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Cocky Suits Chicago: Books 1-3

Page 61

by Alex Wolf

  I stand up. “I’m going to go check on Dex.”

  Quinn steps in my way. Her eyes are wide. “Don’t. Trust me. Whatever it is let him cool down and work through it. If you go out there it’ll be worse. Seriously. Him and Deacon are exactly alike.”

  “I’d listen to Quinn,” says Tate.

  “No.” I shake my head. “He can be pissed at Decker all he wants but he has no business treating me that way. I didn’t do anything.”

  I grab my coat from the hall closet and find him outside pacing on the sidewalk. “What the hell happened back there? You don’t just shoot me dirty looks and walk out on your family and me with no explanation.”

  His hands are trembling and not from the cold. “Just let me be, Abby. Fuck! I just need five minutes.”

  I shake my head. “No, if you want us to work, you talk to me.”

  He points a finger in my face. “You mean the way you came and talked to me when you were doing research on my friend?”

  Shit. It was about Covington. “I was doing my job. What my boss told me to do.”

  “Horse shit! You knew Decker was working behind my back, but you said nothing. Not one word. You knew about Wells. You saw us at the bar, you knew who he was so don’t act all innocent now. You went behind my back with my brother to sabotage me.” His hands ball into fists and his face is bright pink. “Were you even going to tell me at all?”

  “Oh, can I speak now? Or would you like to keep screaming at me like a child throwing a tantrum?”

  “I told you to leave me alone for five minutes and you didn’t listen. What you see is what you get.”

  “I didn’t know what was going on, Dexter.” I point at him. “This is why I knew we were a bad idea.” A tear slides down my cheek as I say the words, because I knew this was coming. I knew something like this was going to happen. “I told you we wouldn’t be able to keep business and personal separate, but you kept at me, kept pressing, until I gave in and now look at us. Is this what you wanted? You’re breaking my heart right now and you promised me you wouldn’t.”

  “Just doing your job?” He scoffs. “Rationalize it and play the victim all you want. You betrayed me. You didn’t come talk to me. You hid things from me and now you act like it’s my fault. I don’t need this shit.”

  I’m not going to sit here and be his punching bag. I don’t have to put up with this. Not from him. Not from any man. Maybe my mom was right, and he is just a boy, throwing a hissy fit, all up in his emotions like women supposedly get.

  “Yeah. My job.”

  “That’s what everyone around here says. I’m just doing my job but when I’m the one doing mine, I get fucked.”

  “I didn’t do this to you.”

  “Right. You just fed the information to Decker during the day and fucked me at night. You know what, Abigail? Why don’t you go back in the house with my brother and enjoy the holiday. He’s the one who pays your fucking bills. Business is business, right?”

  Tears burn in my eyes as he climbs in his car and squeals the tires, leaving a trail of smoke behind them.

  I cover my face with my hands and the back of my throat burns. He just left me here, knowing I’d be alone with his family after what just happened.

  I don’t know if I’ve ever been so ashamed in my life.

  I wipe the tears from my eyes.

  Fuck you, Dexter!

  I start toward the end of the driveway with my phone in my hand, because there’s no way in hell I’m going back in that house after what just happened. It’s too humiliating.

  The front door opens, and Tate and Quinn come rushing out. They probably heard Dexter peel out of the driveway like an idiot.

  “Just come back inside, please?” Tate wraps her arms around my shoulders.

  I shake my head. I can’t. And if I see Decker, I might blow up at him and lose my job. “I’m fine. I’ll call an Uber. Really.”

  “I’ll drive you home,” says Quinn.

  I can’t even look at her, I just nod.

  “Just let me tell Deacon and grab the keys. Did you bring a purse?”

  “I’ll grab it.” Tate gives me another squeeze on the shoulder.

  I sniffle and try to dry my eyes on my sleeve where they can’t see. I’m a mess, crying in front of all my coworkers.

  A few minutes later, I’m in the car with Quinn.

