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A Savage Kinda Love

Page 26

by Kiki Leach

  "Take me back upstairs." He jerked against me as I brushed my thumb along the head of his dick. "Please, Nikko."

  Without hesitation, and as a quick breath escaped from between my lips, he spun me around to face him again, leaning in to kiss me so softly and ridiculously slowly as if to taste me forever, that I had to wrap my hands around the back of his throat to remain upright.

  My God.

  Was this happiness redefined?

  He lowered his hands back down to my behind while his mouth remained against mine, and lifted me from the floor. I gasped between his lips while locking my arms around him and pressed my body as hard as I could against him as he turned us away from the island, strolled through the kitchen and hallway, and carried me upstairs just as I wanted.

  As I needed.

  As the only thing I was now certain I could ever truly have without agenda.

  Chapter Twenty-Seven

  Check, Tip and Run

  Nikko's POV

  Two hours after leaving Cheyenne fast asleep in his bed, Nikko found himself standing outside the office door of Benecio "Benny Batts" Liotta, quite possibly the only criminal defense attorney in Downtown Manhattan still willing to publicly associate with both him and his father professionally, if only because he knew that doing so would earn him a solid piece of the pie as much as anyone else. And the only person Nikko had known since he was a child that was still willing to believe in who he was as a man.

  On most days.

  After knocking a few times, Benny's heavy voice called out to him from the other side. "Come on in here, motherfucker," he spat. "Just bring your late ass in already."

  Nikko wagged his head before pushing back on the door until it opened.

  Standing across the cluttered office, filled from corner to corner with ceiling high boxes full of files on every Manhattanite known to buck the system, was a man around the same age as Chino. Wearing a warm grey suit with matching socks that stopped just above his ankles, brown alligator shoes that looked too damn big for his feet and a green tie that lit up with the push of a button like a year round Christmas tree, along with a set of thick, black framed glasses that had help in covering most of his naturally flushed, round face, Benny wasn't a conventional dresser any more than he had ever been an attorney from the time he was born.

  Nikko snickered while eying him from head to toe. "Yo, Benny."

  He glanced over his shoulder and pushed his brows together. He shook his head in realizing that even bruises couldn't keep that son of a bitch from being good looking enough to snatch up any amount of pussy he wanted with just a solid look, and pointed toward the door. "Shut that shit before the draft out there fucks up the circulation I learned to perfect last night," he said.

  "Oh yeah? What the fuck happened to your old ass last night?"

  "Young at motherfuckin' heart. And what happened was mounds of pussy -- every goddamn flavor in the motherfuckin' rainbow, enough to fill up each hand."

  "Yeah, well, I hear the fur on some of 'em can be too goddamn much at times," said Nikko, "especially when they start choking on those hairballs. Good thing you're not allergic to 'em anymore."

  Benny glared at him like a motherfucker ready to throw a pair of fists in his face before crossing to his desk. "You know I'd tell your ass to get the fuck out for that shit remark, but it'd defeat the motherfuckin' purpose of this meeting."

  "I was just telling you what I've heard."

  "What you were doing was being a goddamn asshole -- but what the fuck else can be expected when it's all the shit you know from your old man?"

  "The same one you're still choosing to keep on as a client; and now that we've officially brought him into it..." Nikko closed the door and shoved his hands into his pockets; he stepped further into the room and glowered. "That asshole was supposed to bring himself out here long before I showed up. Where the fuck is he?"

  "Someplace else."

  "I can see that shit. Where?"

  "I don't fuckin' know that part." Benny crossed his arms while making a curious face and took a seat along the front end of his desk. "If I was aware of it, you would be too; and all this would've more than likely been on the verge of wrapping up the minute your ass decided to finally show."

  "He didn't call?"

  "Just said he'd be running late."

  "And when the fuck was that?"

  "Maybe an hour or so ago."

  "Jesus. Why the hell didn't you bother asking what the fuck his being late was about?"

  "'Cause I knew it wasn't about this shit."

