Book Read Free

Insidious Prophecy

Page 27

by JH Terry

XXVII: A Meeting with the Professor

  Soon Tom reached the Humanities building. On the front sheet he learned that Miss Kingesh had a lecture in room 2-3. Looking at the lecture halls on the level that he was, he saw he was on the first floor.

  “At least I do not have a long way to walk.”

  Tom walked up a staircase to the second floor. Coming into the hallway he saw that Miss Kingesh was just going into her lecture room clothed in a black garment and carrying several books. Just as he was about to call out to her, however, she was already inside the room. He ran over to the room to catch her before the class started, but as he went over he could see that the class had already started.

  “How long should I wait now, an hour or two? Akemi should find out I am gone by then. She would suspect then what I have been doing despite what she told me. I might as well as listen to what she is talking about whether than wait outside.”

  Tom then walked over to a door in the back of the hall. He walked in through the door quietly and inaudibly closed it. However, he saw that the class was relatively small. Tom sat at the back of the room and saw Miss Kingesh giving a lecture on the reason for history as a subject, perhaps the third lecture in a series for this reasoning, with another woman close to her. She spoke with a broken accent of American and British English.

  “If on Earth they had understood the reasoning of the minds of the people of Germany after World War I, then Hitler would have never been named chancellor and later Fuhrer. The people were very ignorant of the history behind such things. This is why history is so beneficial in the lives of many. Why, even our own history is something to be remembered and cherished by all. If we do not we may let the past reek havoc upon the present and future. Look to Earth again with its pollution, and I tell you we are very lucky to have been able to figure out what pollution can do to harm our environment. It has thus provided us with the ability to not let that happen here. Just because one has the technology before them does not mean it is good for the entire ecosystem that we live in. I mean look at Altium with its diverse creatures. What if there were no rigdells, then the plitards would have no food, and then the bacteria in the Sea of Mortis would eventually die of having no organisms to live off of when all the other organisms have died out. Now I ask you, is this good for our environment? No, it is not. You see history is intertwined with several other subjects that we have here in our world. Even though it is not a job I think one should major in alone, it is very useful to understand in order to understand one’s world. This can be broadened further by…”

  Suddenly, another woman tugged at Miss Kingesh’s coat. For a moment Miss Kingesh, her mind entirely dedicated to her speech, pretended to ignore the tug. “This can be broadened further by….” Again the woman tugged at her coat, causing Miss Kingesh to understand that what the woman had to say would not wait.

  “Excuse me for just moment,” said Miss Kingesh to the class. She turned around to the woman and quietly said, “What is the matter, Olta?”

  “In the back, it is the new inspector hired by the faculty. The one meant to inspect your teaching skills.”

  Looking to the back, Ondess saw Tom. “Are you sure? He seems too young.”

  “I am sure, that is why he sneaked in through the back door.”

  “He did?” asked Ondess.

  “Yes, a few minutes after you started with your lecture. That is why you did not notice him. At least the faculty is hiring good looking ones now. The last one looked like a plitard.”

  Ondess began to laugh at the great similarity between a plitard and the last inspector. “It does not matter anyway. I couldn’t dream of being able to have a relationship with a man who even looked like a plitard.”

  “Oh Ondess, you are just too involved in your work. Out to save the great Altium through the hearts of people, when you know as well as I do that it does not always work. One cannot always depend upon people. That is why trust is a very rare attribute, but when found a well-guarded one.”

  “That is true. At least my work does pay off, even though the money is not needed. I guess the real payoff is the change I see in all of these people, to good.”

  “Indeed. Give him the ‘history of Altium’ lecture.”

  With a smile, Ondess said, “Good idea.” She turned around and said, “As I was saying before, this can be broadened further by the creation of the island of Altium four-hundred twenty-nine years ago by a great man by the name of Dena, which he proclaimed to be his Utopia, or perfect world. For one hundred forty-three years, Altium lived in prosperity, until a young man named Unop, gripped by an evil that ensued in his heart since youth, tried to destroy Dena’s Utopia. However, Dena, using the same wizardry to form Altium, was able to propel it through a parallel to another world. He did not survive due to the great expenditure of energy, but Altium did. Dena left behind several books to his apprentice, Lintog. These books formulate the literature named Dena’s Prophesies, which we shall study soon, once my other speech is completed, which will take several more lectures.” Suddenly a few grunts were heard around the class. “In the prophesies Dena talks of wars that have and are ensuing our land, the formation and demolition of Gordana and its kings, and the chosen one to help us out of our wicked ways. These prophecies have accurately predicted what has occurred so far. However, with time our language has changed and the Great Fire of Lupo two hundred years ago burnt most of the documentation. Now, we can only try to interpret the full meanings of these prophecies. Only once the actions have occurred can were infer the truth of them.”

  One student in the front of the class raised his hand. “Yes,” said Ondess.

  “So you mean to say that we have no idea whether or not there is one who is prophesied, and when this person will come?”

  “Well we have an idea of what the prophesied would look like, but not when he will come or who he is exactly. As I said before we can only infer at this time.”

  “So,” said a woman, “we do not know for certain when Unop will reek his revenge upon us?”

