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Taboo Boss: An Older Man Younger Woman Romance

Page 23

by Black, Natasha L.

  There might only be one aunt and cousin for now, but with as many Anderson brothers as there were, I had a feeling it wouldn’t be too long before there were plenty more aunts and cousins for our little Rosie to love.

  We got off the phone just as Tom was coming through the door.

  “Hey,” I said, standing up from the couch to give him a kiss. “You’re home early. I thought you had that late meeting today.”

  It was still strange to think there was another secretary now. Somebody else to try to organize Tom’s day and keep him on track. But I had trained Anthony myself, and I was confident he would do well. After a few months of not working in the office, it was still odd. I had gotten so used to the rhythm of work, I still sometimes woke up and started going into the motions of heading into the office.

  But I wouldn’t have it any other way. Nothing had ever made me as happy as being home with Rosie.

  “I rescheduled it. I wanted to get home today. How did the appointment go?” he asked.

  “It went really well,” I said, carrying Rosie toward her nursery. “I’m all healed.”

  “Really?” he asked, sounding excited.

  I laughed and nodded. I knew why he was so excited. I was, too. Six weeks meant we were finally cleared and didn’t have to keep our hands off each other anymore.

  Tom didn’t follow me into the nursery but headed toward the front of the house. I figured he was going into the kitchen to get a drink and snack after work like he usually did. I put Rosie in her crib and stood with my hand rested lightly on her chest and belly like I always did. I found that the soft pressure helped her to stay calm and kept her relaxed through the transition from my arms into the crib.

  When I slipped out of the nursery and headed into the kitchen, I discovered Tom down on one knee. I stopped and laughed.

  “What are you doing?” I asked.

  “Amanda, I love you more than life itself. I never thought I’d find this kind of love in my entire life, and I am beyond blessed that I found it with you. I believed I would be alone forever, and yet you were right there in front of me the whole time. I’m kicking myself for taking so long to realize it, but I don’t want to waste another moment. Now that I know and have you, I have grown so much. We have grown so much together. We have our daughter. Now I want you to be my wife. Will you marry me?” he asked.

  I didn’t know when I started crying, but tears were streaming down my face when I nodded.

  “Yes,” I croaked out, laughing at how pathetic I sounded.

  Tom jumped up and threw his arms around me. He gathered me close and kissed me. Our kisses grew deeper, building in heat and intensity as we pressed our bodies closer. He took my hands and guided me through the house and into the bedroom.

  As the bedroom door shut, Tom closed the curtains, making the room gloriously, comfortably dark. A baby monitor near the bed was silent, giving us the opportunity to close the rest of the world away and make our own little alcove together, just us, without fear or worry. Tom stood in front of me, his smile warm and excited, and I returned it with one of my own. I pulled my shirt up and over my head, and he pulled me in for a deep kiss. I melted into him, letting reality outside of that room disappear.

  Tom reached behind me to unbuckle the bra, and I felt it loosen as it opened. He pulled it over one arm, and I fell back a bit to let it fall from my chest. Immediately, once it was gone, he pressed me against him, and my full, heavy breasts pressed against his chest. I began working at the buttons of his own shirt and got them open quickly, as the passion of our kiss built. Soon, we were skin on skin and moving toward the bed, Tom walking backward. He stumbled as he reached the edge of the mattress and fell into a sitting position. I giggled as he bounced, looking surprised.

  “Come here,” he said in a playful growl, pulling me to him. His face rested between my breasts, and he began to unbutton my jeans as his tongue swept between them.

  When my pants dropped to my feet and I kicked them away, a groan of appreciation rolled through him, and I grinned. I would never tire of hearing that sound from him. I slowly lowered myself to my knees and unbuttoned his pants next. He sat up to help them and his boxers come off in one movement, and it was my turn to groan as his thick, erect cock sprung out and waited for my touch. As he sat back down, I grasped the base with one hand and lowered myself to him.

