Trusting Him

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Trusting Him Page 12

by L. M. Somerton

  “And you’re sure this is what you want?”

  “I’ve never been surer of anything in my life. I trust him, Rayne. I’m not exactly experienced and he’s so patient, so in control of everything.”

  “I’m not surprised. Luke Redding is hot as hell and he’d walk over hot coals for any of us. Have you and he…?”

  Skye’s face heated. “Rayne! That’s none of your business.”

  “But now we’re officially besties, you’re obliged to tell me everything. It’s an unwritten rule.” He tapped his fingers on one knee. “Waiting.”

  “Have you and Tor?” Skye figured his best form of defense was a question.

  “I wish! I’ve never even seen him with his shirt off, and that in itself is a tragedy. It’s not like I haven’t offered myself up on a platter, well-seasoned and prepped if you get my meaning. The man must be celibate—though that would be a heinous waste of a good Dom.”


  “Heard it on some documentary about mass murderers.” Rayne handed Skye the contract. “Of course I’ll sign it. Do you want me to do it now or is there a formal thing going on?”

  “Oh, I don’t know. Luke didn’t say. I suppose he might want you to sign it at the same time as Tor. I’ll have to let you know.”

  “I need to get going,” Rayne said, scrambling from the chair. “Angels and devils wait for no man—and my sweetmeats will be in Tor’s stew pot if I’m late.”

  “God forbid. I should get back too. I imagine Luke thinks I’m snuggled up in bed, not down here with you.”

  “If he catches you, then my balls won’t be the only ones in danger.”

  “Thanks, Rayne. For being here, I mean.”

  “Anytime, gorgeous. Now go back to bed or Luke won’t be using his tie to keep you there. It’ll be something metal with a big padlock.”

  “On the odd occasion, Rayne, you actually say something intelligent.”

  “Sir!” Skye and Rayne spoke at the same time. Luke stood in the doorway, holding two steaming mugs.

  “Sorry, Skye. Friendship only goes so far, even if you are my bestie. You’re on your own.” Rayne scuttled toward the door, edging past Luke with a sheepish grin.

  Skye didn’t know whether to stay put or get to his knees. He met Luke’s steady gaze.

  “How are you feeling?”

  “Good, thank you, Sir. A little tired.”

  “I brought some hot chocolate.”

  “How did you know I was here, Sir?”

  “Goran came to find me. He told me he had to stop you from going outside in the cold.” Luke came over and sat in Rayne’s recently vacated chair. “You don’t need my permission to leave your room, Skye, but I would prefer you didn’t venture into the grounds when it’s sub-zero and dark. Not until I’m happy you’re recovered at least.”

  “I’m sorry, Sir. I was so excited about the contract and I couldn’t wait to tell Rayne all about it.” Skye hated the thought that he’d done something to upset Luke. “He says he’ll be my witness, but I wasn’t sure if he should go ahead and sign or if you wanted him to do it at the same time as Tor.”

  “That’s good news. It would be nice for them to do it together, don’t you think?” There was a hint of mischief in Luke’s eyes, which made Skye snicker.

  “I think you’re a very naughty Dom, Sir. Oh…I didn’t mean to say that out loud!”

  “I can’t imagine why you should think that.” Luke kept a straight face. “Have some hot chocolate.” He handed over the mug and Skye welcomed the distraction, breathing in the sweet scent.

  “Oh, wow, marshmallows!” He poked at the pink blobs floating on the surface of the deep brown liquid.

  “Frank made it and he insisted they were a requirement. I drew the line at whipped cream.”

  “I can think of a few other things to do with that,” Skye whispered. He peeked at Luke from beneath his lashes.

  “A few hours’ rest has done you good, hasn’t it? Or has the fever come back?” Luke made a show of feeling Skye’s forehead.

  “Sorry, Sir. I don’t seem to be able to control my brain to mouth connection this evening.” Skye took a big gulp of chocolate. If he was drinking, he wasn’t speaking and that seemed like a wise move, though Luke was unperturbed, his expression unreadable as usual.

  “I think being ill has thrown you. You’d only just started getting used to your routine then it all went out of the window. Routine is a form of security. Psychological bondage, if you like.”