  “Yes,” said Ondess knowing in which direction the questioning was going.

  “So you mean that our entire existence is hanging in the balance because of a few word changes from a fire?”

  “Yes,” said Ondess.

  “So how will we know when Unop may strike? It may be today, tomorrow, or even already started, but since we are in this lecture hall we do not know. Is there anything the government is doing about this?”

  Looking to her watch, Ondess said, “Well, look at the time. That is all we have time for today.”

  Looking to his watch, one man said, “We still have half an hour left.”

  “Well,” said Ondess with a slight smile, “I want to give you a break because I have a person I must talk to at the back of the class. I will let your minds wander on this subject and perhaps talk about it again in say two months’ time, that is when I can fit it in. I’ll finish those lecture speeches and give you your books of these prophecies tomorrow. I you are still taking history by that time. Class is dismissed.”

  As the students left the classroom, many doubting the reason for taking it, Tom walked down the stairs of the lecture room to give Miss Kingesh her memo. Strangely, she smiled at Tom. Once close enough, Tom gave her the memo. Looking at the paper, Ondess was initially confused, but smiled.

  “And all of this time I thought you were the inspector. I am sorry, but perhaps I should have saved my Altium speech for later on,” said Ondess.

  “That is fine,” said Tom.

  “Did you enjoy it? Or was it a bore?”

  “It was very interesting,” said Tom with a smile.

  “It was the first time you have heard many of the things I talked about, wasn’t it? You are not from here, are you?” asked Ondess.

  “That is correct,” said Tom surprised. “How did you know?”

  “Everyone is taught here from birth the story of the hi
story of Altium. It is just that I tell it for the inspector so that he or she feels very patriotic and sees that I am too,” said Ondess with a smile. Tom smiled as well. “Believe me it does help me in maintaining my place at the university. It is not being unfair or cunning, only using the skills of my mind in order to keep nosy people out of what I teach them here.”

  “And what do you really teach.”

  “Life - the most important lesson in the world. Life and its facets, and being able to live that life with integrity and happiness. Even though many weak people think that it is too hard to do, even though they have never tried it. Believe me many parents have yelled at me for my liberal views but I am still here, a patriot to the end. I believe my job is not to teach just knowledge, but to show to others the reason of obtaining knowledge and incorporating it into their lives. Not many professors understand that, most are so into themselves that they forget that along the way. And you, how old are you?”

  “Seventeen,” said Tom.

  “Seventeen - that is quite young. I am twenty, in Altium years. Where are you from?”


  “Really, that is very exciting, very exciting. Let me be the first to welcome you to Altium. Would you like to see the Library of Lupo? It shall provide you with a wealth of knowledge.”

  “Yes, I would.”

  “It is very near so do not worry about a long walk. Olta,” said Ondess. “Could you put my things in my office? I shall be back in at most half-an-hour.”

  “Certainly, Ondess,” replied Olta. “I will see you later.”

  “What is your name?” asked Ondess of Tom as they walked out of the lecture hall.

  “Thomas Reed,” said Tom.

  “What a strong name,” said Ondess with a smile on her face. “I am Ondess Kingesh. I teach Biology, Chemistry, History, Music, Physics, and Publishing at this university.” After a short pause, Ondess said, “If you do not mind my asking, who brought you here?” As Tom hesitated, Ondess said, “It is fine, I work with those in the palace, and if I am correct it was Princess Akemi.”

  “Akemi’s a princess?” asked Tom.

  “Yes, but not in line for the throne, that is Prince Onden, grandson of King Eron.”

  “If Akemi is a princess, who is the other princess that they talk about who has helped with Gordana with its pollution?” asked Tom.

  “Oh,” said Ondess looking to posters on the walls of the corridor they were walking in, “That is Prince Onden’s younger sister, she is very helpful to the community. How did you hear about her?”

  “Oh, Farmer Lit told us about her,” replied Tom truthfully. “The government is a monarchy?”

  “Constitutional monarchy,” said Ondess. “That means that the king is an active part in some parts of the government but checked by his legislature, in our land. In your land it is to have the king as a mere figurehead and the country run by a Prime Minister and his legislature. I think it is quite ridiculous.”

  “To have a figurehead?”

  “Yes, why not just have the prime minister and the legislature. The figurehead is not even needed.”

  “People on Earth like their traditions, it makes them proud of their own heritage.”

  “By making them separate?”

  “I do not understand.”

  “By emphasizing one’s beliefs for no reason at all in a changing world is dangerous.”

  “How do you mean?”

  “Say one day someone tells everyone that eggs are all white. Then everyone believes that for the longest time and will continue to believe that. What if one day someone finds a brown egg? What will happen? Will they continue to believe that all eggs are white despite the brown egg before their eyes, or will they make up an excuse for this freak of nature? As you say the people will continue to eat white eggs and still maintain white eggs are the only ones present even though there is a brown egg before their eyes. You see your people are very ignorant. Even though it is tradition, it does not mean that it is right.”

  “It is hard sometimes to see what is right or wrong,” said Tom. “There is a very thin line that exists between each.”