  Taking the head into my mouth, I heard him moan above me as he slid deeply down my throat. As I stroked him and bobbed my head, letting his cock slide through my lips over and over, I removed my panties and tossed them away. My rhythm increased, and I felt him tense and then lift me under my arms to stand. As I stood, he kissed me again and then pulled my hips forward so I straddled him. Taking his cock in his own hand, he brushed the head through my folds, and I moaned loudly when it slid across my clit. Then he positioned himself at my opening and guided me to sit.

  I placed my knees on the mattress and began to rock on him, my breasts brushing his face with each motion. His tongue flickered out to caress them, and I rocked harder with each movement, pushing him deeper into me. I marveled at the fullness of him as he penetrated me and pushed myself to relax, to let him sink deeper. I wanted all of him.

  Suddenly, his hands wrapped around my ass and lifted me, and I floated in the air, my lips still clutching his cock. When I realized he wasn’t immediately putting me down, I rocked experimentally and realized I could. I fucked him as I sat weightless in his arms, and then he turned, walking back to the bed. He laid me down, temporarily exiting me, and I scooted back until my head rested on the pillows. He followed me but stopped as he got close. Dipping his head between my legs, his tongue swept through my folds, and I cried out.

  Tom’s tongue reached my clit and gently nudged it with the tip, and I clasped the sheets beside me as the pleasure overwhelmed me. Two fingers slid inside me, and their tips brushed the upper walls, causing me moan heavily and twist my hips reflexively. My thighs clasped over his ears, and I glanced down to see his free hand stroking his cock. I lifted my leg from his shoulder and slid it underneath, making him move to maintain his position, and slid down so we were each able to pleasure each other.

  Taking his cock into my mouth again, I lay on my side as he continued to stroke my clit with his tongue. I could feel the oncoming climax building, and I wanted him in me when I did. As the pressure mounted, I stroked him into my lips, and his groan heightened my arousal. Suddenly, I felt it crashing around me, and I sunk him deep into my throat as my body convulsed. A wave of powerful shocks rushed through me as the orgasm took complete control, and I grasped at his body, pulling him deeper.

  When the aftershocks finally relented and my legs stopped shaking, he pulled his hips away from me and turned around on the bed. I looked up curiously as I lay on my back and then saw he had grabbed a pillow. I arched my back up, and he placed it just under my hips so my core was lifted. Then he curled over top of me, and I felt his large, powerful cock at my opening again. I braced myself by placing my hands on his shoulders, and he lowered himself to press his lips onto mine.

  He sank into me, and my position let him go deep inside, nearly to his hips, and I cried out. Trailing kisses down my neck, he began to thrust into me, pumping his cock into my wet, throbbing pussy. My voice began to rise in slow, uneven bursts as he drove deeper into me with each movement. I filled one hand with his hair, and the other clenched at his muscular back as he rocked into me, awakening desire for him with each thrust. I wanted to feel him empty himself into me, to know that my body had given him that pleasure, and I wrapped my ankles together behind his ass.

  Tom’s tongue slid down between my breasts and then swept across them, his tongue teasing my nipples to their full perk, and he gazed at them as he thrust, seeming to enjoy watching how they bounced with each movement. Then his hands slid up my arms, finally resting on my wrists, and he pressed gently down into the bed to hold himself up and me still as he pounded into me. I submitted to his control and allowed myself to onl
y focus on the pleasure of the moment.

  Soon, he began to thrust harder, faster as his groans grew more desperate. I knew he was getting closer, and the tension of another orgasm began to build inside me as well. I writhed under his grip as he slammed harder into me, and I craved the release of him into me. I wanted us to come together, to explode into a powerful climax as one being. My thighs tightened as the pressure built, the wave threatening to crash over me and send me into complete loss of control.

  His thrusts were frantic, wild and untamed, and I reveled in the power of them. I let myself go, unable to control the tension any longer, and an earth-shattering orgasm took over me. I spiraled, my eyes clenching shut as I writhed under him, crying out. He roared above me, and his cock exploded inside me. Our voices rose together in ecstasy as he trembled in my clutch. He held himself there as he unloaded into me, and I pulsed with him as I took it. Finally, we collapsed together, our bodies spent and delirious with exhaustion and satisfaction.