  "You don't fuckin' know that which is the entire goddamn point." His skin flushed as Benny's green eyes narrowed; his gaze darkened. "The whole reason for this meet-up was to talk about what's meant to go down after all the papers are signed off for this wedding and the shit with the Gambiano's. He had something more important to fuckin' deal with over it?"

  "That's a question you're gonna have to toss his way when he finally shows up."

  "IF the motherfucker decides to finally show up at all." He turned from him while yanking a hand from his pocket and moved about the room. "Unless this shit was just to set me up."

  Benny smirked. "Set your ass up for what, Nik?"

  "Could be anything with him -- you don't ever fuckin' know."

  "What I know is that you're being paranoid about this shit when there's no goddamn reason to be. If you don't have something to hide--"

  "What the fuck are you talking about?" he retorted. "My ass showed the fuck up."

  "You were late."

  "So the fuck is he."

  Benny eyed him with a sneer before pushing himself to stand. "Why are you so upset about any of this shit? What the hell were you even doing out there for two fuckin' hours before finally making your way down here in the first goddamn place?!"

  "Nothing that concerns your ass," he muttered.

  "You sure about that shit?" Nikko peeked at him as he dragged a hand across the top of his snow white hair before dropping it to the front of his jacket. "What the fuck are you so anxious in getting back to?"

  "I'm not anxious about shit, old man."

  "You're pissed as fuck yours ain't here."

  "I'm pissed as fuck 'cause he's the one who set up the goddamn meeting in the first place; and now he's got me thinking it's all bullshit." Nikko locked his jaw and turned from him.

  Benny remained curious. "He told me about what the fuck happened with Dog, and I'm sorry about that shit -- we were all hoping for a better outcome."

  "You didn't give a shit."

  "I gave enough of one to try and help his ass out at your request; it didn't fuckin' work and again, I'm sorry about that shit. But is your wanting to get the hell outta here because of it?"


  "Then what the fuck? Were you out there giving it to the pussy you're planning to marry? She the reason you're so goddamn antsy as fuck?"


  "You heard what the fuck I said." Nikko spun back around to him and cracked his knuckles, knowing it wouldn't be worth it but remaining tempted to react nonetheless. Benny dropped back and grinned. "I can see that shit written all over your goddamn face--"

  "What's that?"

  "Chino mentioned the pussy you're attaching yourself to in order to make this deal go through for all of us without a problem," he said. "Good job on that end. But if you let her taste your cock, I can't say the shit was real fuckin' smart on yours. A daughter of the motherfucker not only meant to keep you outta shit while locked up, but a long standing member of the motherfuckin' Renegades? Not real fuckin' smart in the goddamn least."

  "He's a former member."

  "The shit doesn't exactly matter when he's still connected to the club through his kid. I know how it works, she's linked to 'em for life in spite of that asshole." Nikko remained silent while averting his gaze. Benny eyed him with a knowing glance and cleared his throat. "She open up for you the first goddamn night you got out, or this morning?"

not discussing this shit."

  He chortled. "Okay. But Chino mentioned that she, uh, wasn't on board with making it all official at first. What the fuck changed her mind, seeing your cock in action?"

  "She agreed to it while I was still locked up, asshole. Nothing came before that."

  "Sounds like you didn't either." He grinned. "She moved all in with you?"


  "When the fuck was that?"

  Nikko brought his eyes back to him and scrunched his brows. "How is it that my old man never mentioned the rest of this shit to you?"

  "He mentioned enough, but I'm asking you for the goddamn details 'cause it's important to know in how we need to move forward from here. When the fuck did she move in?"

  "Before I got out. Green started helping her move outta her old man's place not long after we agreed, but she didn't get settled in 'til I came home."

  "I fuckin' bet that shit... She give you her pussy as a welcome home gift?"

  An unfamiliar wave of heat flared up inside Nikko's chest as he clamped his teeth. "Motherfucker..."

  "I'm just asking, asshole."