  “No there is not,” said Ondess. “It is quite a thick, clear line that is present, but you do not see it too clearly. It is up to you to be willing to see it, as it is the will of all, but not all are willing to see it. Why? We are all blinded by our ignorance and it is that ignorance that is our own destruction.”

  As they continued to walk quietly and out of the Humanities building, Tom asked, “How did it occur, Gordana?”

  “Well, about two-hundred eighty-six years ago, in our time, or exactly two thousand four years in yours, Altium came into being in this world, thus causing a great disarray in its existence since Dena, the one who held it all together, was now dead. The people looked to his apprentice, Lintog, for what to do, but Lintog was not a good apprentice for he was greedy. After only a year in power, Binla of the Mergoian region overthrew Lintog. During that time there were the same ten provinces but some had different names. Gordana was called Binland, Vundrania was called Neander, the Land of Disco was called Neurgot, R-band Land was called Hallam, Jellytot Land was called Lullaby Land and the Labyrinth of Portals was called Portagot. What commenced from this was an age where Altiniums began to act as man on Earth does. This is something I believe would have broken Dena’s heart to see that the world he created to be so beautiful and serene be marked by blood and turmoil.

  “Binla and his descendants ruled for one hundred forty-three years by heavy taxes, murder, cruelty, and greed. The last of this line to rule was Zorma, a witch of a woman who was a despot, or known as a murderess with an unlimited license to do so. One hundred forty-two years ago she was overthrown and for twenty years a civil war ensued in Altium. That was until a man by the name of Gorly of Mergot took a woman named Danale of Denia to be his wife, against her will. You see Gorly was of the Yun clan and Danale of the Ponelk clan, the two dominant sides warring for control. Despite the fact that Danale was married to and loved another man, Jinyer of Denia, Gorly took it upon himself to kill Jinyer. He stole away Danale and married her, forcing the truce and his legitimacy as the new ruler of Altium. From their names a new province was formed, called Gordana. Danale and Gorly had seven children: Lithog, Erint, Pardele, Marona, Gingon, Donop, and Akemi.

  “Legend has it that when their last child was born, which caused Danale’s death, she left a curse upon the Gordanese line. This curse was that the next time a royal bore the name of this child, the line of Gordanese kings and queens would no longer exist, giving rise to another line.”

  “What was this child’s name?” asked Tom.

  “Akemi,” said Ondess as they walked into the library. The library was a large building with four floors and was large enough to fill two street blocks. Inside, there was a smell of staleness and hush. Several students were inside studying while others were using sign language to communicate to each other. At the top of the building there was a tinted skylight preventing the harmful sun’s rays from shining onto the inhabitants and provide reading light. Along the pillars and walls of the library there were different pictures showing the great historical events of Altium.

  “Wait a moment, how did that happen?” whispered Tom to Ondess.

  Whispering, Ondess said, “At Akemi’s birth, as her mother, Princess Marotna, was dying, she proclaimed, “It is another, Akemi,” since she was to die as Danale had died, at childbirth. After saying this, she collapsed her head onto her pillow and died. However, the priest who was there also as the registrar only heard her say Akemi, and registered it as her name. When her father, Zena, heard of this, he ripped the hair out of his head, and jumped off of the nearest ledge.

  “Akemi’s grandparents, Marana, sister of King Eron, and Oton, believed Akemi to be evil for the great horrors and sorrow she had inflicted upon the family. They exiled her to live with some woodland people in Vundrania, where,
on her many adventures of running away from home, she befriended Sherog, the infamous creature of the Teal Abyss. Her friendship with him was another indicator of her so called low character.”

  “Why is that?” asked Tom.

  “Because Sherog was banished to the Teal Abyss by Dena. Sherog used to live on Altium. At an early age he turned to hating and hurting others who could not understand his giant size and mischievous ways. He hated the peace and prosperity of Altium. In order to relieve the world of its “blight” he set upon a rebellion. He tore down houses, burnt crops, and harassed villagers. Despite all of Dena’s protestations, he did not and would not reform. Dena had no other choice but to banish him to the Teal Abyss forever.”

  “I saw him,” said Tom. Ondess looked puzzled, “I mean I saw him on my journey here. Akemi killed him.”

  “That is strange, why did she do that?”

  “He tried to kill her, I guess he thought that she was his enemy.”

  “I can understand what he means,” said Ondess. Tom did not understand what she meant, but she continued with her story, “About 13 years ago, after her woodland family mysteriously died, leaving her alone, King Eron sent for her to return to Gordana. She was to be taken care of and trained at the royal palace. She learned to fence from the renowned Ugruline and her studies from the great philosopher Lindo. However, she was a tumultuous soul, leaving Altium for Earth with a scandalous reputation and despite King Eron’s wishes. She has been gone for a year now, but has returned to find, awkwardly, a friend in you.”

  “Something like that,” said Tom. “What is happening now?”

  “Now, Denia is occupied, along with Vundrania, the Forest of Haber, and the Land of Disco by Unop’s evil forces we await our fates and try to fend them off. However, we shall lose, it is written, and shall only win when the chosen one comes.”