  Later, when our breathing returned to normal, and our hearts beat slowly, we curled into one another and lay dreaming of our future together. Our wedding, our family, and our life together.

  The End

  Second Chance Baby (Sample)

  Enjoyed the story? Please check out “Second Chance Baby” This is book one of the series. All stories in the series are standalone, and do not have to be read in order.

  Enjoy this free sample!



  Traveling in a moving truck had officially lost its charm. When I first packed up all my belongings into the little box truck and headed out onto the highway, there was a certain romance about it. Hopping onto a plane to travel was easy. All it took was a few hours, some hassle to go through TSA, and there I was. But driving was real. It put me right there, me and the road, seeing the country as I went. It would be an adventure, a memory I would carry with me.

  And I did. Right up until I hit hour twenty-four and the discomfort of riding in a moving truck really settled in. “Comfort Cab” my ass. Unless their idea of comfort was constant bouncing and the lingering fear in the back of my neck that came from not being able to see anything through the rearview mirror because of the truck. In that case, they totally nailed it. If comfort meant anything else, they needed to work on their vocabulary skills.

  That mark hit about ten driving hours ago, and I was on an upswing. I picked up a few tricks of the road like putting a rolled-up towel behind my back to help keep me sitting up straight and support the muscles. Blaring my favorite music for the last hour of the stretch helped as well. And now, finally, the end was in sight. I recognized everything around me, and it made my heart feel warm.

  I was home.

  Astoria looked different than it did the last time I was there. That was at Christmas. There are few things in this world as beautiful as Oregon at Christmas. But now all the twinkling lights were gone, and there were no more wreaths hanging from the streetlights along the main street in town. The six months that had passed since my last visit warmed up the town, and it was alive with green under a gorgeous crystal-blue sky. Rolling through the mountains on the same road that wound its way to the sea made me happy. A smile came to my face, and the thousands of miles crossed between Michigan and here felt absolutely worth it.

  I checked the GPS on my phone and saw I was nearly at the small apartment I would be renting. Standing outside was something else I hadn’t seen since snow stung at my skin and the smell of cinnamon and pine drifted out of every building: my best friend, Stephanie. She glanced up from the book she was clutching and noticed the truck. Waving enthusiastically, she started toward me like she was ready to pounce when I finally got out.

  If I knew Stephanie as well as I thought I did, she had been standing out there for at least half an hour already. Not just out of excitement to see me. We were extremely tight, and we’d been looking forward to me getting home since I told her a couple of weeks ago I was coming. But we also kept up over video chats and spoke just about every day. It wasn’t like she was having total withdrawals. The truth was my best friend suffered from a devastating and life-altering case of FOMO. The girl couldn’t stand the idea of missing where a gnat landed when she batted it out of the sky.

  A combination of my updates from the road and her own projections for how long the trip should take me let her come up with an estimate for when I’d pull up to the apartment. And she wanted to make sure she was there to see it. After all, she was the reason I had this apartment. Snagging a place to live wasn’t easy on just a couple of weeks’ notice. Not even in Astoria, Oregon.

  Obviously, I couldn’t make the trip to apartment hunt while I was scrambling to scoop up my life from Michigan where I’d been for the last few years and relocate it all back home. In theory I could have rented the apartment sight unseen, but that didn’t appeal to me. Not that I thought I would show up to a rat-infested flop house someone had adorned with a front door wreath and some air fresheners and called it quaint. The area I chose was good, and I was familiar with the building, which was why I chose it in the first place. But I still wanted to see what I was getting myself into. Just in case.

  So I sent Stephanie as my proxy. Armed with her phone camera and a list of what I was looking for in my new place, she went to the viewing appointment. She took pictures, made a video, and asked every question I had. As well as a few of her own. I was pretty sure those were only so she could keep talking to the attractive young real estate agent. In the end, this was the place I settled on, and I was finally here, ready to move in.

