The Golden Year and the Sorceress

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The Golden Year and the Sorceress Page 5

by Isabella Hardiman

  "So he trusted you?" he asked.

  I shook my head. "Men like that don't trust people." Leonardo had no idea about life in the slums or the gutters. "But he had no reason to doubt me, I had nothing and he offered me a lot compared to what most people had. I had no logical reason to betray him," I explained.

  "So why did you?" I felt a sharp sting in my chest again. He just knew exactly where to press. Leonardo knew exactly what to ask and when to ask it. His questions were almost calculated.

  "He was a murderer." Please just let me leave it at that.

  "But you knew that from the start." He did not believe me for a moment. Couldn't he just let this go?

  "He killed someone very important to me." Michael killed a lot of people that I cared about but there was one person that always mattered more than the others.

  "I escaped and went north. An orphanage took me in for a while." I shrugged. "Then I came here." I skipped explaining the whole period where I stayed in the gutters just before I got here because that is when I think of Theo and my heart breaks. I wondered what Theo was doing right now. Did he hate me for leaving without saying goodbye? The thing about 'goodbye' is it means going away, it means forgetting. But I could not forget him. Theo was a part of me and we would always have unfinished business. I would never see him again and that thought was far too painful. After all, he was my very first love. And they hold a very special place in your heart forever.

  "I had no idea that places like the slums existed," he admitted. I was silent for a moment and waited for him to speak. He was the prince, he did not live. He was shielded from the harsh realities most of us had to face. He had been brought up in a fairy-tale. In a place that belonged to children's dreams.

  Eventually, I could not stand the silence anymore. "Now you do, so what are you going to do about it?" He had so much power, he would become king someday and he could make a real difference. He had the opportunity to change so much.

  Before he could answer a stream of royal guards came charging towards us. You could recognise them from a mile away, from their horses which were spotless and well-groomed to the crest that was on their saddles, armour, and weapons.

  They pulled up beside us. "Are you Leila of Bourdet?" The first asked sternly. I noticed the suspicious look on Leonardo's face out of the corner of my eye. Something was going on.

  "Yes." I nodded. Suddenly they surrounded me and wrapped chains around my hands. The sharp metal began cutting at my wrists.

  "You are to be taken to the castle dungeon under royal orders." Another guard read a scroll with a golden crest.

  "What are you doing?" Leonardo demanded. "Untie her!"

  The first led me forcefully away but he was not quick enough. Leonardo grabbed my arm and pushed me behind him. I froze.

  "I am sorry sir, I am under orders of the king." The guard explained. The only person who could override Leonardo's power. Meanwhile, another two guards were heading straight for me.

  "Take another step and it may be your last," Leonardo warned. They looked extremely nervous, they knew that crossing swords with Leonardo was a mistake. I immediately snapped back to reality.

  "Leonardo, it is okay. I will go with them. I am sure it's a misunderstanding." I tried to calm him but he looked furious. I slowly walked towards the guards who tightened the chains around my wrist.

  "You need to take it up with the king, our hands are tied," the guards apologised.

  Leonardo crossed his arms. "Oh trust me, I will."

  They were taking me to the dungeon, a place for murderers. People who were sent to these places were normally never seen again. The king must have heard about what I had done. I knew that I would be punished but the dungeons was a far worse sentence than I had expected.

  I couldn't help but look back at Leonardo as they pulled me away. He was not as bad of a boy as I thought. I now understood why people liked him. I hated to admit it but I did need help this time and he was my only option. I was stuck and if the king were angry at me, the consequences would be unthinkable. With one word from the king: my head could be on a spike. I could already be a lost cause.

  Chapter Six- The Monarch

  I had been here for over three hours. Screams had been echoing down the hallway constantly. A crack in the side of the wall allows the water to trickle down. Thick cobwebs hang in the corners, I spotted clusters of bones on the other side of the cell and I still am not sure whether it is humans. There is no light in the dungeon, the torches have vanished along with guards and there are no windows. There are however fresh bloodstains on the stone walls and the stench of rotting corpses. The rats lurk in the shadows. I hide in the farthest corner amongst the rough straw.

  I lean against the green glowing moss-covered rock, sending a damp smell through my clothes. I cannot stay here forever. This cell was a spitting image of the kind of the decor that existed in the slums but there was one thing that changed everything: the rusty metal bars that kept me locked inside. I heard a grunt across from me. Another cough.

  "Welcome to the royal dungeons," the croaky voice laughed. The elderly man sounded half-mad. He crawled out from the shadows to reveal a shamble of grey hair, white pale skin and thick eyebrows. "What's your name, child?"

  I didn't answer. I won't be here long, so there will not be any point in making acquaintances. "I asked your name." He repeated the question, this time more aggressively.

  I knew he would not stop pestering me until I replied. "Elizabeth." I lied.

  "Well, Elizabeth. What do you think of this?" He stared around the gloomy cell. "Look how the king treats his people!" He shouted in a deranged voice. He was barking mad!

  "Quiet!" I hushed him, he would bring over the guards and get me into even more trouble.