  “How many provinces does Altium have?” asked Tom.

  “Why, let me show you,” said Ondess. They walked over to the Atlas section, in which a map of Altium was shown. It was a relatively large island, perhaps two hundred miles in width and fifty in height. “There are ten provinces entirely, formed by Dena and the notary wizard Eli the Great. In the northwest region is us in Gordana, with Fairy Isle to our left, and below us is Mergot. Next to Mergot is the Forest of Haber, which is below the Land of Disco, with is upper part forming the Labyrinth of Portals to each of the provinces. This circular area that is bordering the Land of Disco, the Forest of Haber and the Labyrinth of Portals is Jellytot Land. Below Jellytot Land is Elitomy, which is next to R-band Land, which is below Vundrania, which is below Denia. Also, there is a small island underneath R-band Land called Plunderer’s Isle, which is under no province, but is still a part of Altium. In all, there are ten provinces. Each has its subordinate rulers, but the main ruler is that of Gordana. However, the Forest of Haber, Denia, Land of Disco, and the Vunders are under lawlessness.”

  “What is in each province?”

  “In Mergot, we have the politicians in the south, the warriors along the eastern edge, the intellectuals in the north, the populares in the western edge, and the plebians, who work for them all, everywhere. The politicians govern the legal matters of society. The warriors defend Mergot from attacks from the Forest of Haber’s vast amount of foreign creatures. The intellectuals work principally with their minds, trying to reach a higher state of mentality in order to delve into and learn what makes up the world. They do not believe that Dena even exists or that there was a Unop. Even though they have found evidence to support their views, I still believe that there was a Dena and Unop, and that Dena’s prophecies are true.

  “The Populares are people who are vain, envious, faithless, gluttonous, and self-absorbed. Therefore, they are those who do not care about the outside world, but exist in a world of fashion, beauty, and the newest raves. The plebians are the “workers of Mergot.” Their jobs are to cook, clean, and help with the other groups as they are doing their jobs. However, I believe that by letting the plebians do all of their work, this could spell the downfall of Mergot, for they depend too much upon them. It was the way the Western part of the Roman Empire fell, depending on others, and it shall be the way Mergot will fall as well.”

  “The best of each group goes from Mergot to be trained further in their fields at the universities in Gordana. There are five universities: University of Lupo in the middle, University of Autig in the South, University of Geron in the West, University of Gorlyton in the East, and Dragonton University in the North. The result of this training is the agricultural North and the industrious South of Gordana. In the middle, the area around Lupo, you have the seat of power for Gordana, where the commerce from the agricultural and industrial sectors combines. That is why Lupo is such a big city.”

  “What about Fairy Isle?” asked Tom.

  “Ah, Fairy Isle is to the northwest of Gordana. It is ruled by Princess Di, and she heads the fairies on this island. They tend to stay here because of the environment, which is full of trees, bogs, and other places for hiding in and having fun. It is an absolute monarchy, with Di as the only head, as she has been since the time of Dena.”

  “How long do fairies live for?”

  “Sometimes two hundred, and others two thousand, years.”

  “Such a long time?”

  “Yes,” said Ondess. “They have certain abilities that we do not. Even in your world the lifespan for some is longer than that for others. In the Forest of Haber there are several animals, but we do not know about all of them since those who go there usually never come back. Near the border with Mergot there are the Giant Red Ants that grow to be up to 15 feet high. They live upon the blood of dead animals and large plants that sometimes grow 20 feet into the air. Their enemies are the Mongoons and Swallows. Mongoons are troll-like creatures that are about four feet tall. They eat anything in sight, and are extremely greedy. They only come out at nighttime since at day they turn into greenish goo. There preferred weapons are arrows and the spiked ball with chain. The Swallows are witches with grotesque features who eat whatever they can. They fly at night on brooms, but cannot cross over running water. They are sensitive to sounds and the smell of blood. That is how they can tell if a Giant Red Ant is close by or not. Their only enemies are Mongoons.

  “Other inhabitants of the forest are Nupons, which are tyrannosaurus sized creatures with long sharp teeth that breathe out fire. They eat slipeds, gurdells, and giant ants. They have long tails and claws. However, their skin is made of a strong fiber called Opton, which is impenetrable. The only way to kill a Nupon is to trust a sharp object into the hollow part of its chin, the only place where there is no Opton. However, this can be very tricky since a Nupon is never off of its guard and breathes fire at those very close to it.

  “Slipeds, who also live in the Forest of Haber, are blackish creatures with black coats, that are with spikes, grey bellies, snouts like anteaters, and tails that fan out like a male peacocks but are grey with spikes. They are always found in a pack. They surround an organism called a gurdell. They attend to the gurdell, until that gurdell dies, so that they may eat it. Since they eat the gurdell, leaving only the bones, the gurdell is able to be revived from these bones under the right planetary alignment to form a baby gurdell.

  “Gurdells are yellow-colored, fluffy, with rabbit ears, a cat’s tail, a bear’s nose, a dachshund’s body, and claws. They only ingest uncontaminated food and water. They are always by themselves in the north eastern part of the forest.”

