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Wicked Titan: A Dark High School Bully Romance (Golden Olympus Academy Book 1)

Page 3

by A. J. Logan

  His mouth is close enough to my ear that I feel his warm breath on my skin as a shiver goes down my body before he speaks. “That’s what I thought.”

  My teeth clench together as I look to the side, meeting his eyes. I don’t give a flying fuck how hot he is or what he’s doing to my body. I’m over all of it. I shouldn’t even be here. I should be with my friends. I should be with Mason. “Go fuck yourself.”

  He smirks as he steps aside, allowing me to pass.

  “Be careful with that one, Asher. She might take it as an invitation,” Wade says with an obnoxious laugh.

  I swing around to step in front of the obnoxious jerk, but Asher blocks my way. “Don’t start something I’ll have to finish for you.”

  “I don’t need you to finish anything for me.” The only thing I need from him is to back the hell off. I’ve known Asher all of a few meager minutes and he’s provoked more intense emotions straight from my core than anyone I’ve ever known. Somehow his stupidly divine, satisfied face communicates to me on a gut level that he is a person who houses nothing but despair beneath the beautiful surface that draws you in just to take pleasure in your suffering. And he is already smothering me with his mere presence.

  “Is that so?” He steps backward before taking a seat on the stone wall, his eyes boring into mine before looking over to Wade. “Yep. This one definitely has daddy abandonment issues.”

  All I see is red as I charge, jabbing my hands forward so they meet his solid frame. He starts falling backwards, and it all happens so fast, but I swear I see a smirk on his face as his fingers encircle my wrists, hauling me over the wall with him as we fall into the water below with a thunderous splash.


  One thing is for sure … my day can’t get any worse. It can only look up from here. At least I hope so, as I sit in the principal’s office on the first day of school before I’ve even made it to my first class. The old me would be panicking. I’d be worried about my spotless record receiving a mark and messing up my opportunities at the University of Tennessee.

  The new me is numb, unable to feel anything but anger or pain. Even the smooth cotton of the sweatpants covering my legs feel restraining. My thumb rubs the gold stitching of the school emblem just above the word “Bulldogs” trailing down the leg. What does any of it matter? In the blink of an eye, it can all be taken away and replaced with something different, something fake and bizarre. None of it matters.

  Asher shifts in the chair next to me, bringing my attention back to the shit magnet sitting in nothing but a pair of sweatpants even though he was offered the same school T-shirt and matching hoodie as me.

  Distracting myself, I grab my phone from my messenger bag—thankfully safeguarded by Elliot since he’d insisted upon carrying it. I might not want to use my phone just yet, but I don’t want the option taken from me. Staring at my phone, an already recognizable and infuriating voice pulls me out of my thoughts.

  “Message from your boyfriend?” Asher asks, a tightness in his voice.

  “None of your business,” I reply, scrolling through a few messages from friends. The friends I should be in class with right now. “Put on a shirt or something.”

  He remains reclined back in the chair, his lazy expression growing even more irritating by the moment as he begins to speak. “The more you show your weakness, the more I’ll use it against you.”

  A snort escapes before I can stop it. “Weakness? Not a chance.”

  In a split second, he’s in front of me, a hand on each of the chair’s arms, trapping me—again—while hovering over me. I tilt back and growl, “Do not touch me.”

  “Don’t worry. I won’t touch you … not until you beg me to put my hands on you. And once I do, you’ll keep asking for more.”

  Trying my damnedest not to show his affect on me, I look him dead in the eye, inching forward but not touching him as I respond, “That will never happen.”

  “Which one of us are you trying to convince, weakling?” he smirks as I inhale the intoxicating scent that lingers around him. How did he submerge in a lake and still come out smelling like sheer bliss?

  “You really should go to therapy or something. It can’t be healthy to carry around that big of a head.”

  A grin spreads across his face as he whispers in my ear, “Therapy didn’t work, but I’ll be happy to tell you all about my big head.”