  My muscles ached when I climbed out of the door to the truck and dropped down to my feet. Stephanie ran forward and gathered me up in a huge hug.

  “I’m so glad you’re finally here! I’ve been waiting for you all afternoon,” she said.

  “I figured you would be,” I said, giving her a tight squeeze.

  Stephanie grinned as she stepped back from me and looked me up and down. “You look great.”

  Glancing down at my black stretch pants and lightweight long-sleeve shirt, I looked up at her with an incredulous lift of one eyebrow.

  “How was your trip?” she asked.

  “There’s a distinct possibility some of my muscles and joints are permanently molded into the shape of the seat,” I said. “But other than that, it was decent. There were a few hours in there when it was even fun.”

  “And a few hours when it wasn’t?” Stephanie asked with a short laugh.

  “Something like that.”

  “How’s your dad doing?” she asked.

  Some of the humor and frivolity drained out of me at the mention of my father. He was the entire reason I was back here in Astoria after spending the last few years in Michigan. It wasn’t that I didn’t love my hometown. But after going to graduate school in Michigan, I realized I’d settled in there and was doing well. My friends there convinced me to take a very good job offered to me by a headhunter before I even graduated, and I settled into a new life. It wasn’t easy being away from home and the people I loved the most, but I enjoyed it there. I never thought I’d be brought back so suddenly.

  “The breaks are pretty bad,” I said. “Both legs sustained multiple fractures. He has a long recovery ahead of him. It will be a long time before he’s able to even start physical therapy, and until then, he’s essentially bedbound.”

  “I’m so sorry,” Stephanie said. “I can’t imagine how scary that is.”

  I shook my head as I started around to the back of the truck. “He shouldn’t have been up on that roof. He’s not the young man who started the contracting company, and he can’t just do everything he used to.”

  “But you know there’s no telling him that. He’s never going to admit he can’t put everything on his own shoulders and do it with ease.”

  “Well, he’s going to have to now. At the moment, he can’t put anything on his shoulders but a T-shirt. And even that is a bit of a challenge.”

  Stephanie laug
hed. “We’ll see how long it takes before he starts trying to come up with creative ways to not follow doctor’s orders.”

  “Probably tomorrow.” I looked at the handle to the door and sighed. “Alright. Let’s do this.”

  The sound of the metal door sliding against the metal frame, then slamming into place was like a drumroll leading up to the reveal of my stuff shoved into the back. Stephanie stared at it for a few seconds, blinking. “Wow. That’s… a lot.”

  “I did have to pick up my entire life and come back here with almost no notice. It was so chaotic I didn’t have it in me to try to sort through things and decide what to bring and what to leave in storage. Besides, I don’t know how long I’m going to be here,” I said.

  Stephanie looked over at me. “You don’t?”

  Emotion tightening my throat, I glanced over at her. She was looking at me with sadness in her eyes.

  “I built a life there, Steph. You know that. You’ve visited me in Michigan and seen my apartment, met my friends, gone to my office. I had to convince my bosses to give me personal leave so I could come here and help take care of Dad. But eventually, I’m going to have to go back. They aren’t going to just hold on to it forever.”

  “I guess you’re right,” she said.

  Not wanting to ruin the fun and happiness of us being back together, I gave her a grin. “You never know. Maybe something will show up and make me stay.”

  We looked at each other for a few seconds before bursting into laughter. She shook her head and reached into the truck for the first box. “Come on. Let’s get this emptied out. My parents want me to bring you over to see them for dinner tonight.”

  It took the next couple of hours to unload everything, but eventually the little apartment was stuffed to the gills, and I was again contemplating a storage unit. I hadn’t realized how much I’d accumulated during my time in Michigan. Maybe this would be a good opportunity to do some downsizing. Of course, if I did that, I wouldn’t have it when I went back and found a new apartment. Again.


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