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RB 1980- The Rule Of St Benedict

Page 43

by Saint Benedict

  72.5 (English / Latin) “one another’s” (suas): This seems the most probable meaning in the context, but suas could be a true reflexive (cf. Cassian, coni. 6,3,5). No followers of the Rule would deny that their own weaknesses are among their principal trials.

  72.7 (English / Latin) “better for someone else” (quod magis alio): This basic principle of Christian life can be found in a variety of New Testament formulations: 1 Cor 10:24, 33; 1 Cor 13:5; Phil 2:4; Rom 12:10.

  72.8 (English / Latin) “the pure love of brothers” (caritatem fraternitatis caste): “fraternal charity” (brotherly love) is highly recommended in the New Testament; the phrase itself occurs in 1 Thess 4:9, Heb 13:1, 1 Pet 1:22. St. Benedict has added the qualification caste. E. Dekkers “‘Caritatem caste impendant’: Qu’a voulu dire Saint Benoît?” Ciudad de Dios 18 (1968) 656–660, provides numerous Latin Patristic texts to show that caste often has no sexual connotation but means disinterested, generous, or unselfish. Cf. RB 64.6.

  72.9 (English / Latin) “to God, loving fear” (amore Deum timeant): The juxtaposition of fraternal love and fear of God suggests 1 Pet 2:17. On the punctuation of this sentence by which amore is construed with timeant (following Sangallensis 914 against most other MSS) rather than with impendant, see G. Penco “‘Amore Deum Timeant,’ sull’interpunzione di Regula S. Benedicti c. 72,12” RBén 64 (1954) 273–277.

  72.12 (English / Latin) “to everlasting life” (ad vitam aeternam): If chs. 67–72 are a later insertion, this verse might be their conclusion. See note on RB 73.t.

  73.t “a beginning of perfection” (non omnis iustitiae observatio): A literal translation of the title would be: “The Full Observance of Justice Is Not Laid Down in This Rule,” or “The Observance of Full Justice Is Not Laid Down in This Rule.” Although in present context the word omnis can, grammatically, modify either iustitiae or observatio, it should be noted that the phrase omnem iustitiam is found in Matt 3:15, where it translates the Greek: pasan dikaiosunēn. “Holiness” is perhaps the best modern equivalent to this traditional biblical notion. See note to Prol.25.

  The word constituta, which has been omitted from the English paraphrase, is used twice in Prol.45-46, to which this usage may allude. On the relationship of this whole chapter to the Prologue, see de Vogüé 4.103–118.

  According to G. Penco, ch. 73 followed ch. 66 in an earlier version of the Rule, before the insertion of chs. 67–72. See “Ricerche sul capitolo finale della Regola di S. Benedetto” Benedictina 8 (1954) 25–42.

  73.1 (English / Latin) “in monasteries” (in monasteriis): The plural here is another indication that the Rule was intended for more than one monastery. Cf. RB 18.22; 62.1.

  “some degree of virtue” (honestatem morum): See M. Rothenhäusler “Honestas Morum. Eine Untersuchung zu cap. 73.3 der Regula S. Benedicti” StA 18/19 (1947) 127–156, who finds in this phrase a rich classical and Patristic background and a summary of the whole kind of life at which the Rule aims.

  73.2 (English / Latin) “for anyone hastening” (qui festinat): There is an awkward ellipsis in the Latin.

  73.5 (English / Latin) “the Conferences of the Fathers, their Institutes” (Collationes Patrum et Instituta): There is little doubt that these titles refer to the widely diffused works of John Cassian († c. 435). See Introduction, pp. 58–59 and list of Short Titles of Patristic and Ancient Works. The Conferences are also mentioned in RB 42.5. See A. de Vogüé “Les mentions des oeuvres de Cassien chez Benoît et ses contemporains” SM 20 (1978) 275–285.

  “their Lives” (Vitas eorum): This could refer to the brief lives contained in the Conferences or to other well-known biographies of monks, such as those of Paul the Hermit, Hilarion and Malchus by Jerome or that of Antony by Athanasius. It probably does not refer to the extensive work known as the Vitae Patrum, which was compiled in the course of the sixth century.

