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Entrapped Page 16

by Tl Reeve

  “All the more fun. What happened next?”

  Charisma rang her hands. “We were deciding what toppings to have on our pizza and if we wanted a smoothie, when Penelope saw Holly. We all froze. She was in the shop across from us paying for stuff. I didn’t know what to do. I kept yelling at myself to move, but I couldn’t, Royce. I couldn’t.”

  Tears rolled down her cheeks. A deep hate for Holly built in his chest. Not only couldn’t he believe what the woman did to Hayden and Mackenzie, now though she might not know it, or care, but she tortured his mate. He wrapped his arm around Charisma and tucked her into his side. “You’re not trained for this stuff. You’re trained to work with the kids and keep them safe. This is different.”

  “I should have relied on my training,” Charisma said.

  “Use it now. Do you remember anything from seeing her?”

  “She had garment bags. Brooklyn and Katie were with her as well. They walked in the opposite direction of us and didn’t appear to have a care in the world,” Charisma answered.

  “Did they say anything?” Royce pushed her. He wouldn’t have done it if he didn’t think Charisma could handle it.

  “No. They were quiet. Sedate, I’d assume so it didn’t draw any attention to her or them. Me on the other hand.” Charisma snorted. “Herded the whole family back to the mini-van.”

  “It’s okay. You were doing what you thought was right. I would have done the same too.”

  “I should have followed her,” Charisma grumbled.

  “The hell!” Royce couldn’t believe what she said. Following Holly could have put all of them in danger, including his pups. “Don’t ever say something stupid like that again. You did the right thing.”

  “I feel like a loser.”

  Royce swatted her rear. “I don’t ever want to hear you say that again.”

  “You’re such an ass.”

  The rest of the evening became a planning session. There were questions of taking the kids out of school and keeping them home. Escape routes to help get them to an air strip or even to Jefferson’s residence in Washington D.C. In the end, anything they did out of the ordinary now would become too suspicious. They’d play it all by ear until the time came to take Holly and her band of hoes down.

  Exhausted from the day, Charisma had gone to bed long before Royce, Saber, and Mackenzie ended their meeting. He thought about giving her privacy for the night, because he knew she needed it, but instead he climbed in behind her and held her close. Sleep didn’t come easy for Royce, and he’d never been as grateful as he’d been then for Kalkin’s hardline training.

  Sometime, in the middle of the night, he made love to his mate. He could have lost her. A part of him, the sliver that knew he had no right to ask her for forgiveness due to everything he’d done, right or wrong, shifted. In Charisma’s arms, he found peace.

  By morning, the uneasy feeling hadn’t dissipated one bit. It was like a rumbling undercurrent of things to come. Anticipation slithered down his spine, settling in his gut like a lead weight. Liam and Riley didn’t fare any better. Both sat at the table picking at their food. If the Halloween festivities weren’t taking place at school, he would have told them to stay home. However, both kids enjoyed their school. They’d made friends and opened up. Seeing their mom again was a tragic set back. Nevertheless, with everyone rallying around them, Liam and Riley would get through this...just a little banged up.

  “Don’t forget, guys, we have that Haunted Trick or Treating to do tonight,” Royce said, sitting down beside them.

  “We’re still going?” Riley glanced up at him.

  “Well, you certainly didn’t find costumes for us for nothing,” he replied. “I have a feeling if they have a costume contest, we’re going to win.”

  His little sister smiled. “For sure.”

  Liam stared at both of them. “How can you both be so calm right now?”

  Royce snorted. “Who says any of us are calm?”

  Liam pushed away from the table. “This is so fucked.” He growled as he stomped out of the kitchen.

  Riley’s lip trembled. “He’s hurting. Mo—Holly really messed him up.” She swiped at her tears.

  “Hey now,” Royce whispered. “No crying. It’s okay. We’re all scared, and we’re all frustrated.”

  “He’s so angry. I’m...I’m afraid he’s going to do something stupid.” When she finally looked up at him, he saw the overwhelming grief reflected in her brown eyes.

