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Pack -The Beginning

Page 12

by R.A Cullison

  Chapter Eleven

  Date Night

  Three months past pretty fast and things were getting pretty easy. Even thinking of Corbin was less painful so I decided to call Matt and take him up on that date. I dug out his number and called him, we agreed for Friday night dinner and a movie.

  The week soared by, I was actually nervous to go out with Matt, Sheesh! It was Matt, he was a great guy and not to forget he is also cute.

  I opened my closet and looked at what I had in there, what to wear; I had to call in the expert. I opened my door and yelled for my mom. She came up the stairs, “Whats wrong?” she looked worried.

  “Oh nothing, I just need help picking out something for a date tonight.” I smiled.

  “Really now, is he cute?” She winked.

  “Oh geez mom, yes he is very cute, so could you help me, please?” I batted my eyes.

  “Ok, Ok lets see what you have.” She looked in my closet and found a sundress I bought last summer, “this looks new. It’s pretty.” I looked at it.

  “I forgot I even had that dress, I have shoes for it too.” I pulled out the shoebox from the back of my closet.

  “Well I think you have your outfit, doll?” she lightly punched my shoulder and walked out.

  I looked at the dress and shoes. I quickly jumped in the shower, I scrubbed everywhere. I even shaved my legs and pits and made sure I was all squeaky clean. I wrapped a towel around me and then I brushed my teeth.

  I dried off pretty good and sprayed my best body spray on. I looked at myself in the mirror. I hurried and dried my hair, bushed and styled it. I put alittle bit of make up on, not too much; I didn’t want to look easy. I slipped the dress on, the shoes, gave myself a look over, and I looked good.

  I went downstairs, my dad was just getting home from work, and he looked at me.

  “Wow! You look great, big night tonight?” he hung up his jacket.

  “Yeah I have a date tonight with a guy from school; actually he should be here any moment.” I turned and saw my mom’s face. “What?”

  “Nothing, you look wonderful.” I smiled

  “Thanks mom.” I gave her a little hug and did the same to my dad. I went out on the porch. I heard Matt’s beast of a car coming down the road.

  He pulled up in front of the house. I didn’t recognize him at first. “Matt?” he smiled, “Wow you look so handsome.”

  “Thanks, you look beautiful.” he was looking me up and down.

  “Thank you, so movie or dinner first?” I slid my purse strap on my arm.

  “Well, The movie starts in an hour so, movie then dinner.” he opened the car door.

  I chuckled, “Am I paying or are you?” he laughed.

  “Me, silly woman, get in.” I slid in, to my surprise, the car was clean and the seats were in great shape.

  We got to the movie theater, the choices where pretty lame, werewolf, vampire or zombie movies. I looked at Matt, “Well what do you think?” he shrugged, “how about vampire, something that doesn’t strike so close to home.” he smiled.

  “Good idea Mr. Matt, wait, what is your last name?” we walked up to the clerk,

  “2 for cinema 3.” he handed her a 20, “its Hanson, Matthew Hanson.” I looked at him as he stuffed the change in his pocket.

  “Enjoy the show,” the clerk said as we headed towards the concession stand.

  “Drink and popcorn?” He waited for my answer.

  “Sure, a small popcorn and soda to share.” He looked down at me.

  “OK. Medium popcorn and cola please.” he handed her a 10 and then we made it into the screening room. It was almost empty, so we sat in the back anyways. The previews were lame, lame, and lame. Then the movie started.

  Half-hour in the movie I felt Matt’s arm going around me, which was ok by me. He smelled really good, a nice clean smell. I leaned into his arms. He looked over at me and smiled. Something came over me; I stretched up and kissed him. I could tell he was shocked.

  “What was that for?” he asked, the shock was apparent in his voice.

  “I don’t know, I just felt like it.” I said not looking at him

  “Could you feel like it again?” he smiled his big perfect smile. So I stretched up towards him but he met me half way and we kissed passionately, his lips where soft and warm. We kissed for a minute, I had to pull away. We opened our eyes and stared at each other for a few seconds.

  The movie finished, we didn’t watch much of it. We made our way out of the theater to his car. It was chilly out and I only had my sundress on. Matt took off his leather jacket and put it over my shoulders.

  “Thanks.” I wrapped it tight around me. We walked into the diner, it was pretty crowded. We took a seat in the only empty table. I looked around, no one I knew. The waitress came up to us.

  “Can I take your drink order?” she sounded tired and out of breath.

  “Coke please,” I answered

  “Same for me.” he said before she even looked at him. She handed us two menus, “I‘ll give you a few minutes to look over the menu.” she walked behind the counter and got our drink. She placed them in front of us, we both thanked her.

  I opened it up and began reading the never-ending list of food. I didn’t want to over due it just in case he don’t have that much money. The hamburger and fries sounded good, so I closed up the menu.

