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The Offering

Page 12

by Rosary Deville

  The last lock snapped into place, and my body gave out entirely, and I let go. Too fatigued to save myself, I fell asleep midair.

  I didn’t hit the ground.

  Strong arms caught me. In a dream state, I felt a muscular chest against my head and then a soft mattress beneath me before I entered Caromeith’s World of Dreams.

  “Can’t I at least put something on?” The butt plug stuffed in my ass and the cage on my dick were the only things keeping me from being completely naked.

  Don scoffed. “You’ll wear what I tell you. You’re being punished for your disobedience last night.”

  “Punished, some more? You fucked the life out of me all night. I barely slept. And I still haven’t gotten off.” I grumbled under my breath, “Jerk.”

  “Think of this next time you decide to defy me. Now get on your knees.”

  My knees wobbled as I lowered to the floor. The butt plug wiggled inside me, sending jolts of pleasure dancing along my spine. The wooden floor bruised my bare skin. “But the wood hurts my knees.”

  “And that’s my problem, how?”


  “You’ve no one but yourself to blame.” He headed into the kitchen. “Come, I’m hungry.”

  I was starved, but I got the feeling only his hunger would be satisfied…much like his desire. “Do I have to crawl all the way there?” It was uncomfortable crawling around with the butt plug. It made my stomach ache.

  “Stop whining and move your ass.”

  “Can’t I at least transform?”

  “That would defeat the purpose. Now hurry up, or I’ll make it even worse for you.”

  I crawled on my hands and knees into the kitchen. The tile was even more uncomfortable than the wood. I’d have bruises for sure. At this angle, the cage tightened around my cock and pressed against my balls. I groaned and tried to take my mind off my discomfort. “I had to check on Shamar. What if he really needed my help?”

  “What he didn’t need was you showing up. Shouldn’t it have been obvious what was happening?” Don snorted. “And to think you almost had your brains eaten…of course, based on your behavior, I’m not sure what he’d be eating.”

  “Are you just planning on insulting me all day?”

  “Insulting? I plan on humiliating you. I don’t care one way or the other if I insult you or not.”

  Crawling over, I waited before him. I didn’t like his evil smirk. “Make sure your back is balanced and even.”

  “I am even…” Pouting seemed like the only option I had to defy him.

  He placed the warm plate on top of my back. “Good, now follow me to the living room. And if you spill it, I’ll make you eat it off the floor.”

  Crap. The butt plug made it difficult to crawl enough as it was, and now he wanted me to put something on my back.

  It was amazing that none of the contents hadn’t spilled yet. It wasn’t like I was a klutz, but I wasn’t a gymnast either. I had to move super slow.

  “You don’t think this is kinda extreme? Like really, really extreme?” I had to focus on keeping balanced as I crawled after him, trying to ignore the cage squeezing my cock. “I did what anyone else would have done in my situation.”

  He sat on the couch and flipped on the TV, turning up the volume to drown out my voice. “Stop here and be still.” He had a bowl of cereal, some eggs, and a drink. “Now, keep quiet while I eat.”

  The smell of eggs had me growing hungry. “And I take it I don’t get to have anything.”

  “Maybe later. If you’re good.”

  “I’m pretty sure it’s illegal to kill your beta through starvation.” Nothing was illegal about murder in our society.

  Don laughed. “One late breakfast isn’t going to starve you.”

  He seemed to take his fucking time eating like my knees weren’t aching in this position, or the plug wasn’t making me feel bloated. Thankfully, the floor rug was soft.

  “Stop fidgeting.”

  “I can’t help it.”

  “Keep quiet.”

  I let out an annoyed sound, frustrated, and hungry, but there was something else lurking in my mind. Obedience. I wanted him to punish me. I had gone against his word. As his beta, I didn’t have the right to defy him. Those thoughts irked me and refused to leave. Pre-cum and beta juices seeped from my cockhead and glistened the bars as it pressed painfully against them.

  The longer I knelt there, the worse those thoughts craving ownership got. I slipped up, and for a fraction of a second, I gave into them and moaned softly.

  “That’s a good boy.” Don stroked my hair.

