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One Unforgettable Favor

Page 5

by Nicole Vidal

  “Relax, tesoro. Kate let me in. It’s crazy early. Go back to sleep.”

  Everything is fine. Cash is here. I snuggle deeper into his warm, hard body. My inner most thoughts take over as I drift back off to sleep.

  Hot, my arm feels hot. The sun from the skylight is hitting my arm. Hearing Cash must have been all in my head. Cash isn’t here. It’s just me in the big, cold bed. That dream was vivid—right down to his rock-hard arousal against my ass and the feel of his breath against my neck. Pushing up to sitting, I dangle my feet off the side of my bed. Rising, I wobble a bit and sit back down.

  “Hi, sweetheart. How are you feeling?” Cash stands at the threshold of my room.

  “You’re really here?”

  “Yes, I’m here.”

  “It wasn’t all in my head. How? Why?”

  He sits next to me, pressing his lips to my forehead. “I’ll fill you in. First, how are you feeling?”

  “Dizzy and weak.”

  He nods before rising and offering me his hand so I can stand. “Let’s get you something to eat. I’ll catch you up afterward.”

  “Okay.” I slide my fingers into his hand and stand slowly. The moment I waver, his free hand grips my waist. It feels protective and possessive at the same time. It feels perfect. Once he’s confident I won’t keel over, Cash guides me into the kitchen for some food.

  After making sure I’m seated, he sets a sports drink in front of me and some crackers.

  “If you can keep those down, I’ll make you something else in a little while.” Bottled water in hand, Cash sits alongside me.

  “What is going on? Why are you here?” My memory is foggy at best.

  “What is the last thing you remember?” Concern mars his gorgeous features. There’s a small crinkle near his eyes. It’s downright sexy as sin. He’s impossible to ignore.

  “On Wednesday, Shelia instructed me to rearrange the center for M, and then I had a phone interview for a new job that evening. What day is it? What time is it?”

  “It’s Friday near eleven.”

  Sheer panic courses through my veins.

  “Croutons, I have to call Sheila. She’s going to fire me!” I twist in my chair, moving to stand, and I’m instantly dizzy.

  Cash’s strong arms encircle my waist, holding me up. Despite how I feel, being in his arms is heavenly.

  “Kate texted Sheila last night before she left,” he murmurs near the shell of my ear. “Why don’t you sit back down, and I’ll tell you everything.”

  I nod, pulling back slightly. With Cash’s assistance, I retake my seat.

  “When I texted you late on Wednesday, you said you would call me after your interview. Admittedly, I fell asleep waiting. When I woke up on Thursday morning, I sent you a text first thing. I waited a few hours because I know it’s earlier here. When you didn’t respond by noon, I started to worry. I reached out to my client to see if she was interested in coming a day early. She agreed. I flew here and knocked on your door as soon as I could. When you didn’t answer, I considered finding the building manager or whatever, but then I recalled your standing Thursday date with Kate.” He’s rubs circles on my arm while he’s talking.

  “You flew here for me?”

  “Yes, I was worried about you. I went to Kiely’s hoping to find you there with Kate and there was some issue with your phone. I talked to Keyton, who said that neither you nor Kate arrived like usual. Keyton called Kate, and she met me here.”

  “Did you wash my hair?”

  “No, it was Kate. I didn’t think it was appropriate. When we arrived, we found you curled up on the floor. It seems like you were trying to get back to your bed. I carried you to the bathroom, and Kate cleaned you up and helped you get redressed. I replaced the linens on your bed and threw them in the wash. Then I carried you back to your bed. Kate stayed with you while I went to the store for supplies.”

  “You flew here for me?”

  “Yes. If we lived in the same zip code, would it bother you that I came?”

  “Well, when you put it that way, no. Thank you for coming.”

  “Of course.”

  “Can you get my phone for me?”

  He stands and fetches my phone from my bedroom. He moves gracefully despite his tall, built frame. When he returns, he hands me my phone. There are seven texts and two missed calls.

  Cash: Good morning, beautiful. How was the interview?

  Nicholas: Hey, sis. How was your interview?