  She turns the radio down. “You don’t have to talk about it if you don’t want.” Her gaze and tone softens. “But I’m here if you need me. Those boys can act like idiots sometimes.”

  “I appreciate the offer, but I’m fine, really.” I’m not fine. I’m anything but fine right now. I can’t be with someone who doesn’t respect me. The only good thing about today is that Barbie is at her parents’ house, so I can’t explode on her and end up homeless.

  Quinn pulls down my street in front of my building.

  “If you need anything call me. We can grab lunch one day next week.”

  “Sure. That’d be great.” I know it won’t happen, but Quinn is nice, and I don’t want to be a bitch to someone who doesn’t deserve it. I know her loyalty is with Dexter. She’s engaged to his twin brother. Anything I say to her will get back to him.

  She drops me off and I walk inside. The apartment is quiet and cold. I turn the heat up and sulk down the hall to my bedroom and change into sweats and a t-shirt. I put on fuzzy socks and twist my hair up into a messy bun.

  Finally, I settle in on the couch and watch the Hallmark Movie Channel with a pint of sea salt caramel ice cream.

  I’m halfway into my movie when someone bangs on my door.

  I don’t want to answer. It’s most likely Dex and he’s either here to be a bigger asshole or to get on his knees and grovel. I don’t have the patience for either of those scenarios tonight.

  I do walk over to the door though, my curiosity getting the best of me. I look out the peephole and it’s Kyle.

  I open the door and he takes one look at me, then pulls me in for a hug. “Are you okay?”

  I shake my head. “No, my life is shit right now.”

  “What happened?” He takes a step inside and I close the door. “Were you crying?”

  I look in the mirror and my eyes are still red as hell. “No. It’s… I’m fine.”

  “Did he do this?”

  “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  He hems and haws for a second, but surprisingly he doesn’t mention Dexter again. “Well, come to the apartment. We have chocolate cake and shots. Nick brought a bunch of food from his family’s get together. We’re just chilling. Don’t sit here all alone on Thanksgiving.”

  I glance around my apartment. He’s right. I shouldn’t have to sit here all alone, miserable. “Okay.” I grab my keys and leave my phone. “Just for a bit, though.”


  I’ve driven around aimlessly for about half an hour trying to cool off. I know I shouldn’t have exploded on Abigail the way I did. I was pissed at Decker mostly. Yeah, I’m upset with her, but I shouldn’t have taken off like I did and left her alone at Decker’s house. If she would’ve just given me five fucking minutes by myself, it’s usually all I need to cool down. But when I’m like that and people don’t leave me alone, I say and do hateful shit. She wouldn’t stop pressing and I just lost it.

  I don’t know what I’m doing. I’m too mad to see Decker right now, but I need to at least go back and drive Abigail home. Then she can tell me she never wants to see me again and scream in my face or whatever she needs to do. I’m in the right frame of mind and won’t act like a maniac this time. I deserve it, whatever she does. Who knows what the hell everyone else is saying to her about me.


  I turn my car back around and head to Decker’s house as much as I don’t want to. I pull up and leave the Chevelle running in the driveway and jog to the door. Tate comes to the front and glares like I’m the world’s biggest asshole.

  That’s fair.

  She steps outside and
lowers her voice like someone might be listening in on us. “She’s not here. What the fuck is wrong with you, Dexter?”

  I inhale a deep cold breath. “I don’t know. Your goddamn fiancé was acting like an idiot and he had Abigail running research projects on Covington behind my back, telling her not to report to anyone but him. I’m sure you were read in on it, but Wells is my friend. Not just a client. And he had my girlfriend investigating him and nobody told me shit.”

  “Did he now?”

  “What, you didn’t even know?” I shake my head. “Fucking figures.”

  “I’ll handle Decker. Just go patch things up with Abigail. She was really upset.”

  “I told her to leave me alone for five minutes, she didn’t listen.”

  Tate points a finger up at my face. “Listen up, short stack. It doesn’t fucking matter who started it or who didn’t do what or who was wrong. You assholes get to rule the workplace with an iron fist, women rule everywhere else. Get your shit together, snapping at her like that. You’re the man, now go apologize. Those are the goddamn rules of the universe if you like to get laid and be with a badass like Abigail. So suck it up.”

