His Kingdom (Mafia Made Book 1)

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His Kingdom (Mafia Made Book 1) Page 9

by KL Donn

  I don’t know how it transpired, but Taylor’s shirt is in my grip, and he’s being slammed against the wall, resulting in a bloody nose.

  “Let him go, Morello, or you don’t get to leave,” one of the other cops says.

  “You fucking ignored her. You knew what was happening, and you let it continue.” I’m animalistic as I speak. “I hope you get the same treatment as what Lackey did.” And I’ll fucking make sure of it.


  I’m numb as Anatonia and Domino guide me down from the podium. They were supposed to stand behind me and the Morello’s beside me, but when it became clear that I needed support staying on my feet, we changed things around.

  In twenty-four hours, a lot has changed. The most startling is my ability to speak in front of a large audience and Domino quitting the force after Natale’s arrest. The discoveries this morning only came about due to Domino, and, for that, I’m grateful because the Morello’s and their lawyer were able to put together a press conference that I insisted on speaking at.

  Everything occurring now is because of me, so I had to be the one to fix it. I don’t know how Natale will react once he finds out, but I know that the information about Taylor being the one to turn me away all those years ago will send him into a blind rage. I can only hope the officer will have been arrested by the time Natale discovers the deception.

  Blinding lights flash as I’m escorted off stage, and journalists keep asking me more questions. Thankfully, Domino and Anatonia are able to keep everyone at bay. I don’t have any answers to their questions. They got all they were going to from me.

  “Don’t make eye contact; keep your head down,” Anatonia directs. The Morello’s are right behind us as we make our way to the car.

  Screeching tires halt our progress, and the frenzy picks up even more. I don’t understand why until Natale is charging forward, pushing anyone who gets in his way to the side. His destination? Me.

  Cameras continue flashing as he reaches me, dragging me into his arms, not allowing me a second to process his presence. Natale then captures my lips in a kiss meant to be displayed as a claiming. He’s showing the world that even a broken girl like me gets her happily ever after.

  Even if we don’t foresee how devastated we’re about to become.

  Chapter 13


  I was filled with nightmares for so many years that it was shocking when I finally had a daydream in the middle of class. My blush remained with me all day. When Natale confronted me about it, we spent the entire evening making love, talking, cuddling.

  It was such a weird occurrence, a happy, ordinary activity, that I’ve been waiting for the other shoe to drop for days. I’m jumpy, nervous, and when Anatonia is called out of my art class, the small nest of butterflies in my stomach explodes.

  Everything about today feels wrong.

  The sound of the fire alarm ringing only confirms my suspicions as we’re ushered out of the room and down the back hallway. I try to look for Anatonia, but I don’t see her anywhere. Natale is nowhere to be found either.

  Pulling my phone free of my jeans pocket, I send him a quick text, so he knows where I’ll be and that Ana isn’t with me. I know once he sees that, he’ll come running, and I can stop feeling like the world is about to end. At least, my world.

  It’s brisk outside, and even though I’m wearing a sweater, the chill penetrates, and I pull the hood up over my head as we follow the teacher to the field on the side of the school.

  Checking my phone, I don’t see a response, so I send a text to Ana. I know neither is going to like that I didn’t stay in the classroom, but the teacher was adamant we all leave. Slipping the phone back in my pocket, I cross my arms, brushing them up and down to warm up.

  The foreboding in my belly only intensifies when I feel someone’s hand on my shoulder and a sharp edge in my side.

  “One word, and I’ll kill you,” the voice threatens, his thick Russian accent more terrifying than the weapon he’s holding.

  “Please don’t do this,” I plead, already knowing it’s useless. I don’t know who they are or what they want, but I’m the sacrifice.

  With so much chaos surrounding us, he’s easily able to lead me towards the black SUV at the curb. It’s not until someone else opens the door and tries to force me in that my fight or flight response kicks in.

  But it’s too late.

