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Vixen: A Dark Protectors/Rebels Novella

Page 5

by Rebecca Zanetti

  Right. Even now, he was being sweet. “Do you believe in, well, things you can’t see?”

  “Like germs?”

  She coughed. “No. Like, I don’t know, vampires?”

  His chin dropped to his chest. “Oh, honey. I was afraid of that. The weird Richard guy who convinced you he could hurt your mind. Are you in some sort of cult?”

  Cult? She sucked in air. “No. I’m not easy to manipulate.” Wow. He had totally read her wrong. So he wasn’t exactly open to a different reality. If she told him she was a demonness, he’d probably try to take her to the psych ward. Something told her there wasn’t enough time for that. She tried a different tack. “If you had the chance to live forever, would you take it?” she asked.

  “In a heartbeat,” he said quietly, running his wide hands down his jeans. “So long as I kept my soul.”

  She swallowed, turning into the driveway of a small brick house set against a series of trees. “I hope you’re sure about that.” This was something she could do. If she mated him, then she was partially responsible for all the people he helped through eternity, right? That had to go in the plus column for her life. Heat flushed through her. Could she do this?

  “It doesn’t matter.” He took her hand. “I think you should stay the night in my guest room, at least until we find that Richard who won’t leave you alone. Once you give me the whole story, I’ll call in some favors I’m owed, and we’ll track him down. I promise.”

  She couldn’t breathe. This was nuts.

  He lifted her hand to his mouth. “Would you stay the night?”

  She squared her shoulders, tingles wandering up her arm just from one kiss of his lips. Her palm flashed hot and painful against his touch. Holy immortal crackers. The mating mark pulsed on her palm—the one that appeared when a demon found their mate. Oh, there was something between them. That was for sure.

  “I’m definitely staying,” she whispered.

  * * * *

  Evan escorted Tabi into his small brick home, flipping on lights as they went. Having her in his space was making his clothes feel too constricting. Man, she was beautiful. There was something wild and untamed about her, especially after that car race, that made him shove his hands in his pockets to keep from reaching for her.

  His dogs ran up, both panting. “This is Buck and Lewey.” They were long-haired mutts, part black lab and part who knows what, and he adored them. “Outside, guys.” They obediently ran for the back door, and he let them free. “Are you hungry?” He might have a waffle or two in the freezer.

  “No.” She looked at the freshly polished wooden floors and the hand-crafted fireplace mantle with self-placed river rock. “This place is lovely. Did you do all of this yourself?”

  His ears heated. “Yeah. It’s probably dumb, but I wanted to leave something complete behind. Something I’d created myself.” Shaking himself out of it, he exited the living room and showed her down the wide hallway to the guest room, which held his grandmother’s furniture that he’d refinished. He’d see her soon. Then he chuckled. He’d be okay after a good night’s sleep and then could help Tabi out of this mess. Once he got her out of his space he could take some deep breaths. Alluring was too tame a word for her.

  She stared at the cherrywood dresser. “What’s Huntington Disease?”

  He stilled. “Oh. It’s a rare and progressive brain disorder that demolishes physical and mental abilities. Before you ask, it’s genetic, and there is no cure. It’s fatal, and my dad died from it.” Sharing with her helped, somehow.

  She tossed her purse onto the bed. “What about your mother?”

  “Car wreck when I was nine. No other relatives.” The blonde was a sweetheart in trying to connect. He didn’t need connections, although she was a temptation, that was for sure. That mysterious and feminine scent of hers was heating his blood in a way that made him feel healthy again.

  “What does your room look like?” She turned, those black eyes guileless.

  “Oh.” Of course, she wanted the tour, and he had redone the entire home. His chest puffed out just enough to make him feel like a moron. “I’ll show you the rest of the house.” If he got her anywhere near his bed, he might lose the control he was reaching for like a starving man.

  She made appropriate noises at the rest of the house, until they reached his room. Then she gasped. “It’s so…you.”

