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Captured by Dragons: A Reverse Harem Paranormal (Brides of the Sinistral Realms Book 2)

Page 11

by Lidiya Foxglove

  In that moment, they were all I could think about, and I felt like I’d known them forever. I never thought I’d have sex this good. I loved it when a guy paid all kinds of attention to me and took charge, and I didn’t even have to do anything but he just knew what I wanted. One of my boyfriends came close, but I had never really gotten that. Now I was getting my fantasies fulfilled in the best way. As I came slowly down to earth, they were still caressing me, looking at me like I was the moon and sun.

  “Now it’s my turn,” Rafe said, handing me the next box. “And I can sure see why we need them. Just looking at you like this—“ He trailed his fingers through my hair— “and I just want to claim you so hard that I break you in half. Except…not really.”

  “Hmm.” I slid the first ring over his cock fast, while he was still looking at me, before he expected it.

  He broke his composure, sucking air through his teeth. “Hey, I wasn’t ready for that!”

  I smiled. “I know.” I pushed the second ring on just as fast. “But now that I know how these work, I like making you guys squirm.”

  “I was going to be gentle on your first time, but that isn’t what you’re asking for, is it?” He put his hands on the bed on either side of my face, leaning over me with a pained grin as his face broke into a sweat just like Hiron’s. But my eyes were pulled downward. When Hiron gave me a “taste of dragon” it was inside of me, so I couldn’t see what I was getting, but Rafe was letting me see just what I was getting. Little ridges grew out under the skin, while silver-black scales covered the shaft. Their dragon forms had tough, armored scales on their backs and limbs, but here I could see that they were soft, just offering a slight texture. The head, meanwhile, seemed a little sharper and angled than in his human form, with almost a little frilled ridge around the edge like a bearded dragon.

  My eyes must have been about to pop out of my head. “Whoa.”

  “You’ve already taken it once,” Hiron said. “And you seemed to enjoy it.”

  “I’m not complaining, exactly, this is just some weird shit.”

  “Mm, well, this weird shit’s about to plunder you, darlin’,” Rafe said, thrusting into me. Then he sagged on his arms. “Crap, that burns.”

  “Yes, it’s quite excruciating for a second,” Hiron said. “But it abates once you find the limit. Although I must say, the bindings are very stimulating. I’m already getting hard again…”

  “Who wouldn’t be hard to watch our dear bride taking each of us in turn?” Xado said.

  Fair point. I felt friggin’ sexy as hell right now and I was ready to go again myself. Rafe’s cock filled me just as Hiron’s did. I arched my back, trying to brush my clit against his skin. It wasn’t getting enough love. Xado seemed to read my mind and reached down my stomach, stroking a finger against it. He reached lower, within a hair’s width of my entrance where Rafe was deep inside me, drawing up more of my slickness. “I like you very wet,” he said. Man, that turned me on like crazy.

  “The rings only go on once, right?”

  “Yes,” Hiron said.

  “Too bad…”

  “But we should be able to…” Rafe’s eyes glazed with concentration, and I felt him contract inside me now, all the extra dragon features disappearing. Now it was a nice normal cock-next-door. He pulled almost all the way out of me, and then as he pushed back in, I felt him dragoning out inside me again. Xado was still stroking my clit, and I must have screamed to wake the dead. It felt so good. I couldn’t have hit my sweet spots better if I cloned myself and could read my own mind.

  “You shifted from human and then to dragon?” Hiron asked.

  “Oh yeah, and she seems to like it,” Rafe said. “Don’t you?”

  I made some incoherent sounds. Whenever I’d had sex before, I’d always felt like there was some more intense place out there on the horizon, teasing me. I just knew sex could be better. Like, transformatively better. But instead it was always just…okay-to-good. But my dragons…

  I’m starting to think of them as ‘my dragons’…

  Well, they were here to make me happy, right down to custom fit cocks that could change size. I was never going to get bored.

  Who needs demons like Edie’s when you could have dragons? I thought. Who needs electricity, for that matter? I’m gonna be the lady—and the witch—of this castle.

