Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted Book 1)

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Love & Deception (Beautifully Twisted Book 1) Page 4

by Colbie Kay

  The horses are located on the opposite side of the fairgrounds, making it about half a mile walk. When we finally get close, we pass pigs, sheep, chickens, and other random animals. The smell isn’t pleasant, but we keep going until we reach the stables where the horses are located. Inside, men are tending to the bulls, running around feeding and cleaning the pens. We continue moving, the horrid smell grows stronger, but when we see Cody and Jake, and everything around us evaporates. "Do you see them, Sonya? Oh my God, they're sexy," Pudge whispers, sighing dramatically.

  I bite my lip out of habit while ogling my bull rider. My? I laugh myself. "Yes, yes, I do.” I nod. “So sexy!" I murmur. He’s even sexier than I remember.

  We continue to stand here for a few minutes, taking in the sexiness of Cody and Jake. Both are in cowboy boots, tight Wranglers that showcase nice tight asses, and are wearing a baseball cap backward. Jake has on a white beater, making his tan skin look darker and his muscles bigger. Cody’s wearing a t-shirt with the sleeves cut off with s big, muscular arms on display. I definitely didn't get to see those guns last night. Don't get me wrong, Jake is a good-looking guy, but he doesn't have shit on Cody, that's for sure.

  I swallow hard in an attempt to wet my dry mouth. I blurt, "What are you guys doing?" Both turn at the sound of my voice. Jake walks over to Pudge and puts his arm around her.

  Cody’s perfectly straight white teeth shine with his beaming smile. "Why you still standin' there? Come here." I strut over to him, and when I’m close enough, his arm wraps around my shoulders. He lightly presses his lips against my temple and whispers, "Hey, beautiful."

  I snake my arms around his waist and reply, “Hey." My own grin is going from ear to ear. Lifting my eyes, I’m met with those crystal-clear blues. My gaze travels over his features up to the brownish-blonde hair peeking out from the cap, also something I didn't get to see last night. "What are you doing?" I question, pointing to the rope he’s holding. Glancing over my shoulder, I notice Jake has already taken Pudge away.

  Cody’s arm drops from my shoulders as my attention drifts back to him. "I was fixin’ to get my handle and rope ready for tonight."

  My brows knit in confusion. "You have to get it ready? How do you do that?" I’m curious, and my interest is peaked. I don’t know anything about bull riding, but I like hearing him speak with his southern accent. Even his voice is sexy; therefore, I’m all about learning, and really, it's a rope, who would have thought it would need prepping?

  His brow arches in disbelief. "You really wanna know?"

  Throwing my hand on my hips, I cock my brow in a challenge. "I asked, didn't I?"

  Cody mutters under his breath, “Such a sassy lil' thing."

  I playfully slap his arm. “You like my sassiness.” I attempt to flirt.

  He chuckles, the sound deep and rumbling. "You’re right, but that’s not the only thing I like.” His gaze searches mine. Our smiles fall as our eyes lock. The air around us thickens and sizzles with electricity, and I swallow hard once again. Cody clears his throat and backs away from me. “Here, I'll show you."

  My eyelids flutter as I forgot what he was supposed to show me. He picks up the rope and a brush that looks like something you would use to clean a BBQ grill. Oh, right, prepping his rope.

  Attempting to compose myself, I intently listen to his every word. "Alright. First, you have to take this brush and use it to get all the dirt and grime off the rope and handle. It needs to be clean before you apply the rosin." I watch as he cleans the rope and handle, rubbing the bristles against it like he explained and making his biceps flex in the process.

  After a few minutes, Cody sets the brush down on a shelf then picks up a bar of soap. "Now that the rope is clean, you take this soap and run it over all the parts that you cleaned." He glances at me with a half-grin, probably to see if I’m actually paying attention. Surprisingly, I am. "You see these two pieces of tape, here?" I nod my head, seeing the two white pieces of tape. "You want to stay within the lines of the tape. There's no need for you to do the whole thing."

  "Can I do it?" My tone lowers, a shyness I didn’t even know existed within me coming through. How can I be shy when I’m always around a bunch of bikers?