  He only chuckled. I was next to a lunatic! "Why do you care?" He paused. "You have been sentenced to rot here."

  "I won't be here for long, I have a friend on the other side. He will get me out." I had to say it for my benefit, not his. Leonardo could save me. Couldn't he?

  "Then where are they?" He raised an eyebrow with a sly grin. Then cackled, suddenly a swarm of bats flew down the hall. Then everything went quiet. He laid back on his pilar and began to drift off once again. "You are never getting out. You are never getting out. You are never getting out."

  Suddenly there was a pounding of footsteps, one after another. A blazing light flashed through the room, it flickered around, tormenting the darkness. The guards surrounded the barn doors. They entered and immediately swung a pair of cuffs on my hands. Did they think I was going to fight them? "What's going on?"

  They escorted me out of the jail door. "Hey, you!" Somebody moaned. The prisoners outstretched their arms from countless cells trying to grab hold of anything that moved just to remind themselves that they were still alive.

  "Where are you taking me?" I investigated.

  "The king has requested your presence in your trial. Where you will be questioned and sentenced."

  Sentenced? Panic filled me like a vile disease spreading through my entire body. They were considering leaving me down here forever?

  They shoved me to the ground in one swift movement. Now that I was in the light I could see the filth that covered my body and clothes.

  I looked as if I had been rolling around in a troth of mud. I made a cautious glance to my side to see a row of ladies and nobles. They sat in handcrafted wooden booths. Marble arcs and pillars decorated the hall. Along with large tapestries that hung behind the people. The people were dressed in the finest silks and wore elaborate designs.

  A few ladies were my age, they giggled at the sight of me. Did they think this was funny? Here I am fighting for my life and they just chuckle and snigger.

  I looked to the other side to see a row of young Knights, some stared at me curiously, others with distaste and others just ignored my presence completely. They sat in the same layout as the nobles with lush tapestries and engraved silver candle holders.

  Then I fina
lly looked up to face the king. His face was rounder than I had pictured, it was covered in lines and scars. He looked nothing like Leonardo. It was hard to believe they were even related. He sat in a hand-carved grand chair above me on a red platform, beside him on either side, were two other empty chairs. Where was Leonardo?

  The king, Isaac, stared at me now, his mouth open. He looked at me like he had just seen a ghost. He did not believe his eyes. He muttered something under his breath. He looked partially distraught. Everyone had seen his reaction and everyone was staring. Where was Leonardo!? "Leave us." He finally said. I had never been so scared in my life. Everyone shuffled out without hesitation and the door slammed shut.

  He got up from his chair and walked towards the windows. His back turned to me. "Why do you look like her?" He snapped. Why do I look like who? "ANSWER ME!" His voice bellowed through the room.

  "Your majesty, I don't know what you're talking about," I mumbled. He turned to look at me, his eyes cold and hard. He did not believe me. A large lump in my throat.

  "Don't lie to me witch!" He spat. His face had gone bright red. "I am only going to ask you once, why do you look like her?" Things had gone very very South, very quickly. The king was accusing me of something I did not even understand. Did he think I was somebody else? He was far more aggressive than I had ever thought possible.

  There was a banging on the door, Leonardo came in. I breathed again. "Father-" he interrupted. The king immediately found his composure at the sight of his son. It was like seeing a different person altogether. Had Leonardo overheard the king accusing me of looking like 'her'? Who was she? "Leila is innocent. She had nothing to do with the Serpents plot." Leonardo argued. Leonardo had not overheard us.

  The king thought I was working for the serpent? "Explain then how she knew where to find him. Explain what justifies locking up her master, my daughter, in her room against her wishes. Explain how this girl survived!" The king demanded.

  "She was trying to help!" Leonardo shouted annoyed.

  "That is not her place to decide. She is nothing but a servant, she may not do as she pleases." The king fired back.

  Leonardo strode to my side, he did not look back at me but I stared at him. "I trust her." Did he trust me? Why should he? He does not even know me?

  The king rolled his eyes. "You don't even know this girl." The king complained harshly. "She could be a threat and you wouldn't even consider it."

  "She killed the serpent, I hardly think she would conspire against us." Leonardo fought back.

  "Enough!" The king finally lost his temper. "This no longer concerns you, Leonardo. The girl will be punished as I see fit." My heart stopped, the king was certain that I was conspiring against him, certain that I was an enemy.

  "That's not fair." Leonardo panicked.

  "I am your king and...!" Before King Isaac could finish his sentence. A tall figure burst through the door. I could not get a good look at him from where I sat.

  "Frederick," the king looked stunned. "What are you doing here?" The king circled back and placed his hand on the hand-carved wooden chairs.

  "I am here about the girl." The voice was young, strong, and slick. I noticed the King's grip on the chair tightened. Isaac shot me a glare of pure hatred and I stared down at the floor. What else had I done wrong?

  "This girl." The king gestured to me.

  "I believe so,'' Frederick replied. "You see uncle," The king was his uncle? He could not be Frederick of the lost isles? Could he?

