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Broken Mercy

Page 12

by Stacy McWilliams

  “You can take the car home. I’m gonna walk.” He told me as he hopped out and shut the door.

  I couldn’t let him walk around. He had odd shoes on, lipstick marks all over him and was half drunk. If, someone caught him, the press would have a field day. I quickly turned off the car and got out, following him into the store. I caught up to him and linked my fingers with his, almost without conscious thought, and we walked through the store together. When we reached the liquor section, he dropped my hand and picked up four bottles of Jack.

  “Since you’re here,” he muttered coldly, “Can you grab two bottles of vodka and two of gin?”

  My eyes shot to his, and he gave me a cold, Mason Michaels stare, over his sunglasses. I quickly picked up the bottles and carried it to the cash register, where we stood in line, in complete silence. Once we reached the register, his order was totaled up, and he paid without batting an eye. The clerk must have recognized him, but didn’t want to say anything, or was too shy, but Mason didn’t care. He wasn’t paying the poor kid the slightest bit of attention, as he picked up the shopping bags and left the store. He moved quickly back to his car and waited for me to open the door.

  “You can leave now,” he told me as I opened the door to let him put the bags down.

  “I’m not letting you drive the fucking car, Mason.” I hissed at him and he glared down at me.

  “Why? You clearly don’t give a shit about my feelings,” he spat at me.

  I stood up on my tippy toes, so I could get right into his face.

  “I. Fucking. Love. You. Asshole, and I won’t let you kill yourself, okay?” I breathed.

  For a moment, we stood toe-to-toe and nose-to-nose, before he reached behind me and tugged me closer to him. Bringing his lips down onto mine, in a bruising, punishing kiss. His hands snaked around my back, and he pulled my ass towards him, kissing me with abandon. He didn’t care we were out in public, or that he was Mason Fucking Michaels. He saw what he wanted, and he took it. My lips tingled and I took everything he gave me. I pushed back, kissing him with passion, heat and pouring all my hurt and pain into the kiss. For a moment, it was just us, as everything else, melted away, but then someone whistled and a pervy guy shouted.

  “You give it to her, man.”

  Mason pulled back and reluctantly stepped back.

  “Come home with me. Stay for tonight and let me make you forget about everything for one night, please, Amber?”

  My mind was still whirring from the kiss, so I gave him a brief nod. He leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my lips, earning him a boo from the onlookers.

  “I love you, Amber. I love you so much,” he muttered.

  My heart splintered, because I was saying goodbye to him. I didn’t want to ruin the moment, so I kept my mouth shut and gave him a reassuring smile, as he adjusted himself and then walked around the car.

  On the way back to his house, he smiled at me and his eyes shone with happiness, but as he led me inside, memories of the last six weeks assaulted me. He didn’t give me long to dwell on them, as he dragged me upstairs and into his bedroom.

  “Wait here, please?” he asked.

  I nodded at him, sitting softly on the edge of his bed. I remembered the first night I spent in his room, as he battled a nightmare. I remembered when he’d kissed me and how we’d been so attracted to each other, but it didn’t matter now. It was so long ago; it was as though it happened in another lifetime. I heard the shower running. I just sat, thinking back to everything we’d gone through together. I knew Mason would always hold a special place in my heart, but I couldn’t ever let him hurt me like he did, again. I leaned forwards and wrapped my hands around my knees, hearing Mason in the shower. I began to think about the baby we’d lost.

  I’d be twelve weeks now and…

  I shook my head. I needed to stop this train of thought, so I got up and crossed to his en suite. The door was ajar, and I could see him vaguely in the steam mirror, as he scrubbed as his chest, neck, and arms. Without thinking anymore about it, I began to strip off, kicking my Mary-Janes off at the door and walking into the bathroom. I pulled my tank and blouse over my head, popped open my bra and pushed it down my arms. I started unbuttoning my skirt and taking it and my leggings off. I wasn’t wearing any panties and Mason’s eyes widened, as he saw me stripping. I kept my eyes on his and saw him running his hand along his cock, as it hardened. He moved his finger, beckoning me towards him and I sashayed towards him, watching as he licked his lips and tugged on his erect penis.