  Cash: Are you okay?

  Kate: How was your interview?

  Kate: I’m running late to Kiely’s.

  Kate: I’m not going to make it. I’ll call you later.

  Kate: Are you home?

  I review the texts while Cash grabs some fruit from the fridge. “I’ve ruined our date,” I whisper to myself, apparently loud enough for Cash to hear me.

  “No, you didn’t.” He takes my hands as he sits facing me. “We can curl up on your terrace or your couch to watch movies. I’ll take you out the next time I’m here if you’re up to it. First, you need more food.” He prepares some toast for me and replaces the sports drink with a fresh bottle.

  Is this what it feels like to be part of a couple? I realize it’s early, but he came here to check on me and is taking care of me.

  “Don’t you have to work today?”

  “I have to clear my inbox and return a call, but otherwise, nothing pressing. Feeling better?”

  “My stomach is less queasy, and I’m not dizzy anymore, so that’s a plus.” Dizzy that you’re here, but not from my illness. “Why don’t you get some of your work done while I rest some more?”

  “Okay.” He clears and washes our dishes.

  This is a first for me. The last person who took care of me while I was sick was Nicholas. Never someone I was interested in. I reply to Nicholas and send a thank you to Kate.

  Kate: Glad you’re on the mend. You failed to mention that the pilot is HOT!

  Me: Did I? I’m going to take a nap.

  Kate: Rest up. Love you.

  Me: Love you too.

  Standing before my bureau, I take in my current state. I look like death warmed over. My skin is pale, my eyes tired, and my hair is a knotted mess. Sighing, I pull out the hair tie.



  Even sick, she’s beautiful. When I arrived with Kate last night, I was concerned. She looked fragile curled up on the floor. Noelle is a lot of things, but fragile isn’t one of them. After Kate cleaned her up, I felt a little less concerned, but still not enough to sleep on the couch. I’d been smart enough to know bathing her was inappropriate. Sidling up to her while she slept seemed okay under the guise of making sure she didn’t fall again. My arm curls around her tiny waist perfectly. Her curves securely against me feels amazing.

  I grab my bag and move toward her room. As I approach the door, she’s tugging a brush through her hair.

  “Did you need something?” She turns in my direction.

  “Yes, but it can wait until I’m done.” I extend my hand to her, asking for the brush. A glimmer of pain shoots through her eyes as she hands it to me. She sits on her mattress near the foot of her bed facing the headboard. I split her locks into three sections, pushing one over each shoulder. Goose bumps rise on her skin as I draw my hand away. Starting at the bottom of the section to her right, I draw the brush through her hair. A soft sigh escapes her lips. Methodically, I move through the sections until her gorgeous hair is a sheet down her back.

  When she turns, a single tear falls down her cheek. I lean forward, kissing it away. She inhales sharply.

  “I didn’t mean to upset you. My sister loved having her hair brushed, especially when she didn’t feel well. She roped the three of us into it as often as she could.”

  “My m… Only my mom ever did that for me. Thank you.”

  “You’re welcome.” Wrapping my arms around her, I pull her against me. Her hands wind around my back. I feel her inhale and exhale a few ti
mes to calm her nerves.

  “What do you need?” she asks against my chest.

  I need to sort out my desire to be here with her against my other responsibilities. She doesn’t need to hear that right now. She asked some tough questions the other night, making me question my priorities. Flying is my passion. I need to find a way to channel that into a paycheck—well, expand what I already have into a bigger paycheck. “Your Wi-Fi password.”

  “It’s JosieB1012.” She spells it out, indicating the characters that should be uppercase.

  “Will typing bother you if I sit in here?”

  “No, not at all.” She stands, rounding the bed and sliding under the duvet. The furniture looks old, like it was her childhood bedroom set. Her décor includes bold colors. The walls are teal with a lighter-colored stripe on one wall. The bedding has a white background but large flowers in teal, gray, black, and purple emblazoned on it. I don’t know her well enough yet to determine if it suits her. Her independence would seem to support the bold colors. Her fierce protection of her brother would as well. I push that thought away for now as I climb onto her bed and set my mouse and phone on the night table.

