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One Unforgettable Favor

Page 11

by Nicole Vidal

  “She came outside and brought Mrs. Waller over to you. I was standing beside her when she asked.”

  “I tried a few times to get Mason to look at me. When he did, I asked him to breathe with me. It worked the last time he threw a fit with his mother.”

  “That was the day she asked for the plan for Mason?”

  This man is truly a gift. He listens when I share things about my work. No man has ever done that before. It’s insanely endearing. Just another reason why he’s a unicorn among men.

  “Yes. It worked. When they returned, Sheila sent me outside to the presentations. I’m sorry I missed most of yours.”

  “I know you did the best you could. There’ll be others.” He presses his lips to my forehead. “What was the meeting about?”

  I take a deep breath and let it out slowly. “Mrs. Sanfilippo asked for withdrawal papers for Mason. Mrs. Waller tried to talk her out of it. She stood up for me. Apparently, she witnessed my attempt to soothe Mason. Mrs. Sanfilippo conditioned Mason’s return to the center on my termination. When Sheila acquiesced, Mrs. Waller asked for the weekend to discuss the matter with her daughter. Sheila agreed to wait until next week for her final decision.”

  “That’s awful. How long have you been working there?”

  “Since I graduated from college.” I hang my head. I suppose it could be worse; I could be alone right now.

  Cash lifts my eyes to his.

  “You did everything you could for Mason and to save your job. Mrs. Waller is great, but it seems her daughter is difficult or at least is in denial that her son has developmental delays. Everything is going to be fine.”

  I lean into him, resting my head on his arm. After a few minutes, I rise, taking the dishes into the kitchen. “Do you want more wine?” I ask from the kitchen.


  He moves to the couch. I hand him his refilled glass and cuddle next to him when I return.

  “Our little matchmaker asked me a question today.”

  I look over at him. “Did she ask you when the wedding is?” I giggle.

  “Sort of. She asked me if you were my girlfriend yet. She said you must be because you’re happier.”

  Annaliese isn’t wrong. I am happy, anxious sometimes, but happier.

  “What did you say to her?”

  “That I want you to be, but I haven’t asked yet. It seems silly to ask given our ages. It also seems obvious to me because I care about you. Noelle, will you do me the honor of being my girlfriend?”

  I laugh softly. “Yes, Cassius, it’ll be my honor to be your girlfriend.”

  He takes my glass and sets it on the table next to his. Before pulling me closer, he tucks one of the loose strands behind my ear. Goose bumps skitter on my skin from his touch. Cupping my jaw, he seals his mouth over mine. I savor every second. His kisses feel decadent and possessive.

  Pulling back, he says, “Perfect. That should resolve most of your anxiety about us.”

  “It does. What else did you want to talk about?” Our ability to talk about everything leads me down a road I’ve never been near before, a road with open, honest communication and no fear of judgement for my thoughts. The road to the fairy tale. Except for one issue—a huge geographical issue—I feel as if we could make this work.

  “Two things: my job and your brother. Which do you want to handle first?”

  “My brother. I told him I met someone but didn’t share any details. He asked me if I wanted Blaine to check said guy out.”

  “Who’s Blaine?”

  “Blaine is a friend of Jacob’s, Nicholas’s head of security. He’s a private investigator and white-hat hacker. I didn’t say this to him, but I assume he already ran a background check on you, or he wouldn’t let Kelly near you. He’s overly protective of his wife, rightfully so.”

  “Are you concerned about me?” he asks in a serious tone. I almost miss the slight crack of levity.

  “I wouldn’t have invited you in after our first date if I was.” I’m only concerned that I’m in too deep too fast.

  “That would have been problematic.”


  “We wouldn’t have been able to find out if our chemistry truly is white-hot if I never kissed you a second time.”

  “It’s definitely white-hot.” I kiss Cash so hard it makes me dizzy. A tad might be the wine, but the rest is him—all him.