  A rough hand grips the back of my skull and bounces it off the glass before shoving me inside. As the door closes, I catch a small glimpse of Natale, Ana, and a few teachers racing towards me. It won’t matter, though. The vehicle takes off, and as I lay on the floor, head spinning, I know that the merest sliver of happiness I’ve experienced is all I’ll ever know.


  “What the fuck are you saying, Anatonia?” I bellow, unable to control the rage coursing through me. If Igor Medvedev is here, intent on harming us—me, specifically—he’s going to go after Posy.

  “Dimitri Petrov has surveilled their movements for years. Igor is in the country, but he can’t find him after the airport.” I can see a similar anger bubbling up inside of her. “He used a false name to get in, that’s why we didn’t catch it sooner.”

  Before I can respond, the fire alarm is ringing, and immediately, I know it’s not legitimate. Igor is here, and he’s come for Posy.

  “Find her,” I demand as we both rush towards the art room. I may not remember much about Igor because it’s been years since he’s been a concern, but I know he’s every bit as ruthless as his brother Ivan. The man who organized the hit on my mother and nearly killed me all those years ago.

  Ivan is the man I killed in vengeance, and now his brother thinks he can exact his own. Not over my dead fucking body.

  My phone’s vibration has me stopping to read a text from Posy, telling me where she is and that she isn’t sure where Ana is. “I’ve got her!” I yell to Anatonia.

  Bursting out the back doors, I see her art teacher in the field and immediately begin searching for her. Deep in my gut, I know she isn’t there.

  Frantically, I scan the crowds, and it isn’t until I barely discern the sound of a faint cry that I look towards the street and see someone forcing Posy into a large SUV.

  “Tesoro!” I scream, rushing towards her, already knowing I’ll be too late. “Fuck!” I won’t catch up. Not by foot. Spinning, I nearly run into Anatonia, who is already on the phone as I sprint to my car.

  Both of us hop in and race after the vehicle, but I fear we won’t catch up. It won’t stop me from trying, though.

  “Her phone has a tracker,” Ana says, and it takes a minute to register what that implies. “Did you hear me?” Blinking, I briefly nod. Relief floods my system, but I don’t stop speeding after her kidnappers. “Go to the house.”

  “What?” Is she fucking crazy?

  “We need to be prepared. They’ll have weapons. It’ll be an ambush.” I can hear the disgust in her tone, knowing she and Posy have grown close these past couple of weeks.

  “Your uncle did this, didn’t he?” She doesn’t answer, but her granite jaw says it all. The man holds a hatred towards Anatonia’s parents that led her to my family.

  After discovering it was her uncle’s men who ordered the hit on our family because her father was Papà’s second in command, she’s pledged her loyalty to us. Not only because of our fathers' close ties but because of what her uncle and his goons did to her mother. Something she’s never spoken about, but I know it’s affected everything she does.

  “We will kill Igor, and I will return to Russia and finish this once and for all.” I want to protest, tell her she shouldn’t leave. She’s an asset to our family, but it has to be done, and she’s the best person for it.

  Skidding to a stop outside the house, my parents, Domino, and a whole team of employed security are waiting for us.

  Allowing Anatonia to explain what’s happened, I rush to the basement that houses our weapons locker. Grabbing a Kevlar ves
t and a few close combat weapons, I strap everything on before zeroing in on my gun of choice. The double-barrel pistol is heavy, intrusive, and a thing of fucking beauty. The smooth marble grip slides effortlessly into my palm, and as I’m holstering it, Domino joins me in the room.

  “You should stay here. You’re too emotionally invested.” His gaze is guarded, already knowing I’m going to be pissed at his suggestion.

  “They took my fucking girl, Dom. I’m not staying anywhere but at her fucking side.” I’ll never leave her fucking alone again. Every time I do, some terrible shit happens.

  “The police will be here soon,” Papà interrupts. “You, Dom, and Ana will go. Bring her home. Mamma and I will answer questions and point them towards the father.” The way he says the last word, like he’s cursing the devil himself, injects everything he feels about the man who shares the same role as he does.

