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The Beast Within

Page 25

by D L Goddard

  “The ritual had finished dear Anya, it just remains to be seen if your beloved Beast has any will of his own left.”

  Lirima stood provocatively, and flicked her fingers, calling the Beast to come. Without hesitating, Arahir went straight to her side. The compulsion was so strong, he had no choice. Smirking at Anya in triumph, she placed her arms around Arahir’s neck.

  “At long last … you’re mine.”

  Tears filled Anya’s eyes as Arahir had eyes for no one else but the exquisite woman in his arms.

  “Kiss me my darling Beast. Kiss me and seal our bond.”

  “No … no don’t my Beast … this is not you … fight this please …”

  Anya was sobbing while the others looked on in shock. They truly were too late. Everything they had gone through to prevent this from happening … and they were moments too late.

  The Keeper of Castle Barshael and the Living Light kissed the perfect lips of the most beautiful woman on all the known worlds … and the most evil being on any world. He wrapped his arms around her lush body, sliding his hands down the curve of her back, feeling the velvet skin and the full perfect breasts. He stroked and played her body while he kissed her, tasting her mouth, feeding from her lips … she was ecstatic swooning with the feelings running through her, the fires he was lighting in her body. His kiss was everything and more than she imagined it would be and she never wanted it to end.

  Arahir felt the final link to Anya snap and break, but surprisingly he felt no pain, only the link with Lirima fall solidly into place. He felt as if a heavy manacle was placed around his neck making him obedient to her will. He tested the strength of it … he could not escape. But there was one cause for rejoicing … he could think for himself and act as he wished to a point. The bond would not prevent his change simply because Lirima knew nothing of what he truly was, so the magic was not tied to his true nature. Lirima had truly let him be himself because she knew no better. All he had to do now was keep the game playing going. But as soon as he had violent thoughts toward her they were instantly changed to ones of love. He would have to trick her into telling him to kill her. That was going to take some doing. But tomorrow might serve him some unseen opportunities.

  As soon as the couple broke apart, Arahir realized what Lirima had done. He would feel no pain from the break because Lirima had transferred it all to Anya when the link was forged. Arahir stood stone-faced as Anya screamed in agony feeling her heart being torn from her body. He was unable to go to her because he was commanded by the Enchantress to watch as the twins cradled the body of their soul mate while trying to soothe the worst of her agony. Tears were in their eyes as they felt the flames burning into her heart as Arahir was finally torn from her life.

  But in spite of all Lirima had done, Arahir’s life spark burned even more brightly as he sent her his love soothing the very worst agony. The twins held her in a tangle of arms and legs, stroking her hair, her face in an attempt to help her refocus and come back to herself. The pain was exhausting, excruciating and even worse than the unexpected flaming birth of her son. Anya was suffocating, her air was gone, she felt as if she was a breath away from being put out. Darkness opened its welcoming arms and Anya gladly flung herself into them. The pain was no more.


  Chapter Thirty-One

  Arahir stood with his arm wrapped around the waist of the Enchantress, watching the twins trying to revive their soul mate. Inside … he was seething, but outwardly where Lirima watched him like a hawk, he was as if he had been carved from stone. She smiled satisfied as she watched idly, wondering if Anya would die from the transference of pain. She actually hoped not; she wanted her Beast to be the one to kill the woman while she watched. But as she watched the twin’s frantic struggle, she realized she no longer cared. Arahir was hers now, and looking at his face it was obvious he no longer had feelings for Anya … no one was that good an actor.

  Arahir smiled down into Lirima’s face, kissing her gently on the lips. It was taking everything he had to make himself appear the loving mate while the woman he adored lay dying. But all their lives depended on how good his play-acting went over. If he appeared to be anything other than what he was … they were all dead. He was caught. He was working his way through the bond finding a loophole that would allow him to act against his now soul mate. The bond was never intended for such a thing, but then, it had never been forced on another before either.