  “They ran a deep check when I applied for my job at the firm, considering the financial information I have access to, and a second one when I applied to fly, considering the clientele of the airline.”

  I appreciate the information, but I didn’t need it. “I’ll tell my brother the next time I talk to him. It should probably be sooner rather than later since our photo was online.”

  “You googled me?” Genuine surprise laces his tone.

  I laugh. “Kate did because she was upset about me breaking our pact.”

  “What pact?”

  “We pinky promised neither of us would fall in love—a pact doomed from the start. She freaked out because you make me happy. Happier than I’ve ever been before. To prove you’re not good enough, she googled you. A photo of us walking in Central Park is among the rest. The photo tags you, not me.”

  “You make me happy too, tesoro. We should talk to your brother soon considering the photo. The paparazzi might not know it’s you yet, but Ellis will.”

  I’m not concerned about talking to Nicholas. He doesn’t meddle in my love life. I’m only sharing because Cash works for him and he’s a celebrity, if you will. I hope to tell him before he sees photos of us together. If there are photos from our stroll, there are likely more from dinner or even at the airport. Entertainment photographers like to catch celebrities or, in my case, rich bachelors in a state of normal. Obviously, a photo of a female celeb not at her best would sell more, but either way, they need to get paid.

  “We can call him tomorrow. Does my brother know flying is your second job?”

  “Yes, but I don’t know for how long.”

  I wrinkle my brow, wrapping my head around his words. “You didn’t!” I’m ready to jump up and down.



  “I did.”

  “Really? I’m so happy for you!” She throws her arms around me and kisses me. Slow, sensual kisses follow my announcement until I pull back to look at her. Never has anyone been genuinely happy for me when they wouldn’t benefit in any way. Nothing about this deal will help Noelle. While I’m confident she and I will grow old and gray together even at this early stage, it’ll get harder before we get there. Plus, the fact she’s about to lose her job doesn’t help matters. It’s easier to make life decisions when nothing is forcing your hand. No one approaches the heart, mind, and soul of Noelle Barnett. No woman I’ve ever met even comes close.

  Resettling on the couch, Noelle turns to face me, her legs bent over my thighs.

  “When you went to the beach with Kate, I spent the rest of the afternoon thinking about what you said about my jobs. Well, that isn’t true; I’ve been thinking about it since we talked, but that day I acted. I wondered what I was waiting for. Honestly, I was waiting for you. No one has ever been able to read me like you do. To see that flying is my passion, and I invest to make other people more money. I sat down and drafted a plan to resign from investing to make flying my job.”

  “I was just being honest. Tell me more.”

  “I know you were. That’s why it hit me hard. You ask tough, real questions, and I love that about you.” While I’ve fallen for Noelle, telling her so soon isn’t a great plan. “Right now, only you, Sam, and Stacy know about my plan. I might share with my other siblings soon. I shared with Sam about a week after I created the plan. Stacy is another roommate from college who works at my firm. I need him to handle any deal I decide to make for myself. Having someone with the same knowledge look over any deal is a good business decision; plus, he’s my friend and partner. He won’t steer me wrong. Basically, Stac
y is doing for me what I do for others every day. He’s seeking an investment for me, specifically one where I can buy an ownership stake in a private airline. I would prefer to be the sole owner, but I don’t know what is available or where at this time. It’ll allow me to fly a little more and run the company. My plan sets a deadline for the end of this year.”

  “That’s amazing! Are you going to leave New York?”

  “It’s a strong possibility.”

  “What about your siblings?”

  “I fly planes, sweetheart. I can go wherever I want, whenever I want, especially if I own the airline. Plus, Billie moved to Maine. I don’t see Auggie being able to stay in the city to build his restaurant without buying a boatload of prime real estate and paying for rezoning and other things. Sam—he’s tough. I know he dislikes many things about living in the city, but so far he hasn’t had a reason to leave.” I have a reason—she’s brilliant, beautiful, and kind—but I don’t want to scare her away.