  “Rest, gorgeous,” I murmur before kissing her forehead and tackling my work inbox. Two hours later, I clear my inbox and message Sam, requesting a call or meeting next week. I need to talk to him about my plan. He’s levelheaded and will see holes even I may not see. I handle similar tasks daily for my clients, but this is about me and my future. Another pair of eyes I trust will add a level of comfort before I start searching for the right opportunity for me. He’ll set me straight if I’m missing any key elements. Closing the lid, I set my laptop beside my phone and tug Noelle against me. She mumbles something, but I can only make out my name as she snuggles deeper in my embrace.

  My plans for our date tomorrow will not work anymore. I planned a hike in the Santa Monica Mountains and then out to dinner. We’ll figure out something else. For now, I inhale the soft scent of lavender and relish how her luscious curves mold into my arms. Never once have I felt the pull toward a woman that I feel for her. I was going crazy with worry when she didn’t respond. Some might say I overreacted, but arguably she only has Kate here. It just didn’t sit right that she missed not only our evening video call but our morning texts too. Listening to my gut paid off. She wasn’t okay.

  As I lie here holding her without falling asleep, I take my time memorizing her: the single freckle on the back of her right earlobe, the slope of her neck, the dip of her waist, the flare of her hips, and her perfectly polished toenails, which are now peeking out of the duvet. I know the moment she wakes up from her nap. Her breathing hitches, and she tenses slightly before snuggling deeper into my arms.

  “How are you feeling?” I press my lips to the back of her exposed shoulder.

  “Better. I’m not cold anymore; although I think that is because of you.” She turns slightly to look at me.

  “Do you want me to move?”

  “No, not at all. Being in your arms is—”

  I lean forward, interrupting her with a kiss on her jaw. Turning in my arms, she places her hand on my cheek before deepening our kiss. It’s as hot as I remember. As much as I want to feast on her mouth and the rest of her gorgeous body, I rein myself in. Less than a day ago, she was violently ill.

  “You should probably focus on gaining some strength before we continue this.”

  She draws her lower lip between her teeth. Holy hell! “Tesoro, stop.”

  She releases her lip, and her hazel eyes widen. “What does that mean?”

  “It means ‘treasure’ in Italian.” I may have rendered her speechless. “I’m not going anywhere. There is no rush. Kissing you could become an addiction for me.” I lean forward, lightly brushing my lips across hers. “Let’s see what you have to cook or what local places deliver that you think you can handle.”

  “You can cook too?”

  “I’m not bad.”

  “You might need to prove that, babe.” She throws down a challenge. I’m man enough to face a cooking challenge. I’ll tackle any challenge she hurls my way.

  “You’re on! Let’s wait until you can eat anything though, okay?”


  After standing, I walk around the bed, offering her my hand. Her delicate fingers slide into my palm. She doesn’t wobble, yet I slide my hand around her waist anyway. Her breasts press against me, her chest rising and falling in anticipation of what I might do next. As much as I want to kiss her repeatedly, I press my lips to her forehead and take a step back. Threading my fingers into hers, I lead her back to the dining table and pull out her chair.

  “What do you think you can handle? You have pasta, chicken, eggs, and some veggies,” I list after perusing her cabinets and fridge.

  “Something boring. If you want to order food, I’ll have more toast and the ginger ale.”

  “I’ll make you some toast and make an omelet for myself. I love breakfast for dinner.” I pull some ingredients for my meal out, setting them on the granite countertop.

  “So do I. I’m a breakfast fanatic; all day everyday would work for me.”

  I hear faint music coming from her bedroom. Noelle rises from the chair but sits right back down. Taking two large steps, I drop to my knees by her side.

  “Are you okay?” I take her hands in mine.

  “Just dizzy.”

  “I’ll get you some juice, and then I’ll find your phone.”

  “Thanks. It’s either on the dresser or in my tote.”

  I set the juice next to her before going in search of her phone. I come up empty on the dresser, so I carry her tote out to her.

  “You could have gotten it out.”

