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Widow (Reapers MC Book 4)

Page 9

by Elizabeth Knox

  I know that I have a right to be angry with her, to hate her even … but now I need to focus on the daughter I do have, Zoe.

  “Nice of you to finally show up, prospect.” Damon greets as he walks out of the clubhouse doors. You could hear this hotshot driving up from a mile away.

  “Heard you got into a bit of trouble and needed an extra shot,” Mouser shoots out, tone filled with attitude. Fist must’ve been keeping this kid in the loop on what’s been going on down here. Either way, fucker should know not to speak to his Prez like that. It doesn’t matter if he’s Reapers royalty or not.

  Amara gives Damon a look that tells him she wants to fuck him up, but knowing Damon, he’ll get the message across in another way. “You can start by cleaning all of our bikes until there’s not a speck of dust on them. I expect them to all be spotless when I come back to check on you. Everyone else, follow me.”

  As Damon orders we follow him, walking back into the club. He takes us into our meeting room where he’s previously hosted church. “I had the honor of receiving a lovely call from my uncle this morning.” Damon starts off, and I shake my head as I take my seat. “He made it known that he knew who was behind the attack on the Vibora’s,”

  “And?” Hawk speaks up, waiting for it. Shit, he’s waiting for it like we are.

  I glance over and see Cobra crack his knuckles, sitting a little straighter in his seat. “More like what threat did that piece of shit throw at us?”

  Amara cackles, making eye contact with every one of us. “Ah, but you don’t understand. My uncle would never threaten us. We are familia after all. No … instead he’d get someone else to threaten us. In fact, I’m sure that will be coming soon, which is why we’re meeting like this out of the blue. Obviously, if our dear uncle has made it a point to contact us, we’ve struck a nerve, which ultimately means we’ve done something right.”

  Damon stands up and walks over to the other side of the room, rolling some sort of board out. He flips it over and it’s a map of the Las Vegas area. There are two red marks on it and one blue one. “The club is the blue mark right here, and these two are the compounds that we just blew up. Rumor has it that there’s only one more compound left, and a safehouse around here as well. We know that the few survivors have fled to the last place they could – the only remaining compound. I’m betting on the fact that they don’t have all their men over the border. After all, how would that help my uncle to not have extra men hanging around?”

  From the looks of it, all of us brothers are following his lead. Everything that Damon is saying makes complete and total sense. “I’m betting you already have a master plan thought up in that smartass brain of yours.” I chuckle, smiling like the smart-assed bastard I am.

  “Touché, brother.” When Damon smiles the way he is right now, it means he’s got something nasty planned up his sleeve. Shit, I can’t wait to find out.

  “We’re going to head over the border after we take care of the imminent problem here. With our uncle’s threat, we know that something else is coming. We just don’t know when.”

  “So, there’s no way to figure out if it’s something that’s happening today, or a month from now?” Dixon speaks up.

  Amara nods, “Exactly. We just have to be careful and keep an eye out. Either way, we’ll see it coming a mile away. Our uncle isn’t the smartest tool in the shed. He might believe he is, but he’s as dumb as a doornail.”

  “Do we know where this last compound is?” Chaz asks, seeming eager for some bloodshed. I’ll tell ya, I think after he killed Rage, the high of the kill got to him bad.

  “Yes. Onyx has been a huge help to the club. If I’m more specific, her girls have.” I always forget that chick is around. She’s like a creepy cat, always popping up to scare you, but hides back on the top of the closet or some shit. My point is, she’s always watching and even when you think she isn’t around – she is. I’ve seen her drive off a few times here and there, but she’s usually back within a few hours at the most. Her girls come and go as much as she does. I know some of the brothers like Hawk, Dixon, Chaz and Cobra have been enjoying the new girls being in the clubhouse.

