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Broken Mercy

Page 22

by Stacy McWilliams

  Her laugh made me frown, and she looked down at what I’m sure must have been a crestfallen expression, because her amused expression lifted, and her eyes widened in surprise.

  “No. Not yet, Mason. One day I will, but for now, how about we start again, and we see how things go?”

  Her counter, disappointed me, but I knew she was right. We couldn’t get married, without trying again. This time though, I wanted a simple life, no abductions, car wrecks, or crazy folks. Just us, the kids and our life beginning, because we deserved it. We deserved the happiness and I would damn well make sure that it happened for us. It was me and her, and I was no longer at her mercy and no longer broken. The broken parts of me were healed, because of the amazing, strong, and independent woman, I loved. I was so grateful for it.

  A knock at the door sounded and Amber's neighbor came in with Zach. She blinked in surprise, when she saw us sitting there, then she smiled and came towards us, handing over Zach. Amber held him against my chest, and I knew that this was where I belonged. My life was with her and our kids.

  Our happiness was finally within our grasp. As I leaned up to touch my lips to hers, the door opened and Sophia, Lucca and Lexa came in, followed by my bandmates and Joe. Everyone was chatting and happy to see Amber and I together. I glanced around the room while sitting with Sophia, Lucca, and Zach, and I knew I was finally home. Watching Quinn and Lexa with their daughter, and Lewis and Harris, I knew my family was finally complete.


  Six Months Later


  My life had become a whirlwind, ever since Mason came back into it. He’d completed the tour and had been back and forth to New York, to see Zach and me.

  I wasn’t sure about moving back to San Francisco, but he’d worn me down eventually, and my moving date was fast approaching. He still proposed sporadically, and I still said no, but I was getting ready to say yes. I’d already picked out a dress and it was currently resting in Josie’s closet.

  Only she knew I was planning to say yes. When Mason arrived back on the Saturday night, to help me pack up for my move. Josie had taken Zach for a while, to let us reconnect, because I hadn’t seen him in almost a week. We lay in bed, sated after a marathon round, he leaned down and pressed a soft kiss to my forehead.

  “Marry me, Amber. Please, just fucking marry me. I want you to be my wife.”

  I was going to tease him, but when I glanced up at his face and saw his somber expression, I knew I couldn’t do it. Butterflies turned my stomach as I nodded, without a word.

  “Is that a yes?” he asked me breathlessly, I grinned and nodded again.

  “Yes, it’s a yes,” I told him.

  He leaned down and kissed me so hard, I saw stars. He crawled over me and began to kiss his way down my body, stopping as he reached my throbbing clit.

  “Say it again.” He said in a commanding voice, as he hovered over my aching core.

  “Yes, I’ll marry you,” I groaned, as he put his lips on me and began to slip his tongue between my folds.

  “Again.” He demanded against my thigh.

  I threw my head back, as he moved his hand up my thigh and traced along the outside of my center.

  “Yes, Mase. I’ll do it. I’ll marry you.” I whispered, in a hoarse voice.

  He lowered his head and sucked on my clit, making me convulse on the bed. His fingers slid inside, and he began to pump them in time with his tongue, and I moaned and writhed on the bed.

  “Again,” he asked, as I teetered on the edge of an orgasm, and he stopped, while he waited on me to comply, ignoring my protests.

  I leaned up and looked into his eyes, as I said again in a breathless whisper.

  “I will marry you.”

  He pressed his tongue to my clit, with his eyes on mine and began to finger fuck me again. He milked the orgasm I could feel building, until it cannoned into me and carried me over the edge. Leaving me a shaking, convulsing mess on the bed. Before I’d even caught my breath, he slid inside me.

  “When Amber? When will you marry me?” He asked as he pressed his dick into me firmly and I wriggled a little, because I was still coming down from the last orgasm.

  “I don’t care. I’ll marry you whenever you like. Just choose a day and I’ll be there.”

  He leaned down and kissed me with so much passion, that I thought I was going to combust.

  “Tomorrow?” he asked, as he pulled out of me.

  I gazed up at him, seeing his sculpted chest and defined abs hovering over me, but it was the uncertainty on his face that undid me. I groaned loudly, as he pushed firmly back into me and froze.

  “Yes, Mason. I’ll marry you tomorrow.” I told him and he seemed to smile and relax.