  “What is this?” asked Tom as he pointed to a part of the map that said, “Doddles.”

  “Oh, those are supposed to be Doddles. They are more myth than reality. They lived in the Cave of Humondo, banished there 100 years ago from Gordana and Mergot by King Kinestinop. He believed that they were becoming too smart and too influential in the two provinces. They are simply green dwarfed humans with long noses and bald-headed.”

nbsp; “Why did you say that they are more myth than reality?”

  “Since they have not been seen since their supposed exile. Many have tried to find them, but to no avail. It must be a myth exploiting some other truth or to pass pomp onto King Kinestinop’s reign, though he is only remembered for that.

  “In the Land of Disco, there are two groups: the Punkers and Feverians. The Punkers live in the northern part. They listen to what they declare is the new sound of music, punk rock. They idolize that music, but hate the Feverians, because the Feverians, who live in the south, like the pulse of disco. Both groups are humans, but they have a hereditary condition called neurofibromatosis. Due to this they have birthmarks all over their bodies and since they all have blue eyes one can see yellow dots littering their irises. It is not a harmful condition, but they retain a normal intelligence. Samuel Fever leads the Feverians, while Robert Punker leads the Punkers. However, unlike most humans, they are herbivores.

  “Jellytot Land is where children from formulation to the age of ten years live. They have an indirect democracy with selected representatives from 3 of the 4 groups (Infant County, Toddler World, and Kinderland). These representatives meet in the centre of this circular province called the Council Arena. The fourth group, where formulation occurs, is the Maternity Abyss. They do have a puppet form of a ruler named Princess Penelope who makes sure that no one is acting out of their place. It is very ridiculous her role in the government and what contributions they pay to her, but they do keep her. She is to arrive in Gordana for a night’s stay today. Everyone is excited about it, but I do not really mind. She is merely a ruler, it is the people who are the great ones who form nations. She is the oldest person in Jellytot Land – eleven years old for the past twenty years. Every time there is one who becomes eleven years old they are said to be the one to become the prince or princess. The previous prince or princess leaves their post for the new one. This usually takes place within ten years, but Penelope has had strange luck if one might put it that way.”

  “What happens when they are ten years old?” asked Tom.

  “They leave Kinderland and enter the Maternity Abyss, where they are enclosed into a bubble and gain their youth again. Their minds remain intact, if they wish it to be so. It is only their physical attributes that change, either remaining as they were before, or to a new choice of their preference.”

  “It doesn’t seem right,” said Tom.

  “What doesn’t seem right?” asked Ondess.

  “Selecting the best traits, it seems like an artificial process. As if it were like shopping for apples. One can take the green from the Granny Smith, the largeness of the Big Red, and the crispness of the yellow. It feels inhumane.”

  “I agree with you, it does seem very wrong, but many people have their own ways at looking at certain ideas. Many want to live on forever, but I wouldn’t. I believe that old age is something that is beautiful and should be cherished. What is the point of living on forever? There seems to be, for me, an assurance in knowing that I shall pass on, going to another place and leaving just my thoughts behind, which shall always speak more loudly than the words that have ever pass through my lips.” After a brief pause, Ondess continued in explaining the map, “We do not know much about Elitomy, since hardly anyone ever travels there anymore, but we do know that it has the great dormant wizards.”

  “Dormant wizards?” asked Tom.

  “They have been asleep for two hundred eighty-six Altinium years. It was at this time that Altium was brought into this world. Dena decided that they were no longer needed until they would be awaken one day by the prophesied. The prophesied, along with the help of the wizards, defeat all evil forever. Dena knew that at that time Altium did not need their help, and by being dormant they would not interfere with the history that was needed to pass in Altium, a history of humans. They compile the greatest wizards ever to roam the Earth. Their leader is Eli the Great,” said Ondess as she pointed to a wall in the library next to the one with the picture of Dena that showed a thin, tall, old man with white hair, beard, and mustache. He was holding a staff in his left hand with his right hand outstretched releasing a surge of energy from his palm.

  “Why has no one tried to awaken them to gain their help with Altium’s problems?”

  “There are several problems. They are in Mount Eli where there are several traps for those who try to awaken them. Besides, to awaken a wizard is not as easy as it seems. Even in the prophecies it is explained in a very complicated manner. There is a ritual of tickling toes, spraying water, and even placing anchovies in their mouths. Also, the person awakening a wizard must be brave, confident and pure of heart, for it is only with these traits that one can awaken a wizard.”

  “You said that the wizards have been sleeping for two hundred eighty-six years, but what about when the six from the provinces of Altium at that time along with the human Reilly A. Pete left to defeat Unop. They had along with them a wizard.”

  “What?” asked Ondess confused. “What are you talking about?”

  “Akemi told us about a crusade that six men along with Reilly A. Pete left on to go to Denia to defeat Unop, but were compromised, causing Vundrania and Elitomy to become evil.”

  Ondess let out a small laugh, but soon quieted as others looked on. “Akemi told you this?”

  “Yes,” said Tom sensing that something was very wrong.

  “Akemi never took history, perhaps that was why she said such a thing.”

  “She told us that she saw it.”

