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Taken as Theirs

Page 5

by Kryssie Fortune

  By now, wearing anything was a treat. She pulled on the oversized t-shirt Eli passed her and let Dane fasten a belt around her waist. It wrapped around her tiny frame twice and still hung loose when he fastened the buckle.

  These two were warm, sexy, and caring, and she wanted to stay cuddled up with them forever. Ignoring the residual heat from her spanking, she settled on Eli’s knee, and let Dane take one of her hands.

  A young crewman brought a tray of bread and cheese. Best of all, a mug of coffee steamed beside the plate. Cassie’s mouth watered in anticipation.

  The youngster smiled. “Good morning, my lady. I’m Michael. I hope you’re well.”

  Since he must have heard her screams, she dropped her gaze and blushed. “Coffee fixes everything, doesn’t it?”

  Dane and Eli’s possessive growl sent Michael scurrying from the cabin. Cassie savored the coffee more than the food, but she stood up and rubbed her arse as she drank it.

  Eli gave her a grin that turned her heart inside out. “Now, you can tell us what you meant by killer werewolves. Even in our monstrous wolf state, we don’t kill for no reason.”

  Explaining the werewolves’ reputation to, well... werewolves felt weird. “The travelers who passed our homestead said how your sort kill breeders after three babies.”

  Dane raised an eyebrow. “Wolf packs are smarter than that.”

  Eli laughed. “Most packs have at least one breeder left, but we do seek out breeders to bring fresh blood into the gene pool. Sometimes, a woman requests a move to another pack, but that’s rare.”

  “Your travelers,” Dane scoffed, “are either mistaken, troublemakers, or liars.”

  “Maybe,” Cassie sighed. “Or maybe they’re scared to death like the rest of us.”

  Eli draped his arm around her shoulders. “Me and Dane will watch out for you. No need to be scared anymore, princess.”

  Despite the throbbing in her arse, she believed him.

  Dane gave her a stern look. “As long as you don’t do anything stupid, that is.”

  “No more jumping overboard for me,” Cassie promised. Her smile turned mischievous. “But do all werewolf males share double beds?”

  Eli grinned and looped his arm around her waist. “It’s not our bed, princess.”

  Dane smiled as he moved to the other side of her. He didn’t smile often, but boy, when he did, it was like the sun coming out on a stormy day. He draped his arm around her shoulders. “And it’s not our boat. We heard about a breeder for sale and came to claim you for our pack.”

  “The crew usually hunker down on deck,” Eli added. “They reserve this cabin for when they entertain buyers. Judging by the size of the bed, a lot of those buyers are female and willing.”

  The way they started at her—all wolf-y intent and longing—made her innards melt. Dane stoked stray curls back from her cheek. “Getting you away from those undead freaks took a bit of rule-breaking on our part.”

  Eli smiled and pulled her closer. “Finding ways around regulations is what I do best.”

  With a grin that made his scarred cheek pucker, Dane shook his head. “You? Find your way around rules? Ignore them, more like. Me? I like to follow them to the letter.”

  “Yeah, right,” Eli scoffed. “You follow them when it suits you. That’s why we both hated the military.”

  That explained Dane’s short hair and upright bearing. For all his stern demeanor and his rare smiles, he made Cassie’s heart beat like a bass drum. Eli’s flowing locks made him seem more approachable, but his easy charm masked a core of steel.

  Dane seemed more serious, lacking in Eli’s charisma, but she loved his honesty and courage. Then again, Eli was no slouch, and he’d been part of her rescue too. “You served in the military?”

  Dane lifted her chin until her gaze meshed with his. “Most Lycans did before the plagues hit.”

  Beside him, Eli dropped a kiss on her forehead. “Once society crumbled, they made their way back to the packs. After the interspecies war, we signed a treaty overseen by the demons. They ceded the south of England to the Lycans, and our pack, the Dark Moon Prowlers, is based in what used to be Kent.”

  Dane rested his hand on her shoulder as if loath to lose the contact between them. “Other packs rule different counties, but we’re Kentish born and bred.”

  Confident in his good looks and easy charm, Eli flashed her a grin. “Once we enlisted, our Lycan nature helped us make our way through the ranks. Thanks to our inner wolves, we weren’t affected by the plagues. We might be the dominant species, but we help out surviving humans when we can. Our only rule is no killing allowed.”

