Belonging to Her Mountain
Page 4
“Lock up, babe. We’ll see you tomorrow at one,” Gabriel said.
“Don’t forget the bathing suit,” Baldwin said as he walked through the door.
Tammy closed and locked the door before looking down at her pussycat PJs and wincing. They probably thought she was a head case wearing the darn things, but they were comfortable to lounge in. She picked up her book and tried to get back into the story, but she’d lost interest. As she scrolled through her list of books, she stopped on one that was a ménage. She hadn’t read one of those books before, but had bought it based on the fact that the heroine had a cat.
She pulled it up on the e-reader and started reading it. It wasn’t long before she was fully engrossed in the book. She’d never thought of some of the things associated with threesomes, like jealousy and dividing her time between two men. In the books there wasn’t any jealousy and the woman didn’t have to worry about anything. The guys handled the relationship so that she was free to just enjoy their company and the wild, imaginative sex they seemed to have.
Tammy had to stop and fan herself several times after reading a sex scene. Could she be with two men at one time? If she spent much more time with the guys, that was a very real question for her. Did they plan on continuing to date her as a threesome, or would one back off after a while? She needed to know that. Needed to know if they were both getting serious about her.
I’m probably thinking too much about this. They can’t really plan to share me, right?
Well, they were sharing her while they dated her. Shouldn’t she expect that they were both serious about her? Should she question them about their intentions, or would that be too much?
She put down the book and squeezed her legs together. Reading those love scenes had gotten her all hot and bothered. She squirmed in the chair before finally giving up and headed to her bedroom. She stretched out on the bed and pulled out her little finger vibrator. She squeezed it on and bent one leg so that she had access to her pussy without straining.
Picturing both men naked and kneeling in front of her, she ran the little clit buzzer up and down her already wet folds several times as she imagined the men taking turns licking her slit. First Gabriel would run his tongue up and down her pussy before Baldwin took over and added a finger to her cunt. He’d thrust his finger in and out of her as he licked and sucked on her pussy lips.
Tammy moaned at the sensation of the vibrator as she ran it around her clit. She edged closer with each swirl, then lightly across the top of the little bundle of nerves before returning it to her slit.
In her mind both men shoved a finger inside of her at the same time as they licked and nipped at her inner thighs. She groaned at the thought of both men pleasuring her at once.
“Yes,” she squeezed out as she pumped one finger in and out of her pussy.
Thinking of both men plunging their fingers inside of her together had her juices flowing and her head swimming with the beginnings of the climax that was just out of reach. She needed three hands. She wanted to squeeze and pull on her nipples but didn’t want to stop fucking herself with her fingers or using the little clit buzzer on her pussy.
Yeah, two men could do a lot for her sexually. But could they do anything for her emotionally? Would being with two men be too hard?
She banished that thought before she lost her climax to the serious thoughts. Instead, she pictured Gabriel sucking on her clit as Baldwin sucked on her nipples, biting and pulling on them until she was groaning with need.
Please. I need this orgasm.
Finally, when Tammy ran the little vibrator over her clit and left it there, her climax rushed through her, and she tightened on her fingers as she spasmed all over. Her ass cheeks clenched to the point of pain as her legs quivered with the force of coming.
Finally, she removed the finger vibrator after squeezing it to turn it off. She lay there for a long time just trying to catch her breath. Then she rolled off the bed to pad into the bathroom and clean her toy and wash up after her messy masturbation session.
A stray thought hit her. Did the guys masturbate to thoughts of her like she did to those of them? She smiled. She sure hoped they did. Maybe one day she’d ask them. Maybe.
Chapter Five
“Wow. I never knew there was anything like this up here,” Tammy said as they pulled up in front of the guys’ house.
“We’ve done a little work on the outside, but most of what we’ve updated is on the inside,” Baldwin told her.
“Still, it’s beautiful. I love the wraparound front porch. Does it go all the way around the house?” she asked.
“No, just around one side. There’s a deck out back with our outside kitchen,” Gabriel said.
“Come on inside so you can tell us what you think,” Baldwin said, helping her out of the truck.
They unlocked the door and led her inside a large foyer with an open ceiling that went to the top of the roof. A staircase led up to where she assumed the bedrooms were. Baldwin urged her to the left into an enormous living room with a stone fireplace with gas logs and a huge sectional sofa and two recliners. There was a flat-screen TV on one wall along with some built-in bookcases on either side. The shelves were filled with DVDs, CDs, and books, some of her favorite things.
“This is amazing. It’s so comfortable looking,” she said.
“That’s what we were aiming for when we had it redone. We opened it up into the kitchen to make it less formal, more relaxing,” Gabriel said.
She turned and looked into the kitchen, which was separated by a large island with an eat-in dining space on one side. French doors led out onto what she assumed was the deck. Tammy walked into the kitchen and noticed how nice it was. All of the appliances were black and the countertops were granite. Two doors led off the side. She assumed one was for a washroom and the other might be a pantry.
“Let me show you the deck, babe.” Gabriel led her over to the French doors, then opened them and stepped outside.
