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Death or Victory Page 53

by Dan Snow

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  Doughty, A. and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901-2)

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  Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign.

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  Johnstone, Chevalier de, A Dialogue in Hades

  A Journal of the Expedition up the River St Lawrence

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  General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759

  McCulloch, I. and T. Todish, eds., Through So Many Dangers: The Memoirs and Adventures of Robert Kirk, Late of the Royal Highland Regiment (Toronto, 2004)

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  Pargellis, S., Lord Loudoun in North America (New Haven, CT, 1933)

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  Beaglehole, J. C., The Life of Captain James Cook (London, 1974)

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  Bothwell, R., The Penguin History of Canada (Toronto, 2006)

  Bowen, H. V., War and British Society, 1688-1815(Cambridge, 1988)

  Brumwell, S., Paths of Glory: The Life and Death of General James Wolfe (London, 2006)

  ——Redcoats: The British Soldier and War in the Americas: 1755-63 (Cambridge, 2002)

  ——White Devil: An Epic Story of Revenge from the Savage War that Inspired Last of the Mohicans (London, 2004)

  Casgrain, H. R., Wolfe and Montcalm (Toronto, 1911)

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  ——Louis XV’s Army, vol. II, French Infantry (London, 1996)

  ——Louisbourg and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005)

  Chénier, R., Quebec: A French Colonial Town in America, 1660-1690 (Ottawa, 1991)

  Clayton, T., Tars (London, 2007)

  Dale, R. J., The Fall of New France (Toronto, 2004)

  Dechêne, L., Le Peuple, l’état et la guerre au Canada sous le régime français (Quebec, 2008)

  Dorn, W., Competition for Empire 1740-63(New York, 1965)

  Duffy, C., The Military Experience in the Age of Reason (London, 1987)

  Dull, J. R., The French Navy and the Seven Years War (Lincoln, NB, 2005)

  Eccles, W. J., Essays on New France (Toronto, 1987)

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  Ferling, J. E., A Wilderness of Miseries: War and Warriors in Early America (Westport, CT, 1980)

  Frégault, G., Canada: The War of the Conquest (Oxford, 1969)

  Gardiner, R., ed., Conway’s History of the Ship: The Line of Battle (London, 1992)

  Guy, A., Oeconomy and Discipline: Officership and Administration in the British Army 1714-1763(Manchester, 1985)

  Hargreaves, R., The Bloodybacks: The British Serviceman in North America 1655-1783(London, 1968)

  Harper, J. R., The Fraser Highlanders (Montreal, 1979)

  Holmes, R., Redcoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket (London, 2001)

  Houlding, J., Fit for Service: The Training of the British Army, 1715-1795(Oxford, 1981)

  Hughes, B. P., British Smooth Bore Artillery: The Muzzle Loading Artillery of the 18th and 19th Centuries (London, 1969)

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  James, L., Warrior Race (London, 2001)

  Johnson, M., American Woodland Indians (Oxford, 1990)

  ——Indian Tribes of the New England Frontier (Oxford, 2006)

  Kennett, L., The French Armies and the Seven Years War (Durham, NC, 1967)

  Lloyd, C., The Capture of Quebec (London, 1959)

  Malone, P. M., The Skulking Way of War: Technology and Tactics among the New England Indians (Lanham, MD, 1991)

  Matthew, H. C. G. and B. Harrison, eds., Oxford Dictionary of National Biography (Oxford, 2004); online edn ed. by L. Goldman, January 2008

  May, R. and G. Embleton, Wolfe’s Army (Reading, 1997)

  McCulloch, I., Highland
er in the French-Indian War 1756-67(Oxford, 2008)

  ——Sons of the Mountain: The Highland Regiments in the French and Indian War, 1756-1767(2 vols., Toronto, 2006)

  McLennan, J. S., Louisbourg from Its Foundation to Its Fall, 1713-1758(London, 1918)

  McNairn, A., Behold the Hero: General Wolfe and the Arts in the Eighteenth Century (Montreal, 1997)

  Middleton, R., The Bells of Victory: The Pitt-Newcastle Ministry and the Conduct of the Seven Years’ War 1757-1762(Cambridge, 1985)

  O’Toole, F., White Savage (London, 2005)

  Pease, T. C., ed., Anglo-French Boundary Disputes in the West, 1749-1763(Springfield, IL, 1936)

  Pocock, T., Battle for Empire (London, 1988)

  ——British Redcoat 1740-1793(London, 1996)