  My pride stung. “I’m not a dog, you know?” Dogs were a beggar race that lived off other races' generosity or flat out stole it. No self-respecting wereduin wanted to be called that.

  “I didn’t call you a dog. Now keep quiet. I didn’t ask you to speak.” He reclined on the couch, sipping his drink.

  I bit my tongue. But inside, I wanted him to keep me there. I deserved it. He owned me. If he wanted me on my hands and knees on the floor, then that was what I’d do. This time my moan came out in a whimper. Fucking instincts. I didn’t want to obey him. I didn’t want to listen to anything I was feeling right now.

  “I’m hungry, you know? Geez…how long does it take you to eat?”

  “You’re hungry, are you now?” I didn’t like the teasing hint in his voice.

  My stomach growled in response.

  “Well, as I can’t seem to shut you up, I should probably feed you.” He took the plate. “Don’t move from this spot.”

  The moment he left the room, I sank onto my ass to give my knees a break. The butt plug pressed into my prostate, and I squirmed.

  “And stay on your knees. I didn’t permit you to sit.”

  Fucking, arrogant asshole.

  “You know, I’m pretty sure there’s a point when you can actually damage your knees from kneeling on a hard surface.” Don didn’t answer, but I heard him getting things from the kitchen. “Don?” I sighed. “I don’t like this.” I was whining, but the more I talked, the less I heard my beta instincts. “Are you expecting me to eat on the floor?”

  He walked in, and I looked up at him, still on my hands and knees. He carried a bowl filled with three eggs. He had a glass filled with ice, and beside it, one of the bottled fruit drinks that werewolves craved. It lifted my spirits. Was he bringing me food? And the good stuff too. Also on his tray was a banana, some grapes, bacon, and strawberries. My stomach growled in anticipation.

  “When can I stop kneeling?” I looked over my shoulder at him as he placed the tray on the coffee table.

  “Stay as you are.”

  “But, Don…”

  “Such a naughty little pup, aren’t you?” His voice came at the level of my ear before he swirled his tongue around the shell.


  “You are. I asked you to keep quiet, and yet, you can’t seem to close that yappy little mouth.”

  I shivered. He turned my head to look at him before he devoured my mouth, kissing me hungrily. I tasted juice and the fruity flavor of his cereal, which happened to be my favorite one. He didn’t even like it. Or at least that was what he’d said. Now the jerk had scarfed it down. Asshole.

  His tongue was demanding, and I moaned into his mouth.

  Breaking away, his lips hovered mere breaths away. “That’s it. That’s how you should sound, my little pup. I want you moaning for me.” He could spot my hardening erection trapped in the cage he had put me in. “But you won’t be coming. Not for a long while yet. Not until you’re good and punished. And know this, the next time you defy me like that, what you’re experiencing now, will be pup play.”

  With one hand, he removed my butt plug, and I sank onto my forearms, groaning.

  He tugged my hair. “Get up.”

  I enjoyed the free feeling in my ass, especially since I’d been wearing that monster for what felt like forever.

  He went to the coffee table and picked u
p one of the eggs.

  It didn’t smell cooked to my wereduin nose. “It-It’s not hard-boiled, how do you expect me to—”

  He cracked it open on top of my ass, letting it run between my cheeks. The cold yolk and whitening rolled down my skin, making me shiver. Sticky and smooth all at once, parts of it dripped down into my hole.

  I moaned. “P—ervert. This isn’t me eating. This is another one of your—” My breath hitched.

  Don pressed fingers inside my ass, smearing the egg deep. He explored me, plunging inside, then going almost out before grinding back in. I was super sensitive from the butt plug already. Overwhelmed, I sank onto my forearms again. He yanked me up by my hair.

  “I didn’t tell you to get off your hands and knees.” Leaning down, he nipped my ear. “You’re such a naughty little pup.” His arm looped around me, his fingers opening the cage. He cupped my balls before grabbing my dick. I gasped, my body trembling.

  Please let me come. I didn’t think I had voiced that.

  “Not yet, Fern. You’re still being punished.” He spooned me. One hand wrapped around my cock, his other still fingering me. My orgasm sparked.