  He felt like shuffling his feet so he stood taller. “Thanks. I made the furniture in the garage, which I turned into a woodshop.” The furnishings were oak with hand-carved designs of different angles of crests of his ancestors, who’d come over to the States from Scotland. He moved to flip off the light.

  She stepped in front of him, looking up, a light pink flushing across the porcelain skin of her enticing face. “I want to stay in here tonight.”

  In another time, he would’ve already had her on the bed. But even he didn’t need a pity fuck. “I appreciate it, sweetheart, but it’s just not a good idea.”

  Her face cleared and her mouth opened slightly. “Oh. I see. You, um, can’t?”

  He coughed and then laughed full-on. When was the last time he’d felt humor? When he calmed, he tugged on a piece of her hair. “Yeah, I can. Parts of me still work just fine—at least for now.” It was a sobering thought, and he didn’t like it. “You’ve had an adrenaline-filled night, you must be scared of that wacko in the car, and I hit you with the fact that I’m dying. None of those are good reasons to make yourself vulnerable.”

  She tilted her head, studying him. “Do I look like I feel vulnerable to you?”

  “No.” She looked like temptation and innocent sin, which was a contradiction he’d never imagined. Until now.

  She moved into him, sliding her hands from his abs up to his chest, humming in what sounded like appreciation. “Do I look scared or like I feel sorry for you?”

  His cock pressed so hard against his zipper that he barely hid a wince. “I’m trying to do the right thing here.”

  She curled her fingers and her nails bit into his skin through his T-shirt. “So am I.” With that illusive statement, she levered up on her toes and kissed him. Her lips were full and soft, and a temptation he’d never be able to deny, regardless of noble intentions.

  He let her play for a moment and then slowly took control of the kiss, deepening it when she slid her hands beneath his shirt and across his abs. His stomach undulated, and he forced himself to slow down. While she was a siren, he was twice her size, and he had to be careful.

  Her touch was hot. Very. He leaned back, desire clawing through him. “Are you sure?”

  “Yes.” She tugged on his shirt, and he ducked his head to let her yank it up and away.

  Something caught his eye, and he grasped her right hand, turning it over to look at a tattoo on her palm. Winding vines surrounded the letter R, looking both ancient and delicate. It was beautiful work, whoever had drawn it. How had he not noticed it before? “R for Rusko?” he murmured.


  “It looks fresh.” Maybe he wasn’t the only one trying to hold on to the past.

  Her chuckle swam down his skin and landed in his balls. “You could say that. It’s very new.”

  “It’s stunning.”

  “I’m glad you think so,” she said, her eyes nearly looking silver for the briefest of moments. Then she reached for the snap of his jeans.

  Chapter 6

  Tabitha saw the second Evan gave up the fight to protect her for her own good. His eyes shifted, and his shoulders went back. Smoothly, he lifted her and easily carried her to the bed. His strength gave her a slight pause. If he was this strong as a human, what would he be like immortal? Then he leaned over and kissed her, and she forgot all about reservations.

  The cop could kiss.

  He set her on her back, one knee next to her on the bed, his mouth working hers as if they had all the time in the world. His lips were firm, and he explored her, sliding his mouth away from hers and along her face, nipp
ing where her jaw met her neck.

  She shivered, her body lighting on fire.

  Slowly, gently, he drew her blouse up along her ribcage with both hands, his fingertips caressing and teasing her rib cage. She reached for him, sliding her hands through his thick hair like she’d wanted to do for weeks. Then she tugged.

  He paused, his palms warm against the sides of her breasts.

  She smiled. “I don’t need slow, and I’m not breakable.”

  His eyes burned the dark hue as dusk gave up the fight to night. “I’ll go as slow as I want, and baby, I won’t break you.” Then he pulled her shirt over her head and looked down, male satisfaction curving his lips. “God, you’re beautiful.”

  She wish she’d worn her fancy bra instead of the comfortable cotton one, so she reached for the front clasp and released it. “I’m okay,” she murmured, having fun. She wasn’t exactly well endowed, but by the flaring of his eyes, he didn’t seem to mind.

