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by Dan Snow

  25. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 226.

  26. The Cerberus took thirty-four days to get from Spithead to Boston in 1775 and carried the three brigadiers for the North American campaign: Howe, Clinton, and Burgoyne. In R. Holmes, Redcoat: The British Soldier in the Age of Horse and Musket (London, 2001), 331.

  27. Saunders to Admiralty, 28 February 1759, in Little, Despatches of Vice Admiral Saunders, 6.

  28. Clayton, Tars, 211, 223.

  29. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 227.

  30. Durell to Admiralty, Princess Amelia, Halifax, 19 March 1759, in Little, Despatches of Rear Admiral Philip Durell, 7.

  31. Saunders to Admiralty, Halifax, 2 May 1759, in Little, Despatches of Vice Admiral Saunders, 8. Interestingly a note on the reverse of the letter says it was received in London on 28 August.

  32. J. C. Beaglehole, The Life of Captain James Cook (London, 1974), 32.

  33. Wolfe to Father, Plymouth Sound, 22 February 1758, in B. Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe (New York, 1909), 362.

  34. Wolfe to Amherst, Neptune, 6 March 1759, in S. Brumwell, Paths of Glory: The Life and Death of General James Wolfe (London, 2006), 187.

  35. Wolfe to Amherst, Halifax, 1 May 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 425.

  36. Wolfe’s ‘Family Journal’, PRONI, DOD 162/77 C, 29, 1-2, 28. Durell came in for much criticism subsequently that echoes this journal but it is hard to agree with the vitriol. The winter had been the worst on record and his ships awaited only a fair wind to leave Halifax. In 1760, despite all the harassment that the British army and state could bring to bear on Commodore Colville, he was only able to leave Halifax two weeks before Durell had done in 1759, on 22 April, and some of his ships were stuck fast in ice for twenty-four hours from 24 April. He too was beaten into the St Lawrence by ships sent from Europe. See Beaglehole, The Life of Captain James Cook, 52.

  37. Saunders to Admiralty, Halifax, 2 May 1759, in Little, Despatches of Vice Admiral Saunders, 8.

  38. Major Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec Commanded by Major-General Wolfe in the Year 1759(Quebec, 1901), 5. All quotations throughout Moncrief are by Patrick Mackellar.

  39. Wolfe to Pitt, Halifax, 1 May 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 423.

  40. Middleton, Bells of Victory, 103.

  41. Clayton, Tars, 242.

  42. Brumwell, Paths of Glory, 155.

  43. Wolfe to Lord George Sackville, Halifax, 24 May 1758, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 368.

  44. Wolfe to Pitt, Halifax, 1 May 1759, and Wolfe to Amherst, Halifax, 1 May 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 424, 425.

  45. Wolfe to Major Walter Wolfe, London, 29 January 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 418.

  46. A description by Lieutenant Henry Hamilton of the 15th Foot, in J. S. McLennan, Louisbourg from Its Foundation to Its Fall, 1713-1758(London, 1918), 315.

  47. Wolfe to his mother, Bristol, 19 January 1753, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 247.

  48. Wolfe to Major Walter Wolfe, London, 29 January 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 418.

  49. Description by Lieutenant Henry Hamilton of the 15th Foot, in McLennan, Louisbourg from Its Foundation to Its Fall, 1713-1758, 315.

  50. Sailing Orders by Mr Cobb, Commander of His Majesty’s Province Sloop York, in Wood, Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 93-4.

  51. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 5.

  52. Ibid.

  53. Chevalier de Johnstone, The Campaign of Louisbourg 1750-58(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, Quebec, 1868), 6.

  54. R. Chartrand, French Fortresses in North America 1535-1763: Québec, Montréal, Louisbourg and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005), 47.

  55. The figure and the quote from Amherst (who is writing to Governor Francis Bernard of New Jersey) are in S. Brumwell, Redcoats: The British Soldier and War in the Americas: 1755-63(Cambridge, 2002), 60.

  56. Saunders to Pitt, 6 June 1759, PRO, CO 5/51 fol. 32; see also the description in Extract from a Manuscript Journal Relating to the Operations before Quebec in 1759, Kept by Colonel Malcolm Fraser, the Lt of the 78th (Fraser’s Highlanders) and Serving in that Campaign (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, Quebec, 1868), 1.

