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The Young Miner; Or, Tom Nelson in California

Page 26

by Jr. Horatio Alger



  If Whiteface was missed at her old home, she was scarcely lessappreciated by her new possessor. On the very morning succeeding the daywhen Tom's remittance was received the squire remarked to his headworkman, "Whiteface is an excellent cow, Abner."

  "Yes, squire, I calculate she's the best you've got."

  "I don't know but she is, Abner," said the squire, complacently. "Iconsider her worth at least fifty dollars."

  "So she is, every cent of it."

  "And she cost me only thirty," thought Squire Hudson, with a smile ofcontent.

  He was a rich man, and abundantly able to pay his poor neighbor the fullvalue of the cow; but somehow it never occurred to him to do it. He wasnot above taking an unfair advantage of a man who was unluckily in hispower. Of course the squire knew that Farmer Nelson had a right toredeem the cow at the price agreed upon with interest; but he feltpretty safe on this point. The farmer was not very likely to have thirtydollars to spare, and as for a remittance from Tom the squire was prettysure none would be received.

  "It'll be all the boy can do to take care of himself out there," hereflected, "let alone sending money home. He may send ten dollars or sosome time; but it's very doubtful, very doubtful!"

  Squire Hudson turned to go back to the house when he saw the man of whomhe had been thinking coming up the road. He stopped short, thinking thefarmer might wish to speak to him.

  "Good-morning, Mr. Nelson," he said, pleasantly, for he was ingood-humor.

  "Good-morning, squire."

  "Your Whiteface has got to feel quite at home in my barn-yard."

  "She is a good cow, Squire Hudson."

  "Yes, tolerable, tolerable."

  "She is worth more than the thirty dollars for which you took her."

  "Well, I don't know about that. Cows are pretty cheap nowadays."

  "I see how it is," thought the squire. "Nelson wants me to allow himmore for the cow; but a bargain is a bargain, and I shan't do it."

  "I always valued her at a considerably higher price."

  "No doubt, no doubt. You raised her yourself, didn't you?"


  "That makes a difference, of course. You attach a sentimental value toher; but that doesn't affect her real value. I really can't allow youany more for her."

  "I don't want you to, Squire Hudson."

  The squire looked astonished.

  "What is the man driving at?" he thought.

  "She may not be worth any more to you, and so you won't mind my takingher back."

  "Taking her back!" ejaculated the squire.

  "Certainly; it was agreed that I could redeem her at any time, by payingyou the thirty dollars and interest."

  "Not after two months," said the squire, hastily.

  "It is not two months. It was only six weeks yesterday. The fact is,squire, I've come for Whiteface, and I've got the money for you."

  "Have you heard from Tom?" asked the squire, with a blank look ofdisappointment.

  "Yes; I heard from him yesterday."

  "And he sent you some money?"

  "Yes; he reports that he is doing well."

  "Did he send you thirty dollars?"

  "Rather more than that," said Mark Nelson, not caring to gratify thecuriosity of his creditor.

  "I think you had better keep your money, and leave Whiteface with me,"said Squire Hudson, after a pause.

  "I would rather not, squire. The fact is, Whiteface is a sort of pet athome, and we all want her back."

  Squire Hudson was disconcerted. He had not expected that Mr. Nelsonwould be able to redeem the cow, and he was reluctant to give her up.But there was no excuse for retaining her. His agreement stood in theway.

  "Neighbor Nelson," he said, after a pause, "I don't mind giving you fivedollars over and above what you owe me for Whiteface. Come, that's agood offer."

  Mark Nelson shook his head.

  "She's worth more than that," he said. "But that's neither here northere. I raised the animal, and it was sorely against my will that Iparted with her six weeks ago. Now that I have the money to pay you Iwant her back."

  "I think you are standing in your own light, Mr. Nelson," said thesquire. "I have taken a fancy to the cow, and am willing to pay more forher than she is worth. I will say ten dollars."

  Mark Nelson shook his head.

  "I'd rather have Whiteface than the money," he said.