  Once I was standing in front of him, almost, but not quite touching him, he reached out and tugged me into his arms. His hands roamed down my back and grabbed my ass cheeks, as the water from the shower pounded down on us. He ran his lips up my neck and along my collarbone, nipping and sucking as he went. My fingers stroked along his cock, and he hissed out a breath, as I ran my finger over the top, spreading a little of the pre-cum around. My body was flush against his and while mine was imperfect with lumps and bumps, that hadn’t been there weeks ago, his body was defined to perfection. He didn’t care about it, as he ran his hands all over me.

  “Fuck me, Amber, you are so fucking gorgeous,” he groaned, he thrust his cock into my hand and bit, down on my shoulder.

  I pushed my breasts into his chest, enjoying the feeling of the water hitting them and his chest touching them. I ran my tongue along his pecs, sucking and biting as I went. Enjoying hearing the hiss of breath, which turned me on even more. His hands smacked my ass and I groaned against his chest, while he did it again.

  “You like that, Amber?” he muttered when he struck my ass again, the sound turning me on.

  “Answer me,” he commanded, his hand made contact again and his lips captured mine in a kiss. My body squirmed with desire, and he groaned, while my hand pumped his cock.

  “Do you like it?” he asked, and as he spanked me and I nodded.

  “Yes,” I muttered, and he spanked me again, a little harder, which made the moisture between my legs begin to run.

  “Louder,” he commanded, and I moaned into his shoulder.

  He hit my ass again and by this time, it was stinging and sore, but pleasantly so.

  “Yes, I like it, Mason,” I told him, in a clear, breathless voice, and he spanked me again, this time catching me between my legs and I moaned loudly.

  “Fuck, Amber, you make that noise again and I’m gonna come all over your hand.”

  He moved his hands from my ass and pulled his cock free. He spun me around and pushing me against the cool tiles of the shower wall, making me hiss, as my nipples hit the coldness. He began to kiss my neck and then worked his way, down my back, dropping to his knees and spreading my legs. He spanked me again, before he pressed his lips to my crack and began to tongue me, while his hands spanked me. Then he focused on my left side, as his right hand came in between my legs, and he pushed two fingers inside me. His tongue was on my crack as he pressing his thumb to my clit, while he spanked my ass.

  “Oh, my, God, Mason,” I muttered in a breathless whisper, and he smacked me harder.

  “That’s its baby, right there,” I told him as I rode his hand and his tongue hard. He pushed in harder and faster, hitting me in time with my body slapping against the tiles.

  “Oh, God. Mason,” I muttered as my legs began to shake and my stomach tightened.

  He paused for a minute, pulling back and letting the orgasm recede, before he began pushing me harder and faster, until I was coming apart in his hands. My body detonated around him, and he held me up, while I shook and writhed against him, before spinning me around. He picked me up and muttered…

  “Wrap your legs, around me.”

  I obliged through the fog of my orgasm and his cock ploughed into me. Pulling me down, as he thrust up and making me moan, while stars erupted behind my eyes. He pounded into me hard and fast and began groaning. I pushed down, as he slammed into me forcefully and I bit into his shoulder. My orga
sm began to build, and he slowed inside me, leaving his cock inside, but not moving us.

  “Mason,” I begged.

  He pushed me hard against the tiles, before slamming into me and punishing me with his cock and his mouth. He bit and sucked on my lips, before kissing me furiously, as he continued to hammer into me. My body was on fire, while he slammed into me, over and over. I leaned back, pushing my clit against his pubic bone. He leaned down, capturing my nipple between his lips, and bit it gently, before sucking it into his mouth and then biting again. That was it. My body splintered apart, and I began to clench and squeeze around him, feeling him shooting his load inside me.

  For a moment he didn’t speak or move. He spun us round and slid down the wall, to sit with me still on his cock, on the floor of the shower. We both sat there, catching our breaths without speaking, but he pressed soft kisses to my neck and across my chest, without meeting my eyes.

  “Fuck me, Amber, that was the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life,” he told me in an awestruck voice.

