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The Professional (The Negus Effect Series Book 5)

Page 16

by D. Camille

  “They need some direction.” George told him.

  “Isn’t that what Malachi and Ethan are doing?”

  George replied, “They’re training them, with your help.”

  “Tremaine is their leader.” Miles reminded him.

  “He was…”

  Miles paused. “What’s going on?”

  “If they’re going to be a real group, they need a real leader.”

  “Nah...I know that you’re not thinking...”

  “I haven’t mentored you for no reason Miles.”

  Frowning, Miles said, “You didn’t even put them together and one of them might be a snitch.”

  “You’ll find out if they are.”

  “Yeah, I will.”

  “In the meantime, let’s figure out what’s going on here.” George said, and walked away.

  Miles followed, looking around the empty space.

  “What’s the significance of your bookstore?” Miles questioned.

  “It was my way of contributing to the knowledge of our community and a good place to conduct covert business.” George explained.

  “They didn’t use this as a business, just a hideaway.”

  “Right...a hideaway.”

  “Something’s hidden here isn’t it?” Miles asked.

  “I trained you well.”

  Smiling, Miles said, “Yeah, you did.”

  “What happened with Campbell yesterday?” George inquired.

  “I’m set to start taping him soon. Tremaine has his orders and he’ll be working the background.” Miles shared. “Campbell is as dirty as they come...I can tell.”

  “His grandfather wanted this city, then his him.” George told him. “He feels this is the time with all the gentrification going on.”

  “He mentioned new residents coming in to support his campaign.”

  “He’s planning early how to swing the next election in his favor.”

  Miles continued searching the room. “Yeah, he definitely has a plan.”

  George watched Miles continue to check the space, knocking on the walls. When he hit a hollow spot, he turned to George.

  “There’s something back here.”

  Both men pulled out their weapons, before Miles gave the wall a kick with a booted foot. Two more kicks and a dark hallway was revealed.

  “Stay here.” Miles ordered and George frowned.

  “Wait one minute.”

  “Don’t move Mr. Shaw.” Miles told him firmly. “I’ll yell if I need you to call somebody.”

  George frowned some more. “Call somebody?”

  “Take cover,” Miles said, before disappearing inside the wall.

  “Miles!” George called. “I can’t believe this.”

  Turning on the light on his phone, Miles traveled slowly down the hidden hallway. Coming to another opening, he turned and walked inside. Looking around the room, Miles surveyed the contents.

  “Shit…” he breathed.

  Hurrying back down the hall, Miles grabbed Mr. Shaw by the arm.

  “Let’s go.” Miles told him.

  “What did you find?” George didn’t move.

  “I don’t think you should see that.” Miles told him. “We need to call the Negus.”

  “The Negus?”

  Miles nodded. “They have to see this…”

  “But not me?” George asked.

  “I’ll let them decide.” Miles replied. “But for now, I need you to get out of here…”

  George broke away and headed toward the dark hallway but Miles was faster.

  “Please, Mr. Shaw…”

  Staring into his face, George looked concerned.

  “My family’s involved.”

  “Yes, sir…”

  “Get the Negus.”

  Miles agreed. “Let’s get you to your car first.”


  The Negus arrived at the building where Miles had waited for them after removing Mr. Shaw from the premises. Inside the old bookstore, the men gathered as Malachi and Ethan also showed up.

  “What did you find Miles?” Brandon asked.

  “We have a problem.” Miles told them.

  “What are you doing here?” Lance asked.

  “Helping Mr. Shaw.”

  “Do what?” Corvus questioned.

  Miles frowned. “Can we get to the reason we called all of you?”

  “Yes, can we?” Rion agreed.

  “Follow me.” Miles told them and they all headed in that direction.

  Down the hall and into the secret room that could be accessed from another building, the men stepped inside then stopped in their tracks.

  “What the fuck?” Khalil said in anger. “Why are all our kids on these walls?”

  Corvus moved closer. “Why the picture of Daddy filled with bullet holes?”

  Rion came to stand next to him. “Momma too…”

  “How’d you find this Miles?” Brandon questioned.

  “The Neo Negus were meeting here with the twins.”

  Lance looked at his brother. “How do you know all this?”

  “Mr. Shaw filled me in.”

  “What are you even doing with my Daddy?” Corvus questioned.

  “Mr. Shaw is everybody’s mentor.” Miles said simply.

  Malachi and Ethan agreed.

  Still studying his brother, Lance asked, “And you were with him when he found this room?”

  “I found it.” Miles corrected. “And, I didn’t let Mr. Shaw inside…”

  Everyone looked at him.

  “I thought you all should decide if he should see this.” Miles continued. “It’s pretty gruesome, targeting all of us.”

  They all looked around at the scene and agreed.

  “Were those twins responsible for this?” Khalil asked.

  “That’s what we need to find out.” Malachi told them. “And if anyone else was involved with this…”

  “You said the Neo Negus were meeting here?” Rion asked.

  Miles nodded. “I don’t know if they know about this space though…it was a secret passage in the wall.”

  “We need to bring their little asses together and see what they know.” Khalil suggested.

