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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 47

by Alex Wolf

  I tilt my head toward the hall and Dex lifts me into his arms, his hands gripping my ass. My legs instinctively wrap around his waist, my arms cradling his neck.

  Our mouths remain fused together as he hauls me down the hallway to my room.

  Once we’re inside, I slide down the front of his body and lift his shirt over his head because I want him to know without a doubt that he can do whatever he wants to me.

  Holy crap, I’m about to have sex with Dexter Collins.

  Once his shirt is off, I pause for a split-second, just to take him in. The man is beautiful with his razor-sharp jawline, and neatly trimmed stubble. His eyes are a dark blue that could melt steel.

  He unties the back of my top and we fall onto the bed together, tongues and fingers moving a million directions. Exploring and touching each other anywhere and everywhere at once. God he’s a ridiculous kisser. My shirt comes off and he rubs a hand over my breast, looking at me all sweet but with a wolfish grin that says he’s going to devour me.

  Man do I want that. I do but this is going fast and it’s only our first date.

  Now, who’s giving off mixed signals, Abigail?

  “Wait.” I brace my hands against his shoulders.

  His eyes widen, but he doesn’t look angry that I stopped us, just confused.

  “I want this so damn bad, but I don’t want to be that girl. I just, I really feel something between us, and I don’t want to look back...”

  Dex cuts me off. “It’s not like that.” His hand slides inside my jeans, rubbing over my clit.

  I gasp. I don’t know if any other man has ever even found it, let alone automatically.

  God, he feels so good. Too good. I couldn’t make him stop if I wanted to.

  He rises up and slides his body down, taking one of my breasts in his mouth. “I just want to make you feel good, Abigail.”

  His teeth graze my nipple and my toes curl into the mattress.

  I can’t believe this is happening. I can’t believe Dexter Collins, a partner at the firm, is half naked in my bed, fooling around with me.

  I glance down and my God, he might be the hottest thing I’ve ever seen. His muscles expand and contract at the slightest movements, and I finally see all his tattoos. They roam up both his arms and snake across his chest and back.

  Dex trails his tongue down lower, closer and closer to where I need him the most, but I squirm because it’s almost too damn intense.

  “Relax. Just let me take care of you, Abby.”

  Even his voice is hot as sin. If he so much as grazes my clit again, I might come undone.

  He unbuttons my jeans and slides them down. Next come the panties and oh my god, I’m totally bare in front of him. He leans back on his heels for a moment, and just sits there, staring at me, completely naked.

  He rakes a hand up through his hair and his fingers ball into a fist as he stares at me, first my pussy, then my breasts, and then at my eyes. “God, you’re a work of art.”

  Before I can respond, his face is between my legs, and I feel his scruff rub up against the insides of my thighs. He’s licking and sucking and nipping, teasing me everywhere. One of his large, rough hands roams up my stomach and he rolls my nipple between his thumb and forefinger.

  My legs instinctively try to squeeze together because the sensations are almost too much to bear, but Dex places both hands on my inner thighs and spreads them apart.

  He spreads my legs so hard it burns, but in a good way, like a nice deep stretch.

  “I’ve dreamed about this pussy.”

  Holy shit. He has a filthy mouth.

  I’ve never had a man say anything like that to me. It’s still so surreal. Dexter Collins, in my bedroom, talking about my pussy, and I’ll be damned if his dirty talk isn’t on point.

  He keeps teasing and licking everywhere but right where I want his mouth. It’s torturous.

  “Tell me you want this, Abby.”

  I look down and his eyes are locked on mine, his mouth inches away from me, so close I can feel his exhales brush across my skin.


  “Tell me what you want.” He flicks his tongue across my clit, one time.

  Mother of God.

  My hands reach out and claw into the sheets.

  The only word I can muster is, “You.”

  I glance down in time to see the devilish smirk on his face.

  “Fingers, mouth, or both?”

  I don’t even know what I say in response to that. It probably sounds like groaned out gibberish. I’m coiled so damn tight and the only thing my body is focused on is the most intense sexual release of my life.

