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Mastering Collaboration

Page 23

by Gretchen Anderson

  disagree and commit approach, Protect Trust When Things Go Wrong, Manage Tension with a “Disagree and Commit” Approach, So what can I do?

  disagreement, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences, Try It, You’ll Like It, Protect Trust When Things Go Wrong

  Discussing Design (Connor and Irizarry), Democratize Discussion, Not Decisions, The Big Reveal Belly-Flop

  divergent and convergent thinking, How Ideas Develop

  diversity, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences(see also inclusiveness)

  getting in teams, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  teams lacking, Enlist Everyone to Reduce Risks

  “Do Schools Kill Creativity?” (TED talk), The Shape of Stories

  Doritos, Enlist Everyone to Reduce Risks

  Dörner, Dietrich, Share Especially in Challenging Situations

  drivers, The Driver(s)


  engagementboosting by enlisting everyone, Enlist Everyone to Boost Engagement

  engaging employees, Choose the Right Problem and Moment, Engaging Employees

  enlisting everyone (see inclusiveness)

  experienceand expertise, dominating the solution space, Expertise and Experience Dominate the Solution Space

  diversity of, harnessing in collaboration, Facing Ambiguity

  in industry and skills, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  trust issues in teams with no eperience together, No History or Experience Together

  experimentation, Expertise and Experience Dominate the Solution Spaceconnecting risk and consequences to experiments, Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  planning to experiment and reduce risks, Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  expert-driven guess-a-thons (see guess-a-thons)

  expertise and skills, RACI Models for Stakeholders and Supporters

  exploring many possibilities, Explore Many Possibilities-Key Takeawaysdiscarding constraints temporarily, Throw Away Constraints, for a While-What About When Constraints Are Real?real constraints, dealing with, What About When Constraints Are Real?

  exercises to unleash imagination, What About When Constraints Are Real?-What About When Constraints Are Real?

  non-linear path to greatness, The Path to Great Isn’t Straight

  troubleshooting idea exploration, Troubleshooting Idea Exploration-So what can I do?no new ideas emerging, No New Ideas Emerge

  swoop and poop, The Swoop and Poop-So what can I do?

  yeah-buts, The “Yeah-Buts”

  working backward, thinking laterally, Working Backward, Thinking Laterally-Working Backward, Thinking Laterally


  facilitators, The Facilitator

  failuredefining worst-case scenario, So what can I do?

  for collaborations, causes of, Have a Sense of Urgency

  learning from mistakes of others, So what can I do?

  not fearing, Don’t Fear Failure

  protecting trust during, Protect Trust When Things Go Wrong

  psychological studies of, Share Especially in Challenging Situations

  struggle or failure in storytelling, Elements of Storytelling

  feedbackbeing disciplined about gathering, Be Disciplined About Gathering Feedback

  from the big reveal, The Big Reveal Belly-Flop

  getting regularly and taking it seriously, Fidelity Matters

  making sense of what you learn, Making Use of What You Learn-Don’t Fear Failurehandling different opinions, How to Handle Different Opinions

  not fearing failure, Don’t Fear Failure

  not matching team expectations, Know What You Are Listening For

  receiving direct negative feedback, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  troubleshooting issues with, Troubleshooting Getting Feedback-So what can I do?confused participants, Participants Are Confused

  leading the witness, Leading the Witness

  too many observers in sessions, Too Many Observers

  finding out what others think, Find Out What Others Think-Key Takeawaysbeing disciplined about gathering feedback, Be Disciplined About Gathering Feedback

  being disciplined and intentional about sharing, Be Disciplined and Intentional About Sharingfidelity to, Fidelity Matters

  knowing what you're listening for, Know What You Are Listening For

  making sense of what you learnavoiding fear of failure, Don’t Fear Failure

  handling different opinions, How to Handle Different Opinions

  not getting defensive, Don’t Get Defensive

  making use of what you learn, Making Use of What You Learn

  sharing especially in challenging situations, Share Especially in Challenging Situations

  sharing work early and often, Share Early and Often

  troubleshooting problems with getting feedback, Troubleshooting Getting Feedback-So what can I do?confused participants, Participants Are Confused

  leading the witness, Leading the Witness

  too many observers, Too Many Observers

  The Five Dysfunctions of a Team (Lencioni), Manage Tension with a “Disagree and Commit” Approach

  five-minute rule, So what can I do?

  foreshadowing (in stories), The Shape of Stories

  Free Solo (movie), Enable Trust and Respect


  Gaines, Benjamin, Enlist Everyone to Reduce Risks, Leading Teams Toward Trust

  Gladwell, Malcolm, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  goals, Set Clear and Urgent Objectives(see also objectives)

  Googlemaking Search more beautiful, What About When Constraints Are Real?

  whitepaper approach to objectives, Use the “Whitepaper Approach”

  Google Glass, What Gets in the Way of Good Collaboration?