  So was Royce, but he had to trust the young boy wouldn’t be impulsive. “Looks like the three of us have something in common.” He wrapped his arm around her. “One day I’ll tell you about my mom. Until then, just understand it’ll all work out.” He kissed the crown of Riley’s head. “Finish up your breakfast so Charisma can take you to school. Before you know it, we’ll be getting ready to go trick or treating.”

  Riley threw her arms around him once more. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t have to thank me, squirt. It’s what big brothers are for.”

  After Charisma left to take the kids, Royce logged into the college website to check in and prepare for the day. He only had one class to teach later in the afternoon, and he figured if he got the major work out of the way, he could spend more time with Charisma and his pups.

  “Thank you,” Mackenzie muttered. “I didn’t have the words to tell them the same last night.”

  Royce shrugged. “It’s no biggie. You have your hands full here. You going to work today?”

  His dad shook his head. “Nah. I think I should be here. We all know this is a just a cover. Saber gave me the day off.”

  “Might be for the best,” Royce replied. “Liam needs you right now.”

  Mackenzie nodded. “Yeah. I planned on taking him out after school to talk.” Mackenzie threw himself into the chair beside Royce. “Shit, son.”

  “Don’t I know it.”

  “I’ll be glad when that bitch is dead or behind bars.” Mackenzie frowned. “She’s messed up—fuck, I’ve messed up my family from the get-go. I don’t deserve any of you.”

  “Don’t start that shit, dad,” Royce said. “I need you clear headed and ready to go when the orders come down.”

  “Trust me,” Mackenzie said. “I will be. I want to watch that bitch burn.”

  So did he. He wanted Holly to see all of them together. The demented part of his psyche demanded it to be the last thing she saw. After that, she could rot in a cell or be killed right then and there. Royce was out for blood. He’d never experienced anything like it before. This hunger took root in his belly and clawed at him, demanding he give over to the wants of a feral beast. His wolf snarled. The hairs on the back of his neck stood on end. He couldn’t quite explain the sensation of his wolf whipping up such sensations, other than it brushed over his skin and set him on edge.

  “I think all of us do,” he replied, going back to work.

  “True,” Mackenzie said, patting his shoulder. “If you need anything.”

  He nodded. He hoped, once he went through all of his messages, Charisma would be back. He could help her decorate the house then maybe, if she was up to it, work some of his pent-up energy out of his system.

  Unfortunately for him, when he logged into his email, there were several waiting for him. Most were questions about the project due by the second week of November, but one in particular stood out. It didn’t have a return email, kind of like the other one he’d received with the photos of the lab.

  Royce clicked on it. An unease settled within him, adding to the wild edge already trying to consume him.

  8 p.m., tomorrow night. Boston Zoo.

  He stared at the message, dumbfounded for a second, then sprang into action. He grabbed his phone while calling for his father. “Dad!” His father rushed into the kitchen as he placed the call to Kalkin. He turned the computer so Mackenzie could read it.

  Mackenzie snorted. “Short and sweet.”

  Royce grunted.

ut time you called,” Kalkin said, in greeting.

  “Did you get the same message?” Royce said.

  “What message?”

  The doorbell rang, and Mackenzie got up to get it, leaving Royce with his uncle. “I got another email this morning. I just flipped on my work computer and found a message about the auction.”

  “Perfect timing,” Kalkin replied. “I have—”

  “Surprise!” Hayden squeaked.

  “Uh...” Royce headed to the door. Hayden stepped into the house carrying a backpack. Behind her were Nico, Hauser Benefield, Michael Da Susa, and Maxwell Steele. The only one with a smile on their face had been his cousin. She bounded over to Mackenzie and wrapped him in a hug. “What’s going on?” He put the phone on speaker so everyone could hear his uncle.

  “Look, some shit has gone down since the last time we talked. I didn’t want to get you involved because you have enough on your plate. However, you should be the first to know.” The welcoming chatter of his cousin, her mate, and three of Kalkin and Jerome’s best men stopped.

  “What is it?”

  “Emmitt is alive,” Kalkin said.

  “What the fuck?” Mackenzie barked. “Does Caden know?”

