Hot Doctor Erotica Story Collection
Page 11
“Yes, Jimmy.” She said breathlessly. “We have to go all the way with this; I can’t risk my career on account of your hyperactive hormones.”
“Do it, Lily.” He urged her. “Do what it takes… I don’t want to be a reason for ruining your life.”
“Oh, I’m sure you wouldn’t, my dear.” She purred and grabbed his thick cock possessively. “And even if you are, I have no regrets.”
She leaned over him and stroked the steel-like hardness of his cock, sending a shiver down his spine. His smooth, hairless balls had tightened up against the base of his erection and she found them amusing, all scrunched up like that. Her well manicured nails tickled and caressed the ridged skin, making him twitch and laugh. Lilith licked her lips and took a deep breath, filling her nostrils with the strong manly scent of his arousal.
“Oh,God!” He groaned in anticipation. “Oh, thank you, God!”
“God had nothing to do with this.” She smirked and flicked her tongue over the slit of his bulbous cockhead, tasting the pre-cum.
“Oh, baby.” He shivered violently. “Suck me… suck my monster cock.”
“Don’t mind if I do.” She moaned and engulfed the entire head like a bird of prey would its quarry.
He jerked up at the sensation of her hot wet mouth on the sensitive flesh of his pulsing cock, pushing more of his foot long meat pole into her mouth. She grasped at the base with both hands, her fingers tightening over the impressive girth as she went down on him, swallowing the inches. Marston grunted, the sensation of her slick throat sliding down on him sending flashes of the rainbow across his mind’s eye.
She choked and gagged, the gurgling sound of her throat further incensing his lust as her saliva poured out over him. All the way down to the base, he felt the slithering sensation of her throat take him to new heights of pleasure. Her lips tightened, clasping on him, sliding up and down. She clawed at the tight slabs of his buttocks as he raised his hips to push himself further up her throat. She almost threw up as her drool freely flowed down his shaft and balls, drenching his body and her hands.
“Oh, yeah.” He groaned. “Lily, you’re sure as hell… nuh-know whu-what cha doing.”
“Well, I am… uh… the fucking doctor here.” She said, coming up for air. “But it looks like this monster’s going to have to be put into the furnace.”
“Oh, yeah, baby, yeah!” Marston yelled. “I want your hot pussy… take me in all the way into your hot pussy.”
“Ohmigod, this is so unprofessional.” She said with a gasp. “But what the fuck, I’d even do this for free.”
“Oh, Doc… Lily, fuck me… I’m about to blow up.” He almost choked with anticipation.
“Let’s get this rocket into my silo.” She giggled as she climbed up on the bed and positioned herself over him.
He looked at her hovering over him and flexed his muscles, straining to free his arms. He wanted to reach for her, to grasp her swaying breasts and slip his fingers into her dripping pussy. She read the intense lust in his eyes and shook her head with a teasing smile. Squatting over him, she held his cock up straight and placed the throbbing head under her yawning pussy. She was more ready for this that he was. With a soft cry she lowered herself over him.
“Oh, man.” Marston yelped, as her hot tightness engulfed him, sucking the entire length of his enhanced organ deep into her.
“Yes, Jimmy.” She moaned lustily. “That’s the cozy warmth of a woman every man should feel. There’s nothing like it, on Earth or in the Galaxy.”
“Hell, yeah.” He gasped, feeling his cock being squashed by her insides. “You’re eating me alive… this is so fucking amazing.”
“Oh, baby… yes, yes, it is.” Her lovely face twisted as she began to rise up and slide back down over his surging organ.
Her hands pressed down on the rock hard slabs of his newly sculpted pectorals to get her more leverage. Her wide sexy hips rose and fell. Marston could see her riding him on the reflecting panels over them and it excited him even more. He struggled at his bonds, his muscles flexed and veins bulging. He craved to have his hands all over her ripe, luscious body, but her pussy swallowed his cock hard, making his head spin like never before.
“Oh, fuck.” Lilith gasped. “I’m so glad I met you, Jimmy. So fucking glad…. Ohhh, I’m cumming… I’m cumming all over your cock, Jimmy.”
“Yeah, Lily.” He matched her cries. “Cum all over me, baby.”
Her body shook as the intensity of her orgasm ripped through her. She had sex before, but this was special. Marston was quite a specimen and his genetics were perfect for the enhancement. A sense of pride filled her as much as his cock filled her pussy. She had created him, the perfect specimen. He was the result of all her hard work, she was the artist and he her masterpiece.
She flicked a switch and released him from the shackles. Marston immediately grabbed at her. His hard, callused hands running freely over her soft, hot flesh, groping at her hips, her belly, her yielding buttocks and her luscious breasts. He rose off the bed with her still impaled on his foot long pole. The muscles of his thighs and buttocks flexed hard as he fucked her standing upright. He reveled in the new power that surged within him, slamming his hips upward to meet her downward thrusts.