  I nod furiously.

  Dexter slides one finger in slowly and my back arches off the bed. He’s just—intense.

  “So fucking greedy, and wet.”

  I glance back down and he’s taking his sweet time, grinning, like he knows he can make me come any second he wants to, like he’s in total control.

  “Give me thirty seconds and you’ll be bucking these hips, fucking my hand.”

  Another finger slides in and I’m about to lose control. He pushes them in deep and curls his fingers somehow to hit a spot I didn’t even know existed.

  My whole body tenses, and I reach up for the headboard, panting out labored breaths. “I’m so close, Dex. You have no idea.”

  “Want me to stop?”

  “I’ll kill you.” I stare daggers at him.

  Dex snickers and his fingers speed up. Just when I think I can’t handle anymore, his mouth clamps down on my clit.

  “Ohhh, God. Dex…”

  Every ounce of energy in my body funnels straight down between my legs. I hold back as long as I can, trying to savor this moment, lock it in my brain for a rainy day with my vibrator, because holy hell it’s unlike anything I’ve ever experienced.

  No man has ever gotten me off before.

  Dex suckles my clit and does the curl thing with his fingers again, and before I know it, fuzzy stars dance behind my eyelids, and I’m doing exactly what he said I’d do. My hips are bucking against his mouth and hand, and the best damn orgasm of my life rips through my body in gigantic, undulating waves. My ass comes up off the bed, back arched, toes curling. Dex stays latched onto me, riding out the pleasure with me, his tongue relentless on my clit.

  My hands fly down to his hair and I grab two handfuls so hard, I wonder if it’s hurting him. “Oh God, Dexter.” It’s the only thing I can say.

  Once my hips decide to come back down to the mattress, I feel tingly all over, like I just huffed a bunch of nitrous at the dentist office. Everything is sensitive, everywhere. Dex trails a finger across my inner thigh and goosebumps break out up and down my body.

  “There’s nothing better than you moaning my name while you get off.” Dex leans up and kisses me full on the mouth but doesn’t linger. It’s like he’s trying to make his escape before we both do more than we should.

  I can’t be bothered to do much of anything. I just want to lie here until I pass out. I feel like I just sprinted a marathon in three minutes.

  How the hell did he make me come that fast? I can’t even do that to myself.

  Dex hops up and pulls his shirt on.

  “I really had a great time tonight. Not just because of…” I trail off, already needing to yawn because he just pulled every ounce of energy from my body. Part of me feels bad. He made me feel so damn good and now he’s about to bounce. I should at least give him a hand job or something, help the guy out. But I’m so damn spent, I don’t know if I could, even if I wanted to.

  When he walks back over, I catch a glimpse of the outline of his hard cock against his jeans. God, he’s big. Of course he is. And I got him all worked up and now he’s just going to leave.

  When he makes it back to the side of the bed, I instinctively reach out and touch it.

  His eyes roll back for a second, then come down and land on mine. He leans over and his lips brush up against mine. He nonchalantly mo
ves my hand away. “Another time. Tonight was all about you. See you soon, Abigail.”

  And with that, he turns and walks right out the door.

  I listen for him to leave the apartment, then kick my legs and let out a squeal that comes out of nowhere. But, damn. That was just—wow. Dexter Collins has skills. His damn tongue is magic.

  I want to just pass out, but I need to get my phone and do a few things before I go to sleep. I grab my robe and wrap myself up in it. I need to take a shower, but I don’t want to, because I smell like Dexter after he rubbed all up on me. I check my phone a few minutes later and I have four messages.

  Kyle: Hey, where are you?

  Kyle: You should come out to The Gage.

  Kyle: Barbie and Nick are totally making out.

  Kyle: Where the hell are you? I miss you.

  I laugh about Barbie and Nick. How drunk did they get?

  I should text Kyle back, but my mind is still on Dex. It just feels wrong to message Kyle right now. The worst part is it shouldn’t. Ugh, I know it sounds corny as hell, but I don’t get why people can’t just get along.