  Chapter Eighteen


  “What next?” I pawed through the cassette tapes.

  “What do you want?”

  “How about Thriller?”


  “I have this on vinyl,” I volunteered as I stuck it in the deck.

  “Really? That’s cool.”

  Elias, I had to admit, was kind of a cool guy, actually. He had a car. It was a very quirky and very beaten-up tiny Toyota minivan from the 80s. It looked like something you’d find at the bottom of a garage sale toy box. But it was a car and he could drive, unlike the other demons I knew.

  “I can drive as long as I have some good energy to feed on,” he’d told me. “That’s how demons survive here. On attention.”

  “Okay, well, I don’t know where you’re getting it from,” I retorted. “Hell if I’m giving you any of my good energy.”

  He just gave me a mysterious smile that I tried to ignore. When he smiled like that, I saw a predator in his eyes, something animal and dangerous that I felt like he was covering up for me. That was definitely a bad sign, I told myself. Only I wasn’t getting any sense of real danger. It was like, a hot danger that reminded me of the first time I saw Edie’s demons. It was a sort of promise of intense seduction.

  That was just how demons were, clearly, so…I would ignore it.

  In the backseat was an old cassette holder with drawers that slid out full of thrift store tapes. Some good shit in there. His car smelled like sun-baked leather and he smelled sort of like a campfire. The entire combination gave me a sense of nostalgia, like the roadtrip we took when I was a kid in my grandpa’s old van.

  Sometimes I forgot he was a demon. A frickin’ werewolf in a band who lived out of a van. About a thousand years from the sensible, non-magical catch I was hoping for.

  When we got off the train in Philly we had grabbed his van, because he said if mine was too new with computery bits he wouldn’t be able to drive it. Then he stopped at a gas station to call the guys in the band from a pay phone. (Pay phones still existed? Somehow, he seemed to know where to find them.)

  “I had to update the chief,” he said.

  “The ‘chief’? Is that your band leader? Or the pack alpha?”

  “We don’t say ‘alpha’.”

  “Oh, of course. I guess that’s another word I just got from silly books.”

  “No. Chief is the alpha. It just sounds awkward to say here.”

  “Wait, is his name actually Chief?”

  Elias looked at me like I was not getting it at all. Then he said, “I don’t actually know his name. He’s tough as hell, and I think he’s got some demons of his own. The metaphorical kind.”

  We were going to marathon all the way to Palm Beach in one day. Usually this would have been a spectacularly boring drive, but not this time. We listened to music, and talked about stuff, and a couple of times he pulled off at roadside attractions to stretch our legs. It was fun to window shop for trinkets. Then he would always say, “Shall we be off?”

  I found that kind of cute.

  Uh-oh. Finding things cute about a guy that weren’t actually anything special? Major warning bells. But I was good. I just kept looking at it like a nice moment, where you bond with someone and have a nice time and then they exit your life so nothing messy ever has to happen.

  We made it to south Florida, sweaty and exhausted but also super wired, after driving through a decent portion of both night and day, catching a few naps here and there. I was really worried sick about Dakota. I didn’t know what we were going to tell her mom.

  “It says turn there…” We turned into
a super swank neighborhood. “These places are ridiculous,” I muttered, taking in the perfectly groomed lawns and palm trees, tile roofs and four car garages. Every house had a pool. “And then up here on Sunshadow Way.” I pointed. “It’s at the end of the cul de sac.”

  He pulled over in front of the place. “We did it,” he said. “We make a pretty good team.”

  “Yeah, we weren’t bad.”

  “And we got to buy shirts with gators wearing sunglasses on them, so that’s a bonus.”

  “Is it?” I smiled, flipping through emails on my phone.

  He leaned on the steering wheel. “You would never consider it?”


  “Becoming a demon bride.”

  I lowered the phone and gave him my most withering look. “No.”

  “I’m not kidding,” he said.