  57. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 6.

  58. Knox, Journal, I: 355.

  59. Ibid., I: xiii.

  60. Ibid., I: 99.

  61. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 6.

  62. Knox, Journal, I: 349.

  63. There are different versions of Wolfe’s Journal. One is in the McCord Museum in Montreal and runs from 10 May to 7 August 1759. It was originally believed that this journal was written by Wolfe but in 1987 a comparative handwriting study established that it was written by Wolfe’s ADC, Thomas Bell, dictated by Wolfe. There is another copy in the archive of the Royal Military College in Kingston, Ontario, which seems to have been written during the campaign. A last version is a copy made by Thomas Bell which resides in LAC. The McCord copy is in C-173, box 1, MS 255 and the LAC is: Northcliffe collection, separate items, MG 18 M/rl C-370. I have used all of them where appropriate and will simply record the date of the entry. This one is 24 May 1759.

  64. Knox, Journal, I: 349.

  65. Ibid., I: 33-5, 38; for an excellent discussion on wartime training in the mid-eighteenth century see, J. Houlding, Fit for Service: The Training of the British Army, 1715-1795(Oxford, 1981), 335.

  66. Fraser, Journal, 17 May 1759.

  67. Knox, Journal, I: 358.

  68. Wolfe to Brigadier Whitmore, Louisbourg, 19 May 1759, in LAC, MG 18 N 18, vol. IV, file 3.

  69. Wolfe to Lord George Sackville, Louisbourg, 30 July 1758, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 390; Wolfe to Lord George Sackville, Portsmouth, 7 February 1758, ibid., 358.

  70. Wolfe to Pitt, Neptune, 6 June 1759, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 432.

  71. Logs: Neptune, 4 June 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 249.

  72. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759(Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Fourth Series, Quebec, 1875), 5-9; Knox, Journal, I: 350-7.

  73. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759, 9-10.

  74. Ibid., 10; Saunders to Pitt, 6 June 1759, PRO, CO 5/51 fol. 32.

  75. Knox, Journal, I: 356; Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 7.

  76. Knox, Journal, I: 357, 359.

  77. Fraser, Journal, 2.

  78. Wolfe to Pitt, Neptune, 6 June 1759, PRO, CO 5/51 fol. 63; Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 6; the Embarkation Return, made on 5 June is PRO, CO 5/51, fol. 67.

  79. Saunders to Pitt, 6 June 1759, CO 5/51 fol. 32; R. Gardiner, ed., Conway’s History of the Ship: The Line of Battle (London, 1992), 182; J. R. Dull, The French Navy and the Seven Years War (Lincoln, NB, 2005), 149; C. P. Stacey, Quebec 1759: The Siege and the Battle (Toronto, 2002), Appendix F, 215-21.

  80. Ordnance and ammunition supplies listed in Appendix E of Stacey, Quebec 1759, 214.

  81. ‘Sailing Orders and Instructions, By His Excellency Admiral Saunders’, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 97-106.

  82. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759, 10; detail on transport organization is from General Townshend’s Journal in C. V. F. Townshend, The Military Life of George First Marquess Townshend (Toronto, 1907), 150-1; ‘Sailing Orders and Instructions, by His Excellency Admiral Saunders
’, Neptune, Louisbourg, 15 May 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 99, 104.

  83. Twenty-sixth of May 1742 from an order book of the War of Austrian Succession, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 5.

  84. General Orders in Wolfe’s Army during the Expedition up the River St Lawrence, 1759, 5.

  85. Captain John Cremer quoted in N. A. M. Rodger, The Wooden World: An Anatomy of the Georgian Navy (London, 1986), 37.

  86. Knox, Journal, I: 359.

  87. Clayton, Tars, 11.

  88. Knox, Journal, I: 31.

  89. Wolfe to Sackville, 24 May 1758, Halifax, in Willson, The Life and Letters of James Wolfe, 369.

  90. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 303; ‘Sailing Orders and Instructions, by His Excellency Admiral Saunders’, Neptune, Louisbourg, 15 May 1759, in Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 101.

  91. Captain Richard Gardiner to the Honourable George Hobart Esq., 18 February 1761, in Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 9-10.

