Trusting Him

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Trusting Him Page 11

by L. M. Somerton

  “I was having the most amazing dream,” he said.

  “Sounds intriguing,” Luke replied, making his way to the side of the bed.

  “Luke! Sir…I mean, I forgot where I was.”

  “We can discuss your dream later if you remember it. How are you feeling?”

  “Better! My headache is gone and I’m warm but not hot and icky.”

  Luke grabbed the thermometer anyway. “Let me check.” After a short wait he extracted the instrument from Skye’s mouth. “Normal. Excellent.”

  “That’s great! So I can get up and go back to work.”

  “You will do no such thing. You’ll spend the day resting.”

  “But I…”

  Luke went to the wardrobe and retrieved a tie from its hanger. Plain dark blue silk, it would do very well for what he had in mind. He looped one end around Skye’s left wrist, making sure he knotted it in such a way that Skye wouldn’t be able to slip his hand free. The other end, he fastened to the headboard. Skye gaped, his eyes wide.

  “I warned you earlier today what would happen if you talked about going back to work again. The tie is a compromise, because, believe me, if I had a pair of handcuffs up here, you’d be in them.”

  Skye gave his wrist an experimental tug. He could free himself using his other hand, but he settled, as if accepting the bondage as Luke’s right. “You always keep your word, don’t you, Sir?”

  “Always.” Luke tried to keep his expression stern, but failed. Skye looked so sweet and innocent, yet the bed clothes were tented and Luke had a vivid picture of Skye’s nudity beneath the covers in his head. “I’m going downstairs to fetch some lunch. You will stay put until I get back and if you behave, I’ll let the boys come up to visit this afternoon. They can take it in turns to keep you company while I work.”

  Skye slipped his free hand beneath the covers.

  “And no touching, in case you were in any doubt.” By the time he made it out to the corridor, Luke was grinning.

  Chapter Eleven

  Watching his friends dance to Devil Woman wearing red leather thongs and horns had Skye laughing so hard he had a coughing fit. Rayne pressed a fresh bottle of water into his free hand.

  “I can’t believe Luke tied you to his bed. Well, actually I can, because he’s Luke and that’s just the kind of thing he’d do, and it’s hot…but it means you can’t dance with us, which is so not fair. How often do I get to strut my stuff around here? You’ll just have to pretend to be sick for a bit longer.”

  “I’m not going to do that, Rayne. I want to get back to work. I don’t like that you and the others have to pick up my slack.” Skye pouted.

  “That’s because you are sweet and nice. What do you two think you’re doing?” Benjy and Frank were play wrestling on the floor at the end of the bed, limbs tangled, both in hysterics. “They need mud, or foam… Or jelly! That would be even better. Can you picture it, Skye? A pit of strawberry jelly and lots of slippery skin-on-skin contact. Yum!”

  Skye almost spat his mouthful of water across the bed. Instead, he choked and started coughing again. The door opened and Luke, glasses perched on the end of his nose and carrying several folders, stepped into the room. Benjy and Frank scrambled to their feet while Rayne inched toward the door

  “Time we were all going,” Rayne said. “Glad you’re feeling better, Skye. We miss you.” He gave Luke a sheepish grin.

  How Luke managed to keep a straight face while the three semi-naked young men scrambled out of the door, Skye had no idea. He lay still and tried to look innocent.

  “I leave you alone for one hour and come back to find some kind of orgy going on in here. Exactly what have the four of you been up to? I’m sure those boys were fully dressed when they arrived.”

  “They wanted to show me their costumes for the angels and devils party tonight. Rayne had his iPod and mini speakers and said that the only way to show the outfits off properly was to dance. He put together a playlist where all the songs either had devil or angel in the title. It all went downhill from there, Sir.” Skye displayed his bound wrist. “But I didn’t get out of bed, Sir. Promise.”

  “You’re flushed again.” Luke placed his folders on the desk then grabbed the thermometer. “Open.”