“Oh, Jimmy... you’re so hot… fuck me, baby.” Lilith hugged his neck and whimpered as he bounced her over his pelvis, his sculpted body gleaming like some Greek god of myth.
“You got that, Doctor.” He grinned. “I am yours… you made me.”
“Oh, Jimmy… I’m going to cuh-cum again…” She wept into his neck. “Oh, I’m going to cum so huh-hard.”
“Me too, Doc.” He grunted, dropping her back down on the bed and falling over her, still embedded deep. “Take my jism, Doc… take it inside you this time.”
“Oh, yes, Jimmy, yes,” She gasped as her second orgasm hit her. “Cum inside me… fill me, baby.”
He let out a loud groan as he felt the surge of his orgasm erupt through the foot long shaft and exit deep into her. Her body shook with ecstasy, making her whimper and dig her nails into his newly enhanced upper back and neck muscles. He seemed to cum forever as they lay entwined in each other, shaking with passion and bliss.
After a while Lilith opened her eyes and looked up at the monitors overhead. The readings were normal. The scanners indicated a relaxed heart and pulse rate for each of them. She pushed his muscular bulk off her and he looked up blearily.
“Wow, that was the best sex ever.” He smiled at her lazily.
“Yes, the best.” She said sedately. “And I hope you are relieved of your tension.”
“Absolutely, Doc.” He drawled, propping himself up on one elbow and watching her dress. “And I can be ready for an encore performance right away.”
“No more, Jimmy.” She replied sternly. “Now get suited up and let’s head for the training sector. The directors will be here in fifteen minutes.”
“Hey, no sweat.” He said, getting his clothes on. “And then can we meet up later.”
“I’m not too sure, Jimmy.” She said with a hint of sadness. “You’ll be assigned to your post on Titan immediately, for a six year tour. We’ll probably never meet again.”
“Well, I’ll never forget you, Lily.” He said, touching his chest. “You’ll always be here… you’ve made me the man I could never be on my own.”
“Well, Private James Fauntleroy Marston.” She wiped away a tear. “Those were a good forty-eight hours.”
“The best two days of my life… ever.” He nodded and walked out of the lab.
“You are assigned to me for the next forty eight hours.” She nodded, eyeing the handsome young man up and down. “Private Kenneth Anthony Rogers.”
“Yes, Doctor Graeme.” He replied, smiling at her with dimpled cheeks. “That’s me, for sure.”
“This way, I’ll have to run a few initial scans first…” Her green eyes sparkled. “Please remove all your clothes.”
�You mean… I have to get… uh…”
“Yes, Kenny. Get them all off.” She gave him a nonchalant smile. “And you don’t mind me calling you Kenny, do you?”
“Oh, not at all, Doctor.” He grinned as he undid his belt buckle. “Kenny’s just fine.”
“Oh, I love my job.” She muttered to herself with a smile as she watched the tall young man remove every stitch of starched uniform off his lean and muscular body. “I really, really do.”
Story Six
Life was pretty simple for Lilly Jameson. Most days consisted of her waking up early, finishing chores, and then having a cup of tea in the garden before retiring to bed for the night. Some days she longed for fun, adventurous and bold experiences, but that seemed so unrealistic for a girl like her. Her only destination would be to settle down, get married, and have children.
Lilly picked a flower and admired the shades of color from her garden. The blue-grey petals in-between her fingers resembled the color of her own eyes. Her long brown hair blew in the wind as the breeze picked up. She was eighteen now and would soon be married off to the man her father decided was best. Arranged marriages were common during those times, but Lilly hated the fact that she didn’t get to decide who to be with. She was still a virgin and had never even kissed a boy, now she would soon be thrown at the man who her father thought may benefit him most. It seemed so unfair and cruel, but that was how things worked and she supposed she would adapt to a new life with whoever he chose.
“Have you scrubbed the kitchen floor yet?” Her stepmother asked, breaking her focus on the blue flower in her hand.
“Yes, mam.” Lilly answered her promptly.
“Well, don’t just lollygag around the garden.” Her stepmother’s voice was stern and demanding. “Go find something to keep busy. There is plenty to do around this place.”
Lilly dropped the flower to the ground and envied its freedom. She followed her mother’s orders and headed into the house to find something to do, even though all of her chores had been finished.
“Lilly!” Her father called to her from the den. “I need you to make a delivery for me.”
“Yes sir.” She went into his den.
Her father was sitting at his desk with a box. He seemed nervous as he tied a string around it to keep it closed tight. Her father owned a small business and occasionally had deliveries that needed to go to town members. Lilly sometimes made the deliveries but usually just the ones in walking distance to their home.
“This needs to be delivered to Dr. William Forrester immediately. It is very urgent.” Her father pushed the box towards her. “This is very important, do you hear me?”
“Yes father.” She reached for the box but her father stood up and put his hands onto it quickly to get her attention.
