Page 20
“No!” the boy screamed, clinging to Royce. His little body shook harder. His fingers curled into Royce’s uniform.
“It’s okay. I’ll come see you later. I have to keep working.” He smiled at the boy. “Be strong for me for just a little longer. No one will hurt you.”
The boy nodded. “Okay.” He sniffed. “You’ll come back, right?”
“Definitely.” Royce scrubbed the boy’s head. “Be good for the agent.”
“I will.”
He gave the boy a small wave as the agent started for a waiting vehicle. He let out a breath and closed his eyes. Another child. Another family destroyed. He didn’t understand why. He probably never would, considering who the fuck PBH was. He started for the building again to bring the suspects out, when he heard a scream of outrage.
“Hey look,” Hayden said, coming around the corner. “I caught one.”
Hayden shook Holly then smirked at him. An expression of pure unadulterated pride filled Hayden’s features. His little cousin was becoming a bad ass. Holly’s face twisted in fury. Her hands were fisted at her sides, and her feet dangled off the floor. The hem of her dress had been torn. Half of her hair hung in her face. Some of the wisps were still in the clip at the back of her head.
Damn, kid.
“Good job. Cuff her.”
“No, you can’t. You can’t do this.” Holly’s face turned a ruddy red. “Mackenzie.” Her scream rent the night air. “Mackenzie Raferty, you come here right now. We’re mated, Goddamn you! We are mates, and you can’t do this to me!”
“Mac won’t help you,” Royce muttered as another agent joined them.
“Bullshit,” Holly screamed, trying to untangle herself from Hayden’s grip.
“You fucked the wrong family.” Hayden yanked Holly to her. “You’re going to rot for your connection to PBH!”
“Liar! You’re lying. You can’t connect me to any of it! I saved you. I raised you! I could have let them keep you. I could have let them tear you apart.” Holly bared her teeth at Hayden.
“Fuck you.” Hayden smacked Holly. The crack of flesh hitting flesh made Royce flinch. The red print of Hayden’s palm immediately bloomed on Holly’s cheek, each finger mark standing out in relief. “That’s for screwing over Mackenzie.”
“You’re a fucking animal like the rest of them! I should have never tried to tame you. You...you heathen!”
Before Royce or the agent who joined them could separate both women, Hayden cocked her fist back. If the crack of her slap had been loud, the sound of crunching bone and the rending of flesh when Hayden’s fist connected with Holly’s jaw made Royce’s stomach roll in disgust. She let go of her aunt and allowed her slender form to fall. Her body slapped the concrete with a sickening thud.
Hayden was ruthless. “How’s that for being a fucking animal.” A low warning growl built in her chest.
“Hey, hey,” Royce said, coming to Hayden’s side. “She’s not worth it.”
“The fuck she wasn’t. I still have to get licks in for Liam and Riley.”
Royce chuckled. “I think you got her good enough, squirt.” He grabbed a pair of cuffs from the hook at the back of his pants. “How about you cuff her?”
“How about I make them too tight?” She cocked a brow.
“Son of a bitch, Hayden.” He shook his head.
She shrugged. “What?” She bent down and gathered Holly’s limp arms and pulled them behind her, then placed the zip-ties around Holly’s wrists before pulling them tight.
“Scene secure,” Connors said over their comms. “Bring in the cleanup crews.”
“Thank fuck,” Hayden whispered, shaking her hand out. “Shit.”
Royce grabbed her hand. Three of her knuckles were purple and blue. The rest of her hand was an ugly red color. The first knuckle had a nice gash in it as well. “Damn, kid.”
Hayden snatched it away from him then winced in pain. She wasn’t doing a good job of trying to hide it either. It rolled off of her in waves. If he could smell it, Nico would go ape shit. “I should kick her ass for making me hit her.”
“I think you just did, squirt. Go on and get checked out. I’ll get the warrants processed and make sure Katie and Holly have their rights read to them.” He looked at the agent. “Get an ambulance here to transport Holly Geithner under guard to Mass General. She doesn’t leave your sight. Understand?”