  Google Hire, Ground Objectives in Solving Real-World Problems

  Google Ventures, Virtual Spaces Aren’t Just for Distributed Teams

  groupthink, The Popularity Contest

  guess-a-thons, What Gets in the Way of Good Collaboration?

  guessingin determining timeframes, So what can I do?

  in planning, Make a Plan


  Hall, Erika, Know What You Are Listening For

  Harrell, Cyd, Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them

  Haven, Kendall, Why Stories Are So Powerful, The Shape of Stories

  hierarchyassumed hierarchy in a team, Assumed Hierarchy in the Team

  obstacle to collaboration, Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them

  Hoffman, Reid, Engaging Employees, Trust Comes from Experience

  Hofstede, Geert, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  hours, core, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences


  ideasexploration of, troubleshooting, Troubleshooting Idea Exploration-So what can I do?

  exploring, Explore Many Possibilities(see also exploring many possibilities)

  how they develop, How Ideas Develop

  making sense of and deciding what to pursue, Helping Teams Make Sense of Ideas and Decide What to Pursue-We Want What We Can Imagine

  new, generating by borrowing from old ones, What About When Constraints Are Real?

  refining or generating alternatives to, The Path to Great Isn’t Straight

  sharing, Conclusion(see also finding out what others think)

  testing, Conclusion

  troubleshooting idea explorationno new ideas emerging, No New Ideas Emerge

  swoop and poop, The Swoop and Poop-So what can I do?

  yeah-buts, The “Yeah-Buts”

  working backward from, The Path to Great Isn’t Straight

  imaginationunleashing, exercises for, What About When Constraints Are Real?-What About When Constraints Are Real?

  wanting what we can imagine, We Want What We Can Imagine

  inciting incident (in stories), Elements of Storytelling

Enlist Everyone-Key Takeawaysboosting employee engagement, Enlist Everyone to Boost Engagement

  crossing rather than overthrowing cultures, Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them

  cultural differences, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences-Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them

  enlisting everyone, Enlist Everyone

  reducing risks with, Enlist Everyone to Reduce Risks

  troubleshooting issues withcritical stakeholder not engaging, Handling a Critical Stakeholder Who Won’t Engage

  difficult people in teams, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  navigating cultural conflicts, Navigating Cultural Conflicts

  team member spread too thin, Managing Someone Who Is Spread Too Thin

  indecisives, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  independence and individualism, The Environment Favors Independence and Individualism

  informed (RACI model), RACI Models for Stakeholders and Supporters

  interruptions, team members' feelings about, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  introverts, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  invisible ROI from collaboration, We Start with Unclear Objectives and Structures

  iPhone demo, Laddering

  Irizarry, Aaron, Democratize Discussion, Not Decisions, The Big Reveal Belly-Flop


  Jennings, Chad, Democratize Discussion, Not Decisions, Manage Tension with a “Disagree and Commit” Approach, So what can I do?

  Jobs, Steve, The Shape of Stories, The Shape of Stories, Laddering

  Johnson, Katherine, Don’t Fear Failure

  Jorgenson, Mikael, The Path to Great Isn’t Straight

  juking the stats, Juking the Stats

  Just Enough Research (Hall), Know What You Are Listening For


  Kalbach, Jim, Conclusion

  key performance indicators (KPIs), So what can I do?, Success Criteria Aren’t Helping

  key results and objectives, Developing Good Objectives

  Khoury, Sara Ortloff, Ground Objectives in Solving Real-World Problems

  Knapp, Jake, The Driver(s), So what can I do?

  know-it-alls, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  knowledgeknowledge-driven people (know-it-alls), Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  transmitting, Ineffective Communication Causes Conflict

  Korean Air, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences


  laddering, Laddering

  language proficiency, RACI Models for Stakeholders and Supporters

  lateral thinking, Working Backward, Thinking Laterallyenabling by working backward, Working Backward, Thinking Laterally

  random provocations to help with, What About When Constraints Are Real?

  launchesconnecting risk and consquences to, Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  experiments vs., Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  leadersascribing power to, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  dealing with in teams, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  leading the witness, Leading the Witness

  learningas objective, When Learning Is the Objective

  test and learn phase in idea development, How Ideas Develop

  LeMay, Matt, We Start with Unclear Objectives and Structures, Working with Virtual Spaces, Manage Tension with a “Disagree and Commit” Approach, So what can I do?, Share Early and Often

  Lencioni, Patrick, Manage Tension with a “Disagree and Commit” Approach

  LinkedIn, Engaging Employees, Trust Comes from Experience

  The Logic of Failure (Dörner), Share Especially in Challenging Situations

  Lovejoy, Josh, Ineffective Communication Causes Conflict


  Maeda, John, Working with Virtual Spaces

  magic, wiping away constraints with, So what can I do?