  “I agree.” Malachi told them. “And before we get the police involved, I want to go over this room for fingerprints and other clues…”

  “Are you letting your father in here?” Brandon asked Rion and Corvus.

  The brothers looked at one another.

  “Daddy’s retired.” Rion said and Miles looked away. “We should keep him away from this.”

  Corvus frowned. “You’re not going to keep Daddy away from this.”

  “Now he’s right about that.” Khalil agreed.

  “We need somebody to keep an eye on him.” Rion said, looking at Miles.

  “Yeah, we do.” The others agreed.

  “Why are you looking at me?” Miles asked.

  Lance replied, “Because, while we’re working on finding out who’s behind this, we need somebody keeping track of Mr. Shaw and watching out for him.”

  “I’m already working with Malachi and Ethan.”

  “Now you’re working with us, too.” Brandon told him.

  “I do have a business.” Miles responded. “And a life…”

  “Work around it.” Lance told him. “That’s what we do.”

  Miles glanced around the room at all the photos, candid shots, and targets on the wall. He saw everyone he knew and loved, including his mother and nephews.

  “I’m in.” He told them firmly.

  “Let’s get to work, then.”

  They all turned to see George standing in the opening.

  “Daddy?” Rion said.

  “I don’t know who made this or who’s maintaining it, but I haven’t devoted to my life to every person on these walls, to have someone get away with this.” George told them.

  “Mr. Shaw, what is this building that we’re in now?” Miles asked.

�I looked around outside and I remembered,” George answered quietly.

  “What did you remember?” Corvus prodded.

  George sighed. “When I was still on the force, this is where I conducted one my first arrests.”

  “Who was it?” Malachi asked.

  “Martin Campbell.”

  Brandon frowned. “John Campbell’s grandfather?”


  “John Campbell, who’s running for Mayor?” Miles asked.

  Nodding, slowly, George said, “Yes...I told you, they want Detroit.”

  They all watched as George looked around the room.

  “And this time, they aren’t just coming after the city...”

  Chapter 16

  “Last day!!!!” KeKe yelled running into Liv’s classroom.

  Liv laughed as she continued clearing her desk.

  “Don’t sound so happy.”

  “Well, I am…” KeKe told her. “Over two months of ME time!”

  “Congratulations.” Liv said, shaking her head.

  KeKe leaned against a desk.

  “So what are your plans?” she asked.

  “I don’t know.”

  “What’s up with you and Miles?” KeKe questioned.

  Liv stopped packing. “We’re good…” she said slowly.

  “What does that mean?”

  “It means...we’re good.” Liv replied. “We talk everyday.”

  KeKe watched her. “Girl, buy a damn ticket and go get your man.”

  “He’s really busy working on projects.”

  “Maybe he’s so busy trying to fill his time until his woman comes back?” KeKe suggested.

  Liv glanced over at her. “Whatever…”

  “You’re so damn stubborn, Liv.” KeKe pointed out. “We get’re a hardass and no dude is going to take you for a ride.”

  This made Liv frown.

  “But,” KeKe continued, “If this man makes you happy and you want him, then stop playing games.”

  “Playing games?”

  KeKe folded her arms.

  “Yes, playing games. I didn’t stutter.” She replied. “Miles is fine, smart, successful and willing to put up with you acting like you can find a man like him in a popcorn box.”

  “A popcorn box?”

  “I’m not going to be your friend if you mess this up! I promise you.”

  Liv stared at her.

  “Wow, you’re serious.” She said in surprise.

  “Yes, I am.”

  KeKe walked over to her and placed her arms around Liv.

  “Be happy, Sis.” She whispered. “Don’t miss this. I need to live vicariously through you.”

  Liv returned her hug with a smile.

  “So this is all for you?”

  KeKe pulled back.

  “Yes. If that’s what it takes…”

  Laughing, Liv said, “Okay girl…”

  “But you can’t leave until after the party tomorrow night.” KeKe told her.

  “I’ll talk to Miles about it tonight.” Liv agreed. “Because, I’m not going to just pop up on him...I’m not trying to go out like that.”

  “You think he’ll be with somebody else?”

  “I don’t want to find out that way.” Liv replied. “Plus, Miles is real protective about his spot and his privacy.”

  “Didn’t you say he lives in a mansion?”

  “It feels like a mansion. Reminds me of houses here in Dallas…”

  “He likes big things, huh?” KeKe teased.

  “So do I.”

  KeKe gave her a look.

  “Promise me that you’ll talk to him about going there.”

  “I promise.” Liv agreed. “I really do miss him. I can’t believe it’s been two weeks already. It’s feels like two years.”

  “That’s what happens when you fall for somebody.”

  “I didn’t want to fall for Miles. I shouldn’t have…” Liv shook her head. “But, I did…now I have to go get my man and show him what we could be together.”

  “Now, that’s the Olivia Jones I know and love.”

  Putting the rest of her things in a small box, Liv and KeKe exited the building and went to Liv’s car. Opening the trunk, Liv said, “This is our last carpool for a few months.”

  “I know,” KeKe said frowning.

  “Who’s driving to the party?” Liv asked, after they loaded the boxes inside.