  The Keeper could not help the feelings he had for Lirima as they were the result of the enforced joining. Usually they enhanced feelings that were in place already, but she had increased the depth of the change, knowing how much he hadn’t wanted to be with her, so strong were these new feelings that his heart could not separate the two. Only his mind was untouched and through this loophole left in the bond, he could work against her. The rest was a very real response to a beautiful woman allowing him to be convincing. He hated every minute he was tied to her, but kept reminding himself it wouldn’t be for long. But his body was delighted to be where it was now. He was at war within himself.

  Anya was lost in the darkness, wanting to hide from the pain. She couldn’t face what Lirima had put her through. Not only had she lost her beloved Beast permanently, but he now had no will to stop the Enchantress from doing as she wished. So … Anya drifted … vaguely hearing the calls of Mir and Val wanting her to return. But the bond was very new and untried, and the twins wondered if it was enough. It had always taken the three of them to hold Anya. Without glancing Arahir’s way they called him.

  “The bond is not enough … she’s dying … whatever that witch did to your joining is killing her … we need you Arahir … help us.”

  Arahir was furious the twins couldn’t hold Anya. ‘Did he give her up for nothing? Was she going to die in spite of all he had sacrificed?’ A scathing comment lashed across their minds making the twins flinch. It was unfair even if it was true.

  “Did I give you my heart only to have you lose her at the final hurdle? Where is your strength? Fight for her fools! You wanted her for yourselves, lusted after her, tried to take her from me and now you have her … you can’t keep her alive? Try harder, I am now bound and I am stopped from helping by Lirima. I need you to try harder. If she dies after all this, I will kill both of you with her. Now try!”

  The twins realized Arahir meant every word. He would kill them both for what they had done to Anya and his bond, especially if they were too weak to hold her with them. The twins remembered how much they had played with Anya and her Beast’s bond trying to weaken its strength; if anyone had done that to them, the twins would have killed them in a heartbeat. But because the Beast sensed Anya needed all three of them, he had been unbelievably patient and giving with the one woman who was everything to him. They tried harder trying to reach Anya knowing that not just her life, but theirs were tied in the outcome. Not the Beast’s threat spurred them on, but the knowledge that it had taken millennia to find a mate for them both and without her, they had nothing to live for anyway.

  The Beast concentrated inward to where his life spark lay still burning brightly in the heart of the woman he loved. He could not help her, but he could make the spark warm her by burning brighter still. If by doing such a thing … Anya was helped then, that was a byproduct of him checking his life-essence, not helping Anya. If Lirima realized for one second he had helped Anya he would be in serious danger, but without changing expression, not even flickering an eyelid … Arahir sent a hot burst of power straight into his life force. It flared inside Anya effectively shaking her roughly out of her darkness.

  Suddenly, Anya could hear the twins calling her, feel their hearts breaking. She dragged herself back to the excruciating pain to comfort her soul mates, sending her love through the life spark to her Beast. He smiled inwardly, sending his love in reply. She was shaken to the core knowing how close she had come to losing herself. Lirima had certainly tried very hard to get rid of her, and Anya knew in spite of the bond wi
th her beloved twins, her love for her Beast still shone as brightly as before. Their link may have been severed but their love remained. She would always love her twins with all her heart, but above even their love were her feelings for her Beast.

  It was strange how the twins understood and accepted the way she felt. It was also amazing that she could love them enough to ensure their link fell neatly into place. But then … she realized why it had taken Arahir to bring her back … for he and he alone truly had her heart. No matter what the Enchantress did, or the bond she magically enforced … Anya and her beloved Beast were still soul mates. The bond might be missing, but their hearts were still perfectly matched. She could not love Arahir any less or any more than she did right now. The twins understood and accepted this. They knew the only reason Anya was bound to them was because Arahir would do anything, sacrifice anything, to keep his Anya alive and together with his son. His was a selfless love where the needs of the one loved far outweighed his own desires. The Beast was truly noble and the little trio hugging one another in sheer relief realized just how honorable and special the Keeper really was.


