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Destination: Romance: Five Inspirational Love Stories Spanning the Globe

Page 25

by Kim Vogel Sawyer

  Snap out of it, Danica. He’s not sweeping you off your feet. He held you up while you puked. Not exactly a recipe for romance.

  “I’ll be fine, really.” She reached for her carry-on and tried to avoid eye contact. Those eyes of his were far too tempting, and she was way too humiliated to see what he must really think of her.

  “All due respect, I disagree.” He looked around and then snapped his fingers. “Wait here, I’ll be back.”

  Danica stared after him. How had she gone from being sick in a stranger’s arms to letting that stranger boss her around? Some start to her vacation this was. She sighed and stepped to the side to let people pass her, and then found a space near the stairwell where she could lean against the wall without being in the way. But she wasn’t staying there because he told her to. She wasn’t ready to tackle the stairs yet.

  Her skin still tingled where he’d touched her.

  She rolled her eyes at herself, knowing she’d stay put until he came back.

  Twenty-two minutes later—not that she was counting—he returned, pushing a wheelchair and being followed by a dark skinned young man in an employee uniform.

  The stranger helped her get settled into the wheelchair and then handed her a granola bar. “Here, you need to get something in you to get your strength back up.”

  She took the granola bar, and her face heated as her fingers brushed his. “Thank you, but is all this really necessary?”

  The airport employee stepped forward. “My name is Jamal and it would be my pleasure to escort you down on the elevator and assist you through customs to make sure you are healthy and safe.”

  Before Danica could respond, Jamal stepped behind the wheelchair and pushed her toward the elevator door.


  Jamal paused. “Is there a problem, madam?”

  “I—I just—I don’t even know his name.” She craned her neck to look behind her. The stranger was still standing where they’d left him.

  He smiled at her, gave a little wave, and then joined the throngs of people flowing down the stairs. She watched until he disappeared and then sighed, disappointment dulling the ache in her neck from her awkward position.

  “Thank you, whoever you are,” she whispered as Jamal pushed her onto the elevator.


  Th e waves crashed gently along the shore and splashed sand over Danica’s ankles. The water felt heavenly against her skin, flushed hot from the sun. She wriggled her toes into the wet sand and smiled at the sensation of the sand being pulled back out from under her feet by the retracting waves. The sun was high in a brilliant blue sky and glittered over the surface of the water like diamonds. Danica couldn’t get enough of this view or of the carefree, relaxing aura it created around her. God sure created a beautiful world, and she was finally getting to experience more of it than just her little corner of Wichita, Kansas.

  Now this was what she’d saved tirelessly for over the last year. This was her gift to herself—two full weeks of no responsibilities, no boss hanging over her shoulder, no well-meaning but irritating mother nagging her about when she would start dating again, no running into her ex-boyfriend and his new wife and faking smiles and small talk, no reminders of the future she could’ve had but lost.

  She drew in a deep breath, letting her lungs expand to the max with the salty air. Thank You, Lord, for making this possible.

  The waves lapped at her feet and, in a spontaneous burst of giddiness, Danica flung her arms wide and spun in a circle, not caring if those on the beach thought she was crazy. This trip was her liberation, her cry to the world that she was done feeling sorry for herself. So her life hadn’t turned out the way she’d thought. It was time to pick up the pieces and form them into a new and different future. A life-makeover of sorts.

  Gazing out over the crystal water, no end in sight, Danica embraced the change. This Danica wouldn’t be so timid—where had that gotten her anyway? She would no longer be afraid to say yes. Yes to a new job, yes to blind dates, yes to new possibilities. Seeing as she was quickly falling in love with the ocean, maybe she’d even say yes to relocating. Who said a new start couldn’t include a move to somewhere where she could walk along the beach every day?

  Anticipation coursed through her. “The sky is the limit!” She laughed into the breeze.

  She lightheartedly kicked at the waves until an aggressive wave flung a large piece of petrified coral against her ankle bone. Wincing, she grabbed her ankle and began hopping on the other foot. “Ouch! Ow ow ow!”