  Since they were feeling talkative, she ventured another question. “Do packs always have two alphas sharing the job?”

  Eli’s smile made her feel as if her blood overheated. Chemistry sizzled between them as she rested her head on his shoulder. The way Dane’s hand lingered on her shoulder and Eli’s hand stroked her spine made her feel shuddery inside.

  After he stole a kiss, Eli told her, “It’s unusual to have two alphas in one litter. When it happens, the pack usually splits, but after the plagues, we needed to stick together to survive.”

  Dane stepped back, eyes hard, voice strained. “We decided to rule together. It means we share our responsibilities, our hardships, and even our mate when we find her.”

  * * *

  Dane’s heart ached at the easy way Cassie snuggled up with Eli. He knew people saw him as self-contained and stern—an imperfect version of his brother. Around her, he wanted to walk in the rain or party around bonfires on the beach. His inner wolf howled within him, demanding he claim her now.

  Before the incident in Afghanistan, he’d not had so many hard edges. Now he was diamond sharp—almost brittle—and strangers thought him unfeeling. For Cassie, he wished he was still the brash youth who’d thought he was invincible.

  His scars made him less... everything. Bloody imperfect, inside and out, that’s what the explosion had made him. It hurt that even when he shared his mate with his brother, he’d come a poor second. He’d never hated his scars more.

  Back in Afghanistan, Eli’s highly tuned Lycan hearing had heard the click as the IED triggered. Unthinking, he’d charged toward their fellow soldier, but he was too late to save him. If Dane hadn’t rugby tackled his brother and laid atop him, Eli would have been as dead as the sergeant. Blown apart by the explosion.

  His actions left Dane with nails peppering his back. Shrapnel had ripped lumps from his cheek. Surrounded by too many humans to change form, he’d held back his monstrous wolf by sheer force of will. By the time it was safe to shift, his paranormal healing had already kicked in.

  The debacle left him with a mutilated cheek and the sympathy of his Special Forces’ teammates. He’d served out his enlistment, but he’d tried to pretend everything was okay. He’d known it wasn’t. Every time he looked in the mirror, he froze a little more inside. His psyche was more scarred than his cheek.

  Did he wish he still had his looks? You bet, especially when Eli’s perfect face showed him how things used to be. He’d become the strong silent one, the perfect counterbalance to Eli’s easygoing ways. Then again, a few scars were nothing if the alternative was losing his much-loved brother.

  Eli was the ruthless one, but he wore his charm like a mask. Dane was a scarred wreck, a monster who never felt warm inside—unless he had Cassie in his arms. Around her, he felt invincible and whole.

  When Eli lifted Cassie onto his brother’s lap, Dane buried his face in her neck. Her cotton-candy sweet pheromones soothed him. This woman completed him and filled his heart. His monstrous wolf clawed at his chest, desperate to sink its fangs in her neck and make her his. Even in human form, Dane wanted to hold her close and shout, Mine.

  Rather than dwell on his misery, he gave one of her curls a tug. “I love your sassy hairstyle.”

  Eli grinned as he took her hand. “Me too. So, as the alpha’s sons, we act as troubleshooters for the
Dark Moon Prowlers. When Dad retires, we’ll run the pack together, but for now we’re content to be the best brewers in England. Our ales are famous in all three territories.”

  Puzzled, Cassie tipped her head to one side. “So how did you go from soldiers to brewers?”

  Eli took her hand. “We started experimenting with homebrew whenever we returned to our Hereford base. Our beer was so popular, we set up a microbrewery. Whenever we were on missions, one of our brothers stepped in and managed it for us.”

  Dane stared at the place where her neck and her shoulder joined, mouth watering. Gods, I’d give anything to bite her. Pulling back set his monstrous wolf pacing inside him. “We earned enough for the down payment on a brewery.”

  “After the plagues,” Eli added, “we planted three more hop fields. Any humans that survived are under our protection, and we make sure they don’t go hungry.”

  Cassie considered their words. “I like how you’ve built a business from scratch and kept it running while the world fell apart. From what you’ve said, I already feel I can make my home with the Dark Moon Prowlers. Thank you for rescuing me.”

