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The Rover Boys in the Jungle; Or, Stirring Adventures in Africa

Page 31

by Edward Stratemeyer



  Nightfall found the entire expedition, including the women andchildren, on the mountain side below the caves. As the party wentdown the mountain a strict watch was kept for the Bumwo warriors,and just as the sun was setting, they were discovered in camp onthe trail to the northwest.

  "We will send out a flag of truce," said Randolph Rover. "Cujocan talk to them."

  This was done, and presently a tall Bumwo under chief came out ina plain to hold a mujobo, or "law talk."

  In a few words Cujo explained the situation, stating that they nowheld in bondage eighteen women and children, including KingSusko's favorite wife Afgona. If the whites were allowed to passthrough the country unharmed until they, reached the village ofKwa, where the Kassai River joins the Congo, they would releaseall of the women and children at that point and they could go backto rejoin their husbands and fathers. If, on the other hand, theexpedition was attacked the whites would put all of those inbondage to instant death.

  It is not likely that this horrible threat would have been putinto execution. As Dick said when relating the particulars of theaffair afterward. "We couldn't have done such a terrible thing,for it would not have been human." But the threat had the desiredeffect, and in the morning King Susko, who was now on a sick bed,sent word that they should go through unmolested.

  And go through they did, through jungles and over plains, acrossrivers and lakes and treacherous swamps, watching continually fortheir enemies, and bringing down many a savage beast that showeditself. On the return they fell in with Mortimer Blaze, and he,being a crack shot, added much to the strength of their command.

  At last Kwa was reached, and here they found themselves under theprotection of several European military organizations. The nativewomen and children were released, much to their joy, and myreaders can rest assured that these Africans lost no time ingetting back to that portion of the Dark Continent which theycalled home.

  From Kwa to Boma the journey was comparatively easy. At StanleyPool they rested for a week, and all in the party felt the betterfor it.

  "Some day I will go back and open up the mines I have discovered,"said Anderson Rover. "But not now. I want to see my own dearnative land first."

  At Boma news awaited them. Josiah Crabtree had turned up and beenjoined by Dan Baxter, and both had left for parts unknown.

  "I hope we never see them again," said Dick, and his brothers saidthe same.

  An American ship was in port, bound for Baltimore, and all of ourparty, including the Yale students, succeeded in obtaining passageon her for home. The trip was a most delightful one, and no dayscould have been happier than those which the Rover boys spentgrouped around their lather listening to all he had to tell of thenumerous adventures which had befallen him since he had left home.A long letter was written to Captain Townsend, telling of thefinding of Anderson Rover, and the master of the Rosabel was,later on, sent a gift of one hundred dollars for his goodness tothe Rovers.

  Of course Anderson Rover was greatly interested in what his sonshad been doing and was glad to learn that they were progressing sofinely at Putnam Hall.

  "We will let Arnold Baxter drop," he said.

  "He is our enemy, I know; but just now we will let the law takeits course for the rascality he practiced in Albany."

  "All right, father," answered Dick. "We can afford to let himdrop, seeing how well things have terminated for ourselves."

  "And how happy we are going to be," chimed in Sam.

  "And how rich--when father settles up that mining claim in theWest," put in Tom.

  Here I must bring to a finish the story of the Rover boys'adventures in the jungles of Africa. They had started out to findtheir father, and they had found him, and for the time being allwent well.

  The home-coming of the Rovers was the occasion of a regularcelebration at Valley Brook farm. The neighbors came in from farand wide and with them several people from the city who in formeryears had known Anderson Rover well.

  It was a time never to be forgotten, and the celebration was keptup for several days. Captain Putnam was there, and with him cameFrank, Fred, Larry, and several others. The captain apologizedhandsomely to Aleck for the way he had treated the colored man.

  "I wish I had been with you," said Fred. "You Rover boys arewonders for getting around. Where will you go next?"

  "I think we'll go West next," answered Dick. "Father wants tolook up his mining interests, you know. We are going to ask himto take us along." They did go west, and what adventures they hadwill be related in a new volume, entitled "The Rover Boys Out West;or, The Search for a Lost Mine."

  "But we are coming back to Putnam Hall first," added Tom. "Dearold Putnam Hall! I thought of it even in the heart of Africa!"

  "And so did I," put in Sam. "I'll tell you, fellows, it's goodenough to roam around, but, after all, there is no place likehome."

  And with this truthful remark from the youngest Rover, let usclose this volume, kind reader, hoping that all of us may meetagain in the next book of the series, to be entitled, "The RoverBoys Out West; or, The Search for a Lost Mine." In this story allof our friends will once more play important parts, and we willlearn what the Baxters, father and son, did toward wresting theRover Boys' valuable mining property from them. But for the timebeing all went well, and so good-by.

  The End


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