. I’ve got some stuff to do.”

  “Oh, okay. Thanks again for dinner. Next time it’s my treat.”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He moves to the door and gives me a wave.

  Once he’s gone, I turn off the TV and clean up our mess. Last thing I need is a passive aggressive note from Barbie reminding me no food on the couch. It’s still too early to go to bed so I pick out my work clothes for tomorrow and treat myself to a bubble bath.

  Sinking down in the warm water I try to clear my head and relax. Laying back with my head against the wall, I close my eyes. My thoughts find their way to that damn kiss all over again. Only this time I imagine what might have happened had Dex not walked away. Maybe the two of us would have gotten a cab back to his place or even a hotel room.

  Maybe that’s what we both need. Just have sex and get whatever this is out of our systems. I play the fantasy out in my mind, picturing Dex leading me into the hotel room, his mouth fused to mine. Trailing my fingers down my neck, I rub and tweak my nipple, touching myself lower and lower as the dream plays out.

  I wonder if he would go fast or slow? I bet Dex is a man who goes all out with the foreplay. Takes his time and teases like a maniac. He’d want me begging for it, begging for him. I imagine him sitting there all powerful in his suit, ordering me to get undressed while his broody eyes never leave mine. He just has this vibe about him that is a hundred percent male, pure sex and power. He’s older, but not too old, just right. Experienced. That’s what he is.

  I’m all kinds of worked up after I finish my bath.

  When I make it to my room, my eyes flick back and forth between the bed and the drawer where I keep my vibrator. It doesn’t take much to convince me I should go ahead and finish what I started.


  It’s Thursday, and I’m on my way back to the office after a business lunch that about did my head in. An old friend is going through a divorce and owns stock in several corporations. Both him and his spouse have assets. He wanted my advice about his financial options, and while he’s a great guy, he’s a total moron when it comes to business. He threw so much money at MLM and other shitty investments. The guy blew through everything and racked up some incredible debt. No wonder his marriage didn’t work out.

  However, his soon-to-be ex-wife is a trust fund baby with her own healthy portfolio that’s managed by competent people. She’s worth more than him. He needs her to cover some of his debt. The poor dumb bastard cheated with their nanny. The whole thing is a clusterfuck and emotional as all hell, something money should never be. He’s going to be on his ass with nothing. I would feel sorry for him, but he had it made. All he had to do was keep his dick in his pants. The whole situation damn near gives me a migraine.

  I’m almost to my office. I think I have some painkillers in my desk, and I plan to eat a couple, sit back, and have myself a nice little stress-free afternoon after that shitshow of a morning.

  Turning the corner, I bump into Cole Miller. We go way back, all the way to our days at the University of Illinois. The two of us and Wells were inseparable at college but gradually grew apart as our careers took off. He was a professional MMA fighter for a while and now he owns a nationwide chain of fitness centers. He’s a billionaire, but as humble as they come.

  He’s been in and out of the office a lot the past year. One of his employees took a selfie with one of the members in the background, put it up on social media, then her and her friends started making all kinds of jokes about the woman’s weight and appearance.

  It blew up and went viral, all over Twitter and Facebook. The member sued his company and now our firm is representing them. Decker’s running point on it since media relations is one of his specialties.

  “Just the guy I was looking for.” Cole holds out a hand.

  I take it, and his fucking grip damn near makes me wince, even though I’d never show it. “How’s it going? You about to get out from under all that

  “Things are shaping up. Decker thinks it’ll be dismissed. You guys have worked your asses off for me. Don’t think it hasn’t gone unnoticed.”

  “It’s what we do. You know this. You were looking for me?”

  “I wanted to give you these. Decker mentioned something a while back. Said you’re a huge fan.” He reaches into his inner jacket pocket and slaps two tickets in my palm for the big MMA championship fight this weekend at the United Center.

  Fuck yes. My luck just did a one-eighty. I’ve been trying to get tickets, used up every connection I could think of, besides Cole, of course. Last thing I wanted was to bother him with a ticket request when he’s getting his tits sued off. “Hell yeah. Thanks.” I fan them out in front of me. “I’ve been looking forward to this shit. Didn’t want to bother you with it with everything on your plate.”

