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More Than Us

Page 3

by ChaShiree M.

  “Good,” she says, smiling.

  “When do you leave?”

  “The end of the week.”

  “So soon?”

  “Yes. If I don't do it now, I won’t be able to and I don’t want to risk the chance that he will find out.” Once again, I am crying. When the hell did I become so emotional.

  “Are you sure, you don’t need anything? I will help you anyway I can.”

  “Phillipa, stop. I will be fine. I am strong, capable and willful. Me and my baby will be just fine.”

  We continue talking and then she says she has a doctor's appointment, so I hug my friend, for what I know will be the last time, and walk out the door. There is no way I can confront this situation with Cord, right now. This is too much to process. No, now is not the time.

  Chapter Five


  Two Weeks Later

  Looking out my office window, I can’t help but admire the people down there, busy, going about their day, strolling through life, where everything keeps moving. They have something to look forward too. Knowing what comes next. Unlike me, who has no idea what to do next. We had that one wonderful night and though I knew it was going to be strained, I thought at least something would have shifted. Nothing. It is back to being a mausoleum. She is slugging through the house like she lost something I can't find anywhere else. I have asked multiple times, tried to hold her, soothe her, nothing. She won’t confide in me and I wonder if there is anything left. “Cord. I got the message you wanted me to come to the office.” I turn to see my best friend Dun walk through the door.

  “Well shit man. You look how I feel. What the hell is going on with you?” I ask him, noting his disheveled, ungroomed appearance. “Work really that bad?”

  He is a successful real estate mogul who owns several commercial properties including hotels, casinos, clubs and I believe he just bought ownership shares in an island getaway somewhere in the Caribbean. However, with the downturn of the market, maybe his business is suffering. That is not including the fact he comes from one of the premier families in Chicago. If I am not mistaken, his engagement to Laurie Winston, the granddaughter of Harry Winston, is the most anticipated engagement in a decade. I wonder if that is what is bothering him.

  “Work is fine, asshole.” he says running his hand through his head. He leans forward with his elbows on his knees and I see something is really bothering him and as his best friend, I will put my shit aside to help him.

  “Dun, what is going on? Is it the engagement?” He flicks his wrist at me.

  “That has been over for over a month.” Thank god. Not that Laurie wasn’t a darling. It’s just...I wanted him to have what Phillipa and I have...had. True love.

  “What brought this about?”

  “I found her, Cord. I finally found what you told me about. I was in a hotel, hosting a business meeting. The maid walked in to change the hand towels in the conference room and the moment she walked in the room, it was like in those fucking shifter books and shit. I could smell her. Something in me was chanting mine over and over. As she walked around the room refilling coffee, smiling at the other men in the room, I heard myself literally growl, Cord, wanting to snatch the eyeballs out of all the men, staring at her. I knew, right then she was mine. As soon as she left the conference room, I walked out the door and caught her. I asked her name and to go for a late meal with me. She said yes, and my life changed forever. We spent a month together, getting to know each other, making love, fucking, going out, staying in, you name it. I was seconds from proposing when all hell broke loose.”

  I can’t help but think back to a time when my love and I had the same thing. “So, what happened?”

  “Mom showed up to the penthouse one night, going on and on about how Laurie will forgive me, and our wedding will be the wedding of the century. Well needless to say, I had left her in the bedroom, hoping to get mom out of the condo quick. Well it wasn’t quick enough for her not to have heard everything that got said. She called me a liar, a cheat and ran out. I went after her, but she hopped in a cab and I lost her. I went to her job and she had given her notice by phone. Fuck!!! I am losing my fucking mind, Cord, trying to find her, but she keeps evading me.”

  I can see the despair on his face, and it hits me that I understand. The only difference is, I know where my love is. Physically anyway. “So, did you go to her place?” He gives me the look.

  “Of course, I did. She left. Her landlord said that she left, gave her thirty-day notice and had someone else come to pack up her stuff.”

  “Well shit. Do you need me to get Carl on it?” He is my best investigator.