  “Where is she?”

  “Quinn drove her home.”


  “Hey, Dex?”


  “Please work things out with her. She really loves you, and you two are perfect for each other.”

  I walk back to my car and say over my shoulder, “I’ll do my best.”

  When I’m back in the Chevelle, I grab my phone and dial Abigail. There’s no answer. No surprise. She’s no pushover. It’s one of the many things I love about her.

  I drive straight to her place but there’s no answer when I call again from the car.

  I make my way up her stairs, dreading every step, wondering what the hell I’m going to say. Finally, I stop in front of her apartment door.

  I knock.

  No answer.

  I knock again. “Come on, Abigail. I know you’re there.”

  A door down the hall opens and that prick Kyle walks out of his apartment. He spots me and has a smug grin plastered across his face.

  Don’t say shit to him, Dexter. Don’t do a damn thing or you’ll never get her back.

  He takes a few steps toward me. “She’s not home.”

  “How the fuck do you know?”

  Damn it, just be civil to this prick. Turn the other cheek.

  He smirks at me. “Because she’s in my apartment.” He hooks a thumb behind him. “And she doesn’t want shit to do with you.”

  I shake my head at him. “You’re pathetic. Your manipulation bullshit won’t work, kid. Go fuck yourself.”

  “I might fuck someone else who’s sitting on my couch. Because I’m not lying.”

  To hell with being nice.

  “I’m getting sick of your shit, you smug little prick.” I start toward him, fist clenched.

  His eyes get big. “I’m calling the cops if you don’t get the hell out of here.” He yanks his phone out of his pocket.

  “You don’t own the building. I’ll bring a sleeping bag and camp out in the goddamn hallway if I want to, dipshit.”

  “No, but you’re walking toward my apartment threatening me.”

  “I don’t need to threaten you before I kick your ass. Now get out of my face before I punt you out a fucking window.”

  “Fuck you.” He flips me off, but damn near stumbles over his feet as he backs up toward his door.

  “Kyle? Where’d you go?” Abigail steps out into the hallway in her damn pajamas with a beer in her hand.

  I don’t know if I’ve ever felt so fucking stupid in my life. I thought for sure he was lying. No way would she be in his apartment. Less than an hour and she already ran off and started drinking with him. Everything in my body aches, all over. My heart feels like it was just ripped out of my chest. I keep waiting for anger and rage to consume me, but it doesn’t. It feels like my body might collapse on itself. I have to get the fuck out of here.

  Kyle stands there with a cocky, ‘I told you so’ smirk on his face, and I’ve never felt so emasculated.

  I shake my head right at her. “Unbelievable.”


  “I can’t believe I came here to apologize. Enjoy your evening.”


  Her word hits me in the back and I just keep walking.

  To hell with everything.


  I can’t stop crying and I don’t remember ever being this upset in my life. Dexter was a total asshole, but I can’t get the look on his face out of my head. I didn’t make him mad, I hurt him. The worst part is I don’t know if I should feel bad or not. I don’t know how to feel.

  Yeah, I probably shouldn’t have come to Kyle’s, but I was so upset, and I just didn’t want to be alone. I know how it looked to Dexter but it wasn’t what he thinks. He’d never listen to me if I tried to tell him and I shouldn’t have to explain myself anyway. He’s supposed to trust me. He’s the one who blew up and acted like a damn idiot. If he hadn’t done that, I wouldn’t have been back at my apartment all alone, eating ice cream.

  Kyle walks up with two full shot glasses. “Here, it’ll help.”

  I shake my head. I shouldn’t even still be here, but my feet feel like concrete and I just can’t move. Nick is in the bedroom playing some video game so I’m all alone with Kyle in the living room.

  Get up and leave.

  Kyle plops down next to me. “More for me then.” He takes both shots, back to back. When he’s done, his eyes dart over to me. “You’re better off.”

