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One Unforgettable Favor

Page 13

by Nicole Vidal

  “Of course. Talk to you later.”

  “Bye.” I end the call, shoot off a quick text to Kate, and stare at my phone. Taking a deep breath, I pull myself up and leave the meeting room. After a peek in at the classrooms, I clear my inbox, forwarding all the messages to Sheila. I didn’t answer any of them, just forwarded them to her. She can deal with all of it now. Gluing myself to my chair, I plow through the reports as efficiently as I can. Near two, I stumble on Mason’s and bite the inside of my cheek to stop the tears from falling. The rest of my day is a blur of reports. Arriving home, I polish off some leftovers and fall into my bed.

  After a long pep talk with Cash last night, I finish the remaining reports near one on Wednesday. Luckily, I was able to send letters to my students with sweet goodbye messages before Sheila cut off my access to the client list. As I move my personal items to my car, I see Sheila leading a woman into her office. I catch her before she steps inside.

  “Who is she?”

  “I’m interviewing her to replace you.”

  “How long have you been interviewing?” I knew she was ruthless, but damn my chair isn’t even cold.

  “A few weeks. I was going to fire you on Friday regardless of Mason’s meltdown. Good luck to you.”

  I pause only to consider the ramifications of giving her a piece of my mind in front of the candidate for my job and decide there aren’t any. “I have held my tongue for the last eight months working for you. Your desire to have only elite clientele in this center has detrimentally impacted the level of education your staff can provide at this center. Your sole focus should be your students, not the bank balances or the political affiliations of their parents and grandparents. You failed Mason Sanfilippo, not me. Good luck finding someone to replace me who will put up with your meddling and inaction.” I turn on my heel and stride out the front door of the center. Thankfully, I make it to my car before bawling my eyes out. I pull out of the parking lot and park at the fast-food chain across the street. After a decent, cleansing cry, I drive home.

  When I arrive home, I receive a text from Kate indicating she’ll be over after work to drink with me. I unload my boxes, setting them on the island. I have a few hours before Kate arrives, so I stroll to the beach. Before Cash, I would just walk around my block a few times rather than trek to the shore. The memories of our time here make him seem closer. In my head, I know that’s silly, but my heart feels differently.

  That evening, Kate and I drink too much wine. During those few hours, I make a personal plan for the near future. I book a flight and pack my bags while laughing with Kate. My work future, that’s a different story. For now, I’m taking a break.

  When Cash video calls, I answer on the first ring.

  “Hi, sweetheart. How are you?”

  I may be tipsy, but my man is hot even through my phone. It feels fantastic to say that—my man.

  “I’m so-so. Kate is here, and we had way too much wine. I stopped before she did.”

  “Is she staying there?”

  “Yup, she passed out on the couch. I took her keys away when she got here.”

  “How are you doing?”

  “Even though I knew it was coming, it still hurts.”

  “I know. What is your plan? I’m sorry I can’t see you again this weekend. I’m scheduled to fly.”

  “I understand. I’m going to visit Nicholas and Kelly in Maine. I want to stop into the store and design a dress with Kelly for the gala. Plus, she raves about the ice cream from a local place. I’m going to leave early tomorrow morning. I’ll stay until Sunday at least. Beyond that, I’m not sure.”

  Maybe I should talk to Cash about where to apply for a new job. There isn’t anything keeping me in California except Kate. I love her like a sister, but I can’t stay here for her. I need to make choices for my future—ones that ideally include waking up with Cash every morning.

  “I’ll call you after I get settled in Maine tomorrow.”

  “I’m sorry I can’t be with you right now.”

  I see resignation on his face about the distance between us. I don’t blame him. I feel it too. Maybe I can fix that address problem by searching for a new job closer to Cash. But what happens if his deal is in Texas? Then what? We need to talk about it in depth and soon. Just not today.

  “Good night, tesoro.”

  “Good night, Cash.”



  I may not be able to be with Noelle until Friday night, but I’m going to make sure she knows I care about her. I didn’t share that I’m flying to Maine this weekend. Now, I can surprise her. I’ll call Mina first thing in the morning. I also plan to get an update from Stacy as well.