  "Yeah, come stand in front of me." I do as he tells me. His fingertips glide down my arm from my shoulder until our fingers are laced together. With one hand on top of mine, his other hand places the soap in my palm, and I grip it with our intertwined fingers. Cody guides my hand with his, over and under the rope and handle until it’s slick. His hot breath is hitting the side of my neck, his lips brushing across my bare flesh. Goosebumps pebble over my skin while a shiver races up my spine. His front is pressing against my backside, and I can feel the bulge in his tight jeans grow.

  “Cody?” I mumble his name. I’m frozen in place, not knowing what to do.

  “Fuck!” He drops the rope and handle as he backs away from me and lays the soap on the shelf where the brush is. His knuckles are turning white from how tightly he is squeezing his fists. “I’m sorry.”

  I step closer. “Don’t apologize.” I place my hand on his back. “Will you keep teaching me?” I question with hope lacing my tone. I don’t want to end this…whatever this is.

  He snatches a thick glove and a chunk of something black off the shelf. He spins to face me. “I don’t want you thinkin’ I’m some kind of pervy creep. Especially after last night.”

  I grin, biting down on my lip. “I don’t think you’re a pervy creep. It happens.”

  He shakes his head. “You’re doin’ somethin’ to me.”

  “Is that a bad thing?”

  He steps toward me. “I’m thinkin’, you could get me in a lot of trouble.”

  My breaths quicken. “I’m not sure if I’m the one that’s trouble.”

  “Then we both might be in a whole lotta trouble.”

  My body ignites with a burning desire. His gaze is filled with a need so intense, it takes every ounce of strength I have to remain in control of myself.

  “Jesus! Uh…this is the rosin.” He slaps a ball of black stuff along with the glove into my hand. Our connection is broken as he steps away from me. “You take it and run it over everywhere you used soap.” Still feeling something deep within me, I try to do exactly as he instructs. "You see how it's stickin'?" he asks


  He takes the rosin and glove from me to finish the job. "Good. The rosin will help you keep a tight hold when you're ridin' the bull." Once Cody is done, he sets the glove and left-over rosin on the shelf with everything else.

  "You ready to get our date started?" he questions, handing me a clean white towel to wipe off my hands.

  "Is this a date?" My heart races at the possibility.

  "You bet your sweet ass it is, beautiful. I’m fixin’ to make how we met up to you. I promise to be a true gentleman." We both laugh as he places his hand on my lower back, leading me out of the stables, back across the fairgrounds, and toward the rides. "You ever been to the fair for a date?"

  "I've been to the fair plenty of times, but not on a date." I avoid telling him I've never even been on a date.

  "Well, ma’am, I'm glad I'll be your first." Cody calling me ma'am makes me giggle. Something tells me he's going to be a lot of firsts for me; he just doesn't know it. "Really, though, if I knew my way around this city of yours, I’d take you somewhere better."

  "This is perfect. I was afraid you were going to cut it short.”

  His brows pull down. “Why? Because of what was happenin’ in there?”

  I nod.

  “I’m tryin’ to stay in control of myself, Sonya, and I’m findin’ it real fuckin’ hard around you. But I want every minute I can get with you. I’m not here for long, and I don’t really know how far to take this with you. I’ve never been in this kind of situation.”

  I think I understand what he’s trying to say, and it makes sense. Instead of addressing that, I change the subject. “You have a strong southern accent. Where
are you from?"

  After Cody pays for our tickets and we’re out of the line, he slides his fingers down my forearm, lacing our fingers together. I glance down at our hands, feeling my heart rate pick up, and my pulse starts to pound. I've never held hands with a guy before, but I realize I like it. It’s innocent yet powerful.

  "I'm from a small town in North Carolina called Cherokee." That's like a thousand miles from here.

  "How long are you here?" My heart drops into my stomach because, after today, I won’t want him to leave. What will happen when he does, when he has no choice except to leave?

  "Tomorrow." Fuck, that soon? My chin drops to my chest as I begin to kick at the ground. "Hey.” His thumb presses against my chin as he lifts my gaze to meet his. “Let’s have fun while we can and not think about me leaving. What do you wanna ride first?"

  Looking around, I find my favorite. Gripping Cody’s hand tighter in mine, I start running in that direction. We get in line behind a few other people. "This is my favorite ride. Do you like it?"

  "Honestly, I don't usually ride anythin’. I've never been on a date to the fair either." Cody’s cheeks flush pink, and I’m guessing it’s from his admission.