  Chapter Thirty-Two

  Lirima was feeling very sexy. She had Arahir tied to her, never to escape and she wanted to test if the spells she had worked on for over one thousand years and over five thousand dead children and infants was successful. She felt real heat for the beautiful Keeper and she wanted to check on the completeness of the bond. And to be perfectly honest … she wanted sex and she wanted it with him. But still, there was the problem of those still alive. She needed a quick fix for right now, so she could get what she wanted then, watch their slow deaths afterward. It was going to be a perfect evening.

  “Arahir my love, could you send the failed would-be-heroes to a dungeon and magically seal it so they cannot get out? Take all weapons and keep them safe from their reach. I want to decide what to do with them later. Would you take care of the Ogres that are bleeding all over my beautiful castle? Get rid of them the quickest way possible … be a dear. I want to spend time with you …” Lirima was almost purring in need. “… Alone.”

  Arahir kissed her slowly and passionately. She wanted him so badly she was shaking. When the kiss ended, she was panting and had to take a deep steadying breath. He smiled seductively, his eyes full of promise.

  “Don’t get too excited my sweet … the night is yet young and we want to take our time. Rushing tends to spoil things the first time.”

  He held her crushed against him and stroked the beautiful silk tresses, cupping her face in his right hand while he stroked and teased a breast with the other. She moaned in want, feeling herself getting ready for him. ‘Gods … she had waited so long for him to touch her this way.’ Suddenly she couldn’t wait anymore. She wanted him now! He laughed deep in his throat making her ache to have him.

  He lifted eyes upward, not even seeing those who looked shocked at his performance.

  “Light … strip them of all weapons … including magical ones.”

  The six grouped together found all their weapons suddenly gone. They felt betrayed and angry with Arahir. ‘Why was he doing this?’ He was leaving them at the mercy of the ruthless Enchantress. ‘Surely he remembered she was intending to kill them all?’

  Marcos looked beseechingly at the Keeper.

  “ … Lord Arahir … Keeper …?”


  Arahir’s voice cut through the air, his eyes filled with fury, flames flickered in his sockets before he hastily quelled them.

  “Light … take them to the dungeon. Make sure it holds. I will attend them later. Get rid of the Ogres; flush them out the portal that is touching the castle right now. Attend to it right away. I will be busy.”

  Then, without a second glance, he wrapped his arms around the happy Enchantress and whispered in her ear.

  “My rooms my love? Shall we go?”

  She nodded eagerly, knowing at long last, her deepest most erotic fantasies were about to come true. Her eyes glittered as the Light took them to Arahir’s private rooms.

  They vanished instantly leaving the little group gaping; But not for long. The Light apologized as she gently installed the six people into a large dungeon. It was comfortably furnished but not up to its usual standard. The furniture was spartan compared to what they had seen so far, but the group was tired. Realizing they couldn’t do anything for the moment, they decided to rest. Alexandros felt helpless with his sword and axe missing. Even Keplin found he couldn’t cast. His magic had been effectively sealed. He couldn’t conjure even the simplest magic. He slumped on the bed.

  Only Anya wasn’t worried. She had been strangely silent since she had been returned and a serene smile lingered. Anya knew Arahir had to obey the Enchantress, but he was taking huge liberties with Lirima’s instructions and she knew the home world of the Ogres was touching the portal. By ‘getting rid’ of the Ogres … Arahir was sending them home and protecting the wounded and dying. It wasn’t what the Enchantress had meant at all, and the Keeper was playing on her words.

  Anya giggled. The others looked at her in amazement. Smiling gently, Anya pulled the twins toward her. They came instantly, comforted by her love and assurance. Anya indicated the rest should sit and when everyone was grouped around her, she very quietly explained what was going on. Marcos was immensely relieved to find out his warriors were being taken care of. The small group was exhausted and it settled on the spartan cots that while devoid of luxury were comfortable and warm. Once they were settled, Alexandros stood watch. He wondered what would happen now. It was a dangerous game Arahir was playing. And they all were waiting for an opportunity to help him kill the Enchantress. But the Troll King now knew they were all worried. If they did somehow manage to kill the witch … would her death be Arahir’s death as well? Not one of them wanted the Keeper’s demise. It was a deadly loop and the Troll wondered if that was why Arahir let her finish the ritual. Only by being that close to her could the Keeper hope to finish her for good. It was a sobering thought and one Alexandros kept to himself.