  He reached for her, palming both breasts, no longer holding back. Electricity zipped through her skin and right to her core, and she arched against him, surprised at the intensity. Then he leaned down and kissed her again, taking control in the smoothest of ways.

  Everything felt so good. He felt so good against her. She dug her fingers into the still hard planes of his chest, sliding her palms down to dig into each rippling muscle in his abs, need rioting through her so fast she could barely breathe.

  He released the button of her pants and slid them down her legs, standing by the bed as he did so. “We’re leaving the shoes on, baby.” Watching her, seeing more of her than she’d like, he shoved his jeans down, revealing what she’d suspected. The cop was built. Like very nicely built.

  Need and want coursed through her, powerful in the demand. Vulnerability hinted inside her for a second.

  He must’ve caught her look, because he slid both hands up her thighs and placed a kiss right above her belly button. “I won’t hurt you, Tabi. I promise.”

  She couldn’t fool him. He was too important, and so was this. “I want to mate you. We’d be tied forever,” she whispered, not even sure what that meant. But at least he’d be alive.

  He paused. “Mate?”

  Oh, crap. The guy was too grounded in his own reality. “Yes. Please say yes.”

  Confusion clouded through the desire in his expression. “Honey, I don’t have long, and mating doesn’t exist. Not like you said it.” He brushed her hair away from her face, his touch infinitely gentle. “I’m not sure what you’re caught up in, but I can help you.” He started to draw back.

  “No.” She yanked him down and pushed his shoulder so he’d roll on his back. Levering with her knee, she slid atop him, straddling all of his smooth and strong body, her heels on the bed. “Don’t stop. Forget I said anything. I’m not in a cult, and you’re not taking advantage of me.” She told him all she could, and he’d said he would want to live forever. If this actually worked, and he was pissed, they’d have eternity to work it out. If they stayed together. Nobody said they had to stay together. Not really.

  He reached up, cupping her face while his cock pulsed against her core, obviously straining to get in. The feeling was too much, and the ache inside her intensified. “You understand I can’t make any sort of claim here, right? I’m temporary, Tabitha.”

  Claim? The guy sounded like a vampire for a minute. “What if you weren’t dying?” she whispered, unable to keep her body from rubbing against him. Pleasure burst through her with a promise of more. A lot more.

  “Then I’d be inside you right now, making you say my name.” As if going on instinct, he slipped his head to the nape of her neck, twisting his fingers in her hair and taking control. He tugged her head to the side and then drew her down. “I’m done fighting us both. Tell me now if you want this.”

  Oh, she wanted him. Whether she wanted what she was about to do, she wasn’t sure. “I want you. Inside me and now,” she said, going for honesty.

  “Good enough.” He kissed her then, putting everything into it this time. Power, male, strength.

  She moaned, her hands curling into his shoulders.

  He rolled them again, blanketing her, broad and long. So much bigger than her. He reached down, one finger gently sliding inside her. “Oh, Tabi. You’re ready, baby.”

  She gasped, throwing her head back. Yeah, she was wet and ready for him. Fast. Really fast. She scraped her nails down his flank, over his hip, and touched his length. Full and pulsing, hard and long, he was ready, too. She chuckled, the sound hoarse. “Right back at you.”

  He chuckled, the sound pained. Then he licked along her jaw and headed between her breasts.

  She grabbed his hair and pulled him back on. “I’m all for playing and foreplay, but I want you. Now.” Everything hurt—she ached way too much for him. “We can go slow and play later.”

  His nostrils flared. “Hold on.” He reached into the bedside drawer, pulling out a condom.

  It would take too much time and maybe get him to stop if she explained that he didn’t need that, so she let him roll the useless thing on himself. He smiled and kissed her nose, pausing at her entrance and seeking her eyes, as if making sure one more time that she wanted this.

  To prove it, she reached around and clenched his very fine buttock.

  His nostrils flared, and he entered her, going slowly and allowing her body time to accept him.

  The moment was intimate and the feeling delicious. Different than ever before in a way she couldn’t quite grasp, and she shoved any indecision to the side. It was too late to worry about that.