  “Hayden can fill you in on the details when we’re done here. She found him. He’s also talked to the DA here, in Window Rock. With Hayden are three warrants for the arrest of Holly Geithner, Katie Campbell, and Brooklyn Campbell.”

  “What’s going on?” Royce glanced up at the door and found Charisma standing on the porch staring at all of them. Her eyes were wide with surprise. Penelope stood behind her. Each of them carried a few bags along with some larger decorations.

  “Charisma is back. This is the part you need to hear, Kalkin, and one more thing,” he said, holding out his hand to his mate. “Go ahead, Oasis. Tell him.”

  She swallowed hard. “It’s twins.”

  The room erupted in the ecstatic shouts of excitement. Hayden wrapped Charisma in a hug while Mackenzie patted him on the back. It hadn’t been exactly what he wanted her to tell Kalkin, but it worked. He chuckled as his mate was engulfed in several embraces before they calmed down.

  “Nice going, boy. But, I think, Charisma, he meant for you to tell me something else?” Kalkin hedged, humor filling his tone.

  Her face turned a deep shade of crimson. “Crap on a stick.” She pressed her hand to her forehead. “All of this—you guys, caught me off guard.” She laughed. “Yesterday, Penelope and I went shopping for Halloween costumes for the kids. Holly was there too.”

  Kalkin growled. “Did she see you?”

  “No,” Charisma said. “Thankfully. I even went the long way home just to be sure. She wasn’t alone, though. She had Brooklyn and Katie with her. I think...I think something is going on.”

  “Charisma is right, Kal. Like I said, I received another anonymous tip this morning. The auction is tomorrow night at eight.”

  “I’ll get Jerome to set up the meeting so you can get a takedown plan into place. In the meantime, go over all the information Hayden has with her. This is her part of the investigation. She is running point with you, Royce.”

  He glanced over at his cousin, who practically beamed with pride. “Got it.”

  “Just hang tight.”

  He ended the call with his uncle and turned to Hayden. “Well, what have you got for us, squirt?” He motioned for all of them to follow him into the kitchen where he’d been working.

  Hayden was hot on his heels. The air of confidence rolling off her surprised Royce. Since she returned home only a few short months ago, she’d certainly grown, even with her setback. She placed her bag on the table then opened it. Royce grabbed his laptop and placed it on the kitchen island.

  “We’re going to start decorating,” Charisma said, placing the bags she carried in the great room.

  “Okay.” Royce kissed her. “Don’t overdo it.”

  She grinned. “I won’t.”

  When Charisma left, Hayden handed everyone a folder. A photograph of the Wildlife Preserve had been paperclipped to the front of it. Royce opened the folder and grimaced. Pictures of the scene were clipped together in groupings. The first ones were the shallow graves. Some were deeper than others. Some, it appeared, were older.

  “Two weeks ago, I went back to the Wildlife Preserve to finish up our investigation and to retrieve a wolf I’d seen with Nico. When I arrived, Hauser informed me the wolf in question had been attacked.” She began to pace as she talked. The family had grown accustomed to how Hayden processed everything. She always had that excessive bit of energy she tried to work off. “While on my way to the clinic in the wolf enclosure, to check on him, an alert was sent out. A body had been found.” Hayden stopped mid-stride and held up the photograph of a recent shallow grave. Inside were four bodies.

  “What the fuck?” Royce couldn’t believe what he stared at.

  A female lay on her side. The side of her skull and face were missing. The waxy hues of purple, blue, and green denoting decomposition made Royce’s stomach roll in revulsion. Beside her in the grave, three shifter babies. They were partially shifted. Something that could happen if someone experimented on them or forced the shift. In most instances, it caused death due to the fact babies’ bodies weren’t fully formed yet. Their bones were weak and pliable. Their organs couldn’t handle the uptick of their metabolisms and would shut down. For shifters, it was one of the more painful ways to die. It was why his uncles coaxed pups to shift. They did it with love and encouragement.

  Small steps.

  Small victories.

  Royce knew how depraved people could be, but this? Fuck, if Hayden and Nico hadn’t killed Worthington, he’d do it slowly and painfully. Each of the pups’ throats had been slit. Attached to one of the little bodies was a small electrode. The half-inch diameter silver disk glinted in the picture, and Royce knew how it all went down. They shocked them into the shift.

