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The Witch's Vampire

Page 13

by Jami Brumfield

  “How do you explain what has happened the last two nights?” No one spoke up; they couldn’t because their options were being proven false with every new discussion. “Look, I know I’m new to all this, but my instinct has rarely failed me. I know what I experienced was not a typical dream. The danger is real, and we’re under attack. If you can’t see that you’re blind to the facts.” She felt her face grow red with anger and frustration of being shooed away like one would do to an annoying fly. In fact, she could imagine some of the council members would happily swat her with a fly swatter if that was an option to shut her up at this moment.

  Giovanni took a few long strides across the room to Sophie’s side to add silent support. He had a feeling she was on to something. His assumptions were the same only he had no solid evidence, and the council would need that to support what Sophie was bringing to them. He only hoped his support by proximity was enough.

  “I’m sorry, but I really take issue with an untrained witch having much of a say in this matter.” Anastacia said pointedly, narrowing her gaze on every one at the table.

  “Take issue with it all you want, it doesn’t change the fact that I could be right.” Sophie connected with Anastacia’s gaze. Her heart stopped for a beat, fear seizing her from the blazing glare Stacia sent her. She saw the warning in the Jinn’s eyes and she knew she should shut up and let them get back to their business, but she couldn’t stop. What she had to say was important, and she hoped one of the council members heard her. “I personally take issue with a governing entity that isn’t open to new ideas.”

  “What I think Sophie is trying to…” Giovanni tried to step in only Sophie was having none of that.

  “I think I was perfectly clear as to what I was trying to say, Gio. I don’t need you talking for me, I’m capable of relaying my thoughts and…”

  Gio didn’t speak, instead he picked up Sophie and tossed her over his shoulder. She was too shocked to speak or even act at first. Her shock gave him enough time to exit the room, and make his way up the first few steps of the staircase.

  “What the…”

  “Not another word.” Gio interrupted her as he continued up the stairs with a spanking to her behind.

  Sophie felt anger rising, heating her face. “How dare you!” She pounded her fists into his hard back, hurting herself more than him she suspected. “Put me down.” She attempted to wiggle herself free.

  “If you don’t behave I’ll spank you again.” Gio warned as he opened her bedroom door and slammed it shut after they crossed the threshold.

  Sophie stopped moving completely, frozen ramrod straight she didn’t utter a word. She simply hung from his shoulders like a stiff piece of plywood. She did however, fume. By the time he put her down she was completely seeing red, as deep a shade as her face currently happened to be. “Who the hell do you think you are?”

  “Someone saving his girlfriend from sticking her feet too far down her throat that she can’t recover.” Giovanni crossed his arms over his chest, blocking her from leaving the room. “This isn’t a game, Sophie. Every member on that council is dangerous. You don’t want to make enemies of any of them.”

  “Girlfriend?” The word packed a lot of punch and blew the air right out of her sails. She barely heard his warning as her mind mulled over the idea of dating her vampire prince.

  Gio only nodded. He knew what he wanted and didn’t hesitate to stake his claim. The ball was in her court now.

  “The saying is ‘stick my foot in my mouth’.” Sophie tried desperately to hold onto her irritation. She was completely justified in being annoyed. But his proclamation was making it very difficult to remain angry.

  “You passed mouth about three outbursts ago. The council is full of old timers who don’t appreciate back talk.”

  “Back talk?” her blood began boiling again. “You call presenting the facts about a serious situation back talk?”

  “And while you were probably right and I firmly believe your theory has merit, you can’t get away with talking to the council that way. They’ll lock you away in a dark cell, and only let you out when they need your skills.” He grinned, deciding to try the word again on his lips, “I’d prefer to have easier access to my girlfriend than conjugal visitation.”

  Sophie lost the wind in her sails once again. “There’s that word again.” She crossed her arms over her chest, mirroring his stance.

  “What word, girlfriend?”

  She grinned. “No, you said I was right.”

  Giovanni felt his lips rise in a grin. He uncrossed his arms and took a step forward. “A minor point of clarification, I said you’re probably right.” Sophie took an involuntary step back and he caught her elbows. He loved the heat she shared with him whenever he touched her. For a man who was used to being cool he enjoyed the warmth he didn’t even realize he missed. It only encouraged him to touch her. And touching her sparked desire in his body. She was like a drink of water to a man dying of thirst. “What do you think of the other word I mentioned?”

  Her lips twitched upward, “what other word?”

  Giovanni growled low as he pulled her against him. “Damnit, woman, I told you how little I like playing games.”

  Sophie felt her heart pound in her chest. His strength was frightening and intoxicating all at once. He was a vampire, and everything she’d ever known about the supernatural, fictional race was that she should feel afraid. It was confusing. Instead of terror she felt exhilarated. With every touch, he drew her closer. With every glance, he pulled her under his spell. Initially, she wondered if his power over her was compulsion, but he insisted that wasn’t the case, and deep down she knew her instant attraction, and budding interest in the man was real. She just didn’t know if she was comfortable with the word girlfriend.

  “Don’t you think that is moving a little too fast?” She asked timidly.