  “Thanks, Papà.” Hugging the man who gave me life, taught me everything I know about protecting women, specifically the woman I’m meant to cherish, I follow Domino out to a waiting car. Ana is in the driver’s seat.

  “They’re at the hotel on Everly Crescent. Leading out to the airport,” she says before flooring it.

  Closing my eyes, I try to center myself. To harness the emotions I’m feeling and not allow them to control my decisions.

  I’m coming, tesoro.


  By their relaxed manner, I can tell these men have no idea that Natale saw them take me. If they did, we wouldn’t be in some dumpy hotel room waiting on a phone call. I suspect it’s the one to tell them whether they get to kill me or not.

  The big guy with the scar running down his cheek to his neck terrifies me. He watches everything I do. Every breath I take. With every uncomfortable movement of my body, I know he’s ready to pull out the large knife I saw on the inside of his coat and slice my throat.

  I can sense Natale is on his way. With every fiber of my being, I know that he will come for me. I just don’t know when or how he’ll know where we are. And unfortunately, I don’t think I have the time it will take for him to get here.

  If I want to survive, I’m going to have to be my own hero. Something I’ve failed at my entire life. I couldn’t save myself from my mother’s addiction, my father’s temper, or Brian’s sick admiration.


  I’ve failed at every turn.

  But I have to try.

  “What do you want with me?” With each word, my head pounds from the knock I took.

  “To use you,” Scarface answers.

  That sounds ominous. “For what?”

  His head tilts as he contemplates my question. “You have no idea,” he states, his thick accent accentuating his disdain.

  “About what?” I’m trying to stall without angering them.

  “Show her.” He nods at the other man.

  A few keystrokes on a laptop, and the man pulls up newspaper clippings from Italy. “I’m not fluent,” I point out.

  They share a look, and I shrink back as scarface stands and grabs the computer, bringing it over to me.

  “Your boyfriend is going to be the capo of the Morello mafia. We don’t want that to happen.” That explains a lot. I would never have guessed his family was mafia, but they certainly hold the air of that lifestyle.

  “Who is we?” I focus on him instead.

  “The Bratva. The boy killed my brother Ivan; you will be my revenge.” A sick smile flashes on his face.

  “Natale killed the man who tried to kill his mother. The man who nearly killed him.” Of that, I am sure.

  “Nyet!” he screams, and his hand flies out of nowhere, backhanding me so hard, I roll off the bed and hit the floor. “They had to be taught a lesson!” he growls, and I realize I should shut up now.

  Rolling to my back, I try to sit up. Difficult with my hands tied behind my back and my legs duck taped together.

  “Seems like it was you who needed the lesson,” I muster the courage to say and immediately regret it as he throws the laptop at me. Ducking out of the way, it slams into my shoulder instead of my head. Instant agony threatens to make me vomit.

  “You watch your mouth, girl!” I don’t move, barely breathe as he shuffles around the bed and kneels over me. “I could kill you with one hand.” I open my mouth to say something, but his fist slams into my face, and I taste blood. Feel it pooling on my tongue. “But that would make this less fun.”

  Picking me up by my shirt, the man tosses me on the bed. I bounce twice before my body settles, and I try in earnest to scoot away from the hulking man.

  “Ah-ah-ah, come back, little duck.” His voice has softened in pitch but not in anger. He’s pissed, and I know that anything I do will only infuriate him further.

  Where are you, Natale?

  I wish more than anything that I had heeded Natale’s request this week and just stayed home. This whole month, I’ve taken one beating after another, physically and emotionally, but I’ve hoped for normal. To just be. I wish I had listened.

  Scarface grabs my ankles and begins undoing my jeans. In this moment, I know what he plans to do, and I can’t let him. I can’t take it. Not now. Not after the way Natale has made me feel.

  I’d rather die than allow another man to touch me ever again.