  “Know what you want?” he asked as I was putting my flexi-straw in my coke.

  “Yeah, how about you?” I said snipping my soda.

  The waitress came back, “Know what you like?” she asked looking at us both.

  “Yes, I would like the hamburger and fries.” I handed her my menu.

  “Same here too please.” Matt folded his menu and handed it back to her too. She jotted some things down and disappeared in the back. It got quiet for a few minutes.

  “So Nora, what was that kiss for?” he asked again.

  “I don’t know I just felt like it, why did it make you feel weird?” I asked looking across the table at him,

  “Honestly, no, was hoping you would kiss me. I liked you since the first time I saw you..” he started looking alittle red.

  “Oh…….Corbin wants us together, I wonder why?” I asked I glanced at him, he took another sip of his soda. “Because he only ever wanted me happy and protected, I guess he knew you are a good guy and you would protect me.” I studied his face.

  “Oh, yeah I guess that is true, but I no longer a…you know, but I will still protect you.” we both smiled at each other. Some sappy love song started playing.

  “Matt, kiss me.” my eyes locked on to his

  “Kiss you? You sure?” I didn’t answer I leaned over the table and kissed him.

  “Ahem!” someone cleared their throat, it was the waitress with our food, “2 hamburger platters.” she sat them in front of us. She chuckled alittle, “Enjoy.” she went to the next table. I dug in,

  “MMM smells good.” I grabbed the ketchup and squeezed alittle on my burger and fries, Matt did the same thing.

  Matt excused himself to use the men’s room. I sat quietly, until four drunken guys came into the diner, being loud and rude.

  It made me uncomfortable since I was the only one sitting alone. I had my eyes fixed on the men’s bathroom door, hoping he would hurry up. The taller of the two men saw me, for a split second we made eye contact. OH SHIT! I thought.

  He sat in the chair next to me,

  “Hey baby is this seat taken?” he reeked of booze.

  “As a matter of fact is it.” I tried to sound tough.

  “Oh, where is he, bathroom?” he looked around then let out a huge burp. Gross! I thought. Another guy from his little group came over.

  “Hey Russ, who is your pretty little friend?” he grabbed a chair from another table, “a lady this pretty must have a fella.”

  Russ looked around, “I don’t know Clint, I don’t see anyone, Do you?” he took a swig of his beer.

  “I sure don
’t, what is a fine young thing doing alone in a place like this without a fella?” he got really close to my face where I could smell is rancid breath.

  Russ scooted his seat closer, “Clint, I bet you my last six pack, if she has a boyfriend, he is gonna be one of those nerdy types, you know like Buck, scrawny.” they both laughed. Then I saw Matt walk out of the bathroom, he seen what was going on at our table and that I looked surrounded.

  Matt walked up to the table, the two guys immediately stopped laughing, “WOO WEE you’re a big feller, are you this fine things boyfriend?” they both slowly stood up.

  “Yes, if you two don’t mind getting your asses away from my girl before I do something ….mean?” he got closer to the guys. That was it; they got up and left without a word. We both finished eating.

  We pulled up in front of my grandparent’s house. He got out and quickly walked around to my door to open it for me. “Thanks for going out with me Nora.” he shut the door behind me and walked me to the front door.

  “Thanks for being so great, I had a great time.” we stood there quietly. “Wanna sit on the swing?” I asked walking towards the old, faded porch swing.

  “Sure. I hope it will hold me.” we both slowly sat down. The swing gave a little groan but it held.

  “Graduations next month, what are you gonna do after school?” I leaned back on the swing.

  “Don’t know, haven’t gave it much thought, but it will be good to finally be out of school and have a life.” he leaned back too. We sat there quiet again, he wasn’t a big talker.

  I stretched over and kissed him, this time it was very passionate. We pressed our lips tight together, I ran my fingers through his thick dark hair and he had his arm around my shoulders. We both pulled back, Yeah we could feel the sparks, I should say inferno going on between us. I knew we better stop and he did too.

  “Well I better go in.” I stood up and waited for him to get up. I slid the heavy leather jacket off and handed it too him.

  “Yeah, it’s getting late…” he walked with me to the front door.

  “Good night Matt.” we kissed good night. He started down the stairs.

  “Nora?” I turned and looked at him. “What are you doing tomorrow?” I looked his eyes and they were pulling me in.

  “I don’t know. Why?” I asked, lowering my eyes.

  “I wanna know if you wanna come over to my place and maybe rent some movies.” he had a big

  smile on his face.

  “Ok, what time?” I asked.

  “Three?” he threw his jacket over his shoulder.

  “Ok come pick me up at 3.…. Tomorrow, the movies and popcorn are on me this time.” he both chuckled.

  I went inside and straight to my room. I shut my bedroom door. Yes, that was a wonderful night, I told myself.


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