  Right before I could slip over the edge, he squeezed my balls hard. I cried out in pain, my arousal rolling back down the orgasmic hill.

  “F-Fuck…jerk. Asshole.”

  Releasing my balls, he grabbed my chin. Kissing me, he forced his tongue inside. I fisted the floor rug. He continued to finger my hole. My body approached orgasm until he squeezed my balls again.

  “Godsdamnit, Don…”

  “See? Naughty little pup. I told you to wait for me. Keep that up, and I’ll make you burn down there.”

  I whimpered in frustration.

  “Still hungry, my little pup?” He pulled his fingers out of me and returned to the coffee table, bringing over the banana. I knew what he planned on doing. Pervert. I had spent hours wearing that butt plug, and he was stuffing something else inside me?

  “Fuck-ing pervert.” Inch by inch, he inserted the unpeeled banana into my ass.

  “There.” He stood and admired his handiwork. “Much better.”

  The thick banana, although not as thick as him, made me ache inside. It was bigger than the butt plug. What a freakishly thick banana. Where the hell had he even gotten one like that? I felt stuffed, uncomfortably so.


  When he returned, he leaned over so that his chest pressed against my back. He turned my head and pinched my cheeks. Opening my mouth, he forced a strawberry inside. I bit down instinctively, eating the berry. It was surprisingly, very sweet.

  “Good, stuffing your mouth seems to do it.” His eyes filled with what could only be excitement. “Let’s see how much I can fit in there.”

  I shook my head. Letting me go, he got in front of me. “Open up, pup, or I’ll shove these down your throat.”

  Slowly I opened my mouth. He inserted another strawberry, then another one. I started to chew. “Uh-uh, open some more. A lot more can fit in there. My little pup has a big mouth.”

  Two more strawberries went inside me. I wondered if he would let me choke. But I doubted it. He valued my life too much to kill me. That thought made my panic subside. I had to take his punishment, but I could rest assured that he would never permanently hurt me.

  Don looked into my eyes, which had already started watering. “Much better. See how quiet you can be.” He stroked my hair. He hadn’t stopped me, so I chewed up the strawberries, tasting their sweetness. A strange feeling washed over me. It was grounding like I was safe and protected. Oh no…my stupid beta instincts are back!

  I loved how much control he had over me. How he could make me take it. My well-being in his care. He could feed me more or not. Could put things into my body as he desired. I loved how firm he was with me. How he could command me, make me do it. I wasn’t tied up but on my hands and knees of my own free will. I hated it too. Right there on the living room floor, he owned me.

  He ran his fingers down my cheek, and I was overjoyed he hadn’t used the hand that’d been in my ass.

  “You’re so beautiful, Fern.” He leaned his forehead against mine. “So very beautiful.” He moved in close until I felt him smile against my lips. I thought he would kiss me. “So untamed.” I wanted it. Needed him. But he pulled away. “But I’m succeeding, aren’t I? I’m breaking you in, and you know it.” I shut my eyes, not wanting to see that arrogant smirk of his. “You’re hungry, right? So I’ll have to feed you. After all, I must care for my little pup.”

  He scooped me up at my waist and flipped me onto my back. The banana brushed against my prostate, and I cried out. I felt the pointed tip at the end lodged inside me, but it was round enough to not be painful, only snug. It burrowed deeper each time I moved.

  Thankfully though, my knees could rest.

  “Now stay put, my little pup. Otherwise, you won’t get breakfast.” He came back quickly carrying a red rope. I struggled to get up, but the banana weakened me, stirring around inside me, plunging deeper. He grabbed my wrists and tugged them up over my head before he tied them together. “There we go. You’re so beautiful when you’re docile.” I gnashed my teeth, snarling. “So docile, and yet so untamed. I wonder if I can fit inside there too.”

  “N-No you’re too big.”

  “Just the head then?”

  I shook my head, tears already coming to my eyes as I imagine the pain of being split apart.

  “All right.” He spread my knees, holding them open. “Then he’s had enough time with you. It’s my turn.” He pulled out the banana, and I’d barely had time to relax when he stuck his cock inside me, going deep. The banana had stretched me out, so he didn’t hurt, but thoroughly filled me up.