  I gave him a watery smile, because my body was still trembling from the mini orgasms. I couldn’t speak because my brain wasn’t engaged, because I’d never been fucked like that, not ever.

  Chapter Fourteen


  Fucking Amber

  My whole body shook, as I shot my load inside Amber, but it felt good, right even, to have her back in my arms, where she belonged. I’d missed her so fucking much and I hadn’t slept with anyone, even though I’d been tempted. I couldn’t do that to her, to us. I spun us round and sat down on the floor, with her still in my arms, while my cock still trembled inside her.

  “Fuck me, Amber that was the hottest sex I’ve ever had in my life.” I told her honestly because it was.

  It was more than just us reconnecting. It was more than my needing her, or wanting her. It was just more of everything and her answering smile told me, she was still high on her orgasms, but I was far from finished with her. I wanted to run my tongue all over her, then fuck her again from behind and push her as far as I could take her.

  The water in the shower continued to rain down on us, and she squirmed in my lap. My cock began to stiffen again, and she squirmed a little more. Making it hard for me to think about anything, other than her body flush against mine. I leaned over and captured her lips with my own, in a soft kiss as I moved us, so she was lying on the floor of the shower. My hands roamed up her sides and under her breasts, and she caught her breath, while I tugged gently on her nipples. Her hands roamed down my back, and she dug her nails into my ass when she reached it, as I thrust into her warmth. My tongue tangled with hers, and she sucked on it, making me buck against her. My body responded to the goddess lying on the floor, staring up at me.

  Her sinfully, hot body was putty in my hands and my cock responded to her moans, as though he was a man possessed. I slid in and out of her wetness, playing with her tits and watching her come alive, while I fucked her. There was no place on heaven, or earth, that was better than between Amber’s legs and fuck, I loved it. There was nowhere else I’d rather be, ever, than between her thighs, listening to her groans of pleasure. My balls tightened and I leaned down, pressing soft kisses to her neck, and sucked on her earlobe. Before biting down gently and muttering into her ear, as my cock pressed into her.

  “Fuck, Amber, I love you so much.”

  My whole being was focused on her and I didn’t care about anything outside of her, because in that moment, I was finally home. Her body called to me and made me feel something more than the agony, I’d been living with for weeks.

  “God, Amber,” I told her as my balls slapped against her, while I thrust in and out of her wet and willing pussy.

  She leaned up and licked my neck, biting down on me as she came harder and fast, her pussy squeezed my cock and milked it. I threw my head back, roaring as my balls tightened and I came apart inside her. For a moment, I just hovered above her, staring down at her, as her body trembled beneath me. My eyes scoured her face and I gave her a gentle kiss, before I pulled my cock out and pushed up onto my knees.

  “Can I wash you?” I asked her in a low voice.

  She bit her lip, as she nodded in response and my heart rate sped up because her eyes told me that it was okay. We were okay, she still loved me as much as I loved her. More probably, because she’d have to love me more to be able to forgive what I did. I reached down and pulled her to her feet, tugging her under the water, so her back was to my front. My eyes scanned the shower and I quickly grabbed my shower gel and squeezed some out onto my palms. I quickly rubbed them together to make a lather, then began to move my hands over her body. I started with her back and slid my soapy hands down and cupped at her ass, spreading soap all over it, before I dropped to my knees and ran my hands down her legs.

  I washed behind her knees and down to her feet, then ran my hands up the inside of her thighs and her legs trembled. My hands were clear of soap after that. With shaking hands, I reached up and brought the shower gel down beside me, as I spun her around and squirted some more gel onto my hands.

  “Mason,” she breathed.

  I could see her breasts jiggle as she spoke in a breathless whisper. I smirked up at her from around her navel and ran my soaped-up fingers up her legs and spread them, by pushing them apart. I ran my hands up her abdomen, while I pressed soft kisses to her thighs and then followed my hands up. With each kiss, was the apology she should have gotten. I pressed my lips to her stomach and wished I’d held her when she was losing our baby, but all I could do was to try and make up for it now. My tongue darted into her belly button, as my hands massaged and tweaked her nipples, and she moaned my name. I sat down lower and kissed back down to her mound, spreading her legs wider and lifting one over my shoulder.