  Giovanni sighed heavily. “I usually don’t move fast, Sophie, but there is something different about you.” He placed a gentle kiss on her cheek. “When I’m near you I want to touch you.” Another kiss on the other cheek. Sophie held her breath in anticipation of where his next kiss would fall. “When I’m away from you I find myself thinking about you.” He kissed her forehead and disappointment filled her. His lips were touching her with sweetness when what she really craved was the explosive passion they’ve felt every time they touched. “When I make decisions, I find myself wondering if my little witch doctor would approve,” he chuckled softly. “As you can imagine that isn’t a very good thing for a prince. I must be concerned with the good of my people.” His grip tightened slightly on her arm. “Even now, I should be downstairs defending my father in this mockery of a trial. Instead, I’m up here protecting you.”

  “In case you haven’t noticed, I don’t need your help or your protection.” Sophie snapped and tried to wiggle free of his grasp. He could make her feel passion one minute, and then open his mouth and make her angry the next. It was unsettling how easily he impacted her emotions.

  Giovanni pulled her closer and tightened his grip. His lips were inches away from her ear when he spoke in a hushed urgent tone. “You need to understand something about me, Sophie. My very nature is one of a predator. We’ve come a long way from the old days, but that instinct is still strong. You need to know that before you commit further to this thing between us.” His fingers loosened their grip and his thumb caressed her elbow softly, an attempt to make up for his harshness.

  Sophie saw his stormy eyes darken and shivered inwardly, not because of fear, but because of the promise she saw in his eyes. No matter what he did or said she felt an unusual amount of trust in the man.

  Giovanni fought off the urge to scrape his teeth against the soft flesh at her neck or to nibble on her inviting ear lobe. Her honey scent was so invigorating, and became intoxicating when the honey mixed with the scent of her arousal. Gods, the woman is going to kill me, he thought as he pushed down the building desire. There’d be more than enough time t
o enjoy all the passion between them when they figured out what was actually happening to them.

  “I don’t know what you expect me to say to that.” Sophie felt confused by his words.

  “When you pull away, my instinct says to chase. When you try to control me, my instincts will insist I dominate. If you run, I’ll find you, and take you as mine. The stronger the connection is between us, the stronger my instincts will respond to the idea of losing you.”

  “So you’re an alpha male?” She’d read about those types of men in vampire and shifter romances. It seemed so sexy on paper, in the imaginary world that was far from reality, or at least that’s what she thought. She’d always fantasized about an alpha male claiming her as her mate, but now that she was face to face with one who had supernatural powers she wondered if that was ever a smart fantasy. Danger lurked in his eyes. Protection or possession in his touch. Electricity sparked between them and ignited a need in her own mind and body, a need of her own to possess him. Could there be two alphas in a relationship? It was a ridiculous thought, Sophie wasn’t an alpha anything. She was a witch and a healer. None of that mattered in this moment. Thinking was a pointless endeavor because all she wanted to do now was feel.

  She reached her shaky hands up to touch the stubble on his cheeks and locked his glance with hers. “I’m tired of talking.” She stood on her tip toes and claimed his mouth with her own. It started out innocent, but something happened within the moment of a heartbeat.

  He growled and deepened the kiss. The dying man was finally getting a glass of water and he planned to drink until he was satisfied. He picked her small frame up, wrapped her legs around his waist, and carried her two steps before her back touched the black and white wall of her bedroom. She felt pressure against her back and on her front as he pressed her into the wall. His body was on fire and hers was igniting with the same heat. Their tongues explored each other’s mouths and necks while their hands went to work on the rest of the body.

  He slipped his cool fingers under her t-shirt, and she let out a moan which was quickly quieted by his mouth. Her fingers sunk into his silky black hair, tugging softly which drove him crazier with desire. One hand traveled up the small of her back. Hitting every nerve and lighting the fire like gas-soaked matches. She reciprocated by slipping one hand under his shirt and scratching his back with her soft blue-chipped fingernails.

  His hand reached her bra and he froze. He broke the kiss and stared deeply into her eyes. His body was shaking with need that he fought to push down. She was too familiar, too comfortable. In that moment when their eyes met he was shaken to his very core. His only need in that moment was to rip off her clothes and ravish every inch of her gorgeous body.

  He stepped back slowly allowing Sophie to gain her footing before putting space between them. Sophie felt her heart sink into her feet while she attempted to catch her own breath. She took a step forward, needing more contact. She still didn’t understand the attraction, but knew it was like nothing she’d ever felt. She needed more.

  He covered his eyes with his hands, “please don’t come any closer.”

  “I don’t understand.” Her voice barely above a whisper.

  “If you take one more step toward me I won’t be able to control myself.” He took a deep breath and placed his fisted hands at his sides. “Sophie, I can’t explain it. I don’t understand how you have this effect on me, but I can promise you, if you come any closer I’ll take you and make you mine.”

  The promise in his tone and eyes made Sophie freeze. She wanted the same thing, but wasn’t ready to move that fast. She swallowed down her desire and took a step backward unable to voice the feelings whirling around in her mind and body like a tornado.