  At any other time in his life, Nikko Girabaldi would've been eager as fuck to answer Benny with every detail of the way Cheyenne came around his cock just before passing out, to the grip he had on her perfectly shaped ass as she screamed his name above all others in full blown ecstasy while he devoured every inch of her until the last goddamn drop.

  But there was too much about this woman that he had learned to respect and appreciate beyond what he had come to know; beyond everything she had given him and what he had been all too willing to take for himself since before last night and this morning.

  It was too much he wanted to keep beyond the moments they shared with no one else but each other.

  "Hello up there, motherfucker -- Hello?" Benny pushed a finger against his own temple and sneered. "Is your ass still in there or did the shit make you blank the fuck out? Did you two fuck?"

  "We talked," he blurted. "We've been talking since I got out about a lotta shit that needed to be said, much of what ain't gonna be repeated out here."

  "Okay, so don't repeat the shit to me or anybody else for that matter. But she let you fuck after finally shutting up, correct? I mean, the lips on her face weren't the only ones that did all the talking."

  "Jesus -- You're more obsessed with pussy than a motherfuckin' cat in heat."

  "Meow, asshole. I'm obsessed with knowing whether or not you got some since being out."

  "What the fuck for?"

  "Because fuckin' is a big goddamn deal for these bitches, in case you weren't aware of it."

  "I'm plenty aware of what a woman wants more than you've ever been, prick. And being called 'bitch' by some pissed off, ancient motherfucker aiming to know what she's about in bed ain't gonna be at the top of her goddamn list."

  "Maybe it should be. I've lived longer."

  "What the fuck does that shit even matter?"

  "A whole goddamn lot when I tell you that if you fucked her, Nik, and you did that shit in the way she fuckin' needed it -- in the way her goddamn body responded to yours while it was happening, she's gonna start seeing you in a different kinda light."

  "What the fuck kind is that?"

  "One that could get you looking stupid as shit with your ass hanging out by the end of all this. 'Cause by that point, you're no longer a motherfucker she's gonna wanna marry just to get her hands on some dough to save her old man from the wrath of his club, and to keep you fed while yours is being locked up for good this time; you've become part of what she is now. That shit is fuckin' dangerous."

  The idea of becoming one with a woman he was falling for in a way no one else ever had; in a way that he would be damned to find anyone else who ever could, filled Nikko with only the fear that he would know the true depth of that feeling while she never would.

  He lowered his eyes as the thought rattled his mind like the marbles inside an empty bin. "I'm not gonna talk about what I do with Cheyenne outside of this--"

  "That's her name?" he interjected.

  "Yeah. And I'm not gonna talk about what I do with her that doesn't have a goddamn thing to do with why we're getting married."

  "Married people fuck, Nik, some of 'em like rabbits from what I've been told; even bars can't keep 'em at bay. You don't have to admit you fucked her, 'cause I can see it. You fucked her nice and slow and in any other way she wanted, and you liked that shit more than you should've; you liked it so goddamn much that it's the reason your ass is just itching to get the fuck outta here and hustle right back to it for another taste."

  "She's much more than pussy."

  "That's too fuckin' bad, 'cause she shouldn't be; that shit will get you fucked up just like I said."

  "Not if we choose to stay married once all this shit is over."

  "Say fuckin' what?" He bent forward and lifted his hand behind his ear. "Run that bullshit by my ass one more time?"

  "It's not bullshit if we agree to stay married for reasons outside of my old man."

  "Why the fuck would you wanna do some kinda shit like that? Is she rocking some kinda secret gold recipe inside her pussy or what the fuck?"

  "I told you it's more than that shit."

  "Then what the fuck is it?"

  "The goddamn way she smells fresh outta the shower, asshole; the way her skin feels and looks when she's still got water pouring all over her... brown and goddamn soft... so motherfuckin' soft and beautiful--"

  "Jesus Christ," he groaned.