  He finally pushed all the way inside her, taking her.

  Much too late.

  * * * *

  If Evan was going to die, this was a hell of a way to go. Tabi breathed out, her face flushed, her body warm beneath his. Those glorious black eyes looked silver again in the dim light, and her pretty pink lips pursed in an o. “Are you all right?” he rumbled, holding his weight off her with one elbow.

  “Yes,” she breathed, lifting her knees and giving him even more access to go deeper.

  She was wet and tight around him, her internal walls gripping with a strength that made him want to start pounding inside her like a randy teenager. Instead, he pulled out and pushed back in, watching her carefully to make sure he didn’t hurt her. She gasped and arched against him, her nails shredding the skin on his ass.

  He did it again, holding on to control like always.

  She did something inside her that gripped him even tighter, and he clenched his teeth. “Go, Evan. Now,” she whispered, her voice the sexy hoarseness of a bombshell from days gone by.

  Unable to stop himself, he plunged out of her and powered back in, setting up a strong rhythm that bounced her pretty breasts on her chest. Leaning down, he captured a nipple and lightly bit.

  She cried out, wrapping her legs around his waist.

  He leaned up. “I’m going to spend some serious time playing with those later tonight,” he warned her, his body working on its own for that elusive release just out of his reach.

  “Promises,” she whispered, the cords in her neck straining as she met his thrusts with her own, stamping a claim on him he’d never felt before.

  Right now, he was caught up in the moment and in the exquisite woman beneath him. Later he’d feel the remorse that they were so temporary and regret not meeting her earlier in his life. Right now, she was all heat, wildcat, and female. He slid his knees up and reached beneath her for the small of her back, lifting her up to meet his fierce pounding.

  “Yes,” she moaned, reaching almost desperately for his waist and digging in. “More. I need you. Here. More.” She tried to pull him down.

  Still powering inside her, he pushed his knees out and lay over her, overcome for the first time in his life. She was special, and there was no question about that. Possessiveness took him, shocking since it was impossible to keep her. He kissed her hard, his tongue diving inside her mouth.

nbsp; She kissed him back, her hands frantic, her body tightening around him. Her right hand clamped on his hip, and her other manacled his hair, turning his head and kissing beneath his jaw.

  Fire flashed along his hip, and a sharp pain ticked through his neck.

  She cried out, arching against him, her body shaking so hard with her orgasm that his eyes nearly rolled back in his head. He kept up the pressure, sure to hit her clit, and let her ride out the waves.

  With a soft sigh, she breathed out, licking his neck. Then, swear to God, she purred.

  He lifted up, wanting to see her eyes. They looked all silver and only spurred him higher. He gripped her hip, pounding inside her, his entire being caught up in this moment.

  She turned her head, revealing her smooth and vulnerable neck.

  He pressed his lips to her jugular, electricity shooting down his spine so fast his entire back burned. His balls enlarged, and with absolutely no thought, he sank his teeth into her neck until he tasted blood. Then he exploded, his body shaking with an unreal force as an orgasm spiraled him nearly into darkness.

  He stilled inside her, his dick still jerking with aftershocks. It took several moments, but he slowly came back into himself. There was blood on his lips. “Tabi. I bit you.” He blinked, trying to concentrate. Then he leaned back to survey the damage to her delicate skin. Yep. He’d bitten her. He looked up to apologize, shocked.

  Her sleepy grin stopped him short. “I bit you, too.” Then she patted his chest. “You’re very good in bed, Evan.”

  He couldn’t find words, so he withdrew, almost smiling at her soft sound of protest. “Did I hurt you?” He’d never drawn blood with a woman before. Hell. He’d never bitten one, either.

  “Nope. I’m good.” She stretched like a satisfied cat. “But sleepy. Let’s take a break.”

  A break? He wouldn’t be able to go for a while. Instantly proving him wrong, he started to harden again. What was it about this woman? “Hold on.” He slipped off the bed and moved to the adjacent bathroom to dispose of the condom, strode into the living room to let the dogs in, and then returned to her.


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