  Malik Danielle, The Shape of Stories

  Mapping Experiences (Kalbach), Conclusion

  Martin, Roger L., Working Backward, Thinking Laterally

  mechanics of stories, The Shape of Stories

  meetingslarge group meeting not feeling collabortive, Large Group Meetings Don’t Feel Collaborative

  remote, lack of engagement during, Lack of Engagement During Remote Meetings

  setting times for, Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences

  sharing what happens, not what matters, Sharing What Happens, Not What Matters

  Merchant, Nilofer, Leading Teams Toward Trust

  Meru (movie), Enable Trust and Respect, Tell the Story

  metaphors, The Shape of Stories

  metricsfocused on short term, We Start with Unclear Objectives and Structures

  juking the stats, Juking the Stats

  portfolio of early indicators, So what can I do?

  Meyer, Erin, Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them, So what can I do?

  Meyer, Marissa, What About When Constraints Are Real?

  micromanagement from superiors, Micromanaging from Above

  milestones, So what can I do?

  mistrust within a team, Mistrust Within the Team

  museum tour approach, So what can I do?


  navigator, The Navigator

  negativists, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  Neon Sprints, Dealing with Difficult People in Teams

  Netflix, collaborative culture at, Cross Cultures, Don’t Overthrow Them

  neurological and cognitive science of story, Why Stories Are So Powerful

  Noessel, Chris, Roles for Close Collaborators


  objectives, Set Clear and Urgent Objectives-Key Takeaways, Know What You Are Listening Forcreating, approaches and techniques, Derive Objectives from a Problem-Use the “Whitepaper Approach”whitepaper approach, Use the “Whitepaper Approach”

  developing good objectives, Developing Good Objectives-Ground Objectives in Solving Real-World Problemsbeing descriptive, not prescriptive, Be Descriptive, Not Prescriptive

  grounding in solving real-world problems, Ground Objectives in Solving Real-World Problems

  sense of urgency, Have a Sense of Urgency

  keeping visible and revisiting periodically, Keep Objectives Visible, and Revisit Them Periodically

  learning as objective, When Learning Is the Objective

  setting (or resetting) at start of every cycle, Set Clear and Urgent Objectives

  setting, troubleshooting issues with, Troubleshooting Objective Setting-So what can I do?consequences not clear, Consequences Not Clear

  constant questioning of objectives, Constant Questioning of Objectives

  juking the stats, Juking the Stats

  overly prescriptive direction, Overly Prescriptive Direction

  sharing, “More Is Less” Communication

  unclear, starting with, We Start with Unclear Objectives and Structures

  working backward from, Working Backward, Thinking Laterally

  Ogbu, Liz, The Shape of Stories

  OKRs (objectives and key results), Developing Good Objectives, So what can I do?

  onlookers, Levels of Contribution

  open office plans, The Environment Favors Independence and Individualism, Make Space, Too Much Togetherness

  optimizing vs. satisficing, Satisficing Versus Optimizing

  Outliers (Gladwell), Enlisting Everyone Brings Up Cultural Differences


  pace (in stories), The Shape of Stories

  Pair Design (Noessel), Roles for Close Collaborators

  pairing, Roles for Close Collaboratorstogether time/alone time, The Driver(s)

  perspectives, trading, Manage Tension by Trading Perspectives, So what can I do?, Conclusion

  physical spaces, Working with Physical Spacelarge group meeting not feeling collabortive, Large Group Meetings Don’t Feel Collaborative

  no consistent space available, No Consistent
Space Available

  planning, Make a Plan-Key Takeawaysdetermining number of cycles needed, How Many Cycles Do I Need?-How Many Cycles Do I Need?

  example plans to manage risks and consequences, Example Plans to Manage Risks and Consequences-High Risk, High Consequenceshigh risk, low consequences, High Risk, Low Consequences

  low risk, high consequences, Low Risk, High Consequences, High Risk, High Consequences

  low risk, low consequences, Low Risk, Low Consequences

  how ideas develop, How Ideas Develop

  planning to experiment and reduce risks, Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  sharing of work, Know What You Are Listening For

  sharing plans to set expectations, Share Plans to Set Expectations

  tools to help plan your effort and understand complexity, Plan to Experiment and Reduce Risks

  troubleshooting issues with, Troubleshooting Planning-So what can I do?teams resisting planning, Teams Resist Planning

  working against fixed deadline, Working Against a Fixed Deadline

  using timeboxing instead of deadlines, Timeboxing Over Deadlines


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