  I nab Abigail as she walks outside the office. It’s been exactly two days and twenty hours since I ate her pussy on her bed, not that I’m keeping track or anything. “Excuse me? You work in that big building right there?”

  She looks gorgeous. I didn’t talk to her Sunday and I was out of the office yesterday.

  “Yeah. You better watch out. The boss is pretty cute, and he doesn’t let us fraternize with strangers.”

  “Dating the boss, huh? Sounds like trouble.”

  “Something like that.”

  “Man, and here I was about to ask you to dinner. Doesn’t look good for me.”

  She hems and haws for a few long seconds, staring up at the sky, pretending to think it over. “Maybe I can pencil you in. The boss had a big evening planned, though.”

  I slide a hand to her hip, yank her closer to me, and pin her with my gaze. “I’ll show you a much better time.”

  Her eyelashes flutter for a split-second. “Well, I just, that’s some offer. I don’t know. I mean I was really looking forward to some takeout and all the Hallmark Christmas movies.”

  “Thought you had a big evening planned with the boss?” I clutch my hand to my heart like I’m wounded.

  Abigail grins like an idiot.

  I grab her hand, finally ending our little game. “Where you headed? I’ll walk you.”

  She holds a hand out and hails a cab like it’s nothing. Must be nice to be smoking hot in a city full of male cab drivers. I’ve never seen anyone get a cab that fast and now I’m definitely riding with her in case this asshole gets any ideas.

  “Right here. That’s my cab.”

  “Perfect. We’ll get some drinks then go to dinner. I know a great place.”


  “It’s gonna happen, so just agree.”

  She grits her teeth. “You’re not gonna let me leave by myself, are you?”

  I shake my head slowly.

  Her head cranes around and I wonder what she’s looking for but don’t comment. Finally, she huffs out a sigh and grins. “Fine. Come on. This food better be amazing.”

  “Don’t ever doubt me, Whitley. You’re better than that.” I open the door for her.

  She slides in. “Yeah, yeah. We’ll see how you do on my rating scale.”

  “Wait, you rank your dates?” I slide in next to her, my curiosity piqued. “How does that work?” My thigh brushes up against her leg and my dick takes notice immediately.

  “It’s a secret.”

  “How am I doing so far?”

  “Meh… I don’t know, depends on dinner.”

  “We both know I’m the opposite of meh.”

  “Someone’s full of themselves.”

  Someone’s going to be full of me if she keeps lacing her words with innuendo. “It’s not cocky if it’s true.”

  “Oh really?”

  “Yes, really.” I fire off the name of the place to the driver. He better keep his eyes front and fucking center. Wells owns one of the hottest new restaurants in Chicago. He told me to stop by anytime I want, and I can’t think of a better time than this.

  Abigail smiles over the brim of her wine glass. She’s next to me in a private booth. Wells isn’t here, but that’s not surprising. The hostess seemed like she knew who I was the second we walked in.

  “This place is amazing.” She gazes around the opulent dining room taking the scenery in. Everything is white. Except for the walls. They’re a slate gray, but the tables and chairs are all white. A silver candelabra hangs over the table and there’s a red rose arrangement between us with a few tealight candles. Our first date was casual, and now I’m slowly building up the romance, just like in the movies. Can’t blow your load and go full-on romantic on the first date.

  Of course, I have to give her the obligatory modest reaction. “It’s okay.”

  “Are you kidding?” She grins. “Anyway, I enjoy being wined and dined, sir.”

  I have to stifle a groan when she calls me ‘sir.’ Fuck, it’s hot. “What else do you enjoy?”

  Her tongue peeks over her bottom lip, and I lean forward and kiss her before she can answer the question. Her cheeks bloom a soft shade of pink.

  As I pull away, she sits there, momentarily stunned before her eyes open.

  “I enjoyed that kiss. I like spontaneous things like that.”

  I lean in next to her ear. “I’ll make a note.” My hand slides up her leg. Personally, I’m thoroughly enjoying the way her skirt rides up her thigh.

