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Wanted: Wife 4 Navy Seals: A Sizzling Hot Military Romance (Wanted Series Book 1)

Page 8

by Dee Palmer

  “Finn! Are you okay?” Tug interrupts when he crashes through the door. His bedroom is next door, and he must have heard Finn fall. I take comfort that his response is quick, with Toxic close behind, and he’s right down the other end of the corridor, his bedroom near mine. “Oh, Charge, is Finn okay?”

  “I’m fine.” She pops her head above the bed and gives a little wave, which is cute, if a little formal, given how intimate these guys have already been. “Forgot where I was, and had a little fright, that’s all.”

  “Little? Sounded like a massive scare, what with the crash landing and all.” Tug frowns, his arms crossed like he doesn’t quite believe the simple explanation.

  “Little, hmm? Tug, I think I’d have to agree with you. Finn definitely had a massive shock.” I wink at Finn and bite back a throaty laugh as her cheeks burn bright red. She flashes a narrow glare my way, but her tongue peeks out to wet her lips, and my eyes lock on that little movement. Yeah, massive is about right. I stretch my hand to help her up but she shakes her head and hops to her feet without my assistance.

  Pink wanders in, dragging his hand through his bed hair and yawning. There’s a surreal moment when we all fall silent and just take in the scene: four half-naked men and one mostly naked, smoking-hot, super-cute woman. But more than that, and I see it in my brothers’ eyes as I hope they see it in mine, this woman is going to be our wife, and that makes her exceptional.

  “So what’s the plan?” She claps her palms together, and the confidence breaks our trance-like state, but her clasped hands belie her composure. We glance to each other, and four pairs of hungry eyes fall on her. She must feel the weight of it like an anvil. “How about I go to the little girls’ room and you guys decide what you want to do with me. I mean, what the plan is…Okay, maybe stop looking at me like you’re gonna eat me.” Her laugh is too high to be easy and is tinged with nervousness.

  “We’ve already done that, but I’m up for round two.” Tug’s voice drops low, and his intention is as clear as his eyes are penetrating. So much for easing her nerves.

  “Fuck, Tug!” Pink punches the top of his arm, but Tug doesn’t flinch. If anything he looks confused.

  “No. Look, I get it. It’s fine.” Finn steps up to them to stop any further horseplay. “I know why I’m here. Believe me I do.” She takes a moment to draw in a steadying breath and meet each of our gazes before she continues, once she’s sure we are all listening. “We’ve spent the last three months getting to know each other, but now I’m here, we have a relatively short time to make this very serious decision. And you guys are all hotter than hell, so it’s easy to get distracted and just devour one another and never get out of bed for the whole month.” I hold my breath, waiting for the Hell yeahs and Sounds goods, but they don’t come, because this isn’t a game, and we’re all deadly serious about wanting this to work. So we listen and she goes on, “But, we’re all going to need more than that if this is going to work.”

  She has certainly left me speechless, because that’s exactly what I wanted to say. I know I’m not alone in wanting to explore her tight little body, but we have just over four weeks to really get her to know us, which is no time at all when it’s got to be split four ways. Her bright smile dazzles as she spins and dashes to her bathroom, leaving us all grinning like idiots and more than a little dazed.

  “Man, those pictures on Facebook don’t do her justice.” Toxic launches himself on the bed and Pink and Toxic come and take the remaining space.

  “Or the ones I got for her binder, and that shit took some finding,” Tug adds.

  I jump in. “And that’s the last time you’re gonna mention it, dipshit. She doesn’t need to know how detailed our recon was, okay? It might freak her out.” I didn’t think I would need to state the fucking obvious; however, by the look on his face, set deep with frown lines, perhaps I did.

  “So we’re gonna lie?” Toxic’s dubious tone is echoed with an expression of disbelief from Pink and Tug.

  “No, we’re gonna make sure she won’t care by the time we do tell her about her binder,” I clarify, though that doesn’t seem to have eased anyone’s concerns.

  “And what about the rest?” Pink asks

  “The rest?”

  “Yeah, man, what if she asks about your folks?” Pink’s words hit hard, but I keep my face impassive, my mask fixed. But I’m happy for the information to be shared. No, happy isn’t the right word. I’m more resigned.