  Between the unsteady footing of the sand and the increasing strength of the waves, her balance was already precarious. Hopping around on one foot didn’t help, and soon she was flat on her backside in the sand.

  “Oh, good grief.” She huffed and glared at the waves. “And just when I thought we had a true bond.”

  A muffled laugh startled her, and she craned her neck upward to find the source. A familiar hand reached down and helped her up, and before her muddled brain could process what was happening she was staring into melted chocolate.

  “It’s you,” she whispered breathlessly. “I mean . . . what are you doing here?”

  “Vacationing, same as you, I imagine. You look to be feeling better.”

  His eyes crinkled in the corners when he smiled, and Danica resisted the urge to trace the tiny lines with her finger. When his smile widened she realized she was staring, and her cheeks warmed. At least if she was visibly blushing she could blame it on the heat.

  “I’m feeling completely normal now,” she managed to stutter.

  “So splashing around in the water, talking to yourself, and falling down is a normal day for you? Now, the falling down part I can somehow believe.” His voice was teasing and she felt her lips threatening to tug into a grin.

  “Oh, ha-ha.” She playfully punched him on the arm. “No, I’m not normally this clumsy. Only when I’m sick from flying and when the ocean attacks me.”

  She pointed to her ankle where the skin was swollen and already turning purple.

  He shook his head. “Ah, I’ve been a victim of the killer coral myself. Gotta watch out for those evil attackers.”

  Danica moved farther from the water, trying not to limp on her throbbing ankle. “So . . . you’ve been here before?”

  He took her elbow as if it were now completely natural to help her walk. Should she shake him off and tell him she was more than capable of taking care of herself? Maybe, but she liked his warm fingers on her arm. Besides, the gesture was rather sweet.

  He pulled his sunglasses off his head and slid them back down over his eyes. “This is my fourth visit to Jamaica but my second time to this resort. There’s something about this piece of ocean that keeps drawing me back. I’ve never been anywhere so beautiful before.”

  “I know what you mean. I’ve never even seen the ocean before, but I think I’m in love. I never want to leave.”

  He smiled warmly at her. “I’m Aaron, by the way. Aaron Neilson. Considering the adventure we had together I can’t believe I never did catch your name. I’ve just been thinking of you as the pretty girl on the plane.” “You’ve been thinking of me?” The words were out of her mouth before she even realized they were coming, and her face burned with humiliation. “I mean, I’m Danica. Danica Stewart.”

  Aaron reached out his hand and she grasped it in a firm but gentle handshake. “It’s nice to officially meet you, Danica Stewart.” He held her hand a few seconds longer than necessary and then slowly released her. “Likewise.” She chuckled sheepishly to cover her nervousness. “I didn’t exactly make the best first impression, did I?”

  “Well . . .” He shrugged, the corner of his lip tugging upward with the rise of his shoulder. “You made some kind of an impression.”

  Danica tried to glare at him but found she couldn’t keep a straight face against the orneriness of his teasing grin. “So is rescuing damsels in distress a normal day for you, or did I catch you in a particularly charit
able mood?” “How about we say my mother raised a gentleman, and I couldn’t let someone who obviously needed help go without it. Even if she was being too stubborn to accept it at first.”

  “Yeah, well, nothing will strip a woman of her pride quite like throwing up and nearly passing out in front of a bunch of strangers.” Danica rolled her eyes and laughed. “Seriously though, I never got a chance to thank you. I really do appreciate you helping me.”

  He waved his hand in a dismissive gesture. “It was my pleasure, honestly. It’s kind of funny how we ended up at the same place.” He paused, seeming to carefully consider his next words. “Do you think . . . well, would you maybe be up for another adventure together? This time one that doesn’t involve air sickness bags and wheelchairs.” This time his grin stretched wide enough to reveal a dimple in his left cheek.

  Her heart sped its tempo, and she tried to push down her growing attraction for him. “Considering the circumstances under which we met, I’m surprised you’d even consider having another adventure with me.” She laughed lightly.