  He casually sits back in the chair, pretending he hadn’t made a crude remark to me. “You’re disgusting.”

  “Your words and your body aren’t in agreement.”

  Ugh. He’s impossible. “Your words and reality aren’t in agreement.”

  The door opens as Principal Huntington walks in, taking a seat at his desk. “So, I’m presuming what happened was unintentional and a onetime occurrence?”

  I don’t say anything as Asher speaks up. “Yep.”

  My eyes snap to him. What is he doing? I figured he’d be happy to place the blame on me.

  “I really don’t want to fish you two out of the lake again. It’s the first day of school. Can we at least make it through the day before we take another swim?”

  Asher responds with a quick, “Yep,” right as I say, “Yes.”

  “All right. I don’t want to see either of you in here again.” He grabs a pen, and scribbles something out on slips of paper before handing one to both Asher and me. “Get to class.”

  “That’s it?” I ask before I can stop the words from pouring out of my mouth.

  “Yes, unless you plan on taking another morning swim together.”

  “Nope. I don’t plan on doing anything with him ever again.” Standing from the chair, I hurry out of the principal’s office.

  I wasn’t sure what I’d expected, but that wasn’t it. I figured suspension or maybe even getting kicked out, but nothing … didn’t see that coming.

  Walking down the hall, I’m aware of Asher heading in the same direction as I finally locate my locker. I want to ask him why he hadn’t told the principal the truth, but that would involve speaking to him and nothing good will ever come from that. Even with my back to him, I feel his heated gaze penetrating me. I freeze, knowing he isn’t going to walk away until he has the last word.

  “Now you owe me.”

  He couldn’t just be a decent human for a split second? I knew he wasn’t covering for me out of the kindness of his steel heart—if he even has one at all—but I hadn’t asked for his help. Dickweed volunteered all on his own. Without turning around, I respond, “I don’t owe you shit.”

  A seductive laugh fills my ears. “You got me wet, so shouldn’t I get to return the favor?”

  I take a deep breath, commanding my mind not to entertain his obscene remark. “No.”

  “Wise decision.” His lips brush against my ear as he whispers, “So do me a favor and stay the fuck away from me.”

  I suck in a breath, ducking back as I turn to face him. “Stay away from you? You’re the one always in my face or breathing down my neck. You need to stay away from me.” He’s a psycho. There’s no other explanation. I didn’t want to be anywhere near him or his friends. Damn Elliot. I’m still going to tell him where to stick his royal tour when I see him.

  Asher takes a step back, leveling me with his gaze. His assertive eyes travel down to my feet and back up to meet my eyes. Why does this assessment feel more extreme and infiltrating than the others?

  “Game on.” His voice is low, cunning, as I perceive a dire challenge in them.

  Game? What are they serving at this school? All the students seem to live in a daze. The only game I want to play is the one where I figure out how to get out of this place and get my old life back—what’s left of it, anyway. My house would be a good start, and I’d have Haley next door. Maybe I could even talk her into moving in with me so the house wouldn’t be so empty. I make a mental note to call her after school. She’s been my best friend for as long as I can remember, and I shouldn’t be ignoring her calls. In the past, she was t
he only one who could make me feel better. Even if nothing will make me feel better now, I still need her. The events of the morning have reminded me just how much I need her and my friends. Even Mason, although I feel nothing but guilt when I think about him. After all, I’d been straddling his lap, making out with a boy in a hot tub while my dad was out somewhere, taking his last breath. To think I was so nervous and stressed out that night about a boy who, at the end of it all, should’ve been my last concern that day.

  My mind snaps back to the current boy standing in front of me. Slamming my locker shut, I hook my messenger bag on my shoulder then jerkily twist my still-damp hair into a messy bun on top of my head before stepping in front of Asher. “Save your game for Allison, or some other girl who wants to deal with your unhinged ass, because I’m already done with you and everyone else at this school.”

