Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989)

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Italian Gothic Horror Films (1980-1989) Page 10

by Roberto Curti

  a broken doll’s head from which a pool of blood

  in the opposite direction to the rational denoue-

  has come out (the red making a stark contrast

  ments of the pseudo- narrative puzzles of so

  on the black and white composition), Macabro

  much Gothic literature and cinema: rather, it re-

  received good press reviews. It proved also a

  calls in tone the mocking and grim endings in

  commercial success. As Bava recalled, “a week

  Mario Bava’s cinema.

  after the film’s release, Minervini told me it

  A good part of Macabro’s weird fascination

  was the first Avati production that made any

  relies on its subdued use of locations. Except for


  a few scenes in New Orleans, accomplished in

  The film was also screened at the Sitges

  just four days (such as the exterior shots of the

  Film Festival in Catalunya in October 980,

  main location, Duval’s two- story house), most

  prior to its distribution in Spain, and at the 0th

  of the film was shot in Northern Italy, namely

  “Festival international du film fantastique et de

  in Gardone Riviera, near Salò, on the Lake

  science- fiction” in Paris, to good response.

  Garda, in the villa once owned by Mussolini’s

  When interviewed in L’Écran fantastique Bava

  lover Claretta Petacci. But the outstanding open-

  announced that his next film would be Gnomi,

  ing title image, set in a monumental, creepy

  cemetery dominated by a ziggurat- like mau-

  soleum which sets the tone for a story in which

  the living a re dominated by the dead, was shot

  in Crespi d’Adda, an industrial village near Berg-

  amo built in the last quarter of the 9th century

  by the Crespi family, owners of textile factories,

  which has become a UNESCO site. Bava shot

  a brief sequence there with Bernice Stegers vis-

  iting a grave. “The sky was grey, a little fine rain

  was falling, which gave a formidable atmos-

  phere,” the director recalled, “but I must say that

  Franco Delli Colli added his own personal

  touch, and tried something new with lots of fil-

  ters, because I wanted a very dusky coloring.”2

  The score, by Ubaldo Continiello (who had

  written the music for La Venere d’Ille), is also

  peculiar, and blends classical passages with jazzy

  saxophone and harmonica- driven parts, more

  rhythmic and aggressive, which are typical of

  the Louisiana setting.

  Mario Bava had no input on the film.

  When his son gave him the script to read, he re-

  fused to give him any suggestion: “It’s your

  movie, make it the way you want to!” He saw

  the rough cut in late January 980. “Now I can

  rest in peace,” he told Lamberto.3 Three months

  later he was gone.

  Macabro was submitted to the rating board

  in late March 980 to obtain a screening certifi-

  cate. The Board invited the producers to

  “lighten” (i.e., trim) the scene in which Jane

  kisses the dead man’s head on the bed. The cut

  (of 4.20 meters, that is about 8 seconds) was per-

  Macabro (1980), Lamberto Bava’s film debut,

  formed immediately, and the committee gave

  came out in Italy with the tagline “Il film che ha

  the film a V.M.4 rating. Released with an apt

  terrorizzato anche Dario Argento” (the film

  tagline (“il film che ha terrorizzato anche Dario

  which frightened even Dario Argento), hinting

  Argento,” the film which frightened even Dario

  at new heights in horror (courtesy Luca servini).

  34 1980: Il medium a grotesque story set in a small building inside

  3. According to the Public Cinematographic Register,

  a city (possibly Vienna or Trieste) where strange

  filming started on November 9, 979.