“I am serious Lilly. You know how influential Dr. Forrester is in this town. He needs this box immediately and intact. Go straight to his mansion, no stops along the way, and you need to be polite to him. I need his business. Do as he asks and use your manners.”
Lilly nodded as she picked up the box and headed to the door.
“I had the carriage readied for you.” Her father said from behind her. “Now go and hurry before the rain comes.”
Delivering a package would be less labor than most chores around the house and she would get to go through town, which was much more interesting than scrubbing floors or hanging wet clothes on the line. So Lilly was glad to be heading to Dr. Forrester’s mansion, even if he did intimidate her. Dr. William Forrester was a well-known man in town, but few people got to go inside of his mansion. Lilly had never even seen him in person.
The ride to his mansion was hot and humid. Sweat slid from her neck down to her large breast. She was a curved woman with a small waist, wide hips and thick thighs under her heavy dress. As she rode through the main street of the town she wished she could stop and talk to a few of the familiar faces she saw, especially a couple men that she spotted, but her father would not approve and had warned her to stay on track. So she kept her carriage moving and ignored her desire to stop and mingle with the people around her.
The doctor’s mansion was on the other end of the town and sat up high on a hill. It was huge and unlike any other home around. She looked up at it as she got closer, wondering how it would feel to live in such a place. Someone like him didn’t have to spend his days scrubbing floors or doing laundry.
As she stopped her horse and steadied the carriage, her stomach got nervous. Although the mansion overwhelming it was the thought of interacting with a man like Dr. Forrester that caused her to tremble. She prayed that he would have servants to answer the door and receive the package, so she would not have to deal with him directly.
She picked up the box and went to the front of the mansion, knocking loudly against the thick wooden door. A servant opened the door and looked at her blankly, his gray brows heavy above his eyes.
“I have a package for Dr. Forrester.” Lilly told him.
“Set it down on the side table over there.” The older servant told her. “And don’t touch anything else.”
Lilly nodded and stepped into the mansion. She tried not to stare around the home too much, but she was amazed at the size and quality of the room. It was not only huge, but filled with expensive furniture and paintings, unlike anything she had ever seen.
“Hurry up.” The servant rushed her.
His voice made her startled so she hurried to the table, sat the box down, and turned quickly to go. In the midst of the hustle, she tripped over her own dress and fell to the floor, bumping her knee hard on the hardwood.
“Get up and move girl!” The servant demanded.
“I’m sorry.” She began to get up from the floor.
“Frank!” A loud deep voice came towering from the staircase above them. “Is that anyway to treat our guest?”
Lilly tried to see the man that was speaking but it was dark in that part of the house.
“Sir, um, I was only…” The servant, Frank, stumbled on his words as he tried to answer the man.
“Apologize to this woman.” The man commanded him. “Right now.”
Frank looked down at Lilly, who was still on the floor, frozen with shock.
“I apologize miss.” Frank told her, but his voice didn’t sound very convincing.
“Go.” The man’s voice was getting closer. “Frank, leave us.”
“Yes Sir.” The servant disappeared to a different room.
The man stepped out into the light. He was tall and handsome, with a strong build and dark hair. He was in his late thirties, much older than her, but she couldn’t fight the attraction she felt when she looked at him. Her body tingled with excitement.
“Let me help you up.” He held his hand out to her. “I am Dr. William Forrester.”
“Lilly Jameson.” She put her hand in his and felt his warm skin on her fingers. She imagined what the temperature the rest of his body was.
“Are you hurt?” The doctor asked her. “You hit your knee pretty hard.”
“No sir.” Her voice was soft and quiet.
“I think I should still take a look at it.” He grabbed the box from the side table and began walking across the room. “Come with me, Lilly.”
She followed him, watching him closely as they entered his office where there was a desk, a small leather couch, and an exam table. Apparently he did see patients in his home. The doctor closed the door and locked it behind them.
“Jump up on the exam table so I can take a look at your knee.” His voice was firm but friendly. She did what he said as she watched him reach for her leg. Part of her was scared because a man had not looked at her bare leg since she was a young girl, but all of her was excited because she was no longer a child and the doctor’s touch was what she wanted. “I am going to look at your knee now, alright?”
“Yes, Sir.” Her voice had never sounded so raspy and seductive.
His eyes shot u
p to hers and she knew that he could sense her desire from deep inside her body. Slowly, he began lifting her dress over her bare leg, his fingers barely brushing her skin along the way. It was subtle but powerful.
“Does this hurt?” He asked as he touched her knee.
“No Sir.” Lilly took a deep breath as she felt his hand on her skin once more.
“And this?” His fingers gently squeezed the area around her knee.
“No.” Her voice was soft.
“No, what?” The doctor looked up at her with disappointed eyes.
“No, Sir.” She quickly corrected herself. Her answer seemed to please him, which made her very satisfied as well. Lilly spread her legs a little, hoping he might touch further up her body.