  Stomping off, I don’t even care if I’m headed in the right direction. I’ll find my class eventually. It might be best if I do get lost for a while so I can walk around and cool off because right now, the only thing I want to do is walk out of this stupid school and never look back. In particular, I could do without the probing emerald eyes that I still feel slicing through me long after they are out of sight.


  I already regret aborting the plan to walk out of school. I’ve made it through fourth period but now it’s time for lunch, and it looks like everyone hangs out in the courtyard overlooking the lake. The same lake responsible for the odd looks I’ve fielded for attending my first day of school in sweatpants and a messy bun while everyone else is polished and primed, looking their best. Even before my swim in the lake, I didn’t care about impressing them with my appearance, not that much would impress these students. And I hate to admit it, but I’m amazed with this campus’s lunch selections. My old school offered one option, and it was usually not edible. This school had more selections than I can count, and as I browse the Golden Café, every option looks as delicious as the last. My eyes fall to the mouthwatering chicken scampi that I selected as my stomach rumbles. I’d trade it for the inedible food at Edgewood High in a heartbeat if I could.

  Blowing out a breath, my eyes scan the courtyard. Asher and his group are sitting in the same spot as this morning which sends me in the opposite direction, heading to the grassy area that has wooden picnic tables lining the lake.

  Plopping down on the smooth wood, I sit and stare at my food as I mindlessly eat, ignoring everyone and everything around me until I catch a glimpse of someone taking a seat across from me out of the corner of my eye. Looking up, a girl with red hair and freckles smiles at me. “Can I help you?”

  “You already have.” Grinning, she takes a huge bite of her salad.


  “You sat here. I hate sitting by myself, but it beats sitting in the library while the librarian feeds crickets to her pet snake.”

  “That’s nasty.”

  “Yep. Especially when you’re trying to eat lunch.”

  I make another mental note to avoid the library during lunch. I’d considered it before coming out to the courtyard but hadn’t felt like getting lost, again.

  “I’m Victoria.” She twists the lid of her bottled tea before taking a generous swallow as her deep-green eyes stay focused on me.

  “Quinn.” Friends aren’t in my plan, but I guess it won’t hurt to be a decent human. At least she’s blocking some of the view from the main courtyard where I’ve seen more than a few intense looks directed my way.

  “I know. Everyone knows the name of the person who pushed Asher into the lake. And I’m sure he deserved it.”

  Looking over to the group, I’m met once again with a relentless glare focused solely on me. He might be trying to intimidate me or he might just be letting his psychotic ways shine bright again, but either way, I’ve seen more than enough of him today. Thankfully, he and his pitiful excuses for friends haven’t been in any of my classes. His mouth turns up in a slight smile as he sits on the stone wall, arms across his muscular chest that is finally covered by a T-shirt, but it doesn’t stop the image of his ridiculously ripped stomach from overtaking my thoughts. Frickin’ A. Without thinking, I lift my hand and flip him off, which—insanely—only causes his smirk to grow.

  Victoria turns to look at the source of my focus, no doubt spotting Asher since he makes it more than obvious that he is looking our way as he keeps his entertained smirk directed to me. “Don’t let him get to you.”

  Too late. I can already feel him clawing his way under my skin, touching every good and bad nerve along the way. “He’s not.”

  “Okay,” she giggles before shoveling more food into her mouth. “I think the feeling is mutual because I’ve never seen my brother so … engrossed with someone before.”

  My heart drops as the alarm sounds in my head. “Your brother?”

  “Yep,” she replies as she finishes shoveling the salad into her mouth before moving onto her slice of pizza. “Why’d you push him in the lake? I’ve heard all the rumors, but I’m curious about the real reason you pushed him, especially since I’ve officially witnessed the connection.”

  “There is no ‘connection.’ I pushed him because he was being a dickhead.” The memory of Asher mentioning my dad sends another jolt of rage through my body. I’m still questioning the truth of the man who raised me, but no one—especially Asher—is allowed to make him into a joke.

  “Yeah, that’s Asher. I’d warn you to stay away from him, but I have a feeling that’s pointless.”