  “Neither am I!” I finally stopped pretending to be more interested in the phone than him. “I’ve had a really good time with you, but that’s a long way away from making a commitment to a life I am not interested in at all. I wish you were a normal guy with a normal job. I’d do this again. But…you’re not. I don’t like magic. I don’t understand it, and it’s dangerous, and I don’t even want to know as much as I do. Plus I’m not making my parents cry like we’re about to do to Dakota’s mom. Double plus, you’re in a band. I’m not dating a guy in a band. A lot of my family was in the music biz and it’s just messed up.”

  “Okay,” he said. “I had to ask. That’s all. You have to be willing, to be a demon bride.”

  “Thanks for understanding,” I said, trying to ignore my pang of regret.

  I already knew I was going to be forever curious as to what it would have been like to get serious with him. Since demons only mated with human girls in groups, though, it remained a no. I was interested in him, not him and ‘Chief’, some keyboardist and guitarist and…oh crap, was he the violinist, then?

  “Let’s take care of business,” he said, peeling himself off the leather seat.

  We rang the doorbell. I already guessed Dakota’s mom was home because a Mercedes was parked in the driveway. The door area of the house was already insane. It had these big windows on either side and a fancy light fixture dangling down from the purely decorative, tiny balcony which overhung the door.

  Dakota’s mom called, “Be right there!” Then she answered. Dakota’s mom was like, extremely a white lady, wearing natural makeup, but kinda too much of it, flowy yoga pants and holding a greenish-black drink that I’m sure was the healthy fad of the month.

  “Hello? I’m sorry, I’m—oh—wait—aren’t you Dakota’s roommate?” The color drained out of her face. “Where is Dakota?”

  For some reason I wasn’t nervous until then. I went blank. I had just driven all the way here to say…what?

  “She’s fine,” Elias said. “I’m Elias. I’m a friend of Edie’s husband Dante.”

  “Oh, yes…you were just in the neighborhood?”

  “Well—well, she’s not entirely fine,” I stammered. “Her life isn’t in any danger, but I wouldn’t tell you this if I didn’t have to, but—but— You can bring her back. I’m sure you can bring her back.”

  “Bring her back? From what? Has she been hiding something from me? She has been a little distant in the past year…” Her mom must be assuming she had a hidden addiction or something.

  “Yeah.” I swallowed. “We’ve all been more distant, since—Edie got married…”

  How could I say this? How could I explain to a normal person that magic is real? I didn’t want to hear it when I found out and I definitely didn’t want to sound like a crazy person to Dakota’s mom.

  And then Elias just…went for it, before I could stop him. “Dakota has accidentally entered into a betrothal with a trio of magical beings who are not quite human,” he said. “And to be blunt, there is only one way to keep her here in your world. I and my bond brothers are willing to take your daughter’s hand in marriage.”

  Both of our jaws dropped at once, and my second thought was to be pissed off. Is there a word for being jealous of something you don’t actually want at all?

  Chapter Nineteen


  Having seen the pain that led to pleasure my bond brothers felt when Dakota placed the binding spells upon them, I was tense with anticipation. Our little mate was enjoying this more than she should, I thought with a chuckle. She was a fine Sinistral after all.

  Of our trio, I was the most solitary, and Hiron and Rafe usually made the decisions—often with a good bit of debate. I was rather glad Dakota came to us, rather than us finding her. No one had chosen her, and so she felt like she belonged to all of us. I thought she would likely be the piece we were missing. Soon, there would be hatchlings to fill the castle with life.

  Perhaps because I did prefer to spend much of my time outside hunting or off by myself, however, I was very much fretting over her failure to cast the spell for the Symposium. It felt like my own fault that she would never be able to leave the castle without our guardianship. She would soon grow restless, I knew.

  “Hey, Xado, are we doing this…?” She petted my arm with teasing fingers. “It’s your turn.”

  “Xado, your mind can’t possibly be wandering now. You’ve been waiting for this forever,” Hiron said. “He’s probably watched us go through it and now he’s not so sure.”

  I snorted. “I’m more than ready. I’ve been waiting for this for far too long. And I already know our little bride doesn’t like it gentle.”