  92. Knox, Journal, I: 361; ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 303-4.

  93. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec,IV: 304.

  94. Wolfe’s Journal, 10 June 1759.

  95. The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, 1926), XXII: 145.

  96. Knox, Journal, I: 361.

  97. Wolfe’s Journal, 18, 19 June 1759.

  98. ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, IV: 304.

  99. Moncrief, A Short Account of the Expedition against Quebec, 8.

  100. Knox, Journal, I: 366.

  101. ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 236; ‘Journal of Captain Montresor’, in ibid., IV: 305; Knox, Journal, I: 364; ‘Brigadier Townshend’s Journal of the Voyage to America and Campaign against Quebec, 1759’, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 234.

  102. Wood, The Logs of the Conquest of Canada, 303.

  103. Knox, Journal, I: 369.

  Chapter Two: ‘The enemy are out to destroy everything that calls itself Canada’

  1. ‘A Description of the Town of Quebec—Its Strength and Situation’, in S. Pargellis, ed., Military Affairs in North America, 1748-65: Selected Documents from the Cumberland Papers in Windsor Castle (New York, 1936), 412-13; Chevalier de Johnstone, The Campaign of 1760in Canada (Literary and Historical Society of Quebec: Historical Documents, Second Series, Quebec, 1868), 4.

  2. Frontenac to Colbert, quoted in R. Chartrand, French Fortresses in North America 1535-1763: Québec, Montréal, Louisbourg and New Orleans (Oxford, 2005), 13.

  3. H. R. Casgrain, Montcalm and Wolfe (Toronto, 1911), 7.

  4. R. Léger, ed., Le Journal de Montcalm (Montreal, 2007), entry for 31 January 1756, 31.

  5. Eccles, Dictionary of Canadian Biography, 459.

  6. Montcalm to Cremille, 12 April 1759, in E. O’Callaghan and B. Fernow, eds., Documents Relative to the Colonial History of the State of New York; Procured in Holland, England and France (15 vols., Albany, NY, 1853-87), X: 961.

  7. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, 460.

  8. E. P. Hamilton, ed., Adventure in the Wilderness: The American Journals of Louis Antoine de Bougainville, 1756-1760(Norman, OK, 1990), 102, 51, 57.

  9. Hamilton, Bougainville, 288.

  10. O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 959; Montcalm to Le Normand, 12 April 1759, in ibid., X: 966.

  11. I. Steele, Warpaths: Invasions of North America (Oxford, 1994), 205.

  12. Hamilton, Bougainville, 253.

  13. Ibid., 193.

  14. Ibid., 215.

  15. Vaudreuil to Massiac, 4 September 1758, Montreal, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 885.

  16. Montcalm to Cremille, 12 April 1759, in ibid., X: 959.

  17. Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, entry for 15 April 1756, 33.

  18. E. Taillemite, ‘Bougainville’, in Dictionary of Canadian Biography online- andquery=bougainville

  19. Hamilton, Bougainville, 304-5.

  20. Quoted by Alexis de Tocqueville, in G. Frégault, Canada: The War of the Conquest (Toronto, 1969), 10.

  21. L. Kennett, The French Armies and the Seven Years War (Durham, NC, 1967), 3-4, 5, 6; J. R. Dull, The French Navy and the Seven Years War (Lincoln, NB, 2005), 23.

  22. M. Windrow, Montcalm’s Army (Oxford, 1973), 28.

  23. ‘Abstract of, and Ministerial Minutes on, the Despatches from Canada’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 906-7.

  24. Ibid.; Dull, The French Navy, 142-3.

  25. Belle Isle to Montcalm, Versailles, 19 February 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 944.

  26. Ibid., X: 943.

  27. J.-C. Panet, Précis de ce qui s’est passé au Canada depuis la nouvelle de la flotte de M. Canon (Montreal, 1866), henceforth ‘Panet’s Journal’, 14 May 1759.

  28. Malartic to Cremille, Montreal, 9 April 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 957.

  29. ‘Summary of the Plan of General Operations for the Campaign of 1759’, by Vaudreuil, in ibid., X: 953; Bigot to Berryer, 22 May 1759, quoted in Frégault, Canada, 240.

