Thorns of Fate

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Thorns of Fate Page 9

by Hayley Todd

He stared at me, almost like he was confused.

  Suddenly he leapt up from the couch, holding his hand out to me. I took the proffered limb and was pulled to my feet. “You had a reason to come to the club, right?” he asked.

  I nodded weakly, still gathering my bearings. I started pulling clothes from my closet, a tight black dress that came to mid-thigh but sported a slit up to my hip and a pair of black pump heels that still didn’t bring me to his height.

  A glance at him showed him staring at my selection with wide eyes.

  “You’re welcome to check out Will’s closet. I have to get ready. I’m just going to see how things are going. Nothing too exhaustive.” I started gathering makeup from the bathroom and arranging it onto my vanity near my bed.

  “I will,” he responded. “Just so you know, I think Damien is planning on introducing you to the Magick Council tomorrow.”

  My head whipped around, eyes settling on him. He was leaning in the doorway, that tank still doing him oh so much justice. He had his arms crossed over his chest, the muscles bulging. “Introducing me? What will that consist of?” I asked, frozen for a moment.

  He laughed, “We can sit down tomorrow morning and I’ll explain what I can.” He hesitated then looked at me meaningfully. “And answer any lingering questions you may have.”

  I nodded. Tonight, pretend to be my old human self. Tomorrow, get answers and delve into the world of night. Check. And check.

  Carson left the room, swinging the door shut behind him. He had twisted the lock into the “locked” position so as the door shut, I couldn’t be intruded on.

  I dressed quickly, gathering my long dark hair into a decorative messy bun on my head and pulling the dress into place. The shoes came on last, lifting me several inches from the floor. I plastered on some makeup and come out to see Carson’s progress.

  He was standing outside of Will’s door and Anton leaned over the bar in the kitchen. They were virtually as far from each other as they could be. Carson had picked a blue silk button up shirt and a pair of pleated black dress pants. He even wore a pair of shiny leather dress shoes. He looked amazing. Every curve of his body, every muscle, fit the clothing like a glove. Or maybe it fit him. That might be more apt.

  He looked up when I walked out and his eyes went wide. Anton whistled from his post in the kitchen and sidled up beside me. He looped his arm through mine, entirely unbidden. “You can be mighty fine when you add a little effort,” he crooned, making me roll my eyes subconsciously.

  “I’m sure it was a little difficult for her to doll herself up for your pleasure while she was in a coma,” Carson hissed from across the room. He approached me, his arm held aloft in offering and I took it, giving Anton a sassy look over my shoulder and sliding my arm out of his.

  The three of us made our way out of my apartment and once again I entered the club scene in the VIP section.

  I made my way over to an overlooking booth in the VIP section. I wanted to quietly watch before making my presence known. Carson exited the stairwell first, leading and surveying the room before allowing me to step down. Anton trailed behind us.

  “Shouldn’t you be running the bar?” I asked snarkily.

  He mock chuckled and crossed his arms over his chest, looking indignant. “I’m a prince. After that crap cover, I’ll be damned if I do something like that again.”

  I rolled my eyes then realized Carson’s scrutinizing gaze was trained on me. His eyes were roving over me, hungrily. Perhaps he wasn’t as stoic and unaffected as he sometimes pretended to be.

  “Here,” I led them to the booth overlooking the club floor. Surprisingly enough, one booth, farther down than the rest was already filled with rowdy club goers. They were dressed nicely, in suits and cabana styled dresses which was only partly out of place here.

  The booth was large and luxurious. Each could hold eight to ten people. The seats were a rich purple leather and the table around the middle was round and made of dark solid oak.

  “I’m going to make my way around, checking things out, but you guys can stay here.” I finished my invitation just as Anton slid into a seat and turned. Before I could take my second step, a hand clamped around my wrist. I turned to see Carson, his eyes pleading, grasping my arm. Anton had already made himself comfortable and was perusing a pristinely laminated and leather bound menu.

  Carson jutted his head in the direction of my path, begging the question without saying a word. I nodded and he followed after me.

  The door to the VIP section stood open, separated by a black velvet rope. It was flanked on either side by burly guards I didn’t recognize. I flicked a questioning gaze to Carson.