  He began thrusting in and out of me, at a punishing pace. Soon I splintered apart again, dragging him with me, and we both collapsed on the bed, breathing hard. A few minutes passed, as we both caught our breaths, he sat up and began gathering his clothes.

  “What are you doing, Mase?” I said in a tired voice, and he turned and smirked at me, as he took in my nakedness on my bed.

  “I’m going to book into a hotel. We can’t spend the night together, tonight.”

  I began to protest, but then he came back towards me, and kissed me again and I forgot all about why I was protesting. Moments later, it all came flooding back to me and I spoke up as he pulled up his jeans and fastened his buckle on his belt.

  “Mason, we don’t have to do this. We’re not virginal, and we already have a kid together, so it doesn’t matter.”

  He met my amused look, with a firm glare.

  “It matters to me, okay.”

  I grinned up at him and rose from the bed, moving towards him and pulling him into my arms.

  “Okay, Mason. You win. Text me the details and I’ll be there. Can we make it early, though?”

  His answering smile was dazzling, and I knew he’d want to spend the day together afterwards. My new tenant was due at four and our flight was booked for eight in the evening, so the earlier we had it, the better.

  “Yes. Leave it with me. I’ll get everything all organized.”

  He gave me a final kiss and left my apartment in a blur.

  An hour later, he sent me a message, telling me that our wedding was at eleven, in the courthouse. That I had a hair appointment at nine and a dress appointment at ten.

  I messaged back to say, I didn’t need to go to the dress appointment, and he didn’t reply. The whole night, I spent on edge, as I waited for the morning.

  Zach slept well, meaning I woke up with full boobs and a starving baby. As I got organized and dressed, Josie was there, she was minding Zach. When I changed in the hair salon, into my dress, her eyes reared up.

  Mason sent a car to pick us up and the girls all fixed my veil, and helped me tie the silver band around my lace, fishtail dress. It was fitted, and perfect, I had dressed Zach in a mini suit and bow tie. He was so cute, and Joe’s eyes widened, as Bessie and I arrived at the courthouse.

  “Hey there, Joe,” I muttered, as he led us into the courthouse, via the back door. Into a room, where I could see a red carpet beyond.

  The music started and I heard, My One, playing over the sound system. I smiled as I recalled, telling Mason that it was one of my favorite songs, from their new album. I walked inside and saw him, standing at the altar, with Joe at his side. Josie was on mine, holding Zach and I smiled widely, because this was perfect. This was everything I’d ever wanted. I didn’t need a big ceremony. All I needed was the man waiting for me and our kids, who were standing beside Joe. The path was lined with flowers and the music was soft and sweet. Standing at the end of the altar, was the man, who was my idea of heaven.

  Mason’s eyes widened and I saw him mouth, ‘wow,’ as I walked slowly, towards him. His eyes blazed and I couldn’t take my gaze away from him, as I reached him. He leaned over and pressed a soft kiss to my lips. His low hoarse voice crack
led as he muttered when we parted.

  “You are a goddess Amber. I don’t know what I did to deserve you, but I am the luckiest guy alive that you’re mine.”

  “Excuse me,” the celebrant interrupted.

  We stepped back a little, turning to face the man, who was going to marry us.

  “Are you ready?” He asked, glancing between Mason and I, and we both nodded.

  The ceremony was going off without a hitch, until the doors behind us opened, and the celebrant frowned over our shoulders, as we turned to each other.

  “I object to this wedding,” the voice called out.

  I spun around, ready to murder the person, when I saw it was Quinn and Lexa, Harris and Justine, and Lewis and his new beau, Trevor.

  “Me too,” Lexa said, and everyone nodded, as Mason rolled his eyes and gave my hand a soft squeeze.

  “You think you can get married without us?” Harris muttered, with a hurt expression.

  Mason rolled his shoulders back, before he turned to face his bandmates and whistled. Everyone looked his way in shock, and I stifled a giggle, because he was looking seriously pissed off. Flora and Jamie smirked up at me, from beside Josie and Mason’s mom. I hadn’t even realized she was there, when I came in, but I was so glad she was, and she was beaming from ear to ear.

  “Excuse me Sir, is this wedding going ahead?”

  “Yes. It is. Will you lot sit down, so I can finally marry my girl?”

  His exasperated tone and his impatience with his bandmates, amused me. When everyone was finally seated, and quiet, Mason turned back to face the front.

  “May we continue?”