The guard nodded. “Yes, sir.”
Royce grunted as he ushered Hayden away from her aunt’s body. As they came around the side of the building, they ended up where they began. Nico was heading straight for them. The look on his face didn’t bode well for Hayden. “You’re in trouble.” Royce grinned.
“I swear it should be my nickname by now.”
Royce chuckled.
“What the fuck happened?” Nico stopped in front of them. His eyes were wild with anger and concern. He glanced down then growled. “What did you do?”
“Holly ran into my fist. I think she needs glasses.” Hayden shrugged.
Nico fixed Royce with a glare. “Where is she?”
“Last I saw, knocked the fuck out. Your mate needs to go to the medics to get that hand looked at.”
Nico growled. “I don’t give a shit if your hand is in a cast, I will paddle your ass for scaring the shit out of me.”
“Tis but a flesh wound,” Hayden said. “I’m fine. Plus, it felt pretty good.”
Royce held his hands up and turned away. They’d figure it out on their own. He started for the penguin exhibit where they’d made their breach earlier. Since the power had been restored, he weaved through the mess of overturned tables and chairs. Some of the patrons still lay on their stomachs waiting to be gathered for processing. He didn’t stop at them, instead heading for the small space where he’d found Katie cowering.
Brooklyn’s prone body lay in a puddle of blood. Her eyes were still open, staring at nothing while her mouth hung open slightly. Both shots were right in the middle of her chest, one on top of the other. Her right leg had been bent slightly while the tip of her left foot pointed to where the knife had fallen when he’d shot her.
Katie still lay on her stomach. Her cries had turned to hiccupped sobs. He grabbed her by the arm and lifted her with ease. “You have the right to remain silent. Anything you say can and will be used against you in a court of law.” He continued reciting her Miranda rights as they made their way out of the building to a county wagon. An officer stood to the side writing down names as each of his team members handed off a person. When it was his turn, Royce helped Katie up into the vehicle. “Katie Campbell. She is one of the co-conspirators. We have a warrant for her arrest.”
“We already have a copy of it,” the man said, adding her name. “Thanks.”
“Wait,” Katie sobbed. “We can still work this out, Royce, I love you. I promise. I was helping you. I didn’t want this. I never wanted this. I-I...”
“Save it, Katie,” he said. “I already have everything I need with my mate.”
“Mate?” Her voice lowered to a whisper. “You have a mate?”
“Everything I did, I did for the job.” He turned away from her.
“No...no, no, no, no, no... This can’t be happening. You can’t do this to me, Royce!”
“It’s already done. You did this to yourself,” he called out, heading away from her. “Goodbye, Katie.”
“There you are.” A woman wearing a black and red silk and sheer kimono dress approached him. “I need to give a statement. One of the officers said you could do it.” She flicked her fingers in the direction of city police officers.
Royce stared at the woman. He swore he’d seen her somewhere, but couldn’t place her. She had vivid green eyes and full, red lips. Her hair had been pulled into a tight bun adorned by two silver chopsticks with jeweled tips holding it in place. Wisps of her hair had escaped, framing her face, softening the angles. “Uh, sure. I can do that.” He grabbed his small memo pad from his vest pocket.
sp; “Oh, thank you.” She placed her hand against his chest. “This was all so frightening.”
He glanced down at her hand. Her fingernails were painted in the same shade as the cherry blossom tree on the right side of her dress. “I bet.”
“I was sent here, to...watch. My name is Kamala Shakya.” Her soft accented voice could lull any man, Royce suspected.
“Royce Raferty,” he answered, flipping to a blank page. “Who sent you?”
She gave him a small, shy smile. “Senator Winters. He wanted to send Sloan, but unfortunately, he had a prior engagement he couldn’t untangle himself from.” She licked her bottom lip. “I’m glad I could take his place.”
Royce tilted his head. “Really? Winters sent you?”
She nodded, peering up at him through her lashes. “Yes. He said, he didn’t want you to think you were here alone. You are his mated-son, are you not?”