  “Did you just say Billie? I thought your sister’s name was Mina.”

  “It’s both. My sister’s name is Wilhelmina. When we were young, her nickname was Mina. After her accident, she wanted a fresh start and now goes by Billie. I’m still working on calling her Billie. Why?”

  “I met your sister at Nicholas’s wedding. She’s beautiful, gracious, and Kelly’s business partner. Her fiancé, Peter, is Kelly’s brother.”

  “I didn’t know they were the same person. Small world.” I yawn deeply, resting my head on her shoulder. Changing time zones usually catches up with me when I’m already on my way back home. I wonder where home will be by the end of the year. I’m excited to find out.

  “You must be exhausted. Let’s go to bed,” she suggests. We bring the remaining dishes into the kitchen before turning in for the night.

  “Morning, gorgeous.” I lean against the doorframe to her patio. She’s curled up, her long, creamy legs tucked under her, wearing a silky robe with coffee in hand. Her hair is in a topknot and glistens in the morning sun.

  As I move closer to her, she replies, “Me? Please, I’m a mess in the morning. You, on the other hand, with your mussed hair, no shirt, and low-slung shorts are absurdly hot.”

  “You think I’m hot?” I sit on the arm of her chair.

  She rolls her eyes. “You know I do.” She peers over the top of her glasses. Holy hell, her with glasses is sexy-librarian hot. Leaning down, I kiss her softly.

  “Do you want another cup?”

  “Sure do. You want help?”

  “I can handle it, and then we can figure out our plan for the day.”

  When I return with two cups of steamy caffeinated goodness, Noelle has moved onto the couch. I hand her a cup and take a seat next to her. We discuss our plan.

  After dressing, we grab carryout breakfast at a coffee shop around the corner from her condo and walk the beach. It may be a holiday weekend, but the beach is still empty this early.

  After turning back toward her condo, I decide to make us more official. “Are you free on the first Saturday of September?”

  “Probably, why?”

  “I would like you to accompany me to the benefit for the arts gala in New York.” When she opens her mouth to answer me, I stop in my tracks, pull her roughly against me, and press my finger to her plump pink lips. “Before you answer, I can’t protect your privacy at the gala. There will be photographers and paparazzi. If we make it that far without a splash on Page Six, attending that event as a couple will do it. Also, my parents will be in attendance. I’m not suggesting I don’t want you to meet them. You’re impressive, and they will love you. I don’t want them to meet you. As much as I limit my time with my parents, I want the same for you.” I lower my finger slowly, replacing it with my lips. After I pull back, I see her expression is somewhat serious.

  “I appreciate your concerns, but we can’t hide forever. Honestly, I’m surprised we made it this long. I would love to attend with you. Black tie?”

  “Yes, black tie.”

  “You in a tux, I can’t wait to see that.”

  “There you go again saying you think I’m hot.”

  “You’re hot in everyday clothes. A suit, ticks that up even more. You in a tux will be a whole different level of absurdly hot.”

  I lean over and kiss her quickly. As we turn the corner for her street, she stops, pushing me back against the building.

  “What the . . .?” Damn, that hurt. She’s stronger than she looks.

  Now she puts her finger against my lips, but I don’t think it’s for a great reason.

  “Jimmy, the local paparazzo, is standing on the sidewalk outside my building.”

  “Oh. Well, let’s go chat with him.”

  “No. I’m going to talk with him alone. He’s innocuous. Always polite. Just doing his job.”

  Intertwining her fingers with mine, she leads me back toward the beach. At the next corner, she gives me directions to the back entrance onto her patio.

  “I don’t like this, tesoro. Let me come with you,” I plead, hoping my strong, persistent woman will relent.

  “I’ll be fine. I’m sure it’s about Nicholas and Kelly.”

  “I’m going on record that I’m against this plan. I care about you. Let me come with you.”