  After a restless night’s sleep, I drop into my office chair bright and early. Noelle has been on my mind even more so now that I know I will see her tomorrow. I need to set up a few surprises first. I send a quick email to Stacy and clear my inbox. I have an easy day today. Near nine, I text Mina.

  Me: When you have a few minutes this morning, could you call me? Nothing’s wrong, but I need a favor or two. Maybe a bunch.

  I take a trip to the break room for a fresh cup of coffee. As I turn to leave, Kip asks about a photo he saw of me over the weekend.

  “Who is the redhead?” he asks, pointing to our photo on the screen. There are a few in the gallery. Thankfully, only I’m tagged.

  “My girlfriend. You don’t need any details other than she’s taken.”

  “Easy, Cash. We’re friends. I’m not looking for her number. Unlike you, I’m not ready to hang up my party shoes. Plus, she’s not my type.”

  “She’s brilliant and gorgeous. How is that not your type?”

  “Curvy blondes are it for me. I can readily admit, your girlfriend is hot, but she isn’t for me. All I mean is you haven’t been out with anyone more than once in years. You’re also extremely private. It must be serious.”

  My possessive and protective instinct just came out in full force on Kip. He’s aware of my family name and what it means in this city.

  “Sorry, she’s going through some stuff with her job. We are serious. I tried to avoid the photos, but that’s virtually impossible in the city. I wanted to give her a little more time, but that wasn’t in the cards.”

  “I hope it works out for you. You’ve been happier in the last month or so. I assume it’s because of her.” I nod. “Good for you. I’ll see you in the ring tonight.” Kip leaves the break room. While a fourth cup is lot for one morning, I need it today. Myles pops his head into the break room.

  “Sir, your sister is on hold for you.”

  “Thanks, Myles.” I hustle back to my office to talk with Mina.

  “Hi, sis. How are you?” Since the accident and her leaving New York, my sister is much happier. Peter, her fiancé, pushes her into a state of sheer bliss.

  “I’m well. How was your long weekend in the sun?”

  “Good. That’s partly why I’m calling. First, I made a huge decision. I plan to leave investing and move into flying full-time.”

  “That’s wonderful! Who knows about this?”

  “Right now, Sam, Stacy at my firm, and Noelle.”

  “Who is Noelle?” Mina asks with a hint of glee in her voice.

  “Where are you?”

  “I’m just outside the Perk.”

  Luckily, I remember where that is from my visit last year. “Give yourself some room away from other people, please.” I give her a second and then admit, “Noelle is my girlfriend.”

  Squeals come through my phone so loud, I need to pull it away from my ear.

  “Are you done?”

  “Not yet.” She continues her joy in between a myriad of questions about how we met to if I love her. I can’t see myself without her, but I’m afraid I’ll scare her away if I tell her this soon.

  “If you want answers, you need to calm down.” Since Mina met Peter, she wants everyone around her to be as deeply in love as she is. It’s sweet. Until I met Noelle, it
was annoying as hell.

  “I’m ready.” Mina listens intently as I explain who Noelle is, how we met, and a basic outline up to today. Then she asks, “What can I do for you?”

  I explain what I need and give her my credit card number to pull off my requests. I have no idea how Noelle will react, but I don’t care. I want to cheer her up a bit.

  “Thank you, Mina.”

  “I’m so happy for you. I can’t wait to get to know her better. She and I only talked a short time at the wedding. She’s smart, beautiful, kind, and down to earth.”

  “She’s all of those things and more. Are you and Peter free for breakfast on Sunday?”

  “I’ll clear our schedule if we aren’t.”

  I would too if the situation were reversed. “I’m looking forward to it. I’ll see you in a few days. Thanks for your help. I love you bunches.”

  “See you soon. I love you bunches more.”