  “We know where it is, but we have to make sure that when we do act … her girls are okay. The others were able to split after the bombings because, well … it didn’t look suspicious at all. They just looked like dumb whores jumping ship before they got their hides cut. I witnessed the same sort of shit happen when I was with the Demons and no one ever thinks twice about a whore. That’s what’s been keeping them safe, while still giving us the information we need.” Damon picks up a green marker and draws a circle over a certain area. “This is where the last compound is. We won’t be able to act like we previously have because they know what to expect. We’re gonna have to handle shit a bit differently. I’m betting Cobra and Chaz will be able to come up with some sneaky way of getting in considering this is within the city limits.”

  The two of them share a look, with a shit eating grin that matches whatever must be going on in their heads. “You got it, Prez. We won’t let ya down.”

  “Figured that. Just so everyone is aware, Vinny will be back in a few days. He’s gonna hook us up with some fake passports, drivers licenses and other shit for a rainy day.”

  “Are the Jackal’s still gonna be hanging around?” I ask the question that no one else has dared to bring up.

  “Yeah, they’ll be here until Ricardo is handled with at least. We’re lucky to have allies who will stand by us during this battle.”

  Grunts of approval can be heard coming from the entire room, agreeing with what Damon has just said. I’m happy the Jackal’s aren’t leaving, but for an entirely different reason. This just means I get to be around Tania a bit more, and I’ll take her as much as I can get her.

  “I’ll see y’all later. I’ve got a prospect to push around,” Damon comments as he flips around the board and leaves the room.

  The brothers, Amara and I all leave church, going our separate ways. As I’m walking out into the main area I see Sphynx with her mask on, sitting on the couch. “Do you really need to keep your mask on when you’re here? We’re your allies, not your enemies.”

  “You of all people should know that alliances change all the time. What’s to say that things don’t go south here, and you don’t try to find things out about me and kill the ones I care for?” I see her eyes through the slits in her mask, watching as they move up and down my body. “You’d be the type, with all of your pent-up anger.”

  “Seriously? You don’t even know me, woman.”

  “I know your type, and none of you are any different. You’re only good for a good romp in the sack if you ask me.”

  “Aw, sweetie. Just you wait. I’m gonna have you wrapped around my little finger in no time.” I make the promise to her and wait for a reaction, but I don’t get one. She simply stares at me and I’m left wondering if there is a smile hidden behind that mask of hers.

  This woman is a challenge. One that I plan on overcoming at that.


  A daughter needs a father to be a standard, against which she will judge all men.



  Things have been quiet over the last few days. Things at the club have been going well, even if there’s become a slight tiff between the Jackal’s and Onyx’s girls. They’re both hot headed groups who think they’re always right, so of course there’s going to be some issues here and there.

  In the meantime, I’ve had a few conversations with Tania. I say Tania because I refuse to call her Sphynx. Everyone else might, but this woman knows I’m my own man. I’ll act however I want, whenever I want, even if that means calling her by her name. The statement she made the other day about me being a certain type of man really had me thinking. So much so that I wanted to speak to her about it. I know how I look. No one needs to remind me, I know the tattoo’s, muscles and shiny white smile make me look like a total meathead and I haven’t even add
ed in the natural jackass part. I promised her that I’d never disrespect her, getting the idea that’s what she meant. I’ll say that I think she was shocked that I made the promise to her, but I don’t get the idea she thinks I meant it. I did, though. I meant every word.

  I’m still trying to wrap my head around why I made the promise to her, but I felt like I needed to. There’s something about this girl that calls to a deeper part of me. She rocks something in my core. It might even be my soul. I can’t explain it even though I try my hardest to understand it. I’m just chalking it up as wanting to treat a woman right after all these years.

  It’s not like I’ve ever been in the wrong there. I chuckle to myself thinking about it. Fuck, I’ve been an asshole. After Melody left … I wanted things to work with Amara, but that was a relationship we fell into. Not one we wanted to be in. I think that makes a huge difference when we consider where we are today. I hope that she and I can be friends like we used to be, but I know it won’t happen for a while. Melody, or Rebel on the other hand … I don’t foresee either of us being friends. Friendly? Why, yes. We have a daughter to raise together and I won’t allow any sort of toxic shit around her.

