The Golden Year and the Sorceress

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The Golden Year and the Sorceress Page 6

by Isabella Hardiman

  "You're my friend too Leila." She beamed and wrapped her small frail arms around me. Then she looked up at me with one eyebrow raised. "That reminds me, is it true?"

  "Is what true?" I asked cautiously; noticing her mischievous grin.

  "Are you going to ball tonight with Frederick?" She stared at me with a cheeky grin on her lips.

  "How do you know?" My face paled. I had only had that conversation a few minutes ago!

  "Servants are terrible gossips, by now the entire castle knows." She laughed. "You have probably annoyed all the girls in court."

  "Why?" What had I done wrong, now? I did not need more nobles disliking me.

  "It's Frederick. Exotic heartthrob from the isles. Did this information not reach your town? Did you live in the middle of nowhere?!" It did, to be fair, reach my orphanage and in fact, I remember other girls in my dorm room having large paintings of Frederick and Leonardo above their beds. What would they think about my situation right now? I didn't even know what to think. I just could not get over the fact that a seven-year-old was saying ‘exotic heartthrob’ to me. I could not decide whether it was funny or disturbing.

  As you can imagine, Caroline was overjoyed to hear that I was going to the ball. She took charge of everything, my outfit, makeup, and she even brought in four other servants just for me. I could not believe it.

  My mint blue coloured dress reached the floor; there was this small design on my waist of jewels; the silk felt like a dream on my skin and by the time the girls were done, I did not even recognize myself. I looked in a mirror to see a girl with long legs which looked slimmer with heels. Her eyes seemed larger and a grey-blue hidden beneath her thick lashes. Her pale skin looked flawless and her torso looked curvy, slim and elegant. Who was the girl standing in the mirror? Me.

  I stood behind the grand door, Caroline had just entered. It was my turn. Could I make a run for it? I am sure nobody would notice. Too late the doors opened.

  I could see an incredible marble ceiling; it had extraordinarily detailed stonework; with swirling designs that must have taken centuries to build; candelabras made of pure gold; chandeliers that light up the room like blazing stars; exotic flowers poured out of vases, sending cascades of colour in every direction. There was an amazing pair of double staircases that twisted and rejoined in the centre that led down the open floor. A combination of sweet and savoury aromas filled my nose. I heard violins, flutes, and all kinds of instruments among the chitter-chatter of guests.

  Then I realised everyone was staring at me. Their eyes glued to me. This was a mistake. I wanted to shout, "stop looking at me!" All I am doing is standing, I am not even breathing anymore, why are they staring? Over two hundred people looked up at me, that is four hundred eyes glued to me. I could not breathe.

  I slowly walked down holding the bannister for my life and entered the crowd. They separated as I walked. I left a trail wherever I went. I could not help but notice what wonderful dresses and jewels all the other girls wore. Suddenly Frederick was at my side, he wore a grey uniform with white buttons and stitching. He bowed.

  "Leila." He smiled. "You are the belle of the ball." That exotic accent made other girls' hearts melt, not me though.

  "'re going to have to do better than that, I am wearing heels and makeup for you," I joked. He laughed and looked down at me flirtatiously. I noticed all the glares and threatening looks other girls fired my way. I could not care less.

  "So why is everyone staring?" I asked in a hushed tone. I did not want anyone to overhear us.

  "Didn't I just say why? You're beautiful." He smirked, his eyes running up and down my body. I wanted to tell him to cut the flirts and spill the information. I am not an idiot, he was a prince even if he does come from a small Kingdom, he could have danced with far prettier women than me.

  "I am serious," I whispered. His lip tilted upwards.

  "So am I." He paused. He could not be right, could he? "Let's give them something to look at." He outstretched his arm, "Shall we?" I took his arm and I could not help but notice all the muscles beneath his clothing.

  We walked towards an open and empty dance floor. The king sat directly in front, his eyes at first stunned and then cautious, beside the king was Caroline. She gave me a sneaky thumbs up and then I saw Leonardo. He wore a blue and gold neat uniform. Leonardo looked at me, his eyes wide open and I noticed that his date sat beside him, Josephine also looked curious.

  Josephine was thin, she had straight brown hair and large brown eyes. She was tall and wore a stunning, bright yellow, silk dress. She was beautiful.

  Suddenly we were dancing, my dress twisted around me. Frederick guided me and his hand wrapped around my waist, sending goosebumps up my arms. He pulled me in for a spin and then he smiled. We glided across the floor and with every step we took, another couple joined the dance.

  By the time the song finished the dance floor was packed. We finally stopped and walked away from the crowded dance floor for some well-deserved air. "Now, you are over your stage fright."

  "Me? Stage fright?! Pff." I rolled my eyes. "Do you not recall me saving your brother from a Cyclops! I am not scared of anything," I lied.

  "Society is a different beast altogether." He smirked. "Besides, I saw your face when you walked in." He pulled a mocking, horror-struck face.

  "That's not funny." I could not help but laugh.

  "Oh, so you are scared of nothing?" he questioned with a mischievous look.