  Reaching my free hand up, I lay my palm against his cheek. He leans into my touch, closing his eyes for a brief second. "Well, sir, I'm glad I'll be your first, too." We both laugh and hand our tickets to the carny who is controlling the ride.

  Since he weighs more than I do, Cody sits on the inside. After the carny walks around, making sure everyone’s bar is locked in place, the ride begins. Starting slow, we go to one side of the gate, then it picks up more speed while we make it to the opposite side. The ride moves faster, and I start sliding toward Cody. His arm snakes around my shoulders while we zoom full speed to each of the four points of the ride. I'm pressed tightly against him, and my head flies back with laughter. As the ride comes to a stop, I look at Cody and find him watching me with that sexy smile.

  We hop off The Sizzler, and I head straight for the Tilt o' Whirl. "Okay, now, this is my second favorite. I hope you don't get sick very easily." I give him an evil smile and waggle my eyebrows.

  He chuckles and shakes his head. "Given that I ride bulls, I think I’ll manage just fine." He winks, which makes me want to fall at his feet. Cody is handsome, sexy, and perfect.

  Once we hand over our tickets, I rush to get our seats. The happiness I’m feeling is like a kid in a candy store. I can’t ever remember feeling this happy and free. After all of the seats are checked, the ride begins moving, and as soon as we get to the part I love, I scream, "Spin!" We both lean my way, taking the bar with us. We’re spinning in fast circles, our heads are pinned to the back of the seat, and our laughter rings out.

  I thought last night was great, but that was nothing compared to today. Going on all of the rides with Pudge is fun, but with Cody, it’s a different kind of fun.

  Next, we ride the Ferris Wheel. We both stare across the fairgrounds from the bucket seat. You can see everything from up here, and Cody lays his hand on my thigh during our ascent. "Sonya, today has been one of the best days I can ever remember. It’s been a lot of fun." His words echo my own feelings.

  Our eyes connect, and I tell him honestly, “It’s been one of the best for me too." I’m drowning in him. Trying to ignore the electricity, I ask, "Are you ready for tonight?"

  His tongue skims across his bottom lip. "As long as you'll be there, I'm ready. I want you close. I wanna look in the stands and see you there."

  My belly swarms with butterflies. "I'll be there, cheering you on from the front row. What bull are you riding?"

  "I won't know until later. We pick from a bowl, and it's the luck of the draw." I can’t look away. His hand moves up my shoulder to the back of my neck. I think he’s about to kiss me, and I turn my head, taking away his chance.

  The Ferris Wheel stops at the bottom, and we step out of our bucket. "Those are the only three rides I like. Wanna ride them again?"

  We end up riding each one five more times, and our hands are still full of unused tickets. "I think you overdid it with all these tickets, Cody. What are we gonna do with the rest of them?"

  He scans the area around us. "Let me have 'em." Cody takes the tickets from me and heads in the direction directly behind me. Turning around to follow him, I stop in my tracks when I see him kneel before a little boy dressed as a cowboy. "Here, you can have these tickets."

  The parents look on adoringly, and the mom says, "Thank you. Aren't you Cody Sterling?"

  "Yes, ma’am,” he replies with a wide smile.

  She nods, her grin matching his. "I thought so. Braxton loves you. He's always saying how he’s going to grow up and be just like you."

  Cody is eye level with the boy who is no older than six. "Braxton, you wanna ride bulls one day?"

  "Yes!” The boy's smile is beaming as he nods vigorously.

  "Do you have a pen, ma’am?" Cody asks the mom.

  "No, I'm sorry, I don't."

  Gliding over to them, I dig in my handbag and find one. “Here.” I hold it out for Cody to take. I watch in awe as he signs the boy's hat and pats him on the back.

  "Are y’all goin’ to be there tonight, watchin’ in the stands?” Cody inquires, and Braxton nods happily while Cody gives his hat back. The woman mouths thank you as they walk away.

  Cody steps back and takes my hand once again. This time a feeling of him being way too good for me falls over me. "You hungry?" Cody questions, handing me back the pen.

  Shaking off the bad thoughts, I nod my head, and we head in the direction of the food vendors. "That was really nice," I tell him quietly.

  "What was?" His brow furrows. He really doesn't know what I'm talking about.

  "What you did for that boy, signing his hat and giving him our tickets."