  ——King George’s Army 1740-1793(London, 1996)

  ——Wolfe: The Career of General James Wolfe from Culloden to Quebec (London, 2000)

  Reid., S., Quebec 1759: The Battle that Won Canada (Oxford, 2003)

  Reynolds, P. R., Guy Carleton: A Biography (Toronto, 1980)

  Rodger, N. A. M., The Command of the Ocean (London, 2006)

  ——The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy (London, 1986)

  Rogers, H. C. B., The British Army of the Eighteenth Century (London, 1977)

  Saint-Martin, G., Québec 1759-1760! Les Plaines d’Abraham (Paris, 2007)

  Stacey, C. P., Quebec 1759: The Siege and the Battle (Toronto, 2002)

  Steele, I., Warpaths: Invasions of North America (Oxford, 1994)

  Townshend, C. V. F., The Military Life of George First Marquess Townshend (Toronto, 1907)

  Ultee, M., ed., Adapting to Conditions: War and Society in the Eighteenth Century (Tuscaloosa, AL, 1986)

  Voltaire, Candide (London, 1950)

  Ward, M., The Battle for Quebec, 1759(Stroud, 2005)

  Whitfield, C. M., Tommy Atkins: The British Soldier in Canada, 1759-1870(Ottawa, 1981)

  Windrow, M., Montcalm’s Army (Oxford, 1973)

  Wood, W., The Passing of New France (Toronto, 1920)


  Brumwell, S., ‘Home from the Wars’, History Today, 52, 3 (March 2002)

  Charters, E. M., ‘Disease, Wilderness Warfare, and Imperial Relations: The Battle for Quebec, 1759-1760’, War in History, 16, 1 (2009)

  Doughty, A., ed., ‘A New Account of the Death of Wolfe’, Canadian Historical Review, 4 (1923)

  Eccles, W. J., ‘Montcalm’, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, (Toronto, 1974)

  Harding, R., ‘Sailors and Gentlemen of Parade: Some Professional and Technical Problems Concerning the Conduct of Combined Operations in the Eighteenth Century’, Historical Journal, 32, 1 (1989)

  Higginbotham, D., ‘The Early American Way of War: Reconnaissance and Appraisal’, in William and Mary Quarterly (Third Series), 44 (1987)

  Kopperman, Paul E., ‘The British High Command and Soldiers Wives in America, 1755-1783’, Journal of the Society for Army Historical Research, 60, 241 (1982)

  Lloyd, E. M., ‘The Raising of the Highland Regiments in 1757’, English Historical Review, 17 (1902)

  MacKay Hitsman, J. and C. C. J. Bond, ‘The Assault Landing at Louisbourg, 1758’, Canadian Historical Review, 35 (1954)

  Nicolai, M. L., ‘A Different kind of courage: The French Military and the Canadian Irregular Soldier during the Seven Years’ War’, Canadian Historical Review, 70 (1989)

  Olson, D. W., W. D. Liddle, R. L. Doescher, L. M. Behrends, T. D. Silakowski, and J. F. Saucier, ‘Perfect Tide, Ideal Moon: An Unappreciated Aspect of Wolfe’s Generalship at Québec, 1759’, William and Mary Quarterly (Third Series), 59, 4 (2002)

  Robson, E., ‘British Light Infantry in the Eighteenth Century: The Effect of American Conditions’, Army and Defence Quarterly, 62 (1952)

  Saunders, R., ‘A Forgotten Hero of British North America: Admiral Sir Charles Saunders’, Newfoundland Quarterly, 62 (1963)

  Smillie, E. A., ‘The Achievement of Durell in 1759 (Facts Relating to Admiral Philip Durell and the St. Lawrence Expedition)’, Transactions of the Royal Society of Canada (1925)

  Stacey, C. P., ‘The British Forces in North America during the Seven Years’ War’, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, vol. III (Toronto, 1974)

  Steppler, G., ‘British Military Law, Discipline, and the Conduct of Regimental Courts Martial in the Later Eighteenth Century’, English Historical Review, 102 (1987)

  Syrett, D., ‘The Methodology of British Amphibious Operations during the Seven Years and American Wars’, Mariners Mirror, 58 (1972)

  Winstock, L., ‘Hot Stuff’, Journal for the Society of Army Historical Research, 43 (1955)

  Web resources

  Dictionary of Canadian Biography online

  Dictionary of National Biography online



  1. Doughty, A., ed., An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America: For the Years 1757, 1758, 1759and 1760by Captain John Knox (3 vols., Toronto, 1914-16), I: 389-90.