  “Then tell her,” I state flatly.

  “Really?” They all chorus together.

  “She’s going to be our wife. I don’t have a problem her knowing us. Most of it is in the binder.” I try to shrug off the magnitude of this declaration. The people who know what really happened are sitting on this bed, my chosen brothers. But even they don’t know what I went through. The fact that I want to share some of it with Finn is huge. I know it, and I can see the importance of it on their faces.

  “If she reads it.” Tug arches a brow.

  “Oh, she’ll read it.” My tone is laden with sensual warning.

  “You gonna tell her everything?” Pink cuts in, and my burgeoning grin disappears.

  “No!” I snap.

  “You said so yourself, she’s going to be our wife. Shouldn’t she know about—”

  “No!” I cut his conversation for the second time.

  “Dammit, Charge, don’t blow this for us. If she asks—” Pink’s pleading tone is ineffective, and I bark my interruption with more aggression than I intended.

  “You distract her.” My jaw clamps tight, and I take a moment to rein in my temper. I draw in a deep breath and look at each of them. They clearly feel as hopeful as I do, or they wouldn’t dream of applying this sort of pressure. “Look…I can’t, okay? The best I can give you is maybe, one day.”

  “Then we’ll take that.” Pink slaps my back now that we are all sitting on her bed. “Besides, I think we can distract her easily enough for the time being. Notice how she squeezes her legs when she checks us out?”

  “And her mouth? She sucks on her bottom lip like I want her to suck my—”

  “Oh, man, those lips.” Toxic thankfully cuts Tug’s crude musings off, or I might have to nutpunch him. This isn’t some chick we’re going to be comparing notes on; this is Finn.

  “I know it’s still early, Charge, but I got a real good feeling about this one.” Toxic’s grin is wide and hopeful.

  “You said that about Chloe.” Pink shoots him down, killing his smile like he did mine. He’s on a roll this morning.

  “Yeah, well, Chloe slipped under the radar, and she never got this far, so she doesn’t count.” Toxic bites back.

  “She’s special for sure, but taking us all on is a big deal, so let’s make sure we get it right and not scare her off.” I look over at the closed bathroom door, and when I turn back they are all looking at me with wry grins.

  “Right,” Tug says, elongating the word so it has a heavy dose of sarcasm in the mix. “If anyone’s gonna scare her, Charge, it’s you and your kinky shit.”

  “Fuck off, Tug. She knows about that and she’s still here, so how about you keep your mouth shut about my private fucking business.” I raise my curled fist to hit right between his legs, but he scoots back out of my reach.

  “I was only fucking with ya’, brother. Calm the fuck down.” He chuckles nervously. “Look, we all know each other’s boundaries, and you’re pretty much the only one who has them. The not sharing, and we are all cool with that, so how about we move on and figure out a timetable. Charge, you’ve got this week off, but I’m not happy waiting a whole damn week before I can touch her again.”

  “Me, either.” Pink and Toxic agree.

  “Understandable. How about we alternate as we would normally, and when she’s here permanently we can sort out how we share during leave periods. It’s not like we have much annual leave, anyway. It’s just that I was the one who could get this straightened out at the last minute.”

  “So who goes first?” Tug asks with obvious enthusiasm.

  “Who goes first with what?” Finn walks out of the bathroom, towel drying her hair, and my stomach drops. Damn what I wouldn’t give to share a shower with her, watching the droplets of water she failed to dry trickle down her neck, along her collarbone, down her thighs. All the way down her toned legs. She freezes in the doorway, transfixed, and I watch as her mouth struggles to deliver the necessary moisture to her throat. Her legs twitch, and I know she isn’t struggling where it counts. She flashes a quick smile, and her cheeks are a beacon of instant color.

  “On a date,” I add quickly before she concludes we are in fact a bunch of animals. “We were deciding who gets to have the first date with you. You can choose if you’d like.”

  “No way am I making that choice. No, you guys sort that one out, and I’ll just do as I’m told.”

  “Good to know,” I state and watch her jaw drop and her eyes darken.