Tammy followed him and gasped. It was two levels with a small covered area that housed the outside kitchen and an eating area. Then you stepped down to where there were chairs and a firepit. She couldn’t help but smile at how nice it was to look out over the area below them. They weren’t at the top of the mountain, but high enough that the view was spectacular.
“Like it?” Baldwin asked.
“It’s amazing. I would spend every spare moment out here just looking at the view,” she said.
“We like to sit outside and enjoy our coffee in the mornings when it’s not too cold,” Baldwin said.
“Then there’s a cold beer in the evenings,” Gabriel added.
“I’d have a glass of wine if it were me,” she said, smiling.
“Come on. Let me show you around some more while Baldwin flips the steaks and sets up the potatoes,” Gabriel said.
“They’re already on the grill?” she asked.
“No, we’re marinating them. They’re in the fridge and he’s got to put the potatoes on to cook. We’ll probably eat around four if that isn’t too early for you,” Gabriel said.
“No. I didn’t eat much for lunch, so I’ll be ready by then,” she admitted.
Gabriel led her over to the living room once again, then around to the staircase. He had her go first and followed her up before taking the lead.
“There are three bedrooms,” he said, opening the door to the first one.
She looked inside and saw that it was a nice size and obviously lived in. She could tell by the stuff on the dresser and the fact that a pair of tennis shoes sat on the floor in front of the closet.
“The two bedrooms here share a bathroom.” Gabriel led her through the bathroom that was obviously theirs by the items on the countertop into the other bedroom.
Though it was also clearly one of their bedrooms, everything was clean and neat. Even the bathroom. It was nice to know that they weren’t slobs. Even if they’d tried to clean up for her, it would have been obvious that they
“These are nice-sized rooms,” she said.
“The master is really nice. Come on.” He took her hand and led her to the room on the opposite side of the hall.
He opened that door and followed her inside. The room was larger than the other rooms, though not massive. It held a California King sleigh bed with matching dresser, chest of drawers, and bedside tables. It also had a small gas fireplace opposite the bed where there was a small love seat. He led her over to one of three doors into a walk-in closet that was large enough she could actually get dressed in it, even with the clothes. One end was floor-to-ceiling shelves perfect for shoes and anything folded.
“The other one is just like this one,” Gabriel said.
“They’re every woman’s dream closet,” she admitted.
“Then there’s the bathroom.” Gabriel opened that door and waited for her to go in first.
“Oh. My. God.”
Tammy had never seen anything to rival it outside of a magazine. It was a spa, not a bathroom. The vanity ran down most of one wall with three sinks and a generous amount of room between them. At the other end was an enclosed toilet. On the opposite side of the large room was an enormous soaking tub with a walk-in shower big enough for three or four people. It had three showerheads with the one on the ceiling being a rain showerhead. There were various hand holds and a seat along the back.
“I don’t know what I like more, the soaking tub or the shower,” she admitted.
“Sweet, yeah?”
“I thought the bathroom down the hall was nice, but this is over the top,” she said.
“You can use this one after you get out of the hot tub later tonight,” he said.
“I’m still not so sure I’m going to get in it.”
“Sure you will. It’s relaxing. A nice glass of wine and you’ll never want to get out.”
“That’s what worries me. I’ll be spoiled for life,” she said.
“Come on. Let’s pick out a movie to watch while the potatoes cook. It won’t take more than fifteen minutes for the steaks once Baldwin puts them on the grill,” Gabriel said.
Baldwin was waiting on them in the living room when they walked back in. He smiled at her and held up a handful of movies. “Thought I’d pick out a few and let you choose from them. Figured if you had to go through all the ones we had, we’d never get to watch one.”
“Are you insinuating that I can’t make up my mind?” she asked, lifting her brows.
“No, just that there are so many that we’d be ready to eat before you had time to look at them all,” he said.
Baldwin handed the short stack to her, and she looked through them. She handed him all but two back and closed her eyes to mix them up until she didn’t know which was which. She handed one back to Baldwin, then held up the one left in her hand.
“Looks like we’re watching The Equalizer. You guys good with that?” she asked.
“Perfect. The new one is coming out at the theater soon. We should all go and see it when it does,” Gabriel said.
“I’d like that,” she agreed.
“Beer?” Baldwin asked.
“Water for me,” she said.
Baldwin got them all something to drink, then put in the movie, and they settled on the sectional sofa to watch Denzel Washington take care of business. Nearly two hours later after cheering for the hero and his sidekicks, they were all ready for something to eat.
“Is there a bathroom downstairs?” she asked.
“Yeah, sorry,” Gabriel said. “I should have shown you the downstairs powder room.” He led her over to the bathroom near the stairs.
Once she’d washed up, Tammy joined Baldwin in the kitchen as he took out the steaks and carried them outside to the grill. They looked delicious but huge. There was no way she would be able to eat one of them and her potato.
“I think you guys are going to have to eat part of my steak. You got it too large for me,” she said.
“Nonsense. The potatoes aren’t that big.” Baldwin forked the slabs of meat onto the grill, then closed the lid.
“It really is peaceful up here,” Tammy said.