  Mason mumbled a soft yes, as I nodded at the man conducting our wedding.

  “Mason, do you take Amber, to be your wife?”

  “I do,” Mason said, in a hoarse whisper.

  “Amber, do you take Mason to be your husband?”

  “Yes, I do.”

  “Do you have vows prepared?”

  Mason nodded and I glanced up at him in surprise, because I didn’t. I wasn't sure if I could wing it, but before I could say no, he turned to face me.

  “Amber, you walked into the café the day I was interviewing, and I knew instantly that I was in trouble. Your goodness, sweetness, and your beauty, all captivated me, but it was your vulnerability, that stole my heart.”

  He met my eyes and lifted my hand pressing a soft kiss to my palm before he continued.

  “I know that I messed up when everything happened last year. I think I’ll probably spend the rest of my life, trying to make up for my mistakes then, but I’ll make sure that I am always, by your side. Through any more trials, tribulations, or whatever life throws at us. It’s you and me babe, as partners, as a team and as husband and wife. I love you so much, Amber and I can’t wait to spend our forever together.”

  He slipped the ring onto my finger, as I stood, awestruck by his words. Once the ring was in place, he picked up my hand and pressed a soft kiss to my knuckles, before letting it go.

  “Amber, are you ready?”

  I wasn’t. Not at all. No way could I be as eloquent, or sophisticated as he just was, but I nodded and took a breath, deciding to just say what was in my heart.

  “Mason, when I met you, I was a shell of a person. Lost, alone and without a family. Then suddenly, I was in your home and caring for Sofia and Lucca. I knew who you were, of course I did. I had a crush on you for years, but my fantasy of you, was nothing like the reality.”

  His eyes glistened and a tear rolled down his cheek, but he ignored it, focused completely on me in a way, that made my heart sing, as I continued.

  “You were this amazing enigma, I loved getting to know you, and seeing behind the mask you wore. I think I fell in love with you the first night you kept me in your bed. Leaving you behind, was the hardest thing I ever did. I regret it every day, but I’m so glad we found our way back to one another and I love you so damn much. I can’t imagine my life without you in it, and I honestly cannot wait to become, your wife.”

  He shuddered as my fingers pushed his ring on, and he leaned over and kissed me, as the celebrant laughed.

  “I now pronounce you man and wife. Keep kissing the bride.”

  Mason pulled away and pressed a soft kiss to my head, as the room erupted and everyone was cheering and laughing. It was honestly, one of the most amazing moments of my life. My heart soared, as I signed the paperwork, with the biggest grin. When I looked at my husband, I saw the same smile reflected back at me. Our lips met and I knew that I would be his forever. Nothing was going to tear us apart, not ever again. Our family, was finally complete.

  We had a celebratory lunch at a restaurant down the street, that Mason hired out, with our family and close friends. I knew I was one of the luckiest girls alive, because he was mine. It was amazing and when we left New York, I knew I’d be back. I had some amazing friends there, but I was going home, with Mason, our kids and my life was finally whole.

  I’d Broken Mercy, but somehow, I’d also made it whole again.

  The End

  Other Books

  Stepbrother: Step Dilemma Series Book 1

  Stepsister: Step Dilemma Series Book 2

  Black Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 1)

  Broken Mercy (San Francisco Rock Romance Book 2)

  Destroyed by Deception (Amethyst College Saga Book 1)

  Sing me Home

  Nothing But The Sheets

  About The Author

  Welcome to the rollercoaster world of Stacy McWilliams.

  Stacy McWilliams is a Scottish Author who loves romance. All of her books have a romantic element and her books will keep you on the edge of your seat, make you want to throw your kindle around and her characters will make you either love them or loathe them.


  "...on the edge reading..." Destroyed by Deception

  "...hold on tight and hang on for the ride." Black Mercy

  "...captivated from the start..." Candlelight

  "...kept me intrigued..." Luminosity

  "brilliant paranormal story that pulls you into her world of demons and teenage romance." Ignition

  “What can I say... I was left wanting more… More Hunter, more Savannah, just more of everything.”-Pride

  Contact her on Facebook or Instagram and she will message back.

  If she’s not writing, looking after her three boys or spending time with her hubs, she’s reading or watching TV shows such as Lucifer, The 100 and Supernatural.

  She’s working on new materials and is hoping to release three-four books in 2020. Also check out her Facebook page for updates on any signings she’s attending.

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