  “Don’t. Please. I need to go.”

  I start to get up and his hand moves to my thigh.

  I glare down at it. “What are you doing?”

  He leans up. “Oh come on, you deserve better than him. Someone who knows how you should be treated.”

  I shove his hand off me. “What the hell are you even saying?”

  His jaw ticks. “You know what I’m saying. You have a guy right here in the same hallway who cares about you and you’re off messing around with some asshole twice your age.”

  “He’s not twice my age and you’re supposed to be my friend.” I stand up. “Dexter was right. What did you say to him that night in the bar?”

  He remains silent, sitting there, brooding.

  “I’m out of here.”

  When I take two steps, Kyle leaps up from the couch.

  “Of course you are, you fucking tease. Go on, run back to him. It’s what you bitches do best.”

  My face heats up and every muscle in my body constricts, partly because I’m pissed at Kyle and partly because Dexter was telling the truth and was right. I was stupid not to listen to him. I wheel around on Kyle. I want to say mean things to him, but I don’t want to stoop to his level. I’m tired of being angry today. Everything hurts. My heart aches for Dexter. A real friend would be comforting me right now and not because they wanted to get me drunk and get laid.

  “You’re pathetic.”

  “Don’t, Abigail. Just stop with the whole pity thing.” He waves a finger up and down. “It doesn’t suit you. You’re just like all the pretty girls in high school, running after the hottest dude you can find, even if he’s a total prick to you.”

  “It’s true, I do pity you, Kyle. You know why?”


  “Because you were nice to me when I moved in. I liked you and Nick. I thought you were actually my friends. And if you’d asked me out on a date before Dexter did, I would’ve said yes. You were too insecure to even try. But now, I wouldn’t pour water on you if you were on fire. Have a great Thanksgiving.”

  I storm out while he stands there, staring at the ground.

  You did the right thing.

  I could’ve gotten into a shouting match with him, but what would that have done? It feels so much better knowing I was the bigger person. And I wasn’t lying. I would’ve gone out with him, bu
t now I won’t, ever.

  Now, I just have a broken heart I need to get over. I’m so done with relationships, for a long time.


  It’s been two weeks and Dexter and I haven’t spoken since he saw me in the hallway. I know it didn’t look good, but what the hell? It wasn’t what it looked like and I’m not going to chase him down and apologize when he’s the one who acted like an idiot.

  It’s been tense and awkward at work. I go out of my way to not cross paths with him. Not because I don’t want to see him. I do. I miss him like crazy, but it’s just not worth it. He hasn’t even said he’s sorry and I’m sure he won’t. All he’ll remember is seeing me in the hallway and forget everything he did before that. I need to get out of this city. I don’t want to be at work around Dexter and I damn sure don’t want to be around Kyle or Barbie.

  It’ll take some time to get used to being single after Dexter, but once I’m over it, I’ll be happy again.

  Any time I do happen to see Dexter, it’s like I don’t exist. He doesn’t glare, doesn’t look frustrated, just carries on like I’m nothing to him.

  I can’t believe I put myself in this position. He promised me he wouldn’t do this to me. I don’t know what to do.

  Living with Barbie has been unbearable. She’s back to being a total bitch. She hates the world thanks to Chuck and wants to make everyone as miserable as she is, not that she didn’t before, but it’s worse now.

  Tate and Quinn have reached out multiple times, but I’m just not good at this stuff. I don’t want to talk about my problems with them. I know where their loyalties lie.

  I wouldn’t expect anything less, either. They’re both engaged to his brothers. If I was in their shoes, I’d report back everything I heard. It makes me feel so out of place. I can’t wait to go home to Texas for Christmas. It’s my favorite thing in the world and I refuse to let Dexter ruin it for me.

  I turn the corner and catch him walking a female client to the elevator. My heart sinks when I see his hand at the small of her back. I’m sure it’s nothing. He’s probably just being polite, but it’s like a knife to the heart. That was something I thought he only did for me. Every feeling I have is amplified by a thousand any time he’s near me. Just seeing him hurts.


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