  2. Knox, Journal, I: 386.

  3. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army, 14.

  4. Knox, Journal, I: 391.

  5. Wolfe to Pitt, 2 September 1759, Montmorency, PRO, CO 5/51.

  6. Quoted in I. McCulloch, Sons of the Mountain: The Highland Regiments in the French and Indian War, 1756-1767(2 vols., Toronto, 2006), I: 177.

  7. Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, Quebec, 1868), 4-5.

  8. Quoted in McCulloch, Sons of the Mountain, I: 178.

  9. ‘Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec by John Johnson’, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), V: 80.

  10. Knox, Journal, I: 391.

  11. Ibid., I: 394.

  Chapter One: Assault on New France

  1. W. Wood, ed., The Logs of the Conquest of Canada (Toronto, 1909), 90.

  2. A. Doughty, ed., An Historical Journal of the Campaigns in North America: For the Years 1757, 1758, 1759and 1760by Captain John Knox (3 vols., Toronto, 1914-16), I: 362.

  3. Ibid.

  4. Newcastle to Albemarle, 5 September 1754, in T. C. Pease, ed., Anglo-French Boundary Disputes in the West, 1749-1763 (Springfield, IL, 1936), 50-2.

  5. Braddock quoted in F. Anderson, The Crucible of War: The Seven Years War in North America, 1754-1766(New York, 2001), 95.

  6. T. Clayton, Tars (London, 2007), 99.

  7. R. Middleton, The Bells of Victory: The Pitt-Newcastle Ministry and the Conduct of the Seven Years’ War 1757-1762(Cambridge, 1985), 114-16.

  8. Middleton, The Bells of Victory, 128.

  9. Minutes of the meeting at Lord Anson’s house, 19 February 1759, in Middleton, The Bells of Victory, 108

  10. ‘The Journal of Captain John Montresor’, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, eds., The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), IV: 307.

  11. Dictionary of Canadian Biography online see: http://www.

  12. Durell to Admiralty, 19 March 1759, Halifax harbour on the Princess Amelia, in C. H. Little, ed., Despatches of Rear Admiral Philip Durell (Halifax, NS, 1958), 7.

  13. Dictionary of Canadian Biography online see: n%20AND%20rous

  14. ‘Letter of James Gibson to Governor Lawrence’, Basin of Quebec, 1 August 1759, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 61-2.

  15. ‘Extract of a Letter from an Officer in Major General Wolfe’s Army, Island of Orleans, 10th August 1759’, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Select
ed Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 433.

  16. Clevland to Holburne, 1 January 1759, Adm 2/524, in Middleton, The Bells of Victory, 105.

  17. Saunders to Pitt, 22 January 1759, PRO, CO 5/51 fol. 5.

  18. Middleton, The Bells of Victory, 106.

  19. Admiralty to Saunders, 9 January 1759, Adm 2/82; for the rough figures of British and French ships of the line see N. A. M. Rodger, The Command of the Ocean (London, 2006), 608.

  20. A. Brice, The Grand Gazetteer: or, Topographic Dictionary, Both General and Special, and Ancient as Well as Modern (Exeter, 1759), 1058, in T. Clayton, Tars (London, 2007), 184.

  21. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 225.

  22. C. H. Little, ed., Despatches of Vice Admiral Saunders (Halifax, NS, 1958), 4.

  23. A note on the colours associated with British admirals: in the seventeenth century the fleet fought as one long line in battle and was divided for command and control into three sections: the van, which flew the white ensign, the centre which flew the red, and the rear which flew the blue. The overall commander was in the centre and so became the ‘Admiral of the Red’; the Vice Admiral of the Red commanded the front of the centre squadron and was, therefore, the senior Vice Admiral, and the Rear Admiral of the Red commanded the rear of the centre and was the senior Rear Admiral. The Admiral of the White commanded the van, the Vice Admiral of the White commanded the very front of the van, and the Rear Admiral of the White commanded the rear of the van. The rear had an Admiral, Vice Admiral, and Rear Admiral of the Blue who were the respective juniors of their ranks. At Quebec, Saunders was Vice Admiral of the Blue, i.e. the most junior Vice Admiral in the fleet, Holmes was a Rear Admiral of the White and Durell, Rear Admiral of the Red. By the Seven Years War the titles had lost their real meanings as the fleets grew in size and never fought as one giant formation. They remained only a mark of seniority.

  24. Little, Despatches of Vice Admiral Saunders, 5.


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