  I shrug and return to cooking. I purposefully make a larger omelet than I would eat on my own. Noelle eats half of it. I’m glad she’s able to eat and keep it down. After cleaning the kitchen, we snuggle up on the chaise to watch a movie. She opts for A Few Good Men. I’ve spent numerous Friday evenings at home watching movies, but this one rates at the top of the list. Despite the brevity of our relationship, I feel oddly comfortable here right now, like she and I have been together for years.

  As the credits roll, I ask her, “Are you going to be okay by yourself?”

  “You’re leaving?”

  “I only stayed last night because I was worried. So much so that I slept with you instead of on the couch.”

  “Please stay. I know how off the wall this will sound, but I feel like I’ve known you much longer than I have.”

  I nod and pull her even closer.



  It took some convincing, but Cash stayed with me last night. I appreciate the chivalry, both for staying with me when I was sick but also knowing he should leave. Waking up with Cash is… so many things. He looks peaceful when he sleeps. The only other time he looks peaceful is when he’s looking at… me. Aside from his strong jaw with a cleft chin, his dimples ratchet up his features one-thousand-fold. Kate’s right. He’s hot! He clearly works out, but I think his workouts aren’t the typical cardio and weights. It’s something else like rock climbing or spinning. His body is strong and hard with muscle.

  Honestly, I’m surprised he isn’t awake. On the East Coast, it’s near eight. Cash is sound asleep on his belly. The ridges of his back are mesmerizing. Easing out from under his corded right arm, I pad to the bathroom. I’m not dizzy anymore, which is a plus, but I’m starving. Eating half of Cash’s omelet last night wasn’t my intention. It was delicious; plus he didn’t stop me from stealing food from his plate.

  As I pass my bed toward the kitchen, I steal another glimpse of him. He’s utter perfection. While I understand what he meant about zip codes, it was a chest-tightening gesture to fly here early simply to check on me. After I start the coffee, my phone chimes.

  Kate: How are you feeling? You seriously failed to mention how hot he is.

  Me: Making progress. I feel a bit weak. I’m going to make
some breakfast. Did I?

  Kate: Yes, you did. Eat up. TTYL.

  Me: Bye.

  After filling my cup, I start to make a second one when strong arms wrap around me. Too bad he put a shirt on.

  “Morning, gorgeous. How are you feeling?” He presses his mouth to the nape of my neck.

  I fail to hold in a soft moan. “Right at this moment, pretty amazing.” I turn in his arms. Fresh out of bed Cash with mussed hair and stubble is… holy hockey! I can’t resist. I slide one hand up to his jaw. He palms the back of my head, angling it before sealing his mouth over mine. Arguably, this is the third time we’ve kissed, and it just keeps getting hotter. I open for him, and he explores my mouth with his tongue. I arch forward to feel him pressed against me. Fire truck, that feels good! Pulling his lower lip between my teeth elicits a low growl. I slide my fingers beneath the hem of his shirt. Hard ridges and curves meet my fingertips.

  My skin tingles as he moves the strap from my tank top down my arm, kissing the exposed skin with his hot mouth. I release a breath slowly. His hands slide down my sides, coasting over my curves. His large palms grip my ass just before he lifts me effortlessly into his arms. In a few long strides, Cash lowers me onto the chaise, climbing to hover over me. Gripping the hem of his shirt, I tug it off.

  “Noelle,” he murmurs while I explore his chest with my mouth. Each time my mouth touches his skin, he releases a shallow breath.

  “Tesoro,” he whispers.

  When I look up at him, he seizes the moment to retake my mouth with a searing kiss. I melt into him. Moving slowly, Cash kisses a trail down my neck, passed the bend of my elbow, to the center of my hand. Hitting different spots on his return path, Cash pauses just enough for me to notice before blazing a trail down the valley between my breasts. He mumbles something unintelligible against my skin before lowering himself on top of me slowly. Dragging my fingernails up from his waist, I slide them around his shoulders to cup his face. The look in his eyes is unmistakable. I feel it too.

  “Please tell me,” he whispers near my ear.


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