  “I already called him. Gave him her name, last place of employment and address. Damn it. Give me something to take my mind off this. What did you want to see me for?” not sure if I should say something or not, I hesitate. “Cord don’t treat me like I'm losing my fucking mind. It may be true, but I don't need this coming from my best friend. What did you need?”

  “I need to know if now’s a good time to put my house on the market.”

  “You and Phillipa are thinking of moving?” he asks, his interest peaked.

  “More or less.” I tell him trying not to give too much away at this point. Should have known it wasn’t going to work.

  “Cord what is with the vague answers. What’s going on?”

  “Nothing, Dun. Absolutely nothing and that is the problem. I can't reach her, and it has been four years. I mean four fucking years of just existing. Maybe, we should get out while we can. You know. Maybe we thought we knew what love was and as idealistic twenty somethings, we had no clue. Maybe we are not meant for each other.” Wow! That is the first time I have ever said that out loud. But now that I have, I can’t help but think, it might be what is best. For her especially. Me… I will never find someone I love more than her. I will die a single lonely old man.

  “Are you fucking shitting me right now, Cord. Here I am chasing what the fuck you two have all around this city, and you are trying to convince me it is better for you to walk away from it? What the hell is wrong with this picture?” well hell when he puts it like that. “No! I will not fucking help you leave your marriage, you dumb ass. What happened to the Alpha that took the girl from the quad and never let her go?”

  “God damn it, Dun. Don’t you think I have tried? I have been doing nothing but trying. Two weeks ago, I took her out, practically kidnapped her. We had a great time, which led to an even greater time at home and the next day, by the time I came home, it was like nothing had happened. She won’t fucking talk to me, Dun. We have tried therapy, couples’ retreats, everything. She is gone man. I don’t know if I can get her back.” whispering that last part, I can’t help but feel like a pussy when I feel a single tear fall.

  “Look, I am your best friend for a reason. I won’t let you make rash, stupid decisions. Go home and fix this, Cord. What you two have is special. Not everyone finds it. Hold on to it and don’t let go.” He gets up and I can’t help but wish there were something I could for him.

  “Wait, Dun. You never told me her name. This mystery girl. Who is she?” he stands there, the agony visible and palpable on his face he turns to me.

  “Her name is Lailani. Lailani Moore.” No fucking way. It can’t be.

  “When did you say she left?” I get up and grab my jacket.

  “Two weeks ago. Why?” he asks, wondering why I am acting like a madman. But I probably am because everything now makes sense. “Cord?

  “How do I say this? If you are talking about the same Lailani, she is Phillipa’s best friend.”

  “Bullshit. Can’t be. We would have met before this... right?” Ordinarily, I would agree, but her situation is unique making her usually unable to make it to any get together we have.

  “Not necessarily. Look, let me go home and get to the bottom of this with my wife. If what you say is true, I finally know why she has been like this since our night together. Her best friend left.” Running out of
the office, I smile. Knowing what the hell is going on is giving me new hope. I have never done over 50 riding through downtown Chicago, but today I am doing more like eighty in my McLaren weaving through traffic like a madman.

  Pulling through our gate, I don't bother parking in the garage. I walk through the house yelling her name. It is not until I get upstairs that I hear it. “Baby, are you ok?” I ask her walking in as she is vomiting profusely in the toilet. She nods her head and waves me off as she leans over again and let’s it all go. I feel the panic set in. Grabbing a wet washcloth, I fold it and when she is done, I pick her up and sit her on the sink. “Philli are you ok?”

  “I think so.” she says. Shoulders slumped over, showing how much this took out of her.

  “Here baby, let me help.” I wipe her face with cold cloth. Once I am sure she has cooled off, I grab her toothbrush, put paste on it and proceed to brush her teeth as she looks at me like she is seeing me for the first time. “Did you eat something that didn’t agree with you?”

  “I don’t think so. It just came out of nowhere.”