  "If she comes into my possession again," said Squire Hudson, "I shallnot be willing to grant you the privilege of redeeming her. It won't bemany months before another payment becomes due."

  "I hope to be ready to meet it, squire," said the farmer, not appearingat all anxious.

  "He seems very independent," thought the squire, watching, moodily, thecow driven away by her former owner. "He may sing another tune oninterest day. I wonder how much the boy sent home."

  Had he known that Mr. Nelson had in his pocket enough money to pay thewhole of the next accruing interest, he would have felt more doubtfulabout recovering the cow which he now coveted more than ever.

  "Well, Abner, I've lost her," said the squire, hurrying to hisassistant; "but she'll be back here some day, mark my words!"

  "I thought you bought her, squire," said Abner, in surprise.

  "Well, not exactly. I took her for a debt; but Nelson had the right ofredeeming her, and he has done it. His boy sent him the money."

  "That Tom Nelson is a smart boy," said Abner, who, though in thesquire's employ, was friendly to our hero.

  "Well, so-so," remarked the squire, indifferently. "I helped him to goto California; but I am not sure whether it was a wise step. I let myfeelings get the better of my judgment."

  "Then it is the first time," was Abner's unspoken comment.

  "It may turn out for the best," he said aloud.

  "I doubt if I shall ever see my money again," said the squire; but hedid not seem to take it to heart, judging from his manner and tone.

  "Didn't you have security for the loan?" asked Abner.

  "Well, ye-es," answered the squire, slowly; "but not very good. The farmwas already mortgaged for its full value."

  "The squire is getting benevolent," thought Abner, "or he wants me tothink so; but I'm inclined to think he has some object under it all.What is it?"

  A few weeks later Farmer Nelson's heart was gladdened by the receipt ofanother remittance this time sent by John Miles, out of the profit ofthe business in which Tom was his partner. The amount this time wasseventy-five dollars. It made him feel quite rich.

  "Mary," he said, "we all need some new clothes, and I propose to usethis money for that purpose. Now I want you to consider how we can spendit to the best advantage. To begin with, you must buy a new dress. Youhave long needed one."

  Mrs. Nelson demurred a little, but was forced to admit that the dresswas needed. So the purchases were made at once. It is wonderful how farseventy-five dollars will go in an economical family of plain tastes. Itwas soon apparent to the neighbors that the Nelsons were exhibitingsigns of prosperity.

  "It must be Tom," they decided.

  Efforts were made to ascertain just how much our hero had sent home; buton this point the Nelsons would not speak definitely. They reported ingeneral terms that Tom was doing well.

  Of course Squire Hudson was not ignorant of the apparent improvement inthe fortunes of his debtor. Strange to say, he seemed rather annoyed. Hewas pleased, however, by the outlay for dress.

  "They're getting extravagant, Abner," he said, cheerfully. "I thoughtMark Nelson was a man of more sense. Because his son has sent home alittle money, he must rig out the whole family in new clothes. 'A fooland his money are soon parted.'"

  "Mark Nelson is no fool," said Abner, stoutly.

  "He is in this instance," said the squire, sharply. "However, I don'tobject to it, if he likes to violate the rules of prudence. It strikesme, however, that it would be well for him to pay up the money Iadvanced for T
om's expenses, before buying new clothes wholesale."

  Abner repeated this to Mr. Nelson.

  The farmer answered quietly, "The squire is not wholly wrong. It is gooddoctrine to pay your debts before you spend money for what you don'tneed. In this case, however, we did need the clothes we bought. Now thatwe are provided, I hope, before very long, if Tom is prospered, to payback the two hundred dollars the squire advanced for him."

  "I hope you will, I'm sure," said Abner. "That's a smart boy of yours,and I always said so."

  "He is a good boy, and I am sure he will do what is right."

  "He's a blamed sight better than the squire's boy. Sinclair is astuck-up jackanapes, and it would do me good to kick him."

  "It might not do him any good."

  "I am not sure about that; I think he needs it."


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