  “Tiffany has volunteered to be our designated driver.” KeKe shared. “Since she doesn’t drink.”

  They climbed inside the car and put on their seatbelts.

  “I’m glad, because I’m planning to get drunk as hell.” Liv said. “Unless, Ty is there. I want to have all of my senses around him.”

  “I’ll be there, too.” KeKe assured her.

  “I’m not worried,” Liv said, driving. “But I’m also not taking any chances.”

  “I’m not either.”


  KeKe looked out the window. “I’m here for you, no matter what. He’ll have to take on both of us, if he wants to act a fool.”

  “Tag team.” Liv smiled.

  “You know it.”

  By the time Liv dropped off KeKe and headed to her own apartment, she was filled with thoughts. At the top of the list was talking to Miles about going to Detroit to visit him. Her other trips had been to see her sister, but this time she wanted to specifically spend her time with him. But, Liv needed to know if this would be a good time, and did Miles even want her there?

  At her place, she headed into her living room and plopped down on the sofa. The last day of school was always bittersweet for Liv. While she looked forward to the time off, she also missed her students and watching them learn.

  Getting up, she went into the kitchen and started making her some dinner. While the food was cooking, she headed back into the living room and turned on her favorite true crime channel, to keep her company.

  Back at the stove, she thought about Miles teasing her about cooking. Little did he know that Liv could burn. Having a mother who had to have a meal on the table every day at the same time, she’d learned how to prepare everything from Texas barbecue to spaghetti, since being one of the girls, she’d had to assist.

  Sitting at her island, Liv began to eat after everything was done and looked at the clock. Miles would be calling in about another hour or so, if he stayed true to form. Some nights he’d call a little later, if he was tied up, but he didn’t miss a night, so hopefully tonight was no different.

  After finishing her meal, Liv remembered the box she’d left in her car and grabbed her keys to go outside to get it. Liv opened the door, then screamed at the sight of the man standing there.


  Miles took a screaming Liv into his arms.

  “Hey, it’s me.” He soothed.

  Feeling the firm body against her, Liv relaxed and held him close.


  He pulled back to look into her face.

  “You okay?” he asked concerned.

  “What..what are you doing here?” Liv whispered.

  Miles stared down at her, and said, “I missed you.”

  Lowering his head, he took her mouth and showed her just how much. Lost in his arms and kiss, Liv held on to him and accepted his offering.

  “I missed you, too.” She whispered.

  “Can I come inside?” Miles asked softly.


  Taking her hand, Miles followed Liv inside and closed the door behind him.

  “Were you going out?” he asked as she stood staring up at him, making sure he was real.

  “Just to get a box out of my car.”

  “You want me to get it?”

  Liv shook her head. “No.”

  The next thing he knew, Liv had pushed Miles against the wall and was giving him one hell of a welcome. Pulling her closer, he gave her back just as much. Grabbing his T-Shirt, Liv janked it from his jeans and over his head, throwing
it across the room.

  While he went for his belt, she kicked off her shoes and tossed her own blouse. Before she was completely naked, Liv found herself pressed against the wall. Miles slid her flimsy panties aside and thrusted deeply inside her body, craving her as much as she’d craved him.

  Their tongues tangled while their bodies reconnected. Deep moans of passion could be heard over the television that was broadcasting a program. Miles linked his fingers with hers and lifted her arm above her head.

  “Miles...oh baby…”

  Her encouragement spurred him on to bringing her to her ultimate pleasure. Miles whispered in her ear, and Liv groaned while tightening her legs around his back to counter the hard strokes she was receiving.

  “I came for you,” Miles kissed her neck. “Now come for me, baby.”

  Liv threw her head back and yelled, when her body responded to his command. A few minutes later, she felt him try to pull away as his explosion approached. Holding him tighter, Liv wouldn’t let him go and in his vulnerable state, Miles didn’t want to let her go either.

  When they both calmed down, they looked at one another. Staring into her flushed face with her body fully encompassing him, Miles saw his whole life in her eyes.

  “Hey, country girl.”

  She smiled. “Hey, city boy.”

  Miles kissed her softly.

  “You okay?” he asked.

  “Yes,” Liv replied stroking the back of his head. “I’m very good.”


  Making a face, she bit her lip.

  “Are you mad at me?”

  “For what?”

  “For not letting you go?”

  He touched his lips to hers.

  “I didn’t want to let you go, either.”

  “I wasn’t thinking…” Liv began.

  Miles cut her off with another kiss, then carried her over to the sofa. Separating their bodies, he laid her down.

  “Where’s your bathroom?” he asked softly.

  Liv pointed down the hall and Miles kissed her face before heading in that direction. Liv lifted her head to watch him go. He returned a minute later with a warm cloth and Liv laid back, while he removed her panties and gently wiped away the remnants of their joining.

  Spreading her legs apart, he ministered to the part of her that brought him so much pleasure.

  “You’re so beautiful, Liv.” Miles told her. “So beautiful…”

  Liv closed her eyes when his mouth began to love her. It was so sweet and sexy that it brought tears to her eyes. Miles was here, and Liv was in heaven...


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