  “the rule of our holy father Basil” (Regula sancti patris nostri Basilii): This refers to the translation made by Rufinus of Aquileia. See Introduction, p. 50.

  73.8 (English / Latin) “heavenly home” (patriam caelestem): For the image of hurrying toward the heavenly home, see Heb 4:11 and 11:14-15.

  73.9 (English / Latin) “you will reach” (pervenies): This word occurs twice in ch. 73 and twice in the Prologue (22,42), thus constituting a kind of “inclusion,” a favorite literary device of ancient authors for tying together a work. See also the observation on constituta in the note on 73.t. Likewise, the word conversatio, which occurs at the end of the Prologue (49), occurs twice at the beginning of ch. 73. See Thematic Index: LIFE, as journey.

  Prol.1(Latin / English) Basil. ad fil. 1; Hier. epist. 22, 1.

  Prol.2(Latin / English) Aug. civ. 11,28; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,14,15; Aug. nat. et grat. 20,22; Cypr. epist. 65,5.

  Prol.2(Latin / English) Leo.M. tract. 90,2.

  Prol.3(Latin / English) Basil. ad fil. 1.

  Prol.3(Latin / English) Hier. epist. 22,15; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,1,9; Hist.mon. 31; Cypr. hab.virg. 3.

  Prol.4(Latin / English) Basil. ad fil. 11; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,7,18 (cf. 11,29).

  Prol.9-18(Latin / English) Aug. in psalm. 33,9; 33,16-18; 143,9.

  Prol.18(Latin / English) Passio Iulian. et Bas. 12.

  Prol.20(Latin / English) Cypr. testim. pr.

  Prol.28(Latin / English) Orig. hom. in Num. 20,22; Orig. c.Cels. 7,22; Hil. in psalm. 136,14; Ambr. paenit. 2,106; Hier. epist. 22,6; Hier. in psalm.; Aug. in psalm. 136,21; Aug. conf. 8, 12,28; Cassian. inst. 6,13.

  Prol.29(Latin / English) Cassian. inst. 12,17; Cypr. ad Don. 4.

  Prol.32(Latin / English) Clem. ad Cor. 13.

  Prol.33-34(Latin / English) Cypr. eccl.unit. 2.

  Prol.35-38(Latin / English) Cypr. de pat. 4.

  Prol.41(Latin / English) Fulg.Rusp. epist. 17,47.

  Prol.46(Latin / English) Leo.M. tract. 88,5.

  Prol.48(Latin / English) Hist.mon. 9; Cypr. de op. et el. 1; Cypr. epist. 13,3.

  Prol.48-49(Latin / English) Cassian. conl. 3,15; Pachom. reg. 190; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,11,29.

  Prol.49(Latin / English) Sacr.Gelasianum 3,25,1322.

  Prol.49-50(Latin / English) Cypr. epist. 65,10.

  Prol.50(Latin / English) Caes.Arel. reg.mon. 1; Cypr. hab.virg. 21; Cypr. ad Fort. 11; Cypr. de op. et el. 13; Cypr. epist. 57,1-3.

  1.1-8 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 18,4-8; Hier. epist. 22,34; Cypr. epist. 57,1-3; Cypr. de mort. 12.

  1.3-5 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 5,36; Hier. epist. 125,9.

  1.4-5 (English / Latin) Leo.M. tract. 18,2; 88,3-4; 89,2; Cassian. conl. 18,6.

  1.5 (English / Latin) Leo.M. tract. 39,4; 40,1.

  1.6 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 18,4; 19,7 (cf. 12,4 et 16); 18,7.

  1.9 (English / Latin) Aug. c.Parm. 2,13,31; Aug. c.Cresc. 4,37.

  1.10-11 (English / Latin) Aug. op.mon. 36; Aug. in psalm. 132,3.

  1.11 (English / Latin) Leo.M. tract. 39,1; 42,4; Cassian. inst. 10,6; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,14,10.