  “Just as I suspected, you’re not ready for that kind of commitment, and to be honest, neither am I. Our town is falling apart around us, and I need to focus on the threat of enemy attacks. I think we should cool things until we get a handle on the dangers that surround us.”

  Sophie couldn’t argue with his logic. He was right, and yet she couldn’t help but feel an overwhelming loss. She wanted him as much as his body, and actions, proved he wanted her. They were consenting adults. It wasn’t like she was innocent. She’d had boyfriends before him, even lovers. The smart thing to do at this point, with the relationship so new, would be to push it aside until they had time to figure out their feelings. Relationship? This isn’t a relationship! Not yet! Sophie had to remind herself. The very fact she had to remind herself of that was the reason she had to fight for him. She opened her mouth to protest his logical debate. Relationships weren’t about logic, they were messy and required work every day. If they waited until things cooled down around them they could be waiting forever.

  “Besides, I don’t think I want to be that intimate with you if you can’t even commit to the idea of being my girlfriend.” Giovanni knew this was because once he had her he’d never let he go. He wasn’t a possessive man, but with her his instincts to both protect and possess were unbelievably strong.

  Sophie wanted to say yes to the idea of being his girlfriend, but that seemed so rushed. “That will take time.” Sophie said honestly. “But I’d like to take the steps toward making that a reality.” The hurt in his stormy eyes shattered her into pieces. How could he have this type of effect on me? Maybe he’s right. If I can’t commit, maybe we should wait and figure things out when we have clearer heads. She fought the urge to brush back the strand of black hair that fell into his eyes, and pushed down the words she wanted to say as she continued. “When all this craziness settles down. I think dinner would be a good start.” She smiled shyly. She couldn’t believe how he could ignite pleasure in her one minute and the next make her feel like a shy little school girl.

  “So we’ll reconfirm our dinner date until after this dangerous situation is over.” Giovanni should be happy with their arrangement, but he wanted more. Patience would be his friend in this situation whether he liked it or not. He didn’t want to scare her off. She was new to this world, he was not. He’d give her the time she needed, and then they’d see what could be. It was the right decision, so why did he feel so crushed?

  “It’s a date.” Sophie nodded with a stunning grin on her face. She lit up the room and was once again his sunshine.

  “You should do that more often.”

  “What?” Refuse my feelings and walk away from you?

  “Smile.” He took a step toward her, his fingers aching to cup her cheek, but thinking better of the act and stepping back, dropping his hand to his side. “Your smile is brilliant and infectious.” He grinned shyly. Good Gods! She had him acting like a foolish school boy trying to win a secret crush.

  Her smile faded. She hadn’t had a lot to smile about lately. But he gave her hope that things would get better. “I’ll reserve that smile just for you.” She joked trying to lighten the mood. What she really wanted to do was make him hers.

  “Well,” he straightened his shirt and jacket. Sophie stepped forward to help him with his collar and as their hands brushed innocently together, passion ignited. He pulled her in and kissed her firmly on the lips. He didn’t deepen the kiss and neither did she. They both knew this was a kiss to seal the deal.

  She allowed herself to sink into him for the briefest of moments, her mind raced to the possibilities of what they could be doing.

  He pulled back. “I suppose I should make sure they haven’t sentenced my father to death, otherwise making plans for a dinner date are futile.” He grinned mischievously, but she saw the worry behind his grey eyes. He spun on his heel and headed for the door.

  She jokingly said, “there’s always the true mate thing.”

  And his hand froze. He turned back and spoke very slowly. “Don’t tease, Sophie.” A sadness touched his face and then he was gone.

  Sophie braced herself against the urge to chase after him and shoo away all the sadness in his life. She wanted to lie in his arms and kiss his pain away. Her desire to feel hi
s cold hands on her body was insane. She could imagine what it would be like to make love to him by the make-out sessions they shared – explosive. She’d even consider letting him drink from her and that scared her most of all.

  She knew it would’ve been simple to say yes to the girlfriend commitment, but her life was in shambles, and she couldn’t step into that kind of commitment until she found a way to straighten things out; especially her mixed up feelings. Then, if she was still attracted to him, she’d find a way to pursue this connection between them. For now she needed to find a way to help Tiffany before it was too late.

  It was the second time in two days Giovanni found himself hating the idea of leaving Sophie alone. This time his protective nature wanted to keep her safe in her own home. But things had gone past protection. It took everything he had not to break down her door, tear her jeans and t-shirt from her body, and make love to her until she screamed her desire to be his girl. He could imagine his hands on her soft, olive skin learning every inch of her body slowly, painstakingly slowly. He needed to know what it would feel like to plunge into her body while drinking her blood. He could imagine the sounds of pleasure that he’d cause to escape from her lips as he lost himself in her body. He shook his head violently and bit down on his tongue to force the elongated incisors to retreat back into his gums. Something was obviously wrong with him; perhaps it was a good thing they gave each other space for the time being. He made his way down the stairs reluctantly. Giving Sophie every chance to run out and tell him she was wrong, but she never did. Deep down he was thankful she hadn’t, but his immediate emotions left him disappointed.


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