  Looking over, I note the same group surrounding him, including Allison who seems to be trying even harder to be the center of attention than she’d been this morning. A pang of jealousy washes over me when I consider she’s probably one of the many girls Asher has bewitched with his obnoxious yet alluring charm. “I plan to stay as far away from him as possible. Him and his little following.”

  “Yeah. They’re all dickheads.” Victoria looks back at the group before turning back to me with a look of regret. At least I think it’s regret. I’ve known her all of five minutes and I’m still not sure if she’s playing “the game” for her brother. I wouldn’t be surprised by any sleazy move he tried to pull.

  “Is this part of your brother’s game?”

  “What game?”

  “Whatever game he has planned. Just so you know … I’m not playing, and I don’t want any part of it.”

  “Good thing, because I’m not playing either.” She pushes the empty plate away before starting on a strawberry shortcake.

  I search her demeanor for any signs indicating deception, but I’m not getting a read on anything as she focuses on her dessert. “Where do you put all that?” I haven’t made it through a quarter of my food even though I was starving moments ago. It’s hard to stomach much right now—mentally and physically.

  “It’s one of my many talents.” She winks before continuing with random talk, thankfully nothing that includes her brother. It’s enough that every time I look his way, his eyes meet mine, and even when I look away, I still see them in my mind in all their stupid, unyielding, captivating glory.


  Victoria volunteered to walk with me to my next class, so I took her up on the offer. The campus seems to be nothing but a massively endless maze. Maybe it was designed that way to keep the students occupied so they wouldn’t escape.

  “Here you are.” Cheerfully, she pulls me into a hug before releasing me. Gripping my arms, she says, “Thank you for having lunch with me.”

  “Um … you’re welcome,” I say, surprised at the sudden closeness. Maybe it’s a thing with their family, not recognizing boundaries or something, because she pulls me into another hug before finally releasing me to walk down the hallway. As she does, I spot Asher headed in our direction.

  Great. Please don’t let him be in this class. I’ve been fortunate all day, but I already know my luck has run out.

  “Mind your manners, Asher,” Victoria turns back, yelling to her brother befo
re getting lost in the sea of students.

  I’m standing in the doorway, hoping he will keep walking, when he stops in front of me, stepping just close enough that I push back against the door frame to put more space between us. Much-needed space because I’m still trying to turn off the stupid portion of my brain that is drawn to him. No, it can’t be my brain because nobody in their right mind would be drawn to such a lunatic, even if he looks like a Greek god.

  “Manners are for beggars. And I won’t ever be the one begging.”

  No shocker there, of course. Asher wouldn’t be inconvenienced by saying a mere “please” or “thank you” to anyone.

  Elliot walks up, draping his arm over Asher’s shoulder, and I’m appreciative for the interruption. “Finally, a class that isn’t going to suck balls.”

  This class couldn’t suck bigger balls. I ignore the two idiots in front of me and step into the lion’s den. The classroom is laid out with two rows of tables and a walkway down the middle. Unfortunately, each table has two seats and most are already occupied. I move to the back table, relieved when Elliot sits in the chair beside me and Asher chooses a seat across the walkway.

  Mr. Willard begins taking attendance, checking off the students as he goes down the list. He calls out my name, glances in my direction, and does a double take. “Well, Ms. Caine, I’m not sure that’s the best choice of attire on your first day of school.”

  Snickers sound around the room as I fight the urge to explain my appearance. Surprising the hell out of me—though, why does it, really?—Asher seizes the moment. Because he hasn’t done enough already.

  “I’m sure Grandpa Bennett would approve.” My breath hitches, eyes snapping to his amused glare. “Or do you call him Grandpa Barker?”

  That son of a bitch just outed one of the few things I still had to myself. Another choice stripped from me. It’s only a matter of time before the entire school knows the latest gossip. Mr. Willard lets his surprise show for a moment, recognition dawning on his face, before continuing down the student roll call sheet without another look in my direction.


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