  He waves me off like it’s nothing. “Don’t be ridiculous. Hit me up anytime. It’s gonna be a bloodbath. Mandez is a beast.”

  “I’m sure he is, considering you trained him. Does he have the speed, though?”

  He slow nods. “Nice, Collins, you know your shit. And I don’t know, but it’s gonna be good.”

  “See you there.”

  “Yeah.” He takes a step toward the conference room. “Gotta get in there and meet with your brother.”

  “Good luck, man.”

  We part ways and I smile to myself. It’s been a few days, and I do believe Abby has had enough time to stew on that kiss and what she’s missing out on. Now, it’s time for the next step in my plan. I’ve seen how this shit works in their little romance movies. Always leave them wanting more. Never look too desperate. The hero always kills when he abides by these principles. I go by her desk, but she isn’t there.

  Well fuck a goddamn duck.


  “Hey, Quinn. Is Mr. Collins available? I have some research I was doing for him.”

  “Yeah. He’s not with anyone right now. You talk to you know who yet?” She smirks and tucks her red hair behind her ear.

  I sigh and stare off at the wall. “No. Haven’t really had a chance.” I don’t tell her he’s still been avoiding me like the damn plague since that stupid kiss. I’m completely over it. That’s what I keep telling myself, anyway. No matter how many batteries I’ve burned through with my vibrator, I’m sticking to it. I’m over Dexter Collins and his little games.

  “Better get on it.” Her cheeks pink a little and she grins at her computer screen.

  “I have work to do.” I wave my file at her and smile. Going back and forth with Quinn is fun and helps take my mind off things. Maybe I should have more girlfriends, and the ones in the past have just been unlucky experiences.

  “Fine.” She fakes a frown at me, like she’s disappointed in my response. “I’ll let him know you’re here. Have a seat.” She points to the waiting area for Decker’s clients.

  I sit down and flip through my papers trying to recall where I’ve seen this dude before. He looks vaguely familiar.

  Quinn picks up her phone. “Abigail is out here. Okay. I’ll send her on in.”

  I meet Quinn’s gaze and she waves her hand motioning for me to go ahead.

  I know I’m coming back earlier than Decker would’ve expected, but there’s still something about walking into the boss’s office that has my stomach in a knot. It’s like when you were in elementary school and knew you weren’t in trouble, but still had to walk into the principal’s office. The room just always seems ominous.

  “Got something? That was quick.”

  I set the file down. “Combed through his social media and online. Nothing criminal or anything. I did find some connections to some umm…” I wince a little because people shouldn’t really be judged on this type of thing, but they are. It almost feels wrong bringing it to him, but I know he’ll want to know.

  “What is it?” Decker leans in, taking a sudden interest.

  “Umm, some kinky sex club type stuff.”

  Decker rubs his chin and twists in his chair, seemingly mulling over what to do. “Take it to Rick. Tell him I want him to dig deep on this guy. I want it all, work and personal.”

  I nod. It’s not my job to question the boss. “Okay. Did you want to read over all this before I…”

  “No need.” He makes a face that tells me he wants nothing to do with what I found on the Covington dude. “Tell Rick I need this off the record and to keep it discreet. Only the three of us need to know anything.”

  “Will do.”

  “Thanks, Abigail. You’re killing it. Keep doing what you’re doing.”

  Getting the compliment leaves me on cloud nine. Decker seems pretty cold and all business, but he always gives me compliments. There are so many stories floating around about what an asshole he was before the merger. I wonder if he learned this new technique in a management seminar? Maybe Tate makes him do it. That’d be hilarious. They’re so cute together.

  At the same time, I feel a little bad about digging through this guy’s personal life, regardless of how much money he has. I really need to get over this feeling if I want to succeed at this job, because there will likely be a lot of this type of work in the future.

  I leave Decker’s office and make my way to Rick’s, even though he’s never there. I pause and look around before I get to his door, anything to take my mind off this encounter. He’s quite possibly the most chauvinistic asshole I’ve ever met. It’s probably why Decker keeps him out of the office on assignment twenty-four seven. As I walk up, I say a silent prayer, begging over and over for him not to be there so I can just send him an email with the instructions.