  He started unpeeling the banana.

  I shook my head. That would not be going anywhere near my mouth. It’d been in my ass.

  He started to grind into me, making me whimper. The sensations holding me hostage. “Now open wide.”

  “Mmh-uh.” I clamped my lips together. He thrust deeper, hungrier. I lost the battle, and my lips parted.

  “Such a good boy.” He stuck the banana inside my mouth, and I chewed it. “Chew a lot. I don’t want you choking on me.” He slowed his thrusting, so I no longer moved back and forth against the floor. He moved the banana deeper inside my mouth. I tried to chew quickly. “I love sticking this in you. Seeing it bunch up against your cheek. Imagining that as my cock.”

  My eyes watered as he force-fed me. Any faster and he’d be stuffing it down my throat. But at his pace, I had room to chew, however quickly.

  “Good.” He pulled free of me and stood up. I had a mouthful of banana, still chewing it quickly. He went into the kitchen and returned with some adhesive tape. It was a purple kind, and I had seen him put it on the card table earlier. The hell was he planning?

  He grabbed my thigh, spreading my knees apart, and sank back into me. Then he leaned over me and covered my mouth with the tape. “Good, now I can fuck you in peace.”

  With each of his thrusts, my body moved against the floor rug. Hands bound. My mouth still full and taped shut. I was helpless, and he road me like he had every right to me.

  Inside, my instincts loved that I was bound, completely at his mercy. They wanted him to hurt me. To show me how wrong I was for even thinking about disobeying him. I shut my eyes. More instincts swelled inside me, sending tingles throughout my body.

  I couldn’t do a lot of chewing with the tape on my mouth. But my saliva was working it through, softening it down. Sometimes I could swallow a bit of it, but for the most part, I had a mouthful and had to keep holding it, trying to chew as best I could.

  “I’m still hungry.” He grabbed up another egg. “I want it on Fern.” He cracked it open on my stomach, the egg rolled to both sides of my waist, some of it pooled inside my belly button. He pulled out of me enough so he could lick it off my stomach.

  I moaned. Feeling the tips of his fangs as he devoured the mess off
my abs. Reaching up, he yanked off the tape, and I yelped.

  “Fuck!” The word muffled with my mouth full. I chewed freely.

  “Good, eat it down. Now, I’ve gotta feed you meat.”

  I swallowed, finishing up the banana. He continued to eat off my stomach before he reached for the bacon strips. “All right, one for you. Aren’t I a nice owner?”

  I shook my head. “I-I’m not a slave!”

  “Eat it.” He lowered the bacon to my mouth, and I took it eagerly. “Good. Here’s some more.” Wereduins came from wolves, so animal meat was particularly tasty. Don fed me a few strips of bacon before he rolled some down my chest and along my abs. With an intake of breath, he feasted off of me. The hungry sounds awoke more instincts. “Now it’s time to feed you, really feed you. This time, my meat.”

  I knew where this was going, and I opened my mouth automatically, although I had yet to suck his cock. He pulled out of me, then brought me onto my knees. Moving over to sit on the couch, he grabbed my tied-up hands and placed me near his dick. “Keep your mouth on it. And if you bite, I’ll remove your teeth.”

  I did as told and took his cock into my mouth. Grabbing the back of my head, he fucked my face. I thought I might gag, but his strong alpha prowess controlled my actions and thoughts, making me relax my throat and breathe through my nose.

  I could taste my juices on his cock. My eyes watered, then he came hard inside my mouth. “Swallow it. This is all I’ll be feeding you today. Just a little snack. It’s high time I get more of myself inside you. You need to be tamed.” He stroked my hair in a sensual, loving manner. “You want to be tamed, don’t you? But don’t you worry, my little beta. I’ll submit you, and you’ll love it. You’ll love belonging to me. I’ll keep you safe and hurt you at the same time.”

  When he had come enough, he pulled out of me. “Clean it up.” I wanted to gag at its bitterness, but I licked it up anyway. The moment I finished, he tugged me to my feet and placed me onto his still hard cock. Riding him, I moved my hips in rhythm with what he was doing. I had to get off. All this pleasure was driving me insane.


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