  Skye thought about that for a moment. “You’re right, Sir. I like to know what I have to do and when. I tend to panic without those boundaries, like I can’t keep my thoughts together. They keep dashing off in different directions and that gives me a headache!” He gripped his mug. “It’s better when I’m with you, Sir.”

  “Because I give you a focus. It’s why you respond so well to chastity—which some submissives hate by the way—because it’s an element of my control you have no choice but to carry with you. Taking your choices away eases your mind.”

  “That’s exactly it, Sir! I wasn’t sure how to express it. The cage…and the collar…they make me feel safe. Like you’re right there with me. I must be some kind of freak. Who enjoys having their bits locked up?”

  “You’re not a freak. You’re unique and I love that about you. I think you’d be surprised about how many subs relish chastity. There’s a very close relationship between pain and pleasure—and the pain doesn’t have to be physical. There’s a certain delicious mental torture to knowing you can’t find release, however much you might want to.”

  Skye blinked. Luke was good at giving him a fresh perspective on submission. He was also turning him on.

  “You’re still learning, still finding your way. It’s my job to guide you toward being the kind of submissive you want to be.”

  They were interrupted by Tor, who entered the room hefting a cloth-covered tray.

  “Sandwiches for supper. Can’t stop, I’m afraid. The guests are heading to the dungeon for dinner and we’re going to be full speed ahead for the next few hours.” He deposited the tray on a nearby table.

  “Go! We’ll bring the tray back to the kitchen once we’re done.” Luke stood to uncover the tray. “This is quite a feast for a quick supper.” Tor had already gone, not waiting to be thanked. Skye had guilt pangs for not being there to help with the dinner. He couldn’t imagine eating anything while his friends were hard at work, but Luke handed him a loaded plate.

  “I know you feel bad about not being downstairs with the others, but I want you to rest until tomorrow. If you get sick again because you go back to work too soon, Tor will have my hide.”

  “I hadn’t thought of it like that.” The sandwiches did look good, and they were Skye’s favorite—brie and cranberry. He should have known that Tor would never settle for plain cheese and pickle. Skye took a bite, then another and before he knew it he was staring at a crumb-strewn plate.

  “There are more,” Luke said. “Or there’s a plate of sliced fruit.”

  “Can I get you anything, Sir?” Skye took another sandwich for himself and some orange segments.

  “Some of those black grapes, please.”

  Skye selected the plumpest grapes from the bunch then handed them to Luke on a small plate. A yawn escaped before he could stop it.

  “I think you need an early night.”

  “Yes, Sir.” Skye nibbled his sandwich. He was almost full, but he managed to finish it. The orange segments proved to be sweet and succulent. “I haven’t done anything useful all day, so I don’t know why I’m so tired.”

  “Your body has been working hard to regain its energy. It will be a few days before you’re back to a hundred percent.”

  “But I can go back to work tomorrow…please, Sir?”

  Luke gave him a stern look. “Yes, providing you eat proper meals, drink plenty of water and rest when you can. I catch you doing anything else and you won’t enjoy your punishment.”
br />   Skye gulped and resolved to be good. He didn’t want to find out what that punishment might be. He rubbed at his eyes.

  “That’s it. Bed.” Luke got to his feet. “I’ll deal with the tray later.”

  Skye wished that being ordered to bed could have happened under sexier circumstances. As it was, all he wanted to do was sleep—but he still wanted to do that with Luke rather than in his own, lonely bedroom.

  When they walked passed the door to the dungeon, raucous laughter and music floated from the stairwell.

  “Sounds like everything’s going well down there,” Luke observed. “No doubt we’ll hear all about it in the morning.” He led the way upstairs to the staff wing, pausing outside his door.

  “Well, good night, Sir.” Skye took a few steps down the corridor.

  “Where do you think you’re going?” Luke’s question stopped Skye in his tracks. “You sleep in my room from now on, where I can keep an eye on you.”

  “I…yes, Sir.” Joy and trepidation made Skye’s heart beat faster.

  “And there’s no need to get anxious. All we’ll be doing tonight is sleeping.”