  “That she saw it?” asked Ondess. “That is impossible, Akemi was born a year before me and if she saw it then I would have seen it as well. Altium was in such disarray in all of its history that its people never had time or the courage to go to Denia. Besides, we all know of the prophecies, therefore we have never attempted to do such a thing. The chosen one has not been found yet, that is why we have never done such a thing. Besides there is nothing written in our history to say such a thing. Look to the walls of the library to the major historical events. If such a thing ever did happen, something as grand as that, it would have to at least be drawn there.” Looking to the walls Tom did not see anything that was a part of any crusade to Denia. The last wall he looked at was that of Dena, who was a Caucasian in origin, with long white hair wearing a cornflower blue robe with one hand in the air with his index and middle fingers raised together as he looked up into the light. “Besides, many have tried to go into Denia, but it has very thick mists….”

  Astounded, Tom asked, “Mists?”

  “Yes, they are so thick that one can not breathe. Even one’s skin pores become clogged, causing suffocation in that way. No one has been able to go inside by even one yard, it is so bad.

  Remembering the other things Akemi had told him, Tom asked Ondess, “How were the Vunders changed into the animals that they are today?”

  “They are Neanderthals, they have always been that way. Dena let them into his world since those of our species, Homo sapiens, on earth persecuted them forcing most of them to die.”

  “That is wrong.”

  “Wrong is not the word for it Thomas Reed. It was barbaric and uncivilized. However, it still exists to this day in your world.”

  “In my world, how?”

  “Is it or is it not true that millions of people are persecuted each day but no one does anything about it. Is it true that even more people have this prejudice to one other in their hearts? What kind of civilized society has those thoughts or keeps them so near. Only your world has kept these prejudices for so long. Neither history nor time has been able to destroy these beliefs from you and your society. Many have left Altium for your world and for what, to become as you are – prehistoric savages.”

  “You are very harsh.”

  “The truth may be harsh, Tom, but it is still the truth. If it is left untold then only lies exist throughout the world leaving it to be only disgusting, putrid, and
lowly. That is the problem in your world, everyone is nice to everyone else so much that telling the truth is a taboo and a lie is deemed a courtesy. It is strange how your world makes up for all that is bad by putting it in the line of ethics and conventionality. Even now you said it was harsh, but was that the most important part of what I said, or was it the truth that was completely within it. You see I do not even need to think about what I am going to say next, why? It is the truth and the truth shall always speak for itself. No human or Altinium words can ever change that.” Tom looked to Ondess and understood that what she said was the truth and looking into her eyes he could see something he had not seen before. They shone like glass reflecting light, as if being truthful gave her the ability to discern the falseness from the reality. Ondess continued with the explanation of the map. “The next place is R-band Land, where there reside various types of rubber bands.”

  “How many types are there?”

  “Well there are basically two types of rubber bands, they are: synthetic and natural. The natural ones are made entirely of rubber. However, they break very easily, that is why there are the synthetics. They last longer and are more dependable. The leader of the R-bands is King 45. They are one yard tall and continually fight against the Vunders to the north of them.

  “The Vunders are Neanderthals, as I told you before. They have thick tan fur and do not wear clothes. Humans forced them from other parts of the Earth to Altium. They now live in underground caves in this area. They are headed by Herds, a weak leader.”

  “There are woods in Vundrania?”

  “Yes, to the North bordering Denia. Why do you ask?”

  “It is just because you said that her adopted family were woodland people.”

  “Oh, so it was just a small test to see if I was telling the truth?”

  “Yes, something like that.”

  “All right, it is fine. Well, that is all about the map, except for Plunderer’s Isle. This is where we find the pirates of Altium.”

  “Pirates?” asked Tom.

  “Yes,” said Ondess. “Here there are pirates who roam fighting sea creatures in the Sea of Mortis, beasts in the Forest of Haber, the Vunders of Vundrania, the rubber bands of R-band Land, and mostly ferrying along the rivers and capturing loot wherever they can.”

  “Does no one stop this?” asked Tom.

  “No one can, really, they are almost always out at sea plundering, therefore there are only a few women and children left at the island. If others do come back it is only for a few days anyway. Besides, the plunderers are needed in the cycle of life like everyone else I suppose. It causes us to work harder and understand what good is, for that can only be shown once it is compared with the bad. Dena did not create them, but they did start to appear once Gordana was formed, perhaps a colony against the forced rule of Gorly driving them away from Gordana. They are just like those from Gordana and Mergot. Anything else you would like to know about?” asked Ondess as Tom looked at the map some more.

  “What about these dragons to the north in Gordana?”

  “Well we have a dragon reserve to the north. There are several types of dragons there, red, blue, green, copper, gold, bronze, and the rare silver.”

  “Silver?” asked Tom.

  “Yes, it is only found in Altium. It is called a martle. Dena was the first to create such a dragon. It is the rarest of all dragons. Dragons once lived in your world but they decided to live on Altium and come with us into this world. However, through the years some have gone back to your world and have never come back. They thrive here where they were persecuted in your world. Most of the animals here on Altium are as a result of persecution in your world, even the dodos on Plunderer’s Isle.”