  Skye sat with the thermometer sticking out of his mouth for a full minute and tried to think thoughts other than how gorgeous Luke looked in his glasses. When Luke extracted the instrument from his mouth, Skye kept his fingers crossed that his temperature would still be normal.

  “It’s fine,” Luke said. “Those boys just got you overexcited, didn’t they? No more visitors for you today.”

  Skye attempted to look suitably remorseful. Luke massaged the bridge of his nose, frowning. “I brought up a copy of the generic contract for us to look through together, but perhaps it should wait until tomorrow.”

  “No! I mean… I’m fine, Sir.” Skye detected a twinkle in Luke’s eyes. “You’re teasing me!”

  “Perhaps.” Luke undid the tie around Skye’s wrist. “Would you like to take a shower after being in bed all day?”

  “Yes, please, Sir. That would be wonderful.”

  “If you’re still feeling fine once you’re done, you can get dressed. We’ll look through the paperwork together. While you’re in the bathroom, I’ll call Tor and ask him to send up something light for supper. It will have to be sandwiches, or salad because they’re very busy in the kitchen with the final preparations for tonight’s dinner.”

  “I’m not very hungry, Sir. I’m still full from the soup we had at lunchtime.”

  “You still need to eat something,” Luke said, his tone stern. “Or I’ll take some convincing that you’re fit enough to go back to work tomorrow.”

  As he swung his legs out of bed, Skye resolved to eat everything he was offered. He couldn’t face another day in bed, doing nothing. He stripped off his borrowed top before walking naked into the bathroom, pleased that his show wasn’t lost on Luke who muttered something under his breath about brats in need of spankings.

  Skye took his time in the bathroom, partly because he wanted to think through what was about to happen and partly because he wanted to look his best for the man who was going to become his Dominant. It was like winning the lottery. Skye couldn’t believe how lucky he was. He’d thought himself fortunate to be under Luke’s tutelage in the first place, but for Luke to propose a personal contract between them was more than he could ever have hoped for. His feelings for Luke grew by the hour and Skye suspected he might be in love—not that he knew how that was supposed to feel. If it was about the rush of joy he felt every time Luke walked into a room, or the concern that welled up when Luke seemed tired, or just the physical reaction of his body when Luke looked at him as if he mattered…then it was love. He didn’t care that it had happened so fast. He trusted his instincts.

  Once he was finished, Skye hung the wet towel on the rack. He had nothing to wear so went back into the bedroom as he was. Luke was at the desk in the lounge, working, but turned around to give him an appreciative stare.

  “Much as I’d like to keep you naked,” he said, “it wouldn’t be appropriate while we’re discussing the contract. I’m not making any promises for later, though. I went to your room while you were in the shower and fetched some clothes for you. They’re on the bed.”

  Images of what might happen later on that night filled Skye’s head. He distracted himself by pulling on the jeans Luke had selected, then the soft pale blue pullover that was one of his favorites. Luke hadn’t provided underwear, and the rub of denim against Skye’s cock did nothing for his self-control. He suspected that it was a deliberate move on Luke’s part. He doubted the man did anything without thinking through the consequences first.

  “Come and sit down,” Luke said. He took one of the armchairs near the fire. Skye took the other one, perching on the edge of the seat. He was far too nervous and excited to relax. He touched his neck, wishing that Luke’s collar was still in place. In contras
t, Luke seemed at ease, the papers in his hand held steady.

  “You should know, I haven’t done this before,” Luke said. “I’ve witnessed contracts for other people and been involved in paperwork for all the staff here, but I’ve never had my own submissive.” He pushed his glasses up his nose.

  “Then this is a first for both of us, Sir. I’m glad.” Skye was shocked at his own bravery. Luke gave him courage.

  “It’s important that you feel able to speak your mind. If there’s anything that bothers you, tell me. This agreement keeps you safe.”

  Skye didn’t think a piece of paper could make him feel any safer than he already did with Luke, but he understood that a formal agreement made sense.