  "It's the way her hair curls up and falls across her face when I'm so goddamn deep inside her that she can't even fuckin' breathe. The scars she left on my back, the way her legs wrapped around me -- the way I fuckin' felt when I told her I came right after she did; the way she looked at me as if I was the only motherfucker who had ever made her feel as if she could..." Nikko stopped to swallow in realizing he had said so much more than intended; then he shrugged in realizing just how much he no longer cared. "She lets me hold her after I've given all I could; she let's me just fuckin' be with her and doesn't judge me for the shit I've done or who I am; she gets all of it 'cause she's been there -- 'cause she's still fuckin' there... I've never had that kinda shit from a woman I didn't wanna leave before, Benny... one I looked at with more than just my eyes and saw with every goddamn thing I've got inside myself that we could be more than just what we were to each other last night."

  "Fuckin' shit -- you're like some kinda goddamn movie on one of those female channels covered in Pussy Whip. How the fuck old is she?" he questioned. "Your old man said she was still in college?"


  "Jesus CHRIST." He guffawed. "And you think some fresh out the bottle pussy like that is gonna wanna stay married to your ass just 'cause you know how to blow her brains and back out with one good fuck from your giant cock? Wake the hell up and realize she's playing you with her cunt."

  "Old man--"

  "Whatever bullshit she's feeding is for her own goddamn benefit or the birds spinning around your head that've got you thinking this shit is more than what the fuck it actually is."

  "So she's playing me with her pussy even though she wants more than just my cock? You can't even keep your shit straight, motherfucker, 'cause it can't be all of the above."

  "It can be, motherfucker," he shot back, his voice dropping as he raised his hand to point. "Choosing to stay married to some soft, sweet cunt once all this shit is said and fuckin' done won't be good for your ass, her or anybody else's involved; sure as fuck not good for the business."

  "The 'business' was dead the minute Chino got his ass clocked and charged with enough felonies to keep him behind bars even after death thanks to his own pussy whipping bullshit."

  "The casinos are as dried up as the motherfuckin' Sahara or a bitch who hasn't seen a fuck-worthy cock in ten years; but I'm talking about the side shit he plans to keep going from the inside."

  "What kinda side shit does he hav
e going on?"

  Benny arched his brows in slight amusement and quickly pulled back while making a face. "If you don't know about any of that shit just yet, I'm guessing he'll tell you when he's ready for you to hear, maybe when he finally shows up... In the meantime, you need to understand that the only purpose here is to get the money you're owed, some of which will be handed over to me before the rest is thrown to the Gambiano's -- that's it."

  "How the fuck much are we even talking about giving to these assholes? 'Cause Chino's been keeping mum on it since before I got out."

  "He's keeping mum 'cause it still depends on if he can get 'em to stop changing the numbers around."

  "For as long as it took 'em to finally get me the fuck outta there?!"

  "Doesn't matter. If not for them, your ass would still be in there fighting off motherfuckers to remain alive."

  "That's bullshit."

  Benny peered. "You realize this isn't a fuckin' game? Whatever the fuck you think you've currently got going with Cheyenne aside--"

  "Nothing about this shit is a motherfuckin' game to me, asshole -- never has been; and I'm sure as fuck not into playing something out with her that's been deemed as such."

  "No, you just wanna keep stroking her pussy like the strings on a motherfuckin' harp 'cause it's still worth you getting fucked like crazy if this shit goes left post ceremony." He stared straight into his face; Nikko shifted his eyes directly above his head and grit his teeth. "You and your clear goddamn need for her to keep sucking you off well past the expiration date ain't gonna get us anywhere but thrown into the shit with your old man."

  "No matter what the fuck I do with her during or after any of this shit, my ass ain't going back to Rikers; not for any goddamn reason whatsoever."

  "You think that won't keep it from happening? I know you're not fuckin' stupid -- you can't be this fuckin' stupid over some pussy, motherfucker?!" Nikko's eyes rolled back to Benny's as a fire lit up behind each one. "You can get pussy anywhere -- all kinds; even if they latch onto you, no chance in hell of you latching back like you've done with one that's liable to get you straight fucked; and not in the way you keep looking for."


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