  The lost isles were a group of underwater islands near to the DaAngelos kingdom. "This girl saved my youngest brother from Cyclops's."

  "Is that true?" The king barked the question. I suddenly realized that he was asking me.

  "Yes." I thought back to the huge monsters chasing after us. I had almost forgotten about that completely.

  “You want diplomatic immunity...?”

  “Yes.” Frederick looked like a stone, no feelings, and no sentiment.

  “That is ludicrous, she is from here. Not there. She’s under my authority.” The monarch frowned in disbelief.

  "Think very carefully on your next move. Is this really how you wish to treat a friend of the Isles?" Frederick challenged the king. Everyone was silent waiting for the Kings next move. “Don’t do anything you might regret.”

  Isaac slowly walked towards the piece of parchment and signed something. Then hammered down a red wax seal on the scroll. I gulped. "Miss Leila of Bourdet, you are realised and are pardoned." The king left without another word.

  Suddenly somebody was beside my side. "Here let me help you up." He was Frederick. Golden thick locks of hair, bright green captivating eyes, strong, firm biceps, golden tanned skin, and incredible cheekbones. I blushed.

  "I apologise for my father." Leonardo immediately snapped back to reality. I considered mentioning the period alone with the king when he accused me of looking like somebody, better not. I was still unsure whether that had been my imagination entirely.

  "Well, my brother and my cousin both failed to mention how stunning you are Leila." He said my name musically. He had this almost charming, exotic accent. Frederick winked and my cheeks immediately reddened. Leonardo noticed.

  "Hardly stunning unless you're counting the dirt as an accessory." I muttered. Leonardo laughed at one of my jokes. That was a first, I didn't even know he had a sense of humour. Then I guess we had spent most of the time fighting rather than talking.

  "You wear it well though." Frederick smiled. "Josephine is here," Frederick mentioned to Leonardo. "She's waiting for you." Leonardo immediately looked like he wanted to disappear.

  "Josephine of the white Kingdom?" I asked curiously. Frederick grinned again at me, flashing his perfect white teeth and I could not help but wonder if that smile worked on all the girls.

  "Yes and my cousin’s fiancée." Frederick mocked. My eyes widened, Leonardo was engaged?!

  "Frederick, be quiet. Don't give Josephine any more ideas." Leonardo complained. "Our parents planned our marriage before we were even born," Leonardo explained. He was embarrassed.

  For some reason, Leonardo stared at me for a while and I stared back. He was right, he did not even get to pick his wife? How was that fair? I was wrong. I was so wrong. He did not have it easy. "Well, Leo. I hate to tell you this but she's getting extremely annoyed with you, more with every minute." Frederick broke the tension.

  "Oh, yeah." Leonardo smiled at Frederick but turned his attention back to me. "I will see you soon, try to stay out of trouble. If you can." He pleaded. "See you later Frederick."

  Frederick nodded. Leonardo disappeared leaving me with the handsome Frederick. "I never got to properly thank you, what you did for my brother was incredibly brave."

  "I should be thanking you." I shook my head. Without Frederick's help, I do not know where I would be, in the dungeon or worse. Dead. The King's power was limitless.

  "Well, if you would like to thank me," he leant back against the pillar and gave me a seductive look. "Then you will do me the honour in escorting you to the grand ball tonight."

  "A ball?" Was he joking? Me, spending an evening with nobles was the worst idea ever.

  "Yes. Didn't Leonardo mention it?" He nodded.

  "No, he didn't but I don't know why he would," I admitted.

  "Oh, it's just you two seem close." He shrugged. It sounded like he was implying something more. "I am glad to be mistaken. Besides, do you have any other plans for tonight?" I did not respond. "Or do you have another boy in mind or heart?"

  I thought back to Theo and my heart suddenly ached, I shook my head.

  "For once I am lucky." He laughed. "So would you and your big blue eyes accompany me?"

  "I would love to." And I knew instantly I would regret this decision but I owed him. And I hated being in debt to anyone.

  Here I was, it had been only two days since I had arrived at the palace and I had been almost sent to the dungeons, killed more times than I dared to count and I was already
heading to a royal ball with Prince Frederick of the isles. Something tells me that is not normal. But hey, what do I have to lose? It is only a dance, right? What could go wrong?

  Chapter Seven- Dancing with danger

  "Leila!" Caroline raced towards me, her skinny legs wobbled and threatened to trip her up. She stumbled into my arms and I could not help but smile. "You're okay!" she screamed.

  "Of course I am okay! It was touch and go but your brother and Frederick helped," I admitted.

  "I am so happy you are okay." She smiled but then took a step back. Her expression is more concerned and angry now. "But what were you thinking!? I mean were you riding the crazy dragon? I mean seriously did someone cast a stupid spell on you!" she lectured. Well, this was a first, surprisingly enough I had never been lectured by a seven-year-old before, well there is a first time for everything.

  "You're my friend, Caroline." I interrupted her, hoping to calm her down. Her eyes light up at the word: friend. "That's what friends do for each other, crazy things." I smiled.


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