  Her skin turned a gratifying shade of pink. “I can take it, but I can also dish it out.” She slipped one of the rings over my cock, down to the base. The silver rings started out generously wide but immediately began to constrict once placed. The burning pain surprised me; it was more intense that I expected but also the most arousing pain I had ever felt in all my life; my cock was already hard but it felt fit to burst while a bit of pre-cum beaded out of the tip. I leaned my hands on my knees. I expected Dakota to be quick with me as she had been with Rafe, but instead she took my cock in her hand and licked the tip.

  I broke into a sweat as the other two winced. “Just get it over with!” Rafe said, like he was the one subject to this. “It hurts like hell until we’re inside you.”

  “Mm…Xado said he’d hear no more of my complaining when his cock is in my mouth,” she said. “That was mean, Xado. I wonder if I’ll hear you complain while your cock is in my mouth?”

  Hiron started laughing heartily. “Oh, she has dealt quite the return blow.”

  “You will not hear me complain,” I said through gritted teeth.

  Despite the pain, the pleasure of Dakota’s lips and tongue stroking along my cock, and then taking it so deeply that her lips covered the silver ring, I had never felt anything so erotic in my life. She took her sweet time with me, and seemed to relish every moment. I’m almost ashamed to say that I was soon shuddering and begging for release. She glanced at me with eyes that reminded me she was in control now, and I was in awe of how formidable a mere human girl could be.

  “He’s crying,” Hiron said.

  “I’m not crying!” I snapped. “I can hardly help if my eyes tear up.”

  Dakota gave my cock one final lick. “Okay, okay. I guess I’ll stop.”

  “You probably should,” Rafe said. “We don’t know quite how the spells work in this case… Stick to the instruction book or he might size to fit your mouth instead. I don’t even know how that would look.”

  She drew back from me. “I guess you’ve learned your lesson now, Xado. One of my major ground rules is, no cocks in my mouth unless I say so.”

  “We are all known to break the rules now and then,” I managed, through another wave of pain.

  She put the second ring over the head of my cock and then she immediately pushed me back onto the bed and mounted me. Her little sheath already felt so perfectly snug, but as she rode me, I felt my length grow to fill her even more tightly. I let my dragon nat
ure flow down so I could be even more rough with her. Although our dragon cocks might look rough to her, in fact the scales there were very thin and sensitive compared to all other parts of our body. I could feel her pussy clenching around me. Her mouth fell open with pleasure.

  “How can I not fuck your mouth when it is so beautiful,” I said.

  Her closed eyelids fluttered open again. “You’re really sweet at heart, Xado,” she said. “I didn’t like you at first, but now I’m starting to get the feeling that you’re the caretaker of the group, and I know you’ll take care of me too. But your bedroom talk is too much.”

  “Is it now?” I sat up and grabbed her legs, shifting her beneath me. She squeaked with surprise. “I don’t believe a word of it. You know I would never hurt you…but you certainly do want me to claim you in every way.” I lifted one of her legs and ran a hand down it, admiring her skin, before I pushed her knees open wider. “Is this as flexible as you get?” I asked. Her muscles seemed so tight.

  “Uh…yeah, I should stretch more… Damn, I used to be able to almost do a split when I was a kid.”

  “I like to spread you wide when I fuck you,” I said. “You’ll learn to split again. Every day a little more.”

  “Goddamnit, why does that turn me on,” she muttered. “It really shouldn’t.”

  “Because you know we want your happiness,” Hiron said. “For centuries, demons have needed our human mates, and it is ingrained in every word, thought, and deed that we will live for your happiness, Lady Dakota.”

  “Mmm…yes…I’m feeling that…” Her eyes shone. “I can’t believe it…I’m already about to come again. This has to be a record.”

  “I would hope so.” I thrust deeper, still pinning her knees, until she was shrieking with each plunge, and before long I was loosing my seed inside her. Soon, I hoped, we would have many strong hatchlings, and I would surely be the happiest of demons.

  First, we had to survive the moment. This trip to ‘Disney World’ loomed. I had no idea of what sort of place this could be, and Rafe’s descriptions of it only added to my confusion. A castle that was not a real castle, and people dressed as mice? Apparently our little bride had dreamed of going there since she was a child. I couldn’t imagine why.


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