  “You have dodos?” asked Tom surprised.

  “Yes, on Plunderer’s Isle there are dodos, passenger pigeons, Tasmanian devils, moas, kangaroos, and other such animals. It is a very beautiful place they say, but no one goes for fear of the pirates that stay there.”

  “What about thunderbirds?”

  “Thunderbirds were also in your world, known to have stolen away children and domesticated animals to their caves and have eaten them. They have a reserve to the Northeast. They are rare and are not permitted to go back to Earth.”

  “Why not?”

  “It will unlock the secret of our world and lead them into a predicament. We believe in nurturing and keeping our creatures alive. In your world not everyone thinks that way.”

  “That is true,” said Tom. Tom glanced at the wall to see the picture of a young man. However Tom noticed something around his neck. Looking to the man again Tom saw that it was a silver cross. Tom stopped as Ondess continued to walk on. Looking back, Ondess saw Tom looking astounded by the man.

  Ondess walked back to Tom and said, “What is the matter?”

  “Who is this?” asked Tom pointing to the man.

  “Why, that is Unopicus, the son of Unop.”

  “You mean the one who tried to defeat his father under Dena’s guidance but could not do it in the end?”

  “Yes. Looks like there are some things you already know.”

  “Yes,” said Tom. “That cross, where is it?”

  “No one knows. After Unopicus’ death, Unop threw it away into the Sea of Mortis after it burnt onto his hand its mark. They say some man found it by fighting a sea creature called a water nymph, a tricky creature that you must hold onto if you want it to answer your question. If you do not have a strong hold it will capsize your boat and cause upon you misfortune. Anyway, the man is said to have defeated the water nymph and perhaps buried it somewhere. It is a very strange, but puzzling mystery to this very day. Even the picture of Dena has a silver cross,” said Ondess pointing to Dena’s picture and the silver cross around Dena’s neck that Tom did not notice before.

  “That is strange, they both have a silver cross.”

  “Yes it is, but there is nothing in the book of prophecies, nor in any other documentation, about these crosses or their significance.”

  “Who drew the pictures?” asked Tom.

  “They were here since the time of Dena. Some were saved from the Great Fire of Lupo, but others not. We have replaced those with other pictures in the history of Altium. These three pictures of Dena, Eli, and Unopicus were the only ones left from the fire.”

  After a slight pause, Tom asked Ondess, “So you have never heard of Reilly A. Pete?”

  “No,” said Ondess. “Who is he?”

  “No one in particular. Have you ever heard of Norbis?”

  “No, not him either.”

  “What about the Bluoids?”

  “No, no Bluoids.”

  “What about night butterflies, or Sudbury, New York, Sudbury High, Martin Carter, the gems of Quarduiz, or the lair of the silver dragon?”

  “No,” said Ondess looking to Tom as if what he asked was very strange. “Are you all right?”

  “Yes,” said Tom. “What about the word draygon, what does it mean?”

  Suddenly several people near them heard Tom say this and looked angered at him, but Ondess said quietly to them, “Sorry.” She then led Tom away from the people and said, “That is a very bad term that we do not often use here. It is very discriminatory. It means in English one who is a traitor, liar, thief, or something as low as one can place his/her mind on something. Therefore, the lowest order of creature. It is from the people called Draygons, a tribe that used to live in Altium, but that have been wiped out a long time ago. Draygons were people who use to vandalise Altium by destroying the land and hurting people in the most horrendous way. They used to live on Draygon Island next to Denia, which still exists to this day, but no one goes there of course due to the mists. They were the first evil ones in the island, right after Dena brought Altium into this world. Once Binla took over, though, he had them all killed.”

  “Why all of them?” asked Tom.

  “Draygons would always
kill and hurt all of those in their sights. It did not matter who it was, they killed for the pleasure of killing. They were born knowing this, it was a part of their blood and heritage. If he did not kill them, they would only rise again with their evil ways.”

  “Oh,” said Tom unsure of how this related to Akemi when Sherog had called her the name before. “What about Yamersh?”

  “Yamersh, that is a leprechaun game. Very tricky, but even worse since they like to steal.”

  “What is it about?”

  “Well I can not tell you the rules of the game myself, but I have heard and read that it is very tricky and concentration is always needed. Anything else?”

  “In the teal abyss I heard a strange language in my ear. I do not know where it came from but it made me feel sleepy. It said you come to see, you come to play, you come to live, you come to stay, but before the language was something different like emonis…”

  “You mean emontisatom, emontisday, emontispaarl, emontislay?” asked Ondess with a flick of her tongue.

  “Yes,” said Tom slightly confused. “Then it said your cause is just, your cause is true, your cause is fallacious, your quest is through.”

  “You mean diveritousanctun, diveritusee, dijamberlambton, dijortonly?”

  “Yes,” said Tom still confused. “How did you know?”

  “It is the ancient language of my land, only spoken by a few still like that of the royalty of Gordana. It is Binese, the language of the rulers of Altium.”

  “The language of the rulers of Altium?”