  “Mason,” she moaned.

  I was barely listening, because her wet and willing pussy was glistening in front of me. I needed to taste it, to taste her, to remind myself that she was here beside me, and she hadn’t left me. I ran my nose along her pubic bone, breathing in the smell of her. My fingers then ran from back to front, spreading her wetness around. I could feel her whole body vibrate, as she groaned my name. I licked down her clit, and she trembled, then pressed my tongue to it, pressing harder. Her taste flooded my mouth and I began to lick and suck her, like a man possessed. Her taste was everything to me and I had to keep going. Her breathless moans filled the air and I paused, glanced up and her, as her hands wound in my hair.

  “Play with your nipples, Amber,” I commanded.

  When she did as she was told, my mouth returned to her pussy. I slid two fingers inside her and began finger fucking her. I sucked, licked, and pressed my tongue against her pussy, with my eyes looking up at her. Seeing her play with her tits, while I pleasured her, turned me on. It was when she began to tremble and moan louder, that I pressed harder into her, that my cock ached to be buried inside of her wet, heat again.

  My knees were burning on the cold tiles and the water in the shower was beginning to cool. I didn’t care as my mouth continued to fuck my girl. She was riding my mouth and hand. She called my name, as her pussy clenched around my fingers, and she gushed out against my tongue. I lapped it up and continued lightly licking at her, while her body trembled, and her breathing grew quieter. Her legs shook as I put the one that was over my shoulder, back on the ground and then stood, with my boner pointing right at her. Her body was mush as I turned the shower off and led her quietly from the shower. I wrapped her in a fluffy towel from the cabinet and I quickly dried off and tossed my towel in the direction of the hamper. I watched Amber’s fingers shake, as she dried herself. My heart thumped in my chest, as she met my longing gaze and gave me a wobbly smile in response.

  “Bed?” I muttered.

  She smiled wider at me as our hands met. I tugged her towards me and wrapped my arm around her, just holding her for a brief moment and breathing her in. For a beat, it was just me holding her, and the
n she wrapped her arms around my waist and pressed a soft kiss to the tattoo over my heart. I ran my hands down her back and gave her ass a squeeze, then stepped away from her, missing the contact with her body, immediately.

  “Come on,” I told her as her legs trembled, and she shuddered.

  I led the way to my bed, pulling back the covers and following her, as she scooted inside. I was still turned on, but exhaustion washed over me. I wrapped my arms around her, thinking how far we’d come, from the first time I’d found her in my bed. I thought I was dreaming when I’d kissed her, but I wasn’t dreaming now. I pressed a gentle kiss to her forehead and relaxed against my pillows. As I drifted off to sleep, she muttered in a low voice.

  “I love you, Mason.”

  For the first time, since everything had happened, I fell into a deep, dreamless sleep, without needing a drink to help. Having Amber back in my arms, made my body relax, my mind quiet and helped me to get the sleep, that my body desperately needed.

  I woke up a few hours later and saw Amber lying beside me, gazing at me. Without thinking about it, I brought my lips to hers and kissed her as though my life depended on it. She responded in kind and I pulled her around, so she was on top of me.

  Her eyes widened as she felt my erection hardening between her thighs, and she began to rub against me. She kissed me, and I knew I’d died and gone to fucking heaven. Her lips worked against my own, my hands were on her ass and I pulled her down hard on me. She breathed fast and her tits jiggled against my chest. After a beat she muttered…

  “Fuck, Mason, I want you inside me.”

  It was all I needed to hear. I helped lift her up and rose up to meet her, as she bore down on me. Soon the only sound in the room, was our elevated breathing and her moans. I pushed up every time she came down, then reached up and toyed with her tits, as she rode my cock. When she began to pulse, I pulled out, flipped her over and pushed into her, from behind. One of my hands squeezed her tit and the other, pulled her back onto my cock. I fucked into her from behind, my balls slapping on her ass and her moans filling the room. She trembled harder and her pussy squeezed my dick. I kept going and began slapping her ass, while I pounded into her.


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