  1.12 (English / Latin) Cypr. ad Demet. 1; Hist.mon. 7; Hier. epist. 58,8 (cf. 77, 17).

  1.13 (English / Latin) Hier. epist. 22,35.

  2.1-2 (English / Latin) Cypr. zel. et liv. 12.

  2.4 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 15.

  2.12 (English / Latin) Orsiesii lib. 9 et 13; Caes.Arel. epist. ad virg. 4.

  2.12-13 (English / Latin) Cypr. zel. et liv. 12.

  2.16-17 (English / Latin) Reg. iv patr. 5,11-12; Cassian. conl. 16,14,4; Orsiesii lib. 9 et 16.

  2.16-22 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. epist. ad virg. 4.

  2.18 (English / Latin) Digesta 41,2,20.

  2.20 (English / Latin) Ambr. epist. 63,85; Cypr. domin.orat. 23.

  2.22 (English / Latin) Vigil. reg.(orient.) 1.

  2.23-24 (English / Latin) Reg. iv patr. 2,5-7.

  2.25 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 98.

  2.26 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 16,6,4; 16,20.

  2.30 (English / Latin) Cypr. zel. et liv. 12; Ambr. a
pol.Dav. 51; Aug. quaest. in Hept. 3,31; Hier. epist. 14,9.

  2.31 (English / Latin) Cypr. ad Fort. 11.

  2.32 (English / Latin) Sacr.Gelasianum 38; Orsiesii lib. 17.

  2.33 (English / Latin) Aug. civ. 22,2; Aug. serm. 113,6; Cassian. conl. 9,24; 16,9.

  2.34 (English / Latin) Aug. epist. 211,15.

  2.38 (English / Latin) Orsiesii lib. 11.

  2.38-39 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 57,4; Cypr. ad Fort. pr. 2.

  3.5 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 24,26,14: Sulpic.Sever. dial. 1,10,1.

  3.11 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 16,3.

  3.12 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 7,9.

  4.1 (English / Latin) Aug. ord.mon. 1.

  4.1-2 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 15;28.

  4.9 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 28.

  4.10 (English / Latin) Ambr. paenit. 2,96-97; Hist.mon. 31; Passio Iulian. et Bas. 46; Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.13-15 (English / Latin) Passio Iulian. et Bas. 46.

  4.16 (English / Latin) Cypr. de pat. 24; Cypr. testim. 109.

  4.17 (English / Latin) Hist.mon. 9.

  4.20-23 (English / Latin) Passio Iulian. et Bas. 46.

  4.21 (English / Latin) Vita Anton. 14; Cypr. domin.orat. 15; Cypr. testim. 3,18.

  4.22 (English / Latin) Hier. epist. 79,9; 130,13.

  4.25 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 15; Cypr. epist. 59,13.

  4.26 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.27 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 3,12; Ambr. exhort.virg. 74; Aug. epist. 157,40; Aug. de mend. 15,28.

  4.29 (English / Latin) Hier. epist. 81,1; Passio Iulian. et Bas. 46; Cypr. de pat. 16; Cypr. testim. 23.

  4.30 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 22; 106; Cypr. domin.orat. 15; Ps-Macar. reg. 21; Cassian. inst. 4,39,2.

  4.31 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 17; Cypr. de pat. 24; Cypr. testim. 49.

  4.32 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 13-14.

  4.42-43 (English / Latin) Porphyr. ad Marcell. 12; Aug. serm. 96,2; Aug. serm. Morin Guelf. 22,5; Aug. tract. in loan. 43,1; Aug. in psalm. 25,11; Sext.Pythag. enchirid. 113-114; Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.47 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 3,196; 5,3,5; 7,35,1; Cassian. inst. 12,25; Cassian. conl. 16,6.

  4.49 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 4; Cypr. zel. et liv. 18.

  4.50 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,9 (cf. 37); Evagr. sent.mon. 1,55; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,4,25.

  4.52 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 103.

  4.53 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 41; Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.54 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 17.

  4.55 (English / Latin) Hier. epist. 58,5 et 60,10.