  “My guys,” he mumbled, barely loud enough for me to hear above the roar of music and the crowd. He leaned closer, dropping his voice to a more husky tone. “I told you, I’ll keep you safe, my princess.”

  A shiver rippled through me at that. I had had my fair share of mistreatments when it came to relationships and his low, purring voice, just cut through all of my defenses.

  I stopped and turned, leaning on my tippy toes to get my lips to his ear. “You don’t have to call me that you know,” I whispered.

  He nodded, his face dipping close enough to mine that his stubble rubbed my cheek. He smelled heavenly. “I only wish to issue my princess, and future queen, her due,” he replied.

  “Do you talk to Damien like that?” I asked.

  He looked down at me, his green eyes filled with thought. “Your father?” He asked as though I could mean anyone else. “No.” He grinned sheepishly. “There was a time when I called him my king but he quickly broke me of the habit when it was no longer commonplace to use such verbiage.”

  I grinned. “Then you don’t need to call me your princess.”

  He looked crestfallen, but when I reached out and wrapped my fingers through his, the playful grin reappeared on his face.

  “Well, hello there, gorgeous,” came a voice from my side. I stiffened immediately, dropping Carson’s hand. I whirled around to find none other than Tyler Castello standing beside me. He looked entirely healthy, a wide smile plastered on his face.

  “Tyler!” I shrieked, leaping forward and throwing my arms around him. He staggered back a step and I realized I’d almost forgotten what it was like to be around people who weren’t as strong as vampires.

  His arms wrapped around my back, not seeming to mind the hard hug. “I’m so glad you’re back! How was New York?” He loosened his arms, holding me at a length. “There’s something different about you.” He twisted my head from side to side by my chin.

  I hesitated. New York? Did he know? What did he know? How was he alive? I was almost certain that in those fevered memories, his chest had stopped rising with breath.

  Carson steppes forward, coming to my aid. “Kyra, you look stunning this evening.” He grasped my hand, pulling gently and plucking me from Tyler’s hold. He crushed me to him in a hug. “Kellic told me all about your New York trip. New investors, huh?” He stared down at me meaningfully.

  I nodded slowly, the story coming together in my mind. “It was great. Everything went really well. How have things been here?”

  Tyler looked around at the gyrating partiers. A sly smile crept across his face. “Things have been good here. Business is going very well.” He paused, looking at me mischievously. Then he stepped toward DJ Sean. She grinned at him and handed him a thin black microphone. Spotlights swiveled towards him.

  “Ladies and gentlemen! We have a very special guest with us today!” The spotlight shifted to me. “Our owner, Kyra Santina!” He cried.

  The room around me exploded with cheers. It eerily reminded me of my dream. Of Achillia, emerging from victory. I looked across the crowd, seeing gleaming faces and black looking eyes in the eerie darkness and half-light.

  Next thing I knew, I was being passed through the crowd, congratulated and pulled in every direction. Sweaty bodies rubbed against mine without any real exit. Carson fell further and furt
her away from me and faintly, below the thrumming music, I could hear him shouting my name.

  My vision pulsed red and then black alternately with my heartbeats. I could smell it. Their blood. I wanted it. I wanted it more than I wanted anything. I could carefully pierce their skin and take it. Who would stop me? Why would they try? That blissful ecstasy was merely a bite away. I could have dozens. I wouldn’t need Carson anymore. I would have blood. So much…

  I was yanked forward, out of the crowd. The music continued as though I’d never appeared, the crowd frenzied and agitated. I slammed forward into something, hard but it yielded softly to me.


  Carson had pulled me from the crowd. I now stood, cradled in his arms, standing inside my living room. My head was pressed against his chest and hot tears streamed down my face.

  “I’ll be right back. Do. Not. Move,” he ordered in a clipped tone. Then he was gone.

  I stumbled forward, falling gracelessly onto my knees, sucking in panting breaths of clean air. I could still smell it faintly. The smell of jubilant bodies and sweat and blood.

  But I just sat there, curled over my own bent legs, tears pouring from me. As the pulsing heartbeat in my ears began to fade, I could hear myself weeping.