  I’m sitting here, outside of a frozen yogurt shop in the blazing Vegas heat. I swear, it’s so hot my balls are going to explode. Melody told me to meet them here at five, and it’s five-fifteen right now. I’m wondering if she’s going to stand me up when I see magenta pink hair blowing in the wind. She has a short, little mini me right beside her. Zoe’s hair is curly, in that natural shade of blonde that her mother had when we were younger.

  As I look at her … I can’t help but think that she’s breathtakingly beautiful. She smiles brightly, skipping alongside her mother before stopping immediately. She looks up to Melody and I watch as her lips move. Melody nods her head and points at me, and I see the bright, bubbly eyed little girl reel herself in. She’s putting up an invisible wall right before my eyes. Can I blame her? No. This isn’t something that she ever expected to happen. That I can put my money on. Then again, Melody never thought she’d have to introduce me to my daughter in the first place.

  The two of them continue their walk towards me and Zoe keeps looking up at her mom, mouth moving a mile a minute. I wonder what she’s asking her, and each time Melody replies, I’m wondering what she’s saying.

  “Hey,” Melody greets me, rubbing her arm on Zoe’s shoulder.

  “Hi,” I reply, looking to Zoe.

  I feel so bad for my baby girl. She looks terrified, and I want to crack a joke to try to make her feel a little better. Every single one that comes to my mind is either too adult, or too scary. “Well, I think we should get some froyo before my breath starts to smell.” Okay, so I’m not starting off too bad.

  “Uh … why would your breath stink?” Zoe curiously asks.

  “Cause, I ate some cockroaches for breakfast. They get stuck in between my teeth right here and whew, I can’t tell ya how bad they smell.” I point to one of my teeth and try to hide my smirk at the facial expression I’m getting from this little girl. She’s looking at me like I’ve lost my mind.

  “Ew!” Zoe screeches, flapping her arms around.

  “Richard!” Melody tries to chastise me, but it’s no use. I see she’s trying to hold back her own laugh, which is telling me I did something right.

  “Whoa. Your name is Richard? Like the guy from the workout videos?”

  I immediately glance to Melody, “You let her watch Richard Simmons?”

  “She thinks they’re funny. Have you heard the crap that comes out of his mouth? He’s hysterical.”

  “Just like you! You two Richard’s are funny.” Zoe says, that bright smile coming back.

  “I’m not Richard to you, baby. You call me Daddy.” I reply. I hope I didn’t do anything wrong, but now I’m wondering.

  “Alright. Let’s get some froyo before I ask you questions. Oh, and just so you know. I can get anything I want because you’ve been gone forever.” Zoe says with the sassiest tone in the world as she walks inside. I’ve never been to one of these joints before, but I can see that she obviously has.

  “I see you didn’t tell her the truth.” I hiss at Melody, low enough that no one around us can hear. “You need to tell her that this wasn’t my choice to be out of her life. You made the choice for me.”

  “Don’t pin this on me. We both are at fault here. You for fucking my best friend, and me for not telling you I was pregnant. We both made our choices back then and must make them right now. I’m willing to do that, but you need to as well. It starts with the two of us not bulldogging one another. We can’t be fighting in front of her. We have to be a team, even if we aren’t together.”

  I nod my head, “We need to co-parent.”

  “Yes, and I’m willing to do that. But so, help me God … Widow … if you ever do anything to hurt her, I will kill you.”

  “You don’t have to worry about that. I’ll kill myself before I ever hurt our child.” I keep my eyes trained on hers, needing her to know just how serious I am.

  Suddenly, the door swings open and I see Zoe’s stare burning into me. “I look like the kid who’s trying to steal froyo if you don’t get your big butt in here and pay, mister!”

  I share a look with Melody and know there’s no doubt she birthed this girl. She’s got all her momma’s sassy attitude.