  “My poor baby. Come on. Let’s get you comfortable.” I pick her up off the sink and carry her to the bed. I won’t lie and say it doesn’t feel good, her wrapping her arms around my neck, letting me take care of her. Once she is laying down and under the blanket, I pull off my suit jacket, roll up my sleeves and kick my shoes off. Getting in the bed with her, I pull her against my chest, rubbing her back. “So, when were you going to tell me that Lani moved?” I ask her, looking down at her beautiful face. She looks up at me and her mouth forms an O. “Yea baby, spill it.” Then maybe we can fix this, before it is too late.

  Chapter Six


  OMG! I may be playing it close to the vest right now, but I am so glad he is here. This has been my morning and part of my afternoon for the past week. I don’t know what is going on, but I have never heard of the flu lasting a week. “So, when were you going to tell me that Lani moved?” I know the guilt shows on my face. “Yea baby, spill it.” Crap. For two weeks, I have been able to hide behind the sorrow of losing my friend. Able to use it as a shield, a curtain is if you will, giving me an excuse not to deal with this. Well, I guess the jig is up. Wait….

  “How do you know about that?”

  “That is not your concern right now. What you should be worried about is why you are sick, and why you decided not to tell me about Lani and once again, not let me walk you through this?” This is the conversation I was trying to avoid.

  “I... I don’t know, Cord. That is the honest answer.” Talk she said. Trust him, she said. I guess it is as good a time as any.

  “Ok. That will suffice for now. Now, about this vomiting. I am concerned, Phillipa. How long have you been also hiding this from me?”

  “A week.” I tell him, finally drained of the reasons not to confide on him. I feel my flag waving.

  “I should spank you for not telling me.” he says, his voice stern. I find myself squirming, remembering the few times he did spank me for keeping secrets from him in the beginning of our relationship. It always ended with either his fingers in my pussy, bringing me to the throes of ecstasy or with his mouth doing the same thing. I used to wish it were his cock, sliding in and out of me, showing me, I was his, but he refused to fuck me until our wedding night. Jesus. Just thinking about it has me dripping, soaking my panties.

  “Oh, my wild one, I can smell how much you want that. Fucking drug baby. However, I might spank you, but there will be no cumming. When I spank you, it will be to sate my own lust and to make you remember the rules we established in the beginning of us. Now tell me, have you been to the doctor for whatever this is?” he asks his face conveying the concern he feels and the love that he has never hidden from me.

  “I have an appointment on Monday.”

  “Five whole days, that is unacceptable. Let me make some calls.” I pull his shirt, keeping him in this spot. “Phillipa?”

  “The darkness won’t go away, Cord. I am so sorry I left you, with no way to find me. I just...I don’t know what to do.” I cry into his shirt, the years of pent up hurt and pain, seeing its way out. I feel his hands, rubbing my back as he soothes me with words.

  It's going to be ok, baby. I love you so much. Let me in, love.

  I don’t know how long I lay, me on his lap, under the cover. I must fall asleep at some point because when I wake up, he is removing my clothes, having already removed his. “Cord?” I say half confused, half horny.

  “It’s ok baby. Go back to sleep. I am just getting us back to where we are supposed to be. Do you remember?” I nod my head. After we got married, he told me we would never sleep with anything between us, even clothes. So, we used to take all of our clothes off before getting in the bed. Some nights, we would make love real slow. Some nights he would fuck me until I passed out and other nights, he would simply pull me into his arms, wrap every inch of his body around mine, and we would spend the night that way. “We are going to sleep tonight, my wild one. Tomorrow, we will begin restoration.” Thank God, he is doing it. I am too weak to be the one.

  “Mmm.” I wake up stretching, my body tingling from head to toe. I haven’t opened my eyes, not sure what I am feeling, but holy fuck.

  “Good morning, baby.” Oh God. I lift my back, my eyes meeting his as his mouth devours my pussy. When he lifts his head to speak, the cream he has already gotten from me, coats his lips, causing more to slide out of me. “The breakfast of champions. Right, my Philli?” I nod my head, pulling his face against my cunt, needing him to finish what he started. “Ooh...somebody's greedy this morning.”