  Skye couldn’t remember how he’d arrived in Luke’s room the previous evening. He wanted to memorize every second of his first proper night in Luke’s bed. Being sick didn’t count.

  “You’ll find a fresh toothbrush in the cupboard over the sink. You can use my toiletries and we’ll move your things in here tomorrow. Go and do what you need to in the bathroom while I sort out a few things downstairs. I’ll be back by the time you’re done.”

  Having had a shower earlier in the day, Skye just freshened up and cleaned his teeth, listening out for the sound of Luke’s return. When the door clicked, he padded into the bedroom barefoot and wearing just his jeans, arms full of his discarded clothes.

  “Just put them on the chair for now. We’ll sort out wardrobe and drawer space tomorrow.” Luke stood at the foot of the bed, collar in his hand. “This has been off your neck for quite long enough. From now on, you don’t take it off without my permission. The one exception is if I’m not with you and you want to take a shower or go for a swim. The leather won’t do well in the water, so you can take it off yourself then, but only if I’m not around to do it for you.”

  Skye sighed as the collar closed around his neck and something inside him settled into place.

  “Take the rest of your clothes off and kneel on the bed.” Luke fetched something from the dresser that glinted when the light hit it. Skye sucked in a breath and worried that expressing an appreciation of chastity may have been short-sighted. He stripped then clambered onto the bed facing Luke.

  “Knees apart, hands behind your back, keep your eyes on mine.”

  Skye had no idea how Luke planned to fit the chastity cage when Skye’s cock was ramrod stiff, but he did as he was told, a little embarrassed at how exposed the position made him. Luke placed the chastity device on the bed before squeezing a dollop of lube onto his hand. He rubbed his palms together until they glistened then reached for Skye’s erection

  Breathing was no longer possible. With Luke’s fingers wrapped around his cock, Skye lost the capacity for speech or thought because there was no room in his brain for anything but sensation.

  “You don’t come until I say you can,” Luke said. Skye squeezed his eyes shut, keeping as still as he possibly could. “Open your eyes, Skye. I want you to look at me.”

  Skye’s breath stuttered, but he met Luke’s gaze. He couldn’t stop the strangled moan that resulted when Luke moved his hand. A series of slow, steady pulls had Skye begging for release in seconds.

  “Sir! I have to. I can’t stop it. Please…”

  Luke still his hand for a few moments before starting the motion again. He cupped Skye’s balls in his free hand, stroking and squeezing them in time as he jacked Skye’s rigid shaft. Skye panted. He sobbed his frustration, hot tears rolling down his cheeks.

  “Your cock and your orgasms belong to me now,” Luke growled. “Remember that.”

  “Yes, Sir!”

  Luke slid one slick finger toward Skye’s hole. “Come.” He snapped the order as he rubbed his fingertip across the sensitive skin. Skye jerked, his orgasm rolling through him with an intensity that made him cry out. Sheer force of will kept his hands behind his back as he came into Luke’s palm. He watched, shuddering, as Luke licked some of the seed from his fingers. “You taste good.”

  “I…” Skye had no idea what to say to that.

  “Stay exactly as you are.” Luke went into the bathroom for a few moments. Skye took some deep trembling breaths. He gripped his left wrist with his right hand, fingers digging in hard enough that he guessed he might have bruises in the morning. The slight pain helped clear his head.

  Luke returned with a washcloth. He made sure Skye was clean and dry in a way that made Skye’s cheeks burn. It was such personal attention and Skye was not accustomed to another man having unfettered access to the most sensitive parts of his body.

  “You shouldn’t be embarrassed,” Luke said as he re-fitted the cock cage. “You’re mine. Every part of you.”

  “I know. It’s all so new, Sir. I’m being stupid.”

  “No, you’re not.” Luke stroked his cheek. “I should be more aware of your inexperience. I forget sometimes… You addle my brain.” He locked the cock cage. “There. Now you can’t escape me. I’m around your neck. I’m holding your cock. I’m with you always, Skye.”

  “Thank you, Sir.” Skye couldn’t say anything else because Luke pressed his lips to Skye’s. The kiss was thorough, possessive. It left Skye in no doubt as to who was in charge, who had control. His mind eased and all the icy slivers of worry that remained melted away.