  4. Alain Schlockoff and Robert Schlockoff, “Entretien

  events occur. Eventually the inhabitants find out

  avec Lamberto Bava,” L’Écran fantastique #6, January 98,

  that the top floor, apparently vacant, is inhabited


  by gnomes. The building is gradually deterio-

  5. Ibid., .

  rating, with humidity, moss and plants growing

  6. Ibid.

  everywhere, as the little creatures are recreating

  7. See Curti, Italian Gothic Horror Films, 1970–1979, 4.

  8. A. Schlockoff and R. Schlockoff, “Entretien avec

  their favorite microclimate, and are planning to

  Lamberto Bava,” 4.

  turn the whole city into a forest. The gnomes

  9. See Curti, Italian Gothic Horror Films, 1970–1979,

  are good to gentle and kind souls, while they kill

  9–4, and 24–27.

  those who are bad and selfish. In the end, only

  10. Luca M. Palmerini and Gaetano Mistretta, Spaghetti

  Nightmares (Rome: M&P Edizioni, 996), 37.

  few tenants survive the carnage, and must adapt

  11. Bava had planned to shoot another project in Crespi

  to the gnomes’ way of life and rules. Bava had

  d’Adda: I ritornanti, the story of a group of teenagers who

  written the script with Roberto Gandus and

  undergo a series of extreme trials to prove their courage

  Alessandro Parenzo, and the movie was to be

  and defy death, getting close to a point of no return. One

  produced by Vides. But the project would cost

  day a girl goes too far and seemingly dies, only to return

  from death a little while later. But in fact, it is not she who

  too much, and Bava sent the script overseas to

  has returned from the other side, but someone (or some-

  several U.S. companies, including Steven Spiel-

  thing) else… . Bava wanted Crespi d’Adda to pass off as an

  berg’s Amblin, hoping to find an American co-

  American college: he had completed location scouting and

  producer, but to no avail. Gnomi was eventually

  was ready to shoot, but the project never took off.

  12. A. Schlockoff and R. Schlockoff, “Entretien avec

  dropped, but in 984 Joe Dante’s Gremlins came

  Lamberto Bava,” .

  out, which Bava claimed had many similarities

  13. Lucas, Mario Bava. All the Colors of the Dark, 02.

  with his script6 (although judging from the brief

  14. Gomarasca, “Intervista a Lamberto Bava,” 38.

  synopsis the director told L’Écran fantastique it

  15. According to the official ministerial data, it was seen

  doesn’t seem so).

  by 77,037 spectators and grossed an amount corresponding

  to about 46,9 Euro. (http:// infoicaa. mecd. es/ Catalogo

  Eventually, despite the good critical and

  ICAA/ Peliculas/ Detalle?Pelicula= 94).

  commercial results of his film debut, Lamberto

  16. “But, I assure you, I have been told a couple of years

  Bava had to stay at home without working for

  ago that Joe Dante had this Italian script in his hands,

  a whole year, due to family ma
tters. It was

  translated into English, with drawings, how to make them

  [gnomes]; lots of work had been done. Funny enough,

  Dario Argento who helped him recover his pro-

  there is not much difference between Gremlins and Gnomi.

  fessional path by hiring him as his a.d. on Tene-

  However, nowadays I’m pleased, because it means that

  bre. Bava returned to directing with La casa con

  surely what we think, that we are not inferior to them, is

  la scala nel buio, scripted by Dardano Sacchetti

  true.” Alberto Morsiani, “Conversazione con Lamberto

  and Elisa Briganti and produced by Luciano

  Bava,” in Alberto Morsiani (ed.), Rosso italiano (1977/1987).

  Sequenze #7, March 988, 7.

  Martino, a violent giallo with some Gothic ref-

  erences—including an impressive opening se-

  quence which reprised the same concept from

  Il medium (The Medium)

  which Sacchetti’s own script for Quella villa ac-

  D: Silvio Amadio. S: Silvio Amadio; SC:

  canto al cimitero was born—set in a modern-

  Claudio Fragasso, Tonino [Antonio] Cucca, Sil-

  day version of the Gothic haunted house: the

  vio Amadio; DOP: Maurizio Salvatori (East-

  story revolves around a young composer (An-

  mancolor, Telecolor); M: Roberto Pregadio (Ed.