  When I get there, the door is open and he’s sitting at his desk reading the Bible.

  What the heck? The irony of this situation is almost too much to bear.

  And what the hell is going on in here?

  He’s wearing this all-black suit and hat that makes him look like he’s going to an Amish funeral or something. I nearly burst into laughter but manage to swallow it down.

  I knock lightly on his door, trying not to grin at his outfit. “Hey, Rick?” I wince, just waiting for him to say something about some new hire’s ass or tits. It’s par for the course with him.

  “Come on in.”

  “Sorry to interrupt.” I hesitate.

  “It’s fine. Close the door.” He doesn’t look up from the Bible.

  I don’t want to close the door, but Decker did say this needs to be discreet.

  “Right.” I close it almost all the way but leave it cracked just a hair. I hold out the file, but he doesn’t take it, just keeps reading. “Okay, so Decker has a job for you. He wants you to dig up everything you can on this Wells Covington guy. This is what I have on him so far from my social media research. He said to stress that this needs to be super discreet. You should only communicate your findings to one of us.”

  He nods toward the desk, indicating for me to leave the file there.

  I set it down and quickly take a step back.

  “You and Decker. Wells Covington. Got it.”

  “Great.” I turn to leave.

  “Hey, what do you know about Mary?”

  I stop and have to think for a second. “Magdalene? The paralegal?” What in the ever-loving hell is going on here? Is that why he’s reading the Bible?

  “Yeah, the one with the curly brown hair. Didn’t you work together in Dallas? You paralegals all talk to each other, right? She ever mention me?”

  “We, umm, don’t really talk much. She keeps to herself a lot.”

  “You guys don’t hang out and braid your hair and gossip and all that shit?”

  I damn near start laughing. Is that what he thinks all the women in the office do in their spare time?

  “No, she does a lot of stuff at her church, I think. That’s about it, I guess. She’s kind of quiet and we don’t talk much.”

  He still hasn’t looked up and his lips mouth the words like he’s reading Bible verse
s. “Okay, thanks. I’ll let you know what I find out about the asshole in the file.”

  “Umm… Okay then. I gotta get going.” I grab the door handle.

  “Yes, he likes you.”

  I turn back to him. “Sorry, what?”

  Still hasn’t looked up. “Dex, after the kiss. And Kyle wants more than friendship.”

  “Excuse me?” How the hell does he know any of that stuff? I’ve heard he’s legendary about knowing everything, but what the hell?

  “You heard me.” He finally looks up. “I have to go plan for a nativity scene at the church. Peace be with you, Abigail.” He walks by and I stand there with my mouth wide open. “And your social media research is always top notch. Great job.”

  Once he’s gone, I scurry out of his office and into the breakroom.

  A shiver goes up my spine. That was too weird. And what the hell did he mean when he said Kyle wants to be more than friends? How does he even know who Kyle is? That’s absurd. Seems the mighty Rick Lawrence failed in his intelligence gathering, for once.

  When I open the fridge there’s a package of banana pudding next to Dexter’s chocolate ones. I smile but it still doesn’t make up for the way he’s been so back and forth with me. One day he’s kissing me and the next he’s avoiding me. Am I that bad of a kisser? No way. I know I’m not. I don’t want to sound conceited, but I can kiss above average at the least. He wanted that kiss and enjoyed it as much as I did.

  I open up a pudding cup and lick the lid before tossing it in the trash.

  “Don’t let Dexter catch you eating those.” Brenda, Dexter’s paralegal walks around the corner. “He had me pick them up this morning. Said they were the most important thing on my to-do list.”

  “Oops.” I grin. That familiar warmth spreads through my veins again. I refrain from telling her I’m almost certain he got them for me. Maybe he did it to be a jerk and eat them in front of me. Maybe I’m searching for a reason to still be irritated with him, because I don’t need to be involved with any man right now. Either way it doesn’t matter. I’m going to enjoy the hell out of this pudding cup.


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