  Arahir was deep inside the Living Light. Never had he felt so unclean. He had spent hours pleasuring the Enchantress until even her most erotic fantasies had come true. Arahir had played her until she was so exhausted and so sexually sated that she couldn’t move, couldn’t think, she lay on his enormous bed sleeping so soundly that nothing would have woken her. The Beast was pleased. He needed time away from her to discuss his plan with Anya and the others. This would not work without them and with Lirima truly down for the count, he finally had the time he needed.

  He was standing beside a soft cocoon the Light had created just for the baby, healing him as he slept. Caranor had lost more blood than they had realized and Arahir thanked Seren the blood flow had been stopped in time. If his son had lost any more blood, Arahir would be Lirima’s mindless slave by now. It had been a much closer call than any of them had realized.

  But here, in the Living Light where the Enchantress couldn’t go, his son was healing and safe, and would recover to grow and become the next Keeper after him. He would be a fine man with Anya and the twins nurturing him and helping him through life. The Light was already in tune with his heartbeat, she truly loved the child. Arahir was glad. He felt better knowing his son would be cared for when he was gone.

  He turned just as he felt the presence of Anya. He had asked the Light to bring her to him so they could be together while Lirima was sleeping. He felt as if he had betrayed his Anya but there was no other way. Lirima truly believed he was hers now and that he was totally obedient to her wishes. Having sex with the Enchantress made him feel contaminated, it was as if nothing he could ever do would take the feeling away.

  Anya stood looking at her beloved Arahir, sensing his distress through the openness of the Light. He radiated misery and unhappiness and Anya came within reach of his arms. Weeping, he flung his arms around her and collapsed to his knees. She stro
ked the beautiful head, sending him her love and unconditional forgiveness. She knew how much he hated the game he was playing, but he had to be convincing until they found a way to get rid of the witch forever.

  Anya slid to the floor beside her Beast whispering her love to him. He kissed her passionately, almost violently, again and again until her mouth felt swollen from being constantly kissed.

  “My beloved … I’m so sorry … I have to obey … I have no choice … I have to do as she wishes. But my heart is yours and yours alone. I wanted our love to be different, to be special and she has tainted everything. You know my truth; the Light shows you all my feelings. I wanted to be with you always. Now I have lost you, the twins are bound to you and you belong with them. How could things have gone so wrong?”

  Anya held him while he wept; the pain of losing him still fresh in her heart. He began kissing her once more, kissing until she felt she would be devoured. Here in the portal time held no sway and while Lirima slept moments only would have passed while Arahir held the woman who was his whole world. Anya felt so much love for this beautiful noble-hearted man who had stolen her heart from the moment she first spoke to him and they made love in the dark dirty cell … he had become everything to her.

  They took time to reacquaint themselves with each other’s bodies, strangely with the twin’s blessing. Even the twins understood how much Arahir needed Anya at that moment. He felt he had committed an act of such loathing that he needed his soul mate to make him feel as if he was still whole. Anya gave herself to the Beast with such abandon and such completeness that something inside Arahir managed to put itself back together. He could do what Seren asked, but without his mate in his arms, he knew he would never have been able to do what was needed.

  As they lay together, still joined most intimately, he felt her snuggle against him. On impulse he flamed around her forcing the change on Anya as well. Suddenly he wanted her again and began making love to her in earnest. He had never been with Anya like this and he wanted to feel her flame blend while he made love to her. The feelings that coursed through the couple were so enhanced that they couldn’t keep their flames separate for long. As they orgasmed, they blended causing the most unbelievable feelings of ecstasy that their flames leapt higher and higher, burning hotter than ever before. They were lost in each other, never wanting to step away and have the feelings end, clinging together as their flames had no beginning and no end.


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