  Aaron lifted one shoulder in a casual shrug. “I’d like to get to know the girl behind the barf bag.”

  Danica let out an exaggerated groan while he grinned cheekily. “That has got to be the worst pickup line I’ve ever heard.”

  “But did it work?”

  She laughed, her nervousness fading away with his playful approach. Hadn’t she decided she would start saying yes? “Okay, why not? What have you got in mind?”

  Th e soft fabric of Danica’s skirt twirled around her knees as she spun in front of the full length mirror in her room. The sundress was a gift from her mom to bring on the trip, and Danica loved the way the deep teal color made her eyes look two shades brighter. The silky fabric brushing against her skin made her feel decidedly feminine. The loose curls into which she’d coaxed her hair fell softly down her back, completing the look. No jewelry, minimal makeup—Danica liked things simple. If Aaron didn’t appreciate that about her, well then . . . too bad for him.

  She smiled at her re flection and then reached for her sandals. Her stomach fluttered as she readied herself to meet up with Aaron in the resort lounge. She placed a hand over her belly button and released a nervous laugh into the room. She couldn’t even remember the last time she’d had butterflies!

  Aaron had refused to tell her his plans but suggested she wear something comfortable and loosefitting. Her mind had managed to concoct all sorts of scenarios, and she hoped she was dressed appropriately for whatever adventure he’d planned for tonight.

  Checking the clock and con firming she was right on time to meet him at 6:00, she grabbed her purse and made sure she had her room key—she’d already locked herself out once and didn’t want to have to ask a staff member to let her back in again. When she stepped off the elevator and entered the lounge, she spotted Aaron immediately, and a smile tugged at her lips. She should try harder to play it cool, but there was something about him that made her want to let down her guard.

  Aaron turned and caught her eye, and an unabashed grin made his dimple appear again.


  “Hi.” His brown eyes glowed in approval. “You look beautiful.”

  Danica’s cheeks warmed. “Thank you.” She cleared her throat to cover her pleasure at the simple compliment. “So what are we doing tonight?”

  “It’s a surprise, but are you up for some dinner first?” He held out his arm for her to take his elbow.

  “I’m starving.” Her stomach emitted a growl as if to drive home the point.

  “Do you mind eating outside? I thought we could try the outdoor restaurant overlooking the ocean.”

  “Perfect.” She smiled contentedly at him and let him lead her through the resort.

  Once they were seated in a gazebo-type area facing the water, Aaron leaned his forearms on the table and looked at her intently. “So, as cliché as this sounds on a first date, tell me about yourself.”

  “This is a date?” she blurted, immediately wishing she could stuff her words back into her mouth. Who came right out and actually asked if they were on a date? Way to play it cool.

  Aaron’s smile was slow and lazy. “That was my intention.”

  Her face grew hot again, and she fidgeted with the edge of the tablecloth.

  “Blushing is very becoming on you.” Aaron ’s teasing coaxed her to relax. “But you shouldn’t be embarrassed about anything. Not with me, anyway. I find it refreshing how you say whatever’s on your mind.”

  Danica let out a self-deprecating laugh. “Refreshing, huh? My mom would say it’s unseemly.”

  “Not at all.” His face showed his sincerity. “You’re straightforward and refreshingly genuine. That makes me think you’re not the type to play games, you’re just . . . you.”

  “Don’t know who else to be.” She shrugged one shoulder. “Life is too short to play games, don’t you think?”

  “I couldn’t agree more.” Aaron leaned back in his seat. Something dark flashed in his eyes, fast and hot, but as quickly as it came it was gone and the ornery sparkle was back. “If it will make you feel any better I’ll be bluntly honest with you, too.”

  “That would be a nice change of pace from my life back home.”

  His eyes caught hers and held them captive. “I don’t think it’s a coincidence that we ran into each other again, and I’d really like to get to know you. As you now know, I’m not into playing games and I respect honesty and integrity. From what little I know about you, I suspect those are both qualities I’ll find in you. This is a date, and I’m hoping there will be a second, but I don’t want to take over your vacation so I’ll let you take the lead from here.”