  30. Quoted in Casgrain, Wolfe and Montcalm, 63.

  31. Montcalm to Belle Isle, 8 May 1759, Montreal, in Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 970.

  32. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection (Ottawa, 1926), XXX: 223.

  33. Montcalm to Belle Isle, 23/24 May 1759, Quebec, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 971-2.

  34. ‘Narrative of the Siege of Quebec, Published by the French [Département de la Guerre]’, in ibid., X: 994; Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque (Quebec, 1901), 15.

  35. ‘Summary of the Plan of General Operations for the Campaign of 1759’, by Vaudreuil, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 954; ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 223-4.

  36. ‘Summary of the Plan of General Operations for the Campaign of 1759’, by Vaudreuil, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 955, signed on 1 April 1759.

  37. Montcalm to de Lévis, in Casgrain, Montcalm and Wolfe, 83-4; ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 224, 232-3.

  38. Vaudreuil to de Léry, in ibid., XXIV: 185, 188.

  39. Ibid., XXIV: 187.

  40. ‘Journal of de Léry’, in ibid., XXV: 195-8.

  41. Vaudreuil to de Léry, in ibid., XXIV: 192.

  42. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 224.

  43. Panet’s Journal, 9 June 1759.

  44. Marguerite Gosselin, quoted in J.-M. Lebel, 1759Summer under Siege (Quebec, 2001), 15.

  45. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 224.

  46. Montcalm to Cremille, 12 April 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 959.

  47. Wolfe to Pitt, Halifax, 1 May 1759, in B. Willson, ed., The Life and Letters of James Wolfe (New York, 1909), 424.

  48. Montcalm to Cremille, 12 April 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 962.

  49. Hamilton, Bougainville, 14.

  50. Dull, The French Navy, 144-5; ‘Summary of the Plan of General Operations for the Campaign of 1759’ by Vaudreuil, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 954.

  51. Captain Richard Gardiner to the Honourable George Hobart Esq., 18 February 1761, in Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 7-8.

  52. Hamilton, Bougainville, 78.

  53. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1017; Récher gives the figure of
1,800 Native Americans of which 162 were Christian. J.-F. Récher, Journal du siège de Québec en 1759(Quebec, 1959), entry for 9 September 1759.

  54. J. B. N. R. de Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759(Quebec, 1861).

  55. ‘Memoir on the Position of the French and English in America’, Département de la Guerre, Paris, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 927.

  56. Steele, Warpaths, 143.

  57. Montresor to Colonel Montresor, 18 October 1759, Quebec, in A. Doughty and G. Parmelee, The Siege of Quebec and the Battle of the Plains of Abraham (6 vols., Quebec, 1901), IV: 332-3.

  58. Montcalm to Cremille, 12 April 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 962; Dictionary of Canadian Biography online ntleroy; Bougainville quoted in Chartrand, French Fortresses, 24.

  59. ‘Journal du siège de Québec’, in The Northcliffe Collection, XXX: 229.

  60. Montcalm to Le Normand, 12 April 1759, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 963; Léger, Le Journal de Montcalm, entry for 10 October 1757, 262.

  61. ‘Memoir on Canada’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 934.

  62. ‘Extract of a Journal Kept at the Army Commanded by the Late Lt Gen de Montcalm’, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Documents, X: 1016.

  63. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 16.

  64. Major Moncrief, in Doughty and Parmelee, Siege of Quebec, V: 56.

  65. Hamilton, Bougainville, 186-7.

  66. Ramezay, Mémoire du sieur de Ramezay, commandant à Québec, au sujet de la reddition de cette ville, le 18 septembre 1759.

  67. ‘Memoir on the Position of the French and English in America’, Département de la Guerre, Paris, in O’Callaghan and Fernow, Document, X: 927.

  68. Marguerite Gosselin, quoted in Lebel, 1759Summer under Siege, 7.

  69. Eccles, The French in North America, 1500-1783, p144.

  70. Siege of Quebec and Conquest of Canada: in 1759. By a Nun of the General Hospital of Quebec (Quebec, 1855), 5.

  71. Memoirs of the Siege of Quebec, the Capital of all Canada, and of the Retreat of Monsieur de Bourlemaque, 17.


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