  "Nothing," I lied again.

  "Prove it," he challenged. I loved a challenge, it intrigued me.

  "What did you have in mind?" I asked.

  Suddenly his soft, velvety lips were on mine. He kissed me once, softly. I could not help but feel stunned. This was the challenge. I accepted. I pressed my lips against him again this time harder than his kiss. Our lips found each other once, twice...three. I stepped back gasping for air and I turned to see that I had stepped on Leonardo's shoe, beside him was Josephine. Everyone was staring at me and I mean everyone.

  "Oh, sorry, your highness," I quickly remarked with the prince still fresh on my lips. It sounded far too strange to call him that. Even Leonardo pulled a face, he must have thought it sounded weird when I said it.

  "Leila and Frederick." He looked in-between us. There was clearly something that agitated him. His face was harder than normal, his voice was sharp as well.

  "Leonardo." Frederick glanced at Josephine, she was displeased by the lack of attention she was receiving. "Josephine."

  "I was unaware, you were attending tonight." Leonardo turned his attention back to me. I wondered whether people got tired of speaking so formally.

  "So...was I. Frederick invited me."

  "Of course he did." Leonardo made a look in Frederick's direction. "Can I talk to you, Leila? Alone." I nodded, Leonardo quickly led me away from the packed huddle of guests to a hidden corridor which I had not even noticed.

  "You have got to be joking!" he complained, his eyes flickered towards Frederick. "Frederick!"

  "What?" I looked at him stunned.

  "Could you have chosen a bigger idiot?" He insulted both me and Frederick.

  What did any of this have to do with him? "He's your cousin!" I argued.

  "Yes, my simpleton cousin." He ran a hand through his hair angrily. "Leila, you are so beautiful." He did an impression of Frederick, mocking his accent. "Did you fall for that?"

  "Oh you are being ridiculous, it's a dance," I reminded him. Had he seen the kiss? "What's wrong with you?"

  "What's wrong with me! What about you? You know he's only with you because he wants something," he shot.

  I felt like he had slapped me across the face. "Oh, grow up," I snarled bitterly.

  "That's another thing: he's too old for you." He frowned.

  "Excuse me. Where do you think you have the right to judge me?! You are not my father or brother. I can look out for myself." Frederick was only a few years older, only two years older than Leonardo. What wa
s wrong with him? Leonardo looked like he was almost trying to pick a fight.

  "Oh yes, I can see that. He was all over you!" Leonardo snapped. Well, that answered that question.

  "That's none of your business. What do you care about anyway? Why are you jealous?" What was wrong with him? Why was he acting like this?

  "Pffff. Jealous!" He rolled his eyes. "I pity the poor fellow." That is it.

  "Why don't you just go dancing with your fiancée and leave me alone." I had enough, I wanted to get as far away from Leonardo as possible.

  I strode to where I had last seen Federick but found Josephine standing alone. "I asked Frederick to get me a drink," Josephine muttered staring at the dance floor. "Your surprisingly light on your toes for someone who should be on her knees cleaning," Josephine remarked wickedly.

  "Excuse me," she hastily cut me off.

  "Don't take it personally but you're not meant to be here. We are royals and nobles and important people, you are just... a servant." She smiled whilst placing an empty glass on a passing server. How was I meant to take it? She just insulted me. I cannot imagine anybody being perky after being insulted.

  "Leila!" Both Leonardo and Frederick shouted at the same time from different directions. I immediately rushed to the place I had last heard Frederick's voice. I did not want to see that arrogant prince's face right now- that is Leonard’s face- Fredrick was fine. When did I get involved with so many nobles? I knew three princes and two princesses, and three was by far too much.

  "There you are, it's time to eat," Frederick explained and led me to a banquet hall. It was constructed entirely of marble, however, the tables were made of wood.

  The table was designed like a gigantic U. The royals sat at the head and the other honoured nobles on either side. Only a selected few were invited to dine with the king, the other nobles carried on dancing in the other room. Frederick selected two seats to the far left of the king. The food was already laid out and I had never seen so much. It was like an endless trail of delicacies. I now understood the definition of a feast.

  Jesters poured in along with magicians and dancers. Fireballs, doves, and poles were thrown around the room.

  "Welcome." A glittering, jewelled covered woman entered. She looked like she came from the far East. Her jet black hair was long, thick, and wavy. The woman wore a bright, rich, red two-piece design. The short top had two lower straps that joined to a jewelled centrepiece and the long silk skirt was covered in luxurious beadwork. I had never seen anything like it. "Welcome. I will entertain you tonight. I am going to take you all on a wild adventure into the unknown." She grinned like a cat. I watched as everyone began to dig into the feast but I was captivated by the stunning exotic woman before my eyes. I had never seen anyone like her.

  Everyone applauded one after the other, I copied. She snapped her fingers and out of nowhere a large solid gold harp appeared and all the other entertainers disappeared. "I heard the prince loves music." She beamed. She began to play the angelic instrument, each cord was more powerful than the last.