  drea Occhipinti) who rents an isolated villa to

  Nazionalmusic); E: Silvio Amadio; PD, CO: Elio

  write the score for a horror film, only to find

  Micheli; AD: Mauro Paravano; AE: Marina

  out that the elusive tenant before him (a mys-

  Candidi; SO: Alberto Salvatori; C: Giancarlo

  terious girl named Linda) might be the maniac

  Granatelli; AC: Renato Palmieri; MU: Angelo

  who slashes Bruno’s female neighbors in graph-

  Roncaioli; Hair: Galileo Mandini; W: Renata

  ically gory ways. Born as a made- for-TV proj-

  Renzi; SS: Romana Pietrostefani. Cast: Vincent

  ect, it eventually found theatrical distribution

  Mannari Jr. [Guido Mannari] (Paul Robbins),

  due to its graphic violence.

  Sherry Buchanan (Laura), Stefano Mastrogiro-

  lamo (Alan), Martine Brochard (Daniela), Nico-


  letta Amadio (Anita, the Psychic), Achille

  1. Manlio Gomarasca, “Intervista a Lamberto Bava,” in

  Brunini [Brugnini] (Vanni, the Doctor), Vin-

  Genealogia del delitto. Il cinema di Mario e Lamberto Bava.

  Nocturno Dossier #24, July 2004, 37.

  cenzo Ferro (Benedetti, Daniela’s husband),

  2. Gomarasca and Pulici, “I testimoni,” 49.

  Mirko Ellis [Mirko Korcinsky] (Anita’s Hus-

  1980: Il medium 3

  band), Andrea Aureli (Berto, the Gardener),

  on Friday nights, after dinner, at your place,”

  Paolo De Manincor (Bersani), Loris Zanchi

  Amadio wrote. The participants—Fidani and

  (Prof. Albitzen), Salvatore Martino, Philippe

  his partner Mila Valenza Vitelli, Amadio and his

  Leroy (Prof. Power). PROD: Ars Nova Cooper-

  wife Gabriella, Roman lawyer Roberto Castaldi,

  ativa S.r.l. (Rome); PM: Augusto Silvestrini; PS:

  Fidani’s brother Arturo and Mila’s son Paolo—

  Marco Kustermann; PSe: Nicola Princigalli.

  used to record the séances with tape recorders

  Country: Italy. Filmed at Palatino Studios

  and microphones. They closed doors and win-

  (Rome). Running time: 89 minutes (m. 244).

  dows and sat in the dark, waiting for their guide

  Visa n. 7442 (2.7.979); Rating: V.M.4. Release

  spirits to manifest. “We know it is not possible

  date: 3.0.980 (Italy); Distribution: Regional.

  for us to understand some concepts, at least until

  Domestic gross: approx.,000,000 lire.

  we will remain in a material state,” the director

  Note: painting by Agostino De Romanis.

  added, recalling the “crass laughs of our friends

  American composer Paul Robbins moves to

  whenever we discussed and mentioned the

  Rome with his ten- year-old son Alan to work on

  earthly concepts of time and space.” Among the

  his new dodecaphonic opera. Robbins, a widower,

  otherworldly visitors that manifested during the

  hires the young Laura to look after Alan, but soon

  séances, as Amadio recalled, once there was

  the boy starts acting in a weird way, and mentions

  even Pope John XXIII.

  an imaginary playmate whom only he can see, a

  There is little doubt that Il medium was

  black- haired woman dressed in white. Weird

  conceived as a sincere homage to Fidani, on

  events take place: Robbins is attacked by a fero-

  whom Prof. Power, the titular savant played by

  cious dog, a mysterious female voice is recorded

  Philippe Leroy, seems to have been patterned.

  on his tapes, and he is perturbed by a painting

  In a scene, the psychic lectures about the

  given to him by Daniela, the wife of the art direc-

  survival of the spirit after death (“The spiritual

  tor with whom he is working for his new opera.