  4.55-56 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 11,1,5; 38,2; 60,5; 65,1; Cypr. domin.orat. 29; 31; 35; Cypr. ad Don. 15; Cypr. zel. et liv. 16.

  4.56 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 120; Hier. epist. 58,6; Cassian. conl. 9,36; Cassian. inst. 2,10,3.

  4.57 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 20,6-7.

  4.60 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 19.

  4.61 (English / Latin) Cypr. de pat. 24; Cypr. epist. 72,1.

  4.62 (English / Latin) Sulpic.Sever. epist. ii ad soror. 17; Passio Iulian. et Bas. 46.

  4.62-63 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.65 (English / Latin) Didache 2,7.

  4.66-67 (English / Latin) Cypr. zel. et liv. 10.

  4.70 (English / Latin) Stob. flor. 3,1,173.

  4.70-71 (English / Latin) Clem. ad Cor. 3.

  4.72 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.74 (English / Latin) Cypr. de laps. 35; Cypr. domin.orat. 15.

  4.75 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 1,7.

  5.4 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,10; 4,24,4; 12,32, 2; Pachom. reg. 30.

  5.7 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,8.

  5.7-10 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,12.

  5.10-11 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 4-5.

  5.12-13 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 24,26,14; Cassian. inst. 4,15; Sulpic.Sever. dial. 1,10,1.

  5.13 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 16,6,4.

  5.14 (English / Latin) Aug. cons.evang. 1,13; Cassian. conl. 23,7,2; Cypr. de mort. 14; Cypr. epist. 63,1.

  5.17-19 (English / Latin) Aug. ord.mon. 5.

  6.3 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 11,4.

  6.6 (English / Latin) Aug. serm. 211,5.

  7.5 (English / Latin) Hist.mon. 31.

  7.6-9 (English / Latin) Hier. epist. 98,3; Basil. in psalm. 1,4; Ambr. 1,18; Chrom. Aquil. serm. 1,6.

  7.9 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 14,2.

  7.10 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 11,7,13; Cassian. inst. 4,39,1.

  7.10-11 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 8,2; 58,11; 67,2; Cypr. de op. et el. 22.

  7.13 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 5,9; Visio Pauli 7.

  7.13-14 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 76,7; Cypr. zel. et liv. 18; Cypr. domin.orat. 4; Cypr. de laps. 27.

  7.20 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 14.

  7.21 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 20,9.

  7.23 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 4.

  7.24 (English / Latin) Act.S.Sebast. 4,14.

  7.26 (English / Latin) Cypr. domin.orat. 4.

  7.28 (English / Latin) Visio Pauli 7 et 10.

  7.31-61 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,39.

  7.31-32 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 12; Hist.mon. 31; Cassian. conl. 24, 23.

  7.32 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 16,6,4; Cypr. domin.orat. 14.

  7.33 (English / Latin) Acta Anastasiae 17; Optat. 7,1.

  7.34 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 65; Cassian. conl. 19,6.

  7.35 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,41; 12,33; Cassian. conl. 16,22; 16,26,2; 18,11.

  7.42 (English / Latin) Cypr. de pat. 20.

  7.43 (English / Latin) Cypr. testim. 39.

  7.44 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 2,10,1; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,4,25.

  7.49 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 2,2.

  7.51 (English / Latin) Ps-Macar. reg. 3; Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 3,206; Basil. reg. 62; Cassian. inst. 12,32,1; 12,33; Cassian. conl. 12,13; 24,16.

  7.55 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 2,10.

  7.56 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 7,32,3.

  7.59 (English / Latin) Basil. ad mon. 1,11.

  7.60 (English / Latin) Cypr. ad Demet. 1.

  7.61 (English / Latin) Sext.Pythag. enchirid. 145.

  7.62-64 (English / Latin) Basil. reg. 86.

  7.63 (English / Latin) Basil. ad mon. 1,12.

  7.65 (English / Latin) Orat.Manassae 9.

  7.67-69 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,39,3; Cassian. conl. 11,7,13.

  7.69 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 11,6; 11,8,1.