  He growled.

  Hayden began to pace again. “When I saw the grave containing Nicole, an agent nearby literally stumbled into another soft grave.”

  Royce shifted the pictures in his hand. The second one showed a group of forensic agents fully covered in protective gear standing around the six-foot by four-foot hole. Inside, a partially decomposed body. The skin had begun to thin, almost taking on a leathery texture. Some of the broken rib bones poked through and the hair, or what was left of it, fluttered in the breeze.

  “All together, there were fifteen unmarked graves. Thirteen were shifters. Two were human. All of those that I could collect usable samples from have been sent off for DNA analysis. We should have their names soon then we can contact their families and return them to their loved ones. The rest...” She sighed. “I’m not sure if we can get any usable DNA from them.”

  Mackenzie whistled. “You found all this on your own, sprout?”

  Hayden nodded. “Yeah. Once I transported Oscar—Emmitt back to Danielle I came back.” She then held up the picture of a gaunt and broken Emmitt. His curly brown mop of hair hung in his brown eyes. His cheeks were sunken as were his eyes. His skin was too dull for Royce’s liking.

  Royce shook his head while looking at his father. “How did this happen?”

  “Oscar aka Emmitt,” Hayden said. “Was found in the desert and brought to the Wildlife Preserve.”

  “What?” Mackenzie questioned. “How?”

  “He was shot. I can only guess who did it.”

  Royce snorted. “Tiffany more than likely.”

  “Or Marjorie,” Mackenzie added. “Better add Raymond Quincy in there too, to be on the safe side.”

  “Ah. I need to add that bit to my report,” she said. “Anyway, the bullet was lodged in his leg when he was found somewhere in the desert. A good Samaritan picked him up and brought him to the preserve. Because of his injuries, he couldn’t be released, so they kept him as a mascot. However, when Henry took over, he somehow figured out what Emmitt was. That’s when the experimenting starte
d. I have the full report with me if you want to read it.”

  “We’ll look at it later,” Royce said. “What else do you have for me?”

  “Warrants. I’m to assist you in apprehending the suspects,” Hayden added.

  “Sweetheart, are you sure you want to do this?” Mackenzie said.

  She nodded. “Yes. You haven’t seen the graves or the bodies. Smelled the stench of death. Been held captive by these sick, sadistic fucks. I have. Emmitt has. I am doing this for us. I am doing it for him.” A growl of vengeance rumbled in her chest. “It will be my pleasure to finish what the Geithners started.”

  Royce’s phone rang again, and he hit the answer button. “Yeah.”

  “You’ve got a meeting in twenty minutes.” Kalkin rattled off an address and gave Royce who’d be there when they arrived. “Don’t be late.”


  When he hung up, he turned to everyone. “Looks like we’re going to an FBI Field Office in Boston. We need to leave now, if we’re going to make it.” He glanced at Charisma, who stepped back into the kitchen to grab a drink. “You going to be okay while we’re gone?”

  She nodded. “Yep. Penelope is with me. Saber is only a phone call away. The neighbors are great, so I’m not worried. Besides, we have to catch up with everyone else. Have you seen some of the houses? Creepy.”

  He chuckled. “Sounds like a plan. Kick ass like a Raferty.” He kissed her forehead. “Have fun.”

  “I will. By the time you come back, you won’t recognize this place.”

  * * * *

  They pulled up to the building right on time. Hayden hopped out first then Royce, followed by their family and team. Hayden held up her badge to the guards on duty while Royce did the same. His cousin continued to surprise him at every turn. She was all business. In control. Pride welled within Royce.

  A few feet from the security checkpoints, they were greeted by a man in a three-piece suit. He stood a couple of inches taller than Hayden. His long hair had been tied back with a leather strap at the base of his neck and his vivid green eyes along with his elegant features gave him an air of mystery and beauty. He lifted his chin, giving off an aura of authority. When he stepped forward, the man offered his hand to Hayden. “Sloan Harnut. Senator Winters sends his regards.”


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