  THE SHOWER I JUST TOOK was quick, but I think I need to go back in and switch the dial to ice blast. The way they all look at me could scorch my panties right off, and it hasn’t gone unnoticed, judging by the heat in Charge’s stare, that I’m not wearing any.

  “What about flipping a coin?” I blurt and instantly cringe at my own suggestion. I don’t want the selection to be the result of a coin toss. “No, wait. How about you each put your name on a piece of paper and I pick one out. That’s fair.”

  “We could just go by rank.” Charge grins wide, the others groan, and there’s a good deal of eye rolling.

  “Or you could suck my balls.” Tug punches Charge just shy of his groin, and I suck in a breath for him. A small tussle ensues while I fetch some paper from my bag.

  “Here write your names on these pieces of paper.” I hand out the torn chunks and one pen to share.

  “Why don’t you write and just pick?” Pink takes the pen but holds it back for me.

  “I don’t want to influence the draw.” I shake my head.

  “And you writing our names might do that?” His face crinkles with confusion and amusement.

  “It might. Don’t argue, just do it,” I sass, placing my hand on my hips for effect. I even drop a hip to emphasize my attitude.

  “Oh, I like sassy, Finn.” Pink grins.

  “At least one of you does.” I chance a glance at Charge, and, sure enough, his lips are curling in a wicked sexy, knowing smile. I can’t wait to learn what that grin means. “Okay, put them in here.” I hold out a small carved wooden bowl I took from the oak dresser which dominates the far wall. Once all the papers are in, I give it a little shake and hold it up high. I stretch my other hand out, but before I can grab a piece Tug coughs an interruption.

  “I think you should give it another shake, darling.” His face is the picture of innocence, wide eyes and cute smile.


  “Just to be sure.” He nods energetically.

  “Okay.” I start to shake when I catch a sly fist bump between Tug and Toxic. “Really? What are you, fourteen?”

  “No offense meant, darling, but damn, when you shook that sweet ass of yours just then, I did feel like I was fourteen, and just as horny.” He tips his head and lifts his shoulders but doesn’t look remotely apologetic, and it dawns on me, why would I want him to apologize?

  “You know what? It’s a little strange for me to be looked at the way you all do, but I’m gonna take it with no offense, because I know this whole new shiny toy thing will wear off. I just hope I can get that look once in a while, when it does.” I laugh lightly, though it changes quickly. I get a sick twist in my stomach, because I don’t remember when I lost that look from Dave, but I haven’t seen it in so long, this just knocks the air from my lungs.

  I didn’t see them move—I must have closed my eyes with the painful memory—but they are all instantly around me. Charge lifts my chin with his finger, and the tingle in my nose means I’m seconds away from big, fat tears clouding my vision. I blink and blink again.

  “Hey…If someone stopped looking at you the way we are now, then he was a fucking idiot. Trust me when I say we know exactly what we have here and how fucking lucky we all are.” His soft, deep voice and beautiful words penetrate every raw nerve and soothes me.

  “Damn right.” Tug agrees

  “Absolutely, sugar.” Toxic’s smile is so big it distorts his handsome face.

  Pink adds, “So fucking lucky, darling,” with such heartfelt sincerity, I crumble, and they close in for the best group hug, ever.

  “We couldn’t be happier he fucked up. We also know you’re still hurting over what he did. Just know he will regret it and come for you again,” Pink warns, and I scoff with a sharp laugh and a runny nose.

  “He didn’t want me, Pink, and he won’t come for me.” I sniff and rub my face dry.

  “Good, because you’re ours now,” Charge declares like it’s a done deal, a fact that ignites a warm spark deep inside my chest; it’s little, but it’s there. “Now, pick a slip of paper, angel, and put one of us out of our misery.”

  “Pink.” I unscrew the paper and squeal as Pink dips and thrusts his shoulder into my tummy, lifting me high and spinning me around and around. I grab his boxer shorts for stability but the material isn’t nearly robust enough, stretching and coming away in my fists. His dark tan lines highlighting the white, firm globes of his arse. Something utterly biteable about a firm butt. He stops after a few spins and slides me down his body.

  Charge holds the bowl out, and I take it, but I must look puzzled.

  “You need to pick the rest, so we can fill in the timetable,” he clarifies.