He snorted. “Yes, I am.” He shook his head. “So, what did you see?”
“Everything.” She touched him again. “Holly and Katie were running the show. Brooklyn took the money when the patrons won the lots. I was brought up to speed by Sloan on the extenuating circumstances from Window Rock. From what I understand, those who won each auction were required to wait until the end, correct?”
He nodded. “Yes. So, she changed tactics for this auction?”
Kamala inclined her head. “She had just held the bidding on a woman about twenty-four. Human. She’s pregnant. Not far along. Probably doesn’t realize it yet. But, I could scent it on her. Anyway, that’s when everything went haywire.”
Royce inhaled. If the woman in front of him was a shifter, she masked it well enough that he couldn’t tell. “How many lots do you think were sold before we breached?”
“At least ten, maybe more. I tried to keep an inventory of everything going on,” she answered.
Holly had changed up the whole program. Instead of making it a full event, she kept it short and sweet. It was all about moving merchandise for her. She learned from the mistakes of her brother. It also made sense why she could put it together so quickly too. “Did you see anyone you recognized?”
“Senator Brawborn and Senator Tory. They were only bidding on the female lots and little boys.” Kamala shivered.
“Did they win?”
“No,” she said. “They were outbid on all three of the lots they went for.”
“Were the lots still in the exhibit when we breached?”
“Yes,” she replied.
Thank fuck. “Anything else?”
“No. Nothing. Unless you want to know what happened after you entered the building.”
Mass chaos. He knew first-hand. “Thank you for your time.” He flipped the page in his book then wrote his number on the paper. “If you think of anything else, please call.”
“Thank you, Deputy Raferty.” She took the small piece of paper and slipped it into the lapel of her dress. “I will inform Senator Winters all is well taken care of here.”
“Thank you. Tell him I will be in touch in a couple of days,” he said.
Kamala nodded. “I will.”
Royce stood there for a minute as the woman sashayed down the brick pathway to a waiting town car. Once she was inside, the car sped away from the scene. He let out a breath. What the fuck just happened? He felt like he should know the woman. She reminded him of someone he’d met, but he couldn’t place her. It would drive him nuts until he figured it out.
“What a fucking night, huh?” Mackenzie came up beside him along with Saber.
“You can say that again. I think we’re here for the duration. There are still several people who need to be processed and sent to the local jail.” He scrubbed his forehead. “Shit.”
“Where’s Hayden?” Saber asked.
“She’s been taken to the medics. She knocked the shit out of Holly. I think she broke a couple of her knuckles, maybe her whole hand.”
“Damn,” Mackenzie mumbled.
“She also slapped Holly too. That was for you.” Royce laughed. “I shouldn’t fucking be laughing, but if you could have seen how Hayden manhandled Holly. I didn’t think the little wolf had it in her.”
“I always knew,” Mackenzie said. “Where is she?” He didn’t have to say Holly’s name.
“I left her with another agent,” Royce said. “She’ll have to get checked out for a concussion, but then she can be transported to the jail to await her extradition.”
“Then let’s get to work. The longer we stand here shooting the shit, the longer we’ll be away from our families. They’re probably ready to go insane.” Mackenzie started for the building.
Royce glanced up at the night sky and blew out a breath. Well, shit. Full moon, no wonder he couldn’t control himself. “What a fucking night.”
Chapter Eleven
Royce rolled his neck, the bones in his neck cracking, giving him some relief from the tension rolling through his body. They were done with the hard part. Now all the bullshit paperwork would need to be completed—in triplicate, no doubt, since every agency involved tonight would require a detailed report.
“You okay?” Saber glanced over at him from the passenger seat while Royce maneuvered through the streets toward Saber’s temporary apartment and his mate.
“I will be,” he said.
Having Charisma go to her knees before they started only made his condition worse. Add to it the adrenaline coursing through his veins, and he was desperate. He couldn’t get back to his mate quick enough.
He was sure the coyote sitting next to him could smell the lust rolling off his body, just like he could scent it coming off Saber. He needed to reaffirm their bond, his love for her and most importantly that the entire family survived this latest and hopefully last fight with the Geithner family, who’d plagued his on and off for years.