  “There are all kinds of contracts and no one right way of doing this,” Luke said, settling back in his chair. “Some can be really detailed, but the one I have here is quite simple. It can grow with us. Its main purpose is to define the standards expected of you as a submissive and me, as your Dominant. It’s also an important, symbolic representation of the commitment between us.”

  Luke’s use of the word commitment sent a thrill of pleasure through Skye’s body.

  “When you sign this, if you sign it, you must be giving your informed consent.”

  “Yes, Sir. I know what I’m doing.”

  “You and I both have expectations and desires. It’s important we articulate them and that the contract meets both our needs.” Luke handed Skye two sheets of paper, stapled together. “Take a look. I’ll give you time to read it again later. There are a few things we need to agree and the first is the period of our arrangement. I suggest six months initially, with an option to extend at any time.”

  “I think that’s about right, Sir. It’s long enough for a fair trial, for us to get to know each other properly.”

  “Good.” Luke smiled. “There’s a section on our roles and duties, and another about punishment. That’s me punishing you, in case you were wondering.”

  Skye snickered. “I kind of worked that one out, Sir. But punishment isn’t the same as discipline, is it?”

  “No. I’ll administer discipline every evening. Punishment is to correct disobedience or dishonesty. I’ll always explain why I think a punishment is necessary and I’ll tell you what it will be. It will always be defined and never open-ended. Your safe word still applies and that’s what the next area of the contract covers. There’s an important bit about the limitations to my authority and respect for your safe word.”

  “What do you mean by limitations, Sir?”

  “This isn’t a contract between Master and slave. You’re an independent person agreeing to submit to my authority and guidance. That doesn’t mean you abdicate responsibility for your own well-being. I expect your honesty at all times. If you’re worried or anxious about anything at all, you speak to me. Your safe word is sacrosanct at all times, without exception. Use it and everything stops, but then we talk about why you’ve used it, okay? I can’t make things better if I don’t know what the problems are. I’m not perfect and I’m going to make mistakes.”

  “You make it sound like I have all the power here,” Skye said, intrigued.

  “That’s because you do. Only you can grant me control over your body. That’s not something I can take from you and I wouldn’t want to. We must both be willing participants in this, aware of what we both need. I need to be in control, to be in charge, and you…”

  “I want someone to take me out of myself, to help me make decisions. I want to take care of you too. That’s okay, isn’t it? I need to feel useful, that I’m making a contribution and not just taking from you all the time.” Skye pulled his knees up and hugged them.

  “It’s more than okay. Then finally, there’s a bit about terminating the relationship and why it can be ended. We both sign it, then I’ll ask Tor to witness it for me and you can ask a friend to witness it for you too. The witnesses can ask you questions to make sure the contract is what you want, that you don’t feel any sense of obligation. If you change your mind, or want to wait a while, that’s fine and it will have no effect on your job here. How does that all sound? Is there anything you want to ask?”

  “Well, I was kind of expecting a tick list of things I would and wouldn’t do. I mean…there are things I’d like to try, but other things scare me.”

  “There are contracts like that, but I’d prefer that we discuss those things when they arise. I already know you enjoy bondage and chastity. If I want to introduce anything new into a scene, I’ll discuss it with you first.”

  “That sounds good, Sir. I don’t think I have any other questions.”

  “Then I want you to take the paperwork to your room and read it through again on your own. If you decide you have more questions, that’s fine.”

  Skye had no doubt that he would sign the contract. The words he and Luke had agreed on together made everything fall into place. He was amazed at how a fragile piece of paper could represent the solid foundations of their burgeoning relationship. If it had been etched onto a stone tablet, Skye wouldn’t have seen it as any more permanent. Luke’s wishes were paramount, however, so Skye took the document back to his room to read alone. He had never been so certain of anything in his life. He couldn’t wait to scrawl his signature in the space provided then get on with being Luke’s submissive.

  Trainee submissive. He had to keep it in his head that he still needed a lot of training to become the man Luke wanted him to be—that he wanted to be. A little ink wasn’t going to result in fireworks or some kind of earth-shattering change, but it did mean that Luke wanted him.