  “Dex.” Her word comes out on a sigh, but she doesn’t try to squirm away. In fact, it feels like she’s fighting the urge to roll her hips toward my fingers.

  My mouth remains next to her ear, and I exhale warm breath down her neck when I speak. “I could fucking devour you right here on this table.”

  Goosebumps pebble down her arms and I feel them along the bare skin of her leg. “You’re making things very hard for me.”

  “That’s my line, Abby.”

  “You’re driving me…”

  My hand roams farther up her leg, until I’m inches from her panties.

  “Insane,” she finally huffs the last word out on a labored breath. “And nervous.” Her eyes dart around the room, then roll back when I slide my hand a little farther up to where she wants it.

  I lean in closer, close enough I could easily brush her blonde curls away and kiss that spot halfway between her ear and collar bone. “Good.” I graze her earlobe with my teeth.

  A shiver runs through her entire body and she tenses for a brief moment. “Someone could see,” she whispers. She paws at my hand but it’s a half-assed attempt at best.

  We both know what she wants and where she wants it.

  I grin against her neck. “Let them see.”

  “Dex.” She pushes against my hand again.

  I start to pull it away and she grips me with her fingers, keeping it right where it was.

  That’s what I thought, Abigail.

  “Can I ask you something?”

  “No. I’m afraid of what I’ll say with your hand right there.”

  I smirk and continue my line of inquiry. “Have you seen anyone come near us? Since they dropped off the wine?”

  Abigail shakes her head.

  “There’s a reason for that.” I hook a finger in her panties and slide them to the side, exposing her pussy under the table.

  “Oh my God.” Her breasts rise and fall in her top with each of her deep breaths.

  I love every second of how bad she wants this, how much she’s trying to fight it, but she just can’t. She wants me just as bad as I want her. It takes an act of sheer willpower and determination not to bend her over this table, eat her pussy until she moans my name on repeat, and then fuck her so hard she can’t stand up straight.

  I slide one finger across her clit, and she lets out a light gasp. “S
till want me to stop?” Her pussy is so hot and wet I can feel it on my hand. I rake my gaze up and down her face and body, taking in every single reaction, every bit of data I can gather for future use.

  “No.” The word comes out on a whisper.

  “Didn’t think so.” I know exactly how to make her come all over my hand without causing a scene. It has to be a gradual ascent, like a good symphony. Start slow, then build to the climax. Unlike last time when I just had to prove I could get her off anytime I damn well pleased. I continue to work her, rubbing lazy circles over her clit. It’s only a matter of time before she claws at the linen tablecloth.

  Her lips part ever so slightly, and I don’t need a better invitation.

  It’s time.

  I slant my mouth over her cherry-red lips and push two fingers inside her sweet, hot pussy. Fucking hell, she’s soaked, and my dick rages against my slacks, jealous of my fingers.

  Pure, untamed sexual energy courses through her body. I can feel it up against me, feel it in my fingers, in the air around us. She’s so damn close, but she’s holding back, most likely because we’re in public.

  I press my forehead against hers, so that we’re eye to eye. And fuck if I couldn’t get lost in her eyes. They’re so innocent and helpless as she stares at me, completely vulnerable in the moment. It’s a stare that says, I want to give myself to you, but please don’t hurt me.

  Right then, something stirs deep inside me, and it’s not even one-hundred percent sexual. It’s just a deeper connection, on a molecular level, a force that can’t be described, pulling me closer to her soul.

  “Just let go, Abby. You can trust me.”

  I take two fingers deep and curl them inside her, hitting that deep spot nobody else knows about. At the same time, my thumb strokes over her clit.

  Her eyes lock on mine, inches apart, for another brief second. It’s like I’m having an entire conversation with her and no words are being spoken. Then, all at once, her hips rise and her hand grips my forearm.

  Her pussy clenches and a tremor rips through her body. I move my other hand over her mouth to stifle her moans, our foreheads still pressed together. Her eyes roll back into her head and I ride out the waves from her orgasm.


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