“Yeah, it is.” Gabriel walked up behind her and wrapped his arms around her waist. “You should see it in the spring when all the leaves are just budding out or in the winter with snow on the limbs.”
“I bet it’s just as pretty as it is right now in its fall glory,” Tammy said.
Baldwin left them standing there to flip the steaks. She leaned back against Gabriel, comfortable in his light embrace. She didn’t feel pressured, just content.
“How about a glass of wine with dinner?” Gabriel asked.
“Sounds good. What do you have?” she asked.
“Cella Lambrusco or White Zinfandel, take your pick,” Gabriel said.
“The Lambrusco sounds nice,” she said.
“Come on inside. The steaks will be ready in a few minutes. I’m going to get the potatoes out of the oven,” he said.
Tammy followed Gabriel inside and waited while he pulled out the potatoes before he opened the wine and poured her a glass. She took a sip and smiled. It was perfect.
Gabriel set the hot potatoes on a plate on the table, then added the sour cream, butter, and salt and pepper. They’d already set the table, so there was nothing more to do other than sip her wine and wait on the steaks.
Baldwin came inside minutes later with the meat. He set the steaks on the table and grabbed a beer while she and Gabriel sat down. They had her sitting at the head of the table, and they each sat on either side of her.
“This one is yours,” Baldwin said, forking the steak onto her plate.
Gabriel passed the plate with the potatoes to her. She carefully grabbed one and dropped it to her plate, then sucked on her fingers from how hot they still were.
“Sorry, babe. I should have done that for you. I didn’t think they would still be that hot after sitting there for a while,” Gabriel said.
“It’s fine. They aren’t that hot. They sure smell good though.”
“Probably the bacon I wrapped them in,” Baldwin said.
“Yum. Bacon-wrapped potatoes. I can’t wait.”
She carefully unwrapped the aluminum foil from around the potato and smiled. Baldwin had both salted the outside and wrapped it in bacon. She could hardly wait to add salt, pepper, and butter to it and take a big bite.
She took a bite of her steak first and closed her eyes as she moaned with pleasure. “This is so good.”
“Glad you like it. We make our own marinade mixture for the steaks,” Baldwin said.
“Well, it’s delicious. You don’t need steak sauce with this,” she said.
“Exactly. I didn’t offer you any since I hoped you’d like the steak just like it was cooked,” Baldwin said.
“How’s your potato?” Gabriel asked.
“I haven’t even tried it yet.” Tammy took a bite after blowing on it and smiled. “Just as good as the steak. You guys could open a restaurant and just cook steak and potatoes and make a mint.”
“Don’t know about that, but glad you like it,” Baldwin said.
They chatted about what was going on with their work and the talk around town. She enjoyed the dinner and the conversation. It was great to be able to relax with them. They weren’t pressuring her into anything, but she knew that would come with time. Maybe even later that night. She wasn’t sure how she felt about getting more intimate with them so soon though.
After they’d finished, she insisted on helping them clear up the dishes. They loaded them into the dishwasher before clearing the other things off the table.
“You didn’t have to help, hon. We could have done it,” Baldwin said.
“I know, but I wanted to help. Made the work go that much faster,” she said.
“How about another movie, then we can try out the hot tub? Need to let your food settle before you get in it,” Gabriel said.
“Great. We can watch the other movie I didn�
��t choose,” she said, smiling.
“Jumanji,” Baldwin said with an exaggerated sigh.
“It will be funny,” she coaxed.
“It will be silly,” he corrected.
“Whatever. That’s my choice.”
She grabbed a bottle of water and planted herself on the couch to wait for the men to join her. They each had a beer, and Baldwin inserted the movie while Gabriel turned off the lights. Once they were all settled, Baldwin hit the play button on the remote and the movie started.
She had to admit, there were some silly parts, but she couldn’t help laughing throughout much of the movie. It was a change from the more serious one earlier. Still, they were both action-packed. Once it was over, the guys urged her to put on her swimsuit and wait for them at the French doors.
She changed in the spare bathroom and walked over to the kitchen to wait on the guys. She didn’t have long to wait before they were bounding down the staircase. Gabriel had three large towels and a fluffy robe that he draped over her shoulders.
“That’s for when we get out so that you aren’t freezing before you can shower and change,” Gabriel said.
Tammy followed them outside, shivering at the much cooler air. It was probably close to forty degrees. It was always much cooler at night in the mountains than in the valley. Baldwin ran his hands up and down her arms under the robe.
“Come on and get in the hot tub before you freeze,” he said.
They walked around to the opposite side of the deck and up the stairs to step into the hot tub. As soon as she’d sunk down to her neck, she breathed a sigh of pleasure. It was amazing.
“Damn. I’ll be right back,” Baldwin said. “Forgot your wine and our beers.”
He disappeared for a few seconds, then returned with two beer bottles in one hand and her wine in the other. He set them on the ledge that was built around the tub for that reason. Tammy took a sip of the wine and closed her eyes before leaning her head back against the ledge.
“Nice, yeah?” Gabriel asked.
“Really nice. If I’m not careful, I’ll fall asleep and drown,” she admitted.
“Go ahead and relax, babe. We won’t let you drown,” Gabriel said.