  “Cord.” I whine, opening my legs wider, needing him to go deeper. “Please.” I am not above begging at this point.

  “Oh, my sweet little Philli.” he says as he licks me over and over. “I am in control of this one, baby. So, fucking delicious.” he licks his lips as he says it. Spreading my legs further apart, he holds them in his hands, squeezing my thighs, so hard I know it is going to leave a bruise. Once I am as open as he wants me, he pushes them so far up to my chest, that the hole between my ass cheeks is right at his mouth. Looking me in my eyes, the feral beast coming out to play, he licks me from asshole to clit and back again over and over. My stomach begins to contract, places inside of me I didn’t know could feel are beginning to awaken. My eyes roll to the back of my head, as this keening kitty noise leaves my mouth.

  “Oh, shit Cord. Too much...please.” I don’t know what I am asking for, but holy fuck does it feel amazing. He relentlessly keeps going, sucking my clit every time he reaches it.

  “Fuck!! How much sugar did you have last night? It’s like a fucking candy store down here.” he says, his mouth sticky and wet. As I look down at him, I feel his thumb enter my pussy and I almost leap off the bed. I am so sensitive; the barest touch will send me over. His tongue joins his finger. He sticks in and out of the entrance, moving back and forth, up and down. I begin to hyperventilate the overwhelming orgasm right at the surface. “Say it, Philli. I know you need to come and so do I baby. Help me so I can spray you. Say the words.” Oh shit. Oh fuck. How can he take so much from me, while giving me everything?

  “Cord… CORD!!!” I scream, everything around me spinning. He stands, his thumb moving circles around the entrance and my pussy, faster and faster. Both of us are no longer able to hold it.

  “JUST SAY THE FUCKING WORDS, BABY!!!” he growls. This is the first time I notice he is stroking himself up and down, his salt dripping out of the tip. This the final straw. I finally give up and give him everything.

  “My King. My King.” I say it over and over, out of breath.

  “Your king, baby. Always.” I feel his cum spraying all over my body. I open my mouth, desperate to taste him, feel him as he travels down my throat. He finishes, picks me up, and we take a shower. He washes me, as we kiss, slowly and with purpose. His hands rubbing up and down my body as his mouth shows me how much he loves me. We finish and dry o
ff, change the sheets and snuggle back in the bed, me once again, with my head on his chest. I don’t know how I lived without this for so long.

  Chapter Seven


  I can still taste her in my mouth, and it makes me want to take more from her, but it also makes me want to give her everything. But first, we need to talk. “Are you ready to talk, baby?”

  “Yes.” she answers, her voice one of defeat. I don’t like it. Lifting her chin, I lean down and give her the barest of kisses.

  “Hey, none of that, my love. You didn’t lose anything. I finally found you. Now talk to me, Phillipa. Why have you shut me out the last four years?” She bites her bottom lip, causing my cock to stir right up against her thigh.

  “I just...I just didn’t know how to handle the disappointment, Cord. We had this whole plan and it all turned out the way we wanted until it didn’t. I felt like a failure. Like it was all my fault.”

  “Why would you think that? It takes two, baby. I am hurting too, Phillipa. But I thought we would go throw this together. Instead, you locked me out. That hurt more than anything. Losing my wife. The other half of my soul. Did you miss me, at all?” I hear the anger in my voice, and though I know I should be more understanding and reassuring, I can’t help the emotion. A part of me, wants to understand. But, the other part of me, wants her to hurt too.

  “I know, Cord. I ached for you every day, but I didn't know how to deal with it. There was supposed to be more than us filling the rooms of this house. We should be chasing kids around, taking walks to the park. Going to little ballet classes, making cupcakes. I… I just... froze. I was stuck in time, with nowhere to go. I know it was selfish to turn away from you. God, Cord. I know that. But I don’t know. It just seemed easier to do it alone.” her pain, evident, but so is her remorse.


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