  Me. He wants me. Not some other, perfect sub. He doesn’t mind that I’m clumsy sometimes, that loud noises and crowds scare me, that I only have vague notions of what I want to do with my life. He read the pages four times, until the words were etched into his brain. He didn’t want Luke to think that he hadn’t taken his direction seriously. He fidgeted, lying on the bed, then paced his room before deciding to go and find Rayne. He made sure to put a fleece jacket on over his sweater and thick socks and boots on his feet. He guessed Luke’s definition of looking after himself included warm clothes. It probably didn’t include an outing to the garages so soon after being ill, but that was where he was most likely to find Rayne, even in the early evening.

  He made it to the entrance hall without being seen, but then Goran appeared from the snug, a crate of glasses in his arms.

  “Skye! Does Luke know you’re down here?”

  Skye stared at the floor. “No, Goran. I mean, he knows I’m out of bed and everything. I need to find Rayne.”

  “Why don’t you go and wait in the snug? I’ll track the brat down for you.”

  “Oh, I don’t want to be any trouble. I can—”

  “You can go—”

  “Wait in the snug. Yes, Goran.” Skye knew it wasn’t a battle worth fighting. Goran chuckled and headed toward a storage cupboard with his box.

  The snug was one of Skye’s favorite rooms at The Retreat. It was how he imagined he’d like his home to be one day—cozy, warm and welcoming. He loved to browse the bookshelves, picking at random because he liked the color of a spine or because the title sparked his interest. He wished he had more time to read, especially history books, which had always been his first love. He picked a volume on the English Civil War then settled in an armchair beneath the warm glow of a standard lamp, his precious papers tucked next to his thigh. His head was deep into the Battle of Edgehill in 1642 when Rayne arrived.

  “Brains and beauty. You have a ridiculous advantage over the rest of us, you know.” Rayne threw himself into the chair next to Skye. “Goran dragged me out of the garage and told me to come find you in here. That man is fine.”

  “I didn’t take you away from anything important, did I?”

  “Actually I was hiding in the car listening to a podcast of last week’s episodes of The Archers on my iPod.” Rayne giggled. “I only had another five minutes to go. I would have had to
come in soon anyway because I’m helping out at tonight’s dinner and a little bit of manscaping is required if I have to display my hot bod in that teensy costume.”

  “I’m sorry you have to do my job as well as your own. I tried to tell Luke that I’d be okay to work tonight but he—”

  “Got all protective and insisted you weren’t well enough yet?”

  Sky nodded. “I’m afraid so. Though I have to confess I’m quite glad I don’t have to dress up tonight. That costume is minuscule.”

  “It is, isn’t it? I’m intending to make as many trips back to the kitchen as possible while I’m wearing it. I want to make sure Tor gets an eyeful of my hotness.”

  “He’ll spank you again.”

  “Oh God, I hope so.” Rayne shifted in his seat. “Gets me all horny just thinking about it. But we’re not here to talk about me. Goran said you needed me for something, so what can I do to help?”

  Skye closed his book then placed it on the floor by his feet. He handed the contract to Rayne. “Luke and I, well… We…”

  “Oh my God, is this a contract?” Rayne bounced to his feet then did an excited circuit of the room, waving the papers.

  “Yes. Can you sit down, Rayne? You’re making me feel giddy.” Skye rolled his eyes. “Luke insists I have a friend read it and witness my signature. Apparently, it’s something to do with making sure that I’m not under any duress or pressure, especially because Luke is my boss.”

  “And you’re asking me?” Skye nodded. “That makes me your best friend in the whole wide world, doesn’t it?” Rayne retook his seat, sitting cross-legged. “I’m honored that you’ve asked me, I really am.” He read for a while then looked up. “You agreed all this together, right?”

  “Of course. Earlier this evening. We sat down and Luke took me through it line by line. I would have been quite happy to sign it there and then.”


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