  “No!” I scream as loud and long as I can in hopes that someone will hear me. “Help!” I scream again before the other idiot places his hand over my mouth.

  Pulling my legs back, I use all my strength to kick forward at scarface, and at the same time biting down on the hand covering my mouth. Both men curse and fall away from me.

  Stunned, it takes them longer to move again. Meanwhile, I’m rolling off the end of the bed, and for some stupid reason, a useless video I saw once pops into my head about how to break free of tape around the legs.

  Standing, I’m able to drop my weight over my semi-crossed legs, and low and behold, it works! I’m free and running for the door just as it crashes open.


  He came for me.

  The relief of seeing him is so overwhelming, I wilt like a dead flower, and he barely catches me before I hit the floor. Domino and Anatonia clamor into the room, guns raised, ready to shoot on command.

  “Igor.” Ana says his name with so much disgust. “It’s my pleasure to witness your demise. Say hello to Ivan for me.” A soft puff of air leaves her weapon, and I hear a body drop.

  “Tesoro?” Natale’s hands on my body are the only thing I’ll ever need again. His touch. His love. I could live in this moment forever. “Did he hurt you?” What he’s really asking is if I was raped.

  Too dazed to answer him with words, I shake my head, and the relief that enters his gaze warms me.

  “Ready to go home?” I nod before looking back to the other man who took me. Holding my head against his chest, Natale covers my eyes as I hear another faint pop of air and another body drops.

  I should be terrified of the fact that since I’ve known him, he’s killed two men who have hurt me, but I’m not. I should be worried about my state of mind given that he will kill for me again, if necessary, but I can’t. It only makes me love him more.

  I’m not any of those things, though. What I am, is in love with a killer who will do anything for me.

  Maybe I am as depraved as he is.

  Chapter 14


  Three Months Later.

  Court was no less terrifying today as it was last time, only it wasn’t my fate in the hands of the system, it was my father’s.

  For the past three months, he’s been remanded to solitary confinement in prison because of his neglect of me, as well as his abuse of power as an officer of the law. The press conference after Natale’s arrest opened a can of worms the police department wasn’t prepared for.

  After Carlo visited him last month in prison, dear old dad decided to plead guilty to every charge against him. He’s been sentenced to more than twenty years in prison. Carlo refuses to elabora
te, but I have a feeling that Natale knows, and it’s one of those things he protects me from.

  He does that a lot. Protects me. Overwhelmingly so. And I cherish every second of it. Natale is overbearing, persistent, obsessive, and madly in love with me. Because of him, I’ve been able to open up about my past and accept that love isn’t always violent and abusive.

  I’m still broken in some aspects. The nightmares remain. The trauma lives and breathes inside of me like a dragon, waiting to be unleashed. But for now, I am able to walk into a room filled with strangers and not totally panic. Not that Natale allows me to be alone for more than a few seconds.

  He’s made good on his promise. He switched all of his classes to coincide with mine, even if they don’t interest him. And after messing with me the last time, Eric and his friends are pretty scarce around school. I think Domino had something to do with that, but neither he nor Natale will enlighten me. It also helps that Domino is outside every classroom and at our backs at all times.

  Except at night.

  At night, when the house is dark, the night is quiet, and the moonlight shines, Natale is his most possessive. Whether we’re making love or telling each other our secrets or dreams, he holds me like he’s never going to let go. He loves me like it’s our first time, and we can’t get enough of each other.

  With the school year ending in less than a month, Natale is graduating, and after many discussions and what I’m sure was a lot of bribery, we’re moving to Italy, where I’ll finish my senior year online. When the Morello’s moved to America, it was never meant to be permanent. Only until they could be sure that Natale and his father weren’t arrested, and it was safe.

  They have spent the last seven years securing their future in their home country, and now it’s safe to return. Anatonia left for Russia several weeks ago to guarantee the Bratva and her uncle were never a problem for the Morello’s again. After Domino quit the force, Ana spent time training him, ensuring he was the best man to replace her.


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