  “The first rulers of Altium under Binla wanted to have a language amongst themselves so that the people would not know what they were talking about. Binla formed the language Binese as a way to converse with those of his clan without others understanding it, thus giving them a secret code language to go by. Just like many of the aristocrats under the Russian czars, or kings, spoke French in their courts while their people starved and were called mere serfs, or slaves, so did those of the royal court of Altium do also. You see, they decided it was best to speak their own language, a language only for those with their superiority. When Binla’s clan died out many of those of the province of Binland found the key to this language from theirs. They burnt as many copies as they could of it, but one still survived. This one belonged to Gorly. When he became ruler of Gordana he used the same language thus keeping it within the rulers of Altium in their spoken language. To this day they still use it at times. Even though many people in Altium also know of its existence and some know how to speak it, many prefer to use English. However, I do not know how it could have been heard in the Teal Abyss. This is very strange, very strange. I must tell…” said Ondess, but she suddenly stopped, remembering whom she was talking too. “I must tell others about this, thank you for your help.”

  “My pleasure. Have you ever seen a black cloaked creature before?”

  “No, but we have heard of black figures in the forest of Lupo and on Fairy Isle before, but that is about it.”

  “Those are Bluoids,” said Tom.

  “How do you know what they are called?” asked Ondess curiously.

  “Akemi told me.”

  “Akemi has told you many things,” said Ondess. “Do not always trust her.”

  “Why not?”

  “Just believe me, I always tell the truth,” Tom looked at Ondess wildly, remembering what he had heard Akemi say in his dream.

  “Before you go let’s go outside,” said Ondess. “I want to show you the sports arena next door.”

  Looking to the time, and seeing that it had already been and hour and a half since he had left the palace, Tom said, “I really must be going now.”

  “It will only take a minute.” Tom walked slightly behind Ondess, unsure of what she would do next. Looking behind at Tom staying a few steps behind her Ondess laughed. “Watch out at every corner, I have snipers after you!” Tom looked to Ondess as if she were crazy, but continued to follow her still unsure. Suddenly Ondess stopped and turned to look at Tom. “Now this is ridiculous. If you do not trust me then you can go. I am not forcing you here. If you want you can come in and I will show you Altium’s favorite game. Well, are you coming in?”

  Tom looked to Ondess still unsure, but said, “All right.”

  Ondess looked to Tom and said, “You do not trust anyone, do you?”

  “Not really,” said Tom.

  “All right, you can stay behind if you want to, but watch out for my sniper crew, they can attack at any moment without you even realizing you are dead until you see the white light!” Ondess laughed again as they entered the arena. There were university students on the ground floor below them practicing a game. The floor was rectangular and at the short ends of the rectangle there were two walls. High up on each wall were four holes. There were two teams of nine students with one wearing green and the other blue. They stayed in place but were passing between them four balls. One ball looked like a completely orange basketball, another like a golden golf ball, another like a silver tennis ball, and the final like two black coins joined together. The team members passed the balls only from one row to the next, not passing it over a row, and if a person was busy with a ball the people in a row, if there were two, could pass the ball between themselves only once. Sometimes a person would get two balls, but a referee on the side would blow a whistle and the person had to give both balls to the opposite team members. Strangely they were arranged in a pattern of three persons per row with six rows. In each row there were either two people in green and one in blue, or two in blue and one in green. In each row the pattern changed from two green in the first, to one green in the second, to two green in the third, etcetera. Ondess looked to Tom to see his look of surprise at all of the concentration involved in the game by each of the team members.

  “What do you think of it?” asked Ondess.

  “It is so amazing,” said Tom.

  “The object of the game is getting as many points as possible into the holes in the wall there. The main point however is being able to concentrate on everything that is going on around you. It is called shuffle.”

  “Oh,” said Tom. “This is shuffle.”

  “Yes, you heard that from Akemi too?”

  “No, from some saleswoman. She told me that when someone acts out of line they have to play shuffle.”

  “Yes, it is true.”


  “It teaches them that they are concentrating on the wrong things, lowly things, and should be concentrating on higher ones.”

  “How does it do that?”

  “Once you have played a game of shuffle you will understand. However, you must be going now or you will be missed at the palace.” Tom looked to Ondess who smiled back at Tom. “I know Akemi, and I know she would take you to the palace and warn you not to come into the streets. Just believe me, I do know her very well. If I were you I would not tell her you met me.”

  “Why not?”

  “Even though I am tolerant of Akemi, she hates me.”


  “Why not?” asked Ondess. “You better hurry up, she probably already knows you left and had someone follow you, but maybe being in Earth has slowed her mind slightly. Goodbye, Tom.”

  “Goodbye and thank you for your help.”

  “My pleasure,” said Ondess. “Enjoy your time though, and do not trouble yourself too much over Altium’s problems.”

  “I shall try my best not to,” said Tom as he left the arena.

  Ondess continued to look at the players playing shuffle. Suddenly she felt a chill upon the wind and shuddered. Looking at her watch she noticed that soon she was to have a lecture. As she came out of the arena Ondess said referring to Tom, “What a kind person. I only hope Akemi does not change him as she has changed others.” Feeling around her jacket she said, “Now where did I put my pen?”


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