  world belongs to a distinct dimension from our

  Things turn even worse, as Alan seems to be pos-

  time and space”) and the permanence of evil in

  sessed by a malevolent entity. Upon advice of a

  the afterlife, linked with the least evolved spirits

  doctor friend, Robbins summons a noted psychic,

  (“We cannot and mustn’t approach the spiritual

  Professor Power, who solves the mystery. It turns

  world without a deep moral preparation”), with

  out that Daniela, a powerful psychic, is seeking

  words very similar to those later used by Fidani

  revenge against Robbins, who years earlier had

  in his book.

  provoked her sister Eleonora’s death. The two psy-

  The film’s genesis benefited from the direc-

  chics confront each other during two séances that

  tor’s adherence to the subject matter. As

  take places simultaneously at Robbins and

  scriptwriter Claudio Fragasso told Fangoria,

  Daniela’s house, and the outcome will be surpris-

  “Silvio Amadio came to me with an actual


  medium and told me that the dead had told

  Released marginally in early 980 and im-

  them I should write the script [laughs]! And so

  mediately disappearing into oblivion, Il medium

  I began to write this story with the direct inspi-

  represented the culmination of Silvio Amadio’s

  ration of the dead.”2 According to Fragasso, this

  interest in the occult, which the director had de-

  was the first script he wrote, even before Pronto

  veloped thanks to his friendship with art

  ad uccidere (a.k.a. Meet Him and Die, 976,

  director- turned-filmmaker Demofilo Fidani, the

  Franco Prosperi), and in fact a scenario with the

  mind behind many low- budget Italian Westerns.

  same title is registered at Rome’s SIAE offices

  Compared to his work as a film director, in

  and dated October 4, 97, although it
is cred-

  fact, Fidani’s activity as a medium proved much

  ited to Massimo Franciosa and Luisa Montag-

  more successful. Through his “Circolo di spiri-

  nana. However, it took a few years before the

  tualisti” (Circle of Spiritualists) he became a

  movie went into production: shooting started

  well- respected figure in the world of esoterism

  on May 7, 979.3 But it was too late for such a

  and wrote some books on the topic, including

  story to find an audience.

  Il medium esce dal mistero, published in 986

  Often labeled as a horror film, Il medium

  and graced by a testimony by Amadio himself.

  is in fact a supernatural drama, a ghost story of

  “We had started gathering as a permanent group

  sorts which deals with some Gothic staples such

  interested in the phenomena of Spiritism around

  as the return of the past, the perturbing portrait,

  you, a psychic with most unique powers, in the

  the seemingly haunted house. The story has

  early 970s; we met on a rigorous weekly basis,

  some points in common with the domestic

  36 1980: Mia apocalypse of Bava’s Shock—here as well a kid

  3. According to the Public Cinematographic Register.

  turns against a parent, by way of a supernatural

  4. Stefano Ippoliti and Matteo Norcini, “Una favola

  chiamata cinema. Intervista a Martine Brochard,” Cine70

  presence looking for revenge—and the idea of

  e dintorni #6, 2004, 36.

  it revolving around a dodecaphonic composer is

  a singular variation on the theme of artistic sen-

  Mia moglie è una strega (My Wife Is a

  sibility, which makes Gothic heroes more recep-


  tive to the manifestations of the supernatural.

  D: Castellano & Pipolo [Franco Castellano,

  The musician’s open- minded approach to com-

  Giuseppe Moccia]. S: Laura Toscano, Franco

  position—the twelve- tone technique overcomes

  Marotta; SC: Castellano & Pipolo, Laura

  the limits of writing in a key—might be com-

  Toscano, Franco Marotta; DOP: Alfio Contini

  pared to a psychic’s approach to reality, that is,

  (Technospes); M: Detto Mariano (Ed. Slalom);

  going beyond the limits of everyday reality and

  E: Antonio Siciliano; PD: Bruno Amalfitano;


  CO: Luca Sabatelli; AD: Alessandro Metz; MU:

  But the odd interesting detail (the com-

  Nilo Iacoponi, Walter Cossu; Hair: Paolo

  poser working on his music, which allows for a


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