  “I care about you too, which is why I need to talk to Jimmy alone. I’ll meet you inside.”

  After kissing her possessively, I reluctantly release her hand. I watch frozen in my spot as she disappears around the corner. I’m warring with myself whether to follow her or go inside like she requested. I want to shield her from the drawbacks of being my girlfriend. Get it together! She’s Ellis Barnett’s sister. She isn’t a stranger to the paparazzi. She can handle herself. All those things are true, except this time, it could be about us, not Nicholas and Kelly.



  “Good morning, Jimmy. How are you?”

  Jimmy is tall and lanky with a baseball cap and long shorts. He’s alone today. Generally, there are two or three other photogs here at once.

  “I’m well. How are you?”


  “Do you have a comment on your brother’s wedding?”

  “No comment.” I take a step or two up the concrete staircase.

  “Any comment on your relationship with New York’s most eligible bachelor, Cassius Morgan?”

  “No comment. Have a good day, Jimmy.”

  “There are photos of the two of you together. Care to address them?”

  “No comment, Jimmy.” I continue up.

  “Care to comment on the report that Brittany Templeton is pregnant with Mr. Morgan’s child?” My heart plummets to my feet. I knew he was too good to be true.

  “No comment. Have a great holiday, Jimmy.” I try to keep my voice at the same pitch answering each question. The last one is exceptionally difficult. I shove my key into the outer foyer and close it behind me. After taking a few deep breaths before I open my door, I slip inside. I stalk over to the French doors and let Cash inside.

  “Tesoro, talk to me. What did he want to know?”

  “I need a few minutes. I don’t want to say something I might regret.”

  Cash pulls his fingers through his hair. Holy hockey, he’s tempting.

  “Can I hold you at least?” he asks, opening his arms to me. My chest tightens thinking about his strong arms around me and how much I need him to do just that.

  “No.” I stalk away to my bedroom. The urge to bawl is rapidly increasing. I will not cry, I repeat in my head over and over. Yet I can’t stop the stream down my cheeks. I know the correct response is to talk to Cash, but I’m angry at myself for letting him in so quickly. It may not be true. Either way, it hurts. Maybe I’m not cut out for a high-profile relationship. I pace around my bedroom, frantically trying to sort my thoughts and feelings. Awhile later, I’m not even sure how long, Cash knocks on the door softly.

  “Can I come in?”

  “I would rathe
r you not see me like this.” Catching a glimpse of my blotchy, swollen, red face, it’s better for him to stay outside, at least for now.

  “Tesoro, please talk to me. I’ll stay here if that’s what you want, but please talk to me.”

  I move to the door and sit with my knees pulled up to my chest on the floor facing it.

  “He asked about Nicholas and Kelly’s wedding. Then he asked about my relationship with you and the photos. Apparently, there are more.”

  “Okay, that can’t be the issue. What else?”

  Damn him for knowing me so well.

  “I have no right to be jealous, upset, or anything because it’s so early, but who is Brittany? Did you lie to me?”

  “I will never lie to you. I care about you. Please open the door.”

  The strangled, pleading tone of his voice tugs at my heart. Leaning forward, I turn the knob, opening the door slightly.

  “Can I come in?”

  At my nod, Cash sits on the floor facing me after closing the door, his legs bent on either side of me. He reaches his hand to my cheek, wiping a single tear away. “Don’t cry, tesoro. I’ve never lied to you.”

  “Who is Brittany?”

  “My mother set me up on a date with Brittany. I’m sure Margaux thought we had a lot in common because she went to a prestigious boarding school and business school. We had dinner, that’s all.”


  “A week after Nicholas’s wedding.”

  “Did you sleep with her?”


  I have no reason not to believe him, and I’m acutely aware of how the tabloids twist stories and headlines.

  “Jimmy asked me if I wanted to comment on her pregnancy. Apparently, you’re the father.”


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