  That is when it happened. One by one, the guests began to doze, Frederick was one of the first to go unconscious. They were falling asleep, why? I stared at the food, it cannot be that. It was the instrument, the lullaby was sending them to sleep. It must be enchanted. Or was it the food? I was one of the only ones still awake.

  I ducked under the table and covered my ears. Do not listen just in case. Why does this always happen when I am here? I do have the worst luck. What am I? A magnet for trouble? Why was she even doing this? I had no idea. It could not be good though. The music stopped. I was the only one left awake.

  She got up and walked away from her harp. "Yes." She cackled. "Look how the mighty have fallen." She laughed. "The mighty Isaac da Angelo." I could not anticipate what was about to come. My temperature was rising with every heartbeat.

  I stared out from under the table. "You deserve to die." She placed a jewelled, silver dagger to the King's throat. She was going to kill the king. She was going to kill him! I immediately jumped into action. I began to scan the room for anything, absolutely anything I could use to defend myself. "But that would be too easy." She sighed.

  "You took everything from me, everything." She paused. I peeked from the corner of the table, she held the glimmering blade tightly in her grasp and the way the candlelight touched the metal made it look as if it was smiling. "So now I am here, to return the favour."

  She turned to Leonardo. No. I could not believe my eyes. She was going after Leonardo.

  "Stop!" I shouted. Her head swung around and to say she was surprised would be an understatement. Here I stood facing a powerful witch, with only a butter knife as my defence. Even I knew I was doomed.

  Chapter Eight -Dinner with a witch

  Silence; it scared me more than the witch herself. My eyelashes fluttered and for a moment I thought I would wake up back in the orphanage. That I would wake up and it would all be a dream.

  I watched a hint of surprise and suspicion shifted in and out of her features as she realized I was not unconscious. "Don't get involved girl. Take my advice and leave." Her eyes shone with desperation and a tinge of aggression. I suspected it was never her original intention to want to hurt anybody. She had this innocence, it made her look as if she never wished to harm a soul but here she stood with a knife placed to a nineteen-year-old’s throat. Life really can be wicked.

  "I can't. I am already involved." I stared back at her, not backing down. Leonardo had saved me so many was my turn to return the favour. "You don't need to do this."

  "Yes. Yes, I do." She stared back at me, trembling all over.

  "No, you don't." I tried convincing her, whilst walking slowly towards her. If I could just reach Leonardo I could get my hands on his weapon. This butterknife was useless, it looked as if I were about to go to a tea party. That is a tea party where a witch was about to murder someone. When did my life get so screwed up?

  "Be quiet," she snapped, now turning the blade on me, not that she needed a blade, one death charm and I was a goner. "This monster you call king, killed my husband and my child. He sent his men to kill people from the towns of Tenebris."

  "That's the dark one's land." It slipped out, I had not meant for her to overhear me.

  "He wasn't evil!" She barked. "Our king and queen were brilliant rulers. They didn't deserve to die either!" she shouted viciously. I doubted that but there was something in her eyes that made me trust her. I saw genuine faith.

  "Maybe so but your king also slaughtered many." I thought back to the fire and my parents. I thought back to the power of the flames and cringed.

  "You don't understand." She was shaking all over and her eyes were watering up.

  She was falling to pieces and that was dangerous. It made her unpredictable and uncontrollable. "Yes, I do. Believe me, I do." I thought back to my parents, the fire, and the dark ones soldiers.

  "No, you don't. Mary, my sweet baby, was killed! Murdered." She was rambling.

  War truly is nothing more than torture upon the world.

  She walked back to Leonardo ready to kill. My heart was racing. It was taking all my strength to stay calm. Wake up! Wake up, God damn it!

  "Would Mary want you to do this? Leonardo and Caroline never did anything to either of you, they are innocent. You call the king a monster for killing innocent people but if you kill now, you will be a monster as well. You will be the same as the king, do you want that?" Please trust me, please. Do not make me do this, I cannot do this again. She was hesitant now, very hesitant.

  "I don't have a choice." She was shattering and flaking at the edges but I could tell she was no murderer. "Fuegizzzi." She hissed. She cast a spell which sent a ball of fire my way, I rapidly threw myself to the floor, the stone slamming into me. The stone demanded my pain. The fireball missed me by inches. She did not want me to talk her out of this. The familiar bloody taste in my mouth, I was fleeting in and out of consciousness.

  "Yes, yes you do." I reminded her.

  “Tell me girl have you ever watched the life drain out of your child’s life, ever held their limp body in your arms. Do you know what it is like to have a child? To swear you will do everything and anything to protect them? To do everything you can and still let it not be enough to keep them breathing...” she trails off. “I see her in my dreams. They haunt me. Do you know what it’s like to lose everything good in your life?”

  “I know but this won’t change...” I cannot finish my words before she casts another spell sending me flying against a hard wooden table on the other side of the room. I crash into numerous things that lay about and there is smash as glasses shatter on impact against me. I saw the spots in the corner of my vision and I tasted the coppery blood in my mouth. Get up. Get up.


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