  I end the call with my sister, hoping Noelle doesn’t hate surprises or being taken care of. I’m less worried about the surprise than the taken care of part of this plan. I want to give her everything, but she wants to handle it herself. It’s endearing and frustrating at the same time. I realize it’s counterintuitive to not wanting a corporate wife, but there it is. Can’t I desire to take care of her even if she wants to work and take care of herself at the same time?

  Me: Good morning, beautiful. Have a safe flight. xoxo

  Noelle: Morning. Thanks. I’ll call you tonight. xoxo

  As my day winds down, I review an email from Stacy. He has two potential deals in the works. He plans to provide me with more details early next week. With that bit of good news, or the potential for good news, I trudge to the gym hoping to get rid of some of this angst.

  In the locker room, Kip and Danny are dressing for tonight’s session.

  “Kip, sorry about earlier.”

  “No worries. I’m glad you found someone. You’ve been waiting for the right woman long enough.”


  Kip may not be ready to hang up his dancing shoes, but he will one day. We step into the ring, and Kip and I slug it out for almost the full hour. Exhausted, we sit on the bench before heading home. Well, I head home. Kip showers and heads to a bar for an evening out. Good for him. That isn’t for me anymore.

  You may not know it yet, but I’m coming for you sweetheart.



  The flight to Portsmouth is smooth, so smooth I sleep through it. Late nights on the phone with Cash are great, but apparently it is catching up with me. After collecting my luggage, I take an Uber to Kelly’s store, So Elegant. As I step into the store, I notice the decor. It’s gorgeous. There’s a seating area off to one side with white couches and a tufted ottoman near two tablets. The other walls are lined with gorgeous couture dresses in all styles and colors. I’ve seen Kelly’s work, not only on screen, but her wedding gowns. She is a master of design and fabric.

  “Good afternoon, welcome to So Elegant. How may I help you?”

  “I’m here to see Kelly. Is she available?”

  “Kelly isn’t available. I’m Billie. Maybe I can help you.”

  I knew she looked familiar. We spoke at the wedding. Billie is tiny with blonde hair and light eyes. She’s Cash’s polar opposite.

  “Hi, Billie. You may not remember me, but we met at Ellis and Kelly’s wedding. I’m Noelle.”

  “Hi, Noelle. It’s good to see you again. Kelly and Ellis left for Paris early this morning for fabric Kelly needs for an upcoming film she’s working on.”

  “Oh, that’s unfortunate.” While I formulate what to do next and where to stay, I ask, “Are all these designs Kelly’s?”

  “The designs here are half mine, half Kelly’s, depending on the day. Do you need a dress?”

  “Yes, your brother invited me to a gala in September. I need a dress.”

  “That’s wonderful. It’s an amazing event. I met my fiancé at that event. I can help you design one if you would like. Also, I have a message for you from my brother.”

  “You do?” Oh, Cash, what have you done? Billie hands me an ivory envelope with my name on the front. How did he pull this off? I shouldn’t be surprised. Nicholas pulls off insane feats for Kelly, like getting her favorite ice cream from Maine delivered to their rehearsal dinner in Colorado. This looks like it’s handwritten by Cash.


  I’m sorry I can’t be there with you right now. With a lot of help from Mina (Billie), I set up a few things for you. Please go and relax, and I’ll see you tomorrow night. xoxo


  I do my best not to swoon in front of Billie. He’ll be here tomorrow night. I thought he was flying. I was so wrapped up in my own drama, I never asked where. I just know it wasn’t to California. I’m an awful girlfriend. I hang my head a bit.

  “Whatever you’re thinking, forget it.”

  “Is that a Morgan trait?” I’m shocked she sees I’m chastising myself.


  “Being able to read people well.” I just inadvertently told Billie her brother can read me well.

  “No, not even a little. My big brother has a huge heart that he has kept under lock and key waiting for the right woman. After talking with him, I realize he gave it to you. He may not have come out and said it yet, but he will. Whatever you think you missed, forget it. Cash didn’t even notice. If he did, he won’t mention it. The entire time he and I were planning and talking about you, I could hear his happiness through the phone. Thank you, Noelle.”

  “I don’t know what to say.”

  “You don’t have to say anything. Just take care of him.”