  Eli shoved his curls back from his face. “Once the brewery took off, one of the packs salvaged a sailing barge. Thanks to them and the crew, we supply most coastal settlements now. Dane, my turn to hold our little blonde beauty.”

  Reluctantly, Dane slid her onto his brother’s knee. The little human got under his skin and made him smile. Around her, his cares didn’t weigh so heavily on him. He stiffened and winced when she ran her fingers over his scars.

  Keeping her touch light, she told him, “These don’t bother me, you know. Back at Scarborough Castle, you covered them with your hand, but you don’t ever need to do that around me. I like how they give your face character and show your courage, but you shouldn’t let them define you.”

  Her gentle touch thrilled him while her words stunned him, healed him, and comforted him. For the first time since he looked in a mirror and saw his ruined face, he felt joyful inside. His monstrous wolf wanted to strip her naked and claim her. He hated that pack politics built a temporary wall between them. Taking her hand, he kissed her fingers and gave her a smile so dazzling she squirmed on his brother’s lap. Her inner beauty stunned him, but he continued the explanation. “The crew let us hitch a ride when they heard the vampires intended to auction a breeder.”

  “Women like you,” Eli smiled, all horny wolf, “are rare treasures. I can’t believe how badly those bloodsuckers abused you.”

  * * *

  Again, Cassie wished she was more than a walking womb. Settling into Eli’s embrace, she thought a moment. “If I’m not for sale, how do you decide who breeds me?”

  “It’s the lady’s choice,” Dane told her.

  “Take your time and meet all the unmated males in the pack,” Eli smiled with mock arrogance, “then, choose us.”

  That smile and those words turned her into an instant werewolf junkie.

  Cassie loved how her Lycan rescuers never left her side. The constant touches and stolen kisses had her head whirling. It seemed the most natural thing in the world when that night, they slipped into bed beside her. She lay awake, wondering what Dane and Eli would do next. She wanted to punch them when their breathing slipped into an even rhythm and they slept.

  The next day a storm blew up and they weighed anchor in a sheltered bay. Neither of her rescuers minded, seeming happy to stay with her in the cabin. When she pulled on a clean t-shirt, Dane grinned. “I prefer you naked. You have a beautiful body with curves that make my mouth water.”

  “One day soon,” Eli added, “we’re going to suck your beautiful nipples until they pearl.”

  Her cheeks heated, part from pleasure, part from embarrassment. If she’d been braver, she’d have hugged them and said, Yes, please.

  They spent the day touching and stroking her, always leaving her wanting more. That night, when the three of them tumbled into bed, she seethed with need. Her Lycans leaned in and kissed her goodnight, then went to straight to sleep.

  Sexual tension kept her awake for hours.

  Chapter Eight

  The crew hadn’t had chance to replenish supplies when they fled Scarborough. After checking the provisions, they sailed along the coast to Cromer. Before the plagues, the town would have bustled with life. Now, everyone was too busy surviving to have time for trips to the seaside.

  Cassie looked longingly at the distant harbor. Eli pulled her into his arms and dropped a brief kiss on her forehead. “Sorry, princess, but we have some errands to run in town. Think about us loving you and making you come when we get back.”

  Dane held her next, all stern lips and bulging muscle. “Stay inside and stay safe. We’ll miss you, but we’ll not get your curves or your sweet, slutty nature out of our thoughts while we’re gone.”

  To Cassie, staying on board felt more like punishment than protection. “It’s forever since I’ve went somewhere new, Scarborough Castle excepted—but that wasn’t by choice.”

  Staying in stern alpha mode, Dane frowned. “It’s not safe, little human.”

  Cassie settled with a well-thumbed copy of Moby Dick. By now her rescuers had her buzzing with sensual needs. She craved their hands on her body and their lips teasing her nipples. In a perfect world, they’d take her to bed and love her so hard they didn’t get up for days.

  As she read, her hand crept up her thigh and she fingered her clit. Since no one could see, she put down the book and rubbed harder. It didn’t ease the need burning inside her. Lying on the window seat, she pulled her borrowed t-shirt up to her waist. The cool air on her clit made her hungry for hot, sweaty sex. She swore her Lycans were born to frustrate her.