  8.2 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 2,26.

  8.4 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 3,4.

  9.8 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,14,13.

  9.11 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 2,3; Cassian. conl. 2,26.

  10.3 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 2,4.

  11.12 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. reg.virg. 66-69.

  13.1 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. reg.virg. 66-69; Cassian. inst. 3,3.

  13.12 (English / Latin) Concil.Gerunda a. 517 canon 10; Cassian. conl. 9,33.

  13.13 (English / Latin) Aug. serm. 56,13; Cypr. domin.orat. 23.

  16.0 Cypr. domin.orat. 35-36.

  16.1 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 3-4.

  16.2 (English / Latin) Sacr.Gelasianum 37.

  16.3 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst.3-4.

  17.7 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 2,10; Cassian. conl. 8,16,1.

  17.9 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. reg.mon. 21.

  18.1 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 10,10,2.

  18.25 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,4,57; 3,6.

  19.1-6 Cypr. domin.orat. 4.

  19.6-7 Cypr. domin.orat. 5; 24; 31.

  19.7 (English / Latin) Aug. epist. 48,3; 211,7.

  20.1-2 Basil. reg. 10
8; Cassian. conl. 23,6.

  20.1-5 Cypr. domin.orat. 4; 5; 26.

  20.3 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 9,8,1; 9,15; 9,28.

  20.3-4 Aug. epist. 130,20.

  20.4 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 2,10,3; Hist.mon. 1; Cassian. conl. 2,22; 4,2; 9,3; 9,26; 9,36,1; 10,5.

  20.5 (English / Latin) Cassian. conl. 9,15; Pachom. reg. 6; Cassian. inst. 2,7,3.

  21.1 (English / Latin) Aug. mor.eccl. 1,67; Hier. epist. 22,35.

  21.2 (English / Latin) Cassian. inst. 4,10.

  21.5 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. reg.virg. 10; Aug. ord.mon. 10.

  22.5-6 Cassian. inst. 1,1; 1,11.

  23.1 (English / Latin) Ps-Macar. reg. 12; Pachom. reg. 150; 165; Cassian. inst. 4,41,2.

  23.1-2 Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7.

  23.2-4 Vigil. reg.(orient.) 32.

  23.5 (English / Latin) Ps-Macar. reg. 27.

  24.1 (English / Latin) Ps-Macar. reg. 12; Reg. iv patr. 5,1.

  24.2 (English / Latin) Vigil. reg.(orient.) 32.

  24.4 (English / Latin) Caes.Arel. reg.virg. 11; Vigil. reg.(orient.) 32.

  25.1-2 Vigil. reg.(orient.) 32; Cassian. inst. 2,16.

  25.4 (English / Latin) Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7.

  26.1-2 Cassian. inst. 2,16; Vigil. reg.(orient.) 33.

  27.1-9 Cypr. epist. 68,4.

  27.2 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,5,4 (cf. 5,10,85); Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7.

  27.4 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,13,13.

  27.5-9 Cypr. epist. 55,15-16.

  27.8-9 Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7.

  28.1 (English / Latin) Ps-Macar. reg. 17; Concil.Agathense a.506 canon 38.

  28.2-3 Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 5,10,85 (cf. 5,5,4); Cypr. epist. 55,15-16.

  28.2-6 Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7.

  28.3-6 Ambr. off. 2,135; Cassian. inst. 10,7.

  28.6 (English / Latin) et 8 Cypr. hab.virg. 17; Cypr. eccl.unit. 9; Cypr. de mort. 14.

  28.8 (English / Latin) Orig. hom. in Iesu Nave 7; Cypr. epist. 59,15; Aug. epist. 211,11; Vigil. reg.(orient.) 35; Hier. epist. 2,1; 16,1; 130,19.

  29.1-2 (English / Latin) Pachom. reg. 136.

  31.1-16 (English / Latin) Vigil. reg.(orient.) 25.

  31.4-5 (English / Latin) Cypr. epist. 63,1.

  31.6 (English / Latin) Vitae patr., Verb.senior. 3,170.


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