  I follow my boss of a daughter and pay for her frozen yogurt, but before she lets us walk outside so we can talk, she has her own set of demands. Apparently, because it’s my first time. I have to get froyo. I don’t bother arguing because we all know that there is no use. She takes me in the frozen yogurt shop and directs me, to where I need to pick the cup size I want. There’s five different sizes, from a small kiddie cup to something the size of my face. Next, she takes me down the line of froyo machines … I’ve counted them all and there’s 30 different flavors. After we pick cookies and crème, strawberry cheesecake and mango, we walk down to the topping part. Next to toppings is even more toppings to put on these sugar infested desserts. She told me I needed marshmallow, cookie crumbs and some chopped nuts for the mango. So, what the little princess wants, the little princess gets.

  After a few more minutes, I pay for the froyo and we walk outside. Melody is sitting a few tables away, texting on her cell while looking up at the two of us.

  “You’re really gonna like the mango with the nuts. Try it!” Zoe asks, and I do. The combination of the tart mango and salty nuts isn’t something I’d ever normally do, but it’s delicious.

  “You’re a smart kid.”

  “Thanks. I get it from momma! She’s taught me everything I know.” I want to be a smartass and say something like ‘oh shit’, but I won’t. No cursing in front of my kid.

  The both of us sit at our table for a few minutes eating our frozen yogurt. I catch her sizing me up and know that she wants to ask me questions, but she doesn’t. If she’s afraid, she doesn’t need to be. “What’s on your mind, kid?”

  She moves her lips over to the side, like she’s contemplating on asking me. “I just don’t understand I guess.”

  “Understand what?”

  “You’re so nice, and I don’t understand why you wanted to be with someone else and not with us.” Jesus. Fuck, here it is.

  I cough, trying to ground myself after being caught off guard. “Well, honey, that’s a broad question. The important thing to know is that I’ve always loved you, even when I didn’t know you existed. Your Momma told you the truth, about the fact I was with another person. We dating for a while and then your momma moved and had you. I only found out about you because we saw each other and spoke.” I lie my ass off to this kid. I don’t want her to ever know that her mother kept us away from one another. She’ll end up resenting Melody for it, and I can’t have that. Every kid needs both of their parents, if they can have them around.

  “So … you didn’t want to be away from me?” She peers up, looking at me directly in the eyes as she ask

  “God, no, baby. I’ve only ever wanted to be with you. And guess what? Now that I’m here, we’re going to do fun things together all the time. How does that sound?”

  “It sounds awesome!!!” Zoe jumps up from her chair and squeals. “Oh my goodness!” She turns to her mom, and hollers from a few tables away. “Mom! Can we invite Dad over for Halloween?!”

  I see Rebel’s face turn to pure horror and then back to normal within a moment. She plasters on a fake smile and nods.

  “Halloween is a couple weeks away! Will you come over?! Please!”

  “Sweetie, I’m gonna be there. Should I dress up too?”

  “Aren’t you already dressed up in a costume?” She asks, rather loudly. Melody breaks out into a bout of laughter and it takes everything in me not to shoot her over a glare.

  “Huh?” I furrow my brows and look at my gray t-shirt, cut and jeans. “I’m dressed like normal.” I tell her.

  She raises her eyebrows like she doesn’t believe me, crossing her arms in the process. “Why do you look like a big, scary biker then?”

  “Uh … because I am a biker, honey.”

  “Oh … well … you can just come dressed as a biker!”

  “Alright, kiddo. Anything you want.”

  “Okay, well in that case, you should probably bring a friend. Nikolai is coming too, and it would be weird if you didn’t bring a girl over. Have you met Nikolai? He’s the best!”

  For some reason, I feel a sense of jealousy take over me. I don’t know why I didn’t put two and two together. Of course, he’s met my daughter. Fuck, he could’ve been around her for years for all I know. I don’t want to be the dude who gets jealous over his ex’s boyfriend, but I’m not jealous because he’s with Melody.


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