  Taken aback, Danica leaned heavily into the chair’s backrest. She’d never had a man be so straightforward with her—in fact, in her experience they were anything but—and she found that she liked it. A lot.

  “I’d like to get to know you, too.” A slow smile pulled at her lips. “And I’ll get back with you about that second date.”

  It was o fficial. Aaron was smitten with the caramel-haired beauty seated across from him. As they shared a meal, the music of the waves serenading them, Aaron discovered Danica was only a year younger than his twenty-eight years, an only child, and was a Case Manager for mentally ill adults. He also learned she was warm, funny, genuine, and completely clueless as to how gorgeous she was. He loved how she laughed with abandon, how she didn’t pick at her food, and how she blushed whenever their eyes connected. His infatuation strengthened when the waiter placed their food in front of them and Danica immediately bowed her head and closed her eyes in prayer over her meal.

  Could this woman be the reason you called me back here, Lord? Aaron wasn’t typically one to put any stock in “signs,” but he couldn’t deny that God had wanted him in Jamaica for some reason. Not only had he felt the calling, but the plans seemed to flawlessly fall together. The job had been easy to line up, and he’d even managed to get a last minute room at his favorite resort. He’d thought perhaps he was supposed to witness to someone, but maybe, just maybe, he was supposed to meet this enchanting, vivacious, irresistible beauty. Everything about his time spent with Danica so far felt completely natural, yet exhilarating.

  She’d laughed when he called her refreshing, but she was. His last serious relationship still left a bitter taste in his mouth. Unfortunately he’d found out the hard way that Stacey was anything but the Christian woman she’d claimed and pretended to be, as evidenced by her unexpected pregnancy. Since they’d never been intimate it wasn’t too hard to figure out she’d been cheating on him, and the betrayal was a brutal slap in the face.

  Aaron wanted a woman who was real—real in who she was, real in how she loved, real in her walk with God. He was ready to settle down if only God would answer his prayers and lead him to the right woman.

  He let his gaze rest on the curve of Danica’s cheek as she stared serenely at the ocean. It was too soon to be having these though
ts, of course, but he already felt a connection with this woman that he couldn’t deny. Still, he’d take it slow, not let himself get his hopes up—or scare her off by trying to move too fast. He didn’t want either one of them to get hurt. He suspected she’d had her own heart broken not so long ago as well.

  Danica laughed lightly. “I can feel you looking at me.”

  “Sorry.” Now it was his turn to blush.

  She smiled softly at him, and a silent moment passed between them before she spoke. “Thank you for dinner. It was amazing.”

  “Trust me, it was my pleasure.” Flipping his wrist over, he examined his watch. “Are you ready for what comes next?”

  “Are you going to let me in on the secret?”

  He scooted his chair back and extended his hand to help her up. Her small hand fit so nicely in his that he didn’t want to let go, but he also didn’t want to be presumptuous, so once she was out of her seat he released her fingers. Besides, he’d get to hold her hand plenty once they got to where he was taking her.

  “Do you like to dance?” Nervousness struck. He’d taken a gamble on what he’d planned for them, and he hoped Danica would be up for the experience.

  She looked sideways at him. “I’m not sure I’m much of a dancer . . .” His face must have reflected his quick flash of disappointment because she quickly smiled. “But I’m always up for a new adventure. As long as you don’t mind your feet getting stepped on.”

  Aaron chuckled and led her back through the resort to a large, open hall surrounded by an outdoor garden area. A live band played music in one corner and couples were grouped up around a dark haired woman in an eye-catching red dress and a tall, reed-thin man who stared at the woman with puppy dog eyes.

  “What is this?” Danica bit the tip of one finger and looked nervously around the room.

  “How do you feel about taking salsa lessons?”

  Her eyes lit up as she looked at him. “Really? I saw this on the resorts activity list and I’ve always wanted to learn, but I didn’t have a partner, so . . .”


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