Saber snorted.
Royce pulled the big, black SUV into a spot haphazardly and got out of the vehicle before Saber. With determined strides he made his way to the massive glass doors and yanked one open with such force, he swore he heard the glass crack.
“I’m guessing you and Charisma aren’t staying for a visit?” Saber said, his lips twisted in a cocky smirk that Royce wanted to remove.
“That would be a good guess.” Royce curled his lip, punching at the lit call button again. At this rate, he’d be lucky if he got Charisma home and in their bed before he fucked her.
He started thinking alternatives. The borrowed truck was big, and the back seat would give him plenty of room. He could fuck her there. Have her sit on his lap, reverse cowgirl, watching her fine ass move with each thrust. Only problem, he wouldn’t take her ass the first time in a car. Yeah, he was an animal, but not that kind of animal to withhold simple comforts for anal sex, like lube.
Saber watched him intently, as if sensing his thoughts. Royce knew the next words out of the other man’s mouth would likely piss him off.
“Just remember, man, she’s pregnant with twins. Go easy on her.”
Royce did something no Raferty had ever done. He bit his tongue. He didn’t want to argue or fight with his mated brother-in-law. He just wanted to get his mate, take her home, and fuck out the adrenaline raging through his body. His wolf wanted to enforce its dominance on its mate. It was going to be a hell of a night. When they were both spent, he’d tell her what happened then talk to her about Mikey. He had to have her input.
His wolf, the fucking surly bastard, had already claimed the young boy. He heard the wolf growl mine through his head when Mikey had held on for dear life when the medical personnel had tried to take him.
When the car arrived, the doors open and they both stepped in. Saber punched the button for the floor, and the elevator began its climb. It didn’t take long before the car jerked to a stop and the doors slid open. Without waiting for the other man, Royce strode down the hall to where his mate waited for him.
“Royce,” Saber called out, slowing his progress. “You know the moon is in
a waxing gibbous state tonight, right?”
He halted, turning to look at the other man. “No shit? Did you think I magically forgot?”
Saber snorted. “Nope. Just reminding you.”
Royce looked at the other man for a long moment before saying fuck it and asking the question he’d always been curious about. “Saber, you ever knot your mate’s ass during the full moon cycle, while she’s pregnant?”
If his question stunned or shocked the other man, he didn’t let on. Saber chuckled.
Asshole coyote.
“Yes, and yes.” Saber’s eyes lit up. “That really something you want to try for the first time? While she’s pregnant? Don’t you want to wait until later?”
What the fuck? How’d the other man know they’d never done that. “How—”
“Sisters talk, dumbass. About fuckin’ everything. My Penny Ann is a chatterbox, and she tells me the important part, whether I want to know it or not.”
“Charisma hasn’t said shit to me about your relationship with Penny Ann or your sexual preferences.” Royce fought to keep the anger at bay. Why didn’t he know the girls talked?
“Not to be a dick, Royce, but you and Charisma haven’t been on the same page for years. You’re just now trying to find your footing with each other. Give your mate a break, she’s been isolated for the last four months. Who’d you expect her to talk to about this? You?” Saber said. “Plus, don’t your uncles talk about this shit? Shouldn’t you have realized women did too?”
“You’re right,” he admitted.
Saber smirked. The cocky bastard. “I know. Now if you don’t mind. I’m done gossiping with you in the fuckin’ hallway like a teenage girl. I want to see my mate, check on my boy, and get balls deep into Penny Ann five minutes after your ass leaves. Enjoy the pull of the moon.”
Saber pulled his keys out of his pocket and unlocked the front door. Charisma and Penelope sat on the couch, staring at the television. The minute Penelope saw Saber, she bounded off the couch and jumped into his waiting arms.
Charisma was slower because of the twins. He met her halfway. Concern and worry were etched on her face. “Is it done? Was anyone hurt? Where are Hayden and Nico?” Her questions came one right after the other.