  Chapter Twelve

  Skye sat bolt upright, groping for his alarm clock, but his bedside table had disappeared in the night. There was a crack of light seeping from beneath the bathroom door—which had moved from where it was supposed to be. It took a few seconds of mild panic before realization dawned.

  “Luke’s room. I’m in Luke’s bed.” Skye touched the collar around his throat for reassurance. “Oh my God, I’m in Luke’s bed!” The bathroom door swung open and Luke appeared, framed by the light.

  “Good morning, Skye. I’m sorry if I woke you. I’m just getting ready to go out for a run, but it’s still early. You should go back to sleep.”

  “What time is it?” Luke’s running gear was very fitted and Skye needed a distraction as his cock tried to plump in its cage.

  “Just after five. I usually go out about now, run for forty-five minutes or so and come in for a shower before breakfast. I should have warned you I was an early riser.”

  “That sounds very…energetic, Sir.” Skye yawned. Rain pattered against the window panes and he didn’t envy Luke his trip into a wet, cold predawn morning. “You’re going to get soaked.”

  Luke chuckled. “Running is not for everyone, but I enjoy it. It gives me a bit of thinking time before the chaos of the day and I’m not afraid of a bit of mud and water.” Skye didn’t think Luke was afraid of anything. He watched while Luke laced his running shoes. “What kind of exercise do you enjoy? You can always use the pool when it’s not full of guests.”

  “I don’t swim, Sir.” In his drowsy state, Skye almost gave Luke a detailed explanation of that statement but clamped his mouth shut at the last minute. The knowing look in Luke’s eyes told him that he wouldn’t be able to remain silent on the subject forever but for now, he was getting a free pass because Luke moved to the door.

  “I’ll see you at breakfast. Get some more rest.”

  He left and Skye flopped onto his back for a luxurious stretch. He felt much better. He was still a little tired, but the headache had gone and there was no trace of nausea. There was no way he was ever going to get back to sleep, so he headed into the bathroom for a hot shower.

  Washed, brushed and dressed Skye made his way to the kitchen just before six o’clock. The next hour passed in a blur a
s he caught up with his friends, reassuring them that he was better and brushing off their requests for him to sit down and take a break. Luke returned, flushed and damp-haired from the shower, and took his seat at the head of the table. Every now and again his penetrating gaze would reach Skye, sending pleasurable shivers down his spine.

  “I hope you had a good run, Sir.” Skye spoke in a brief moment of calm.

  “You’re completely mad going out in this weather,” Tor observed. “Give me a nice dry gym any day.”

  “Each to his own,” Luke replied. “It was refreshing, thank you, Skye. You’d be welcome to come with me on another day.”

  “That’s kind of you, Sir.” Skye scrambled for an excuse not to accept the offer. “But I think I’d slow you down too much.”

  “Nice save, Skye.” Tor grinned.

  Once the meal was over and the dishes cleared away, Luke asked Rayne and Tor to stay behind. He placed a fresh copy of the contract on the table.

  “Skye and I would like you both to act as our witnesses. Now seems to be as good a time as any.” He laid a silver fountain pen on the table before pulling Skye onto his lap.

  “No doubts or reservations from either of you?” Tor asked.

  Skye shook his head, trying not to bounce with excitement.

  “None.” Luke wrapped both his arms around Skye’s waist. Tor signed the papers then pushed them across to Rayne.

  “Aw, you two are so cute together I can’t bear it.” Rayne scrawled his signature without hesitation. “There, now you’re official. Congratulations!”

  Tor leaned across the table to shake Luke’s hand. He gave Skye a wink. “For once, I’m in agreement with the imp. Congratulations to both of you and good luck, because now the hard work begins.”

  Skye snuggled against Luke’s chest. He wasn’t afraid of hard work and he was prepared to do whatever he had to, to make a go of things.

  “Thank you both,” Luke said with a rare smile. “We have a business to run and guests to please.” He lifted Skye from his lap and gave him a gentle kiss. “When you’re done with the guests’ breakfast I want you to take a rest for a while, even if you just sit in the snug with a book for an hour.”


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