  “I will.” As long as he will have me.

  “What type of dress style works for you?”

  Billie and I discuss the design for a dress for the gala before I leave the shop. I give her my contact info so she can send me proposed designs in the next week or so. Apparently, part of Cash’s plan includes me staying at Billie’s condo near the beach. After giving me directions not only to a coffee shop called the Perk but to her condo, Billie hugs me tight.

  “I’m thankful you missed your brother’s rehearsal and were waiting with Cash.”

  “I am too.”

  Billie hands me a set of keys, her business card with her cell phone number, and a bag with two more envelopes and a gift box.

  “This bag came with the first note. I’ll see you on Sunday for breakfast.” Apparently, I have a breakfast date with Billie and presumably her fiancé.

  “Thank you, Billie. For everything.”

  “You’re welcome. Have a wonderful time.”

  I make a quick stop into the Perk, which Billie recommended. It’s cute and decorated like Central Perk from the show Friends. A bubbly young woman named Becca waits on me.

  With a maple walnut scone and a latte in hand, I pull my luggage behind me to Billie’s condo. As I walk, I absorb the smell of the ocean off to my left. Around the corner there’s a quaint village with shops and restaurants. It’s wonderful here. The pace is much slower than home. A decent amount of people mill around past dinnertime this evening.

  As I step into Billie’s condo, the scent of flowers hits my nose. There are yellow roses with red tips as well as red roses. The red outnumbers the yellow. The arrangements have the yellow near the top increasing down to the red. I have a suspicion I need to research the meaning of the colors. After circling the room and smelling the flowers, I open the gift bag Billie gave me.

  There are two more envelopes and a box. I open the envelope marked number two. Inside is an appointment card for a day spa for a massage, manicure, and pedicure for tomorrow at ten in the morning.

  Me: Can you talk?

  Almost instantly, my phone rings.

  “Hi, tesoro.” His deep velvety voice is amazing, especially when he calls me that.


  “I’m sorry I didn’t ask where you were flying.”

on’t be. You have other things on your mind. Plus, it made my surprises possible. Did you cheat?”

  “No. The third envelope and the box are still sealed.” Now, even more, I’m contemplating what could be in that box. The wrapping is nondescript.

  “Thank you. You can open it tomorrow afternoon. How was designing with Billie?”

  “Your sister is amazing. You weren’t kidding when you said she was opposite of you. Her design style is a little trendier than I usually prefer, but we’ll see what she comes up with.”

  “Billie will design something that works for you. She designed Della’s wedding gown outside of her normal style. Just be honest with her, and you’ll love what she creates.”

  “I don’t need all of this, Cash.” No one has ever been this thoughtful before.

  “Need, maybe not. Deserve, absolutely. Please go and relax, and I’ll be there as soon as I can after my flight.”

  “I’m not very good at this.”

  “Neither am I. I never wanted to be until you.”

  Holy hockey! “I’ll see you tomorrow. Good night, Cash.”

  “Good night, tesoro. Sweet dreams.”

  I sigh as I push the end button. My heart feels like it may explode. I’ve fallen for Cassius Morgan completely and unapologetically.

  After smelling the roses, literally, a little longer, I change into comfy clothes and curl up on the couch on Billie’s balcony. She has an amazing view of the ocean, which is directly across the street. It’s so peaceful here, even with the vacationers walking on the street below. I can only imagine the calm during the winter. Even though I slept on the plane, I turn in early for the night.

  The smell of the ocean wafts in through the doors of the master bedroom. I understand why Billie chose this condo. Taking my morning coffee to the balcony, I inhale deeply. My phone chimes with a text message.

  Cash: Good morning, gorgeous. I can’t wait to kiss you. xoxo

  Me: Morning. Me either. xoxo

  I smile and dress for my trip to the spa. Cash truly outdid himself with this surprise. This day spa is tranquil, quiet, and exactly what I needed. I need to thank Billie for helping Cash too. Almost four hours later, I’m relaxed, my fingernails and toenails polished to perfection, and pampered just enough.


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