  Cody doesn’t say anything until after he orders our food. "Oh." His cheeks are a rosy pink. "I like kids, and it's a good day in my world if I can make one happy.”

  "You have many layers to you, but you're a good man, Cody Sterling." Smiling up at him, he pulls me close and kisses the crown of my head.

  Finding an empty seat at one of the picnic tables, we seat down. "Bull riding seems dangerous," I comment, taking a bite of my funnel cake, savoring the deliciousness of it.

  "It is. In this sport, it's only a matter of when you're gonna get hurt, not if you’re gonna get hurt. I wanna be number one in the world before that happens, though." Cody snatches a piece of my cake, smirking. I don't know how I feel about what he said.

  "How do you get to be number one?" I question after swallowing another bite.

  "Well, I'll leave here tomorrow, rest up some, and then I have a couple of shows back home. If I do good in those and my points are high enough, in a couple of months, I’ll be in the championship in Las Vegas. If I win in Vegas, I'll be number one in the PBR world. It’s all about them points."

  "How do they score a ride?"

  "If my balance is off just a little, I lose points like I did last night. If I control the bull, then I get style points. That’s the basics."

  "And what does the bull get out of it? The whole tightening a rope around his nuts seems kind of mean."

  Cody laughs, explaining, " It’s a flank strap that’s tightly fixed around the bull’s abdomen, not his nuts. Riders want the best score possible, but if we harm the bulls in the process, that would defeat the purpose. Besides, the bull gets a score, too. He gets bucking points, agility, and style. The rope just pisses him off and is placed where it will make them buck because they want it off. When they aren't in those chutes, they get treated better than most kids do. After their run is up, they’ll live in hog-heaven in a field, well-fed. They’ll never go to a butcher or a place to be slaughtered, unlike the cows and other animals 'round here." I guess he does have a point. "What do you do on a daily basis? What will you do when I'm gone, Sonya? You ask me a lot of questions, but I have yet to learn much about you."

  "I w
ork at a clothing store. I graduated from college with a bachelor's degree in business. Really, there isn't much to tell. Your life seems much more exciting than mine." God, if he only knew the truth.

  After throwing our trash away, we head for the stadium. Cody talks to the head guy and gets two tickets for the front row and helps me find my seat. It’s time for him to get ready, and he gives me a hug and a sweet kiss on the forehead. "I'll see you after."

  "I’ll see you after.” I watch as he walks away, but I shout to stop him, “Cody!” He halts, glancing glances over his shoulder. “Be careful.”

  He doesn’t reply, but he does give me another one of those drop to your knees winks and tips his hat. I don’t take my eyes off of him until he disappears.

  Pulling my phone out of my purse, I call Pudge to let her know where we’re sitting.

  Pudge bumps her shoulder with mine while we wait for the competition to start. "How was your date?"

  I sigh. An overwhelming heaviness settles in my chest. "It was amazing and a lot of fun.” My excitement dwindles, and I continue, “We went on rides, ate, talked, and he gave the rest of our tickets to a little boy. He even signed his hat. He's something special, Pudge.” Tears prick my eyes. What’s going to happen when he leaves tomorrow? “How was yours?" I ask, trying to deflect from my sudden uneasiness.

  Tears pool in her eyes. "It was perfect! I don't want him to leave, Sonya." I wrap her in my arms.

  I blink rapidly, pushing away the wetness in my eyes. "Me either, Pudge, but we knew it would come to an end when we decided to meet them today, right?"

  "Yeah, I guess." Pudge's chin drops. "I've just never met anyone like him, and I don't think I will again."

  "Yes, you will, Pudge! You're great, and any guy would be lucky to have you. Let's not think about it, okay? We have the rest of tonight and tomorrow. When they pull away, we can cry and drown our sorrows in junk food and sappy movies. Deal?"

  "Deal," she agrees as the announcer’s voice comes through the PA system to address the crowd.

  The fireworks light up the sky as the riders are called out. They stand in a line with a trophy bowl in front of them. One by one, they pick a name from the bowl, and the announcer informs the audience which of the bulls each cowboy drew. "Cody Sterling has picked number five. He will be riding Baby Blue. Congratulations, riders, let's have another night of safe rides. Now, if everyone can stand for the National Anthem, Miss Megan Donnelly will be singing for us."


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