  “Oh, right, of course.” I pick the next piece. “Charge, then Toxic, and that would mean Tug, you get—”

  “Don’t even think about saying anything derogatory, or I just might not go gentle on you tomorrow.” Charge’s deeply commanding, gravelly tone goes straight to my lady parts.

  “I was going to, but I won’t now.” I mutter and shrink from his sexy but intimidating glare.

  “Shame.” His eyes fix on mine for long, sensual seconds before he blinks and turns away. “Okay, I’ll get breakfast on, and we’ll leave you to get dressed.”

  “Do I have time to unpack?” I call out as they all head for the door.

  “I don’t know, do you? Breakfast will be in twenty minutes.” Charge looks at his watch as if starting the countdown.

  “Shit. Well, I will if you all bugger off and leave me alone.” I start to push and maneuver the muscle mountains out of my door, which happens because they are cooperating. “Oh, what should I wear, Pink? What are we doing today?”

  “Riding, darling. I’m going to show you the land, the only way it should be seen.” He flashes a bright smile, all straight white teeth and dimples. His blond hair long enough to hang adorably over his deep blue eyes.

  “Oh I didn’t bring jodhpurs, and I don’t have a riding hat.” It’s only a fluke I have jodhpurs at all; they were part of a fancy dress costume and I didn’t think to pack them. There isn’t much call for horse riding outfits working as a hairdresser in the city.

  “Jeans will be fine. Although I would pay good money to see your sweet ass in some skintight jods.” He gives a playful wink and drops his eyes to my bottom.

  “And riding hat?”

  “We don’t wear riding hats, darling, but I will have something that will suit you just fine.” He tips his head and starts to walk backwards down the corridor.

  “Okay.” I wave him off. He flashes the widest smile, and I return it tenfold. I’m more than a little excited. I have only ever ridden a donkey on the beach when I was tiny. I barely remember, but it must have been before my Gran became sick, and I was taken into foster care. Horses and hobbies were something other kids did. I close the door and I look at my stacked suitcases. Now, where did I pack my jeans? And more importantly where did I pack my sports bra?

  I have a light tan, but I burn easily, so I wear a thin, long-s
leeved, striped blue and white top with my skinny jeans. It’s possible I’ll be too hot, but better that than third-degree burns and sunstroke. I have no idea how long we’re going to be out today, but after breakfast, Pink packs us some provisions, a couple of towels, and a blanket. He throws the bag in the back of a different pickup truck and opens the door for me to climb in. I wasn’t waiting for him to; I was just standing there, staring, a little awestruck at the house now I have time to really take it in. The spot is stunning with rolling fields, woodland in the distance—isolated but homey. The sun is already bleaching the color from the ground and the nature that’s trying to thrive under this heat.

  “You ready?” Pink starts up the truck and the whole cab vibrates with the noise. I smile and nod, grabbing on to the door as the truck launches forward.

  We pull up to the stable block a few minutes later. We could’ve walked. In this heat, though, I can understand why we didn’t. Pink takes my hand as soon as I jump down from the cab and leads me over to a large steel and wooden barn.

  “Let me introduce you to the other ladies in my life. They should all be tacked-up and ready, but don’t get used to that.” His tone is a light mock warning. “If you wanna ride, you have to do that shit yourself, and muck out the stalls too. It’s just ’cause it’s the first time, and this week is more like a vacation, if that makes sense.”

  “Oh, absolutely. I don’t know how to tack-on, but I’m a fast learner.” My wide smile is making my jaw ache; I’m that excited.

  “Tack-up.” He grins.

  “Right…tack-up. Anyway, I don’t have a lazy bone in my body, quite the opposite. You have to tie me down to keep me still.” I snicker, and his mouth twists in a suppressed smile.

  “Not my thing, darling, but Charge will be happy to help you there.” His eyes meet mine, and I know my cheeks must be inferno red, though he doesn’t say more, just throws me a knowing, wicked wink. He pulls a massive sliding barn door open enough for us to squeeze through and the scent of warm hay and horses hits me like a perfume counter at a department store. The aroma, however, is farmyard fresh and just as pungent. I wrinkle my nose in disgust.


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