  The more she rubbed her pussy, the more the pressure in her belly grew. Her clit felt bigger between her fingers, more sensitive to her touch. Her needs spiraled out of control. A shiver ran through her, making her muscles tremble and her stomach twitch. Throwing back her head, she orgasmed hard and fast.

  Once she caught her breath, she opened a small window, trying to get the musky smell of sex out of the room. She spotted Michael rowing back to the barge and cleaned up quickly. Curious, she went into the galley to greet him.

  “Miss Cassie, Dane and Eli said it was safe for you to come ashore as long as we stay out of town. We could take a picnic if you like.”

  Cassie packed some lunch in a rucksack and let Michael row her ashore. Once on dry land, he tried to link his fingers through hers, but she upped the pace and jerked her hand away. They stopped on a promontory for her to enjoy the breathtaking sea views. “Let’s have our picnic up here on the clifftop where we can see for miles.”

  Eager to please, Michael found a grassy spot on the edge of a promontory. Below them, their barge bobbed like a toy in the ocean. The walk had given them an appetite, and they devoured their sandwiches in minutes. Again, Michael tried to take her hand.

  Annoyed by his presumption, she moved away. “Tell me about Lycans. Can they turn into ordinary wolves too? And why do you think the plagues didn’t affect them? If I have children with one, will they be immune too?”

  He thought a moment. “We’re part human, part were, no ordinary wolf in the mix, but we do have a pack mentality. Our monstrous wolves can fight off most anything, even infection.”

  Shamelessly, she pumped him for information. “And what about our youngsters? Did they get sick too?”

  Michael shook his head. “We don’t become immortal until our mid-twenties, but even the half-human kids rarely get sick. They have superfast metabolisms, you see. If they’re ill they simply shift forms and heal instantly. Dane couldn’t shift after the bomb wrecked his face, which is why he has those hideous scars. I’m surprised you can stand being around a disfigured wolf like him.”

  Cassie leaped to her feet. “That’s a terrible thing to say. I won’t sit here and let you badmouth him when he saved Eli’s life. His scars are marks of courage.”

  Michael backed do
wn immediately. “I didn’t mean any offense, but it’s rare to see a werewolf with a flawed human form. For your sake, I’m glad his scars don’t bother you.”

  She tossed the picnic scraps into the bushes for the wildlife to feast on later. “Enough. I won’t hear anymore.”

  “Then ask me something else,” Michael begged. “I won’t mention your boyfriends again.”

  Thinking fast, Cassie asked, “Do werewolves ever mate humans? Or is that werewolf on werewolf thing?”

  Michael blushed and stared out to sea. “Mating is always between werewolves, but not every wolf finds his soulmate.”

  That was so not what she wanted to hear. She’d only known Dane and Eli for a few days, but they sparked something deep and desperate in her soul. Michael’s answer left her feelings in limbo. Wanting both Dane and Eli to love her seemed outrageous and wrong. Slutty even, but the pair of them started wayward desires burning inside her. Around them, her pussy was always aching and damp.

  Suddenly uncomfortable at being alone with Michael, she continued to pack up their picnic. “What time are we expecting Dane and Eli?”

  Michael refused to meet her gaze. “Um, they’re not exactly joining us.”

  Cassie’s jaw dropped. “What do you mean, they won’t exactly be joining us?”

  Michael stared out to sea rather than meet her gaze. Too angry to let him off the hook, Cassie rounded on him like a tigress. “Do they even know we’re here? Did they truly say it was safe for me to come ashore?”

  Michael blushed and shuffled his feet. “They said Cromer’s vampire contingent didn’t know their arse from their elbow. I guess that means it’s safe. I wanted a chance to convince you that I’ll make a good daddy for your babies.”

  “Dream on,” she snapped as she rammed the rest of their things into their rucksack. “First you lie to me, then you insult one of my rescuers. On top of all that, you don’t even check it’s safe for a breeder like me to come ashore. Damn it, Michael, how could you?”

  As she stormed back to the path, Michael walked behind, kicking at pebbles like a schoolboy forbidden a treat. When Cassie looked over her shoulder, her cheeks paled and her knees turned to rubber. A troop of vampires marched toward them, their breastplates shining in the sun. If they got too close, they’d scent her hormones and know she was a breeder.


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