  After what felt like an eternity, strong arms wrapped around my shoulders and scooped me up like a child, cradling my head against warm soft skin. The footsteps below me gently rocked me to and fro.

  I could see my bedroom, my bed. And then I was resting on it, blinking my vision clear.

  Carson paced in front of me, sideways from my horizontal position on the bed. He kept running his hands through his hair and muttered angrily to himself. “That mortal twit. Did I save him only to doom her? Imbecile.” He hissed on repeat.

  “Carson,” I beckoned, my throat raw from crying I couldn’t remember starting. The bass from below seemed softer, quieter.

  He was suddenly beside me, righting me gently. He sat beside me while another shuddering sob racked through my chest.

  “Carson…,” I hesitated through shaky breaths. “I’m...hungry.”

  He rocked me gently and spoke to me softly, like he was trying to avoid a tantrum. “I know.”

  I opened my eyes. He was topless. He had changed back into the sweatpants. I couldn’t imagine when he had done that but the last several moments were hazy at best.

  He tilted his head to the side, extending an invitation.

  I don’t remember biting him but I was aware a moment later of his blood expanding through me, his warm body pressed against mine. I blinked my eyes open. I was straddling him, seated at the edge of my bed. My legs were wrapped around his hips, my hands clutched onto his neck and shoulder, my mouth against his skin. He breathed hard against my skin, moaning at my ear.


  Again words echoed in my head. Ecstasy and energy bloomed in me. I found myself grinding against him and he was responding in kind.

  Suddenly, I was on my back, his frenzied green eyes above me before they disappeared and a pain warmed my neck. He still rocked his hips against me and we were no longer at the edge of the bed. I was splayed in its center, Carson mounted atop me, his lips at my neck.

  Waves of pleasure rolled through me, sweet, delicious ecstasy just beneath the surface.

  He was below me again. I had thrown him to his back. My lips found his, inhaling him. I could feel his heartbeat below me, pounding against my skin. His hands knitted into my hair, fingers twining, pulling me toward him. My fingertips ran through his.

  His lips crushed me. A burning desire echoing through my very being. I rode the waves of delight until they began to fade and clamped my mouth onto his neck again.

  He bucked against me, a growling groan ripped from his throat. His hand pressed against my back, pulling me nearer.

  My back slammed into a wall this time. I wasn’t sure how I had gotten there but I found myself pinned against the wall beside my bed. My legs wrapped again around his hips, supporting myself while he ground into me. His mouth had found my neck again, sucking deeply.

  His fingers ripped at my dress, yanking it off my body. I ran my palms over the hard muscles of his chest, clutching him, wanting him.

  I didn’t realize my bra was gone until my bare breasts pressed against his warm skin. His lips were on mine again, feverish.

  He bucked away before pressing against me again. I moaned, the delightful agony building inside me nearly unstoppable in its fervor.

  And then I was alone, sitting in the center of my bed, breathless and panting. I felt vacant without him close to me. His heat had been stolen away.

  I glanced down to a pair of bright spring green eyes staring at me over the edge of the bed. His gaze lingered over my all but naked body. He was obviously warring with himself.

  I flipped onto my stomach, crawling nearer to him. At the edge of the bed I could see him fully, kneeling on the floor. Fangs protruded from his mouth and dark veins showed beneath his skin across his face. He was breathing hard and his hands were clenched into fists, his knuckles white.

  “I shouldn’t have done that,” he huffed, barely a whisper. He took deep breaths, his eyes not leaving mine for a moment.

  I rolled my eyes, shaking my head, returning my gaze to his. He looked confused. “I’m glad you did,” I explained.

  He sagged, a humorless chuckle puffing from him. “I could’ve hurt you,” he mumbled. He ran his hands through his hair. It was a gesture that made me smile every time I saw it. “What?” He asked, watching my face.

  “I’m not afraid of you,” I whispered.

  That made him laugh outright. “Maybe that shows your ignorance,” he supplied. “Maybe you should be.” He ran a finger down my face and I relaxed a bit to see his hands unclenched.

  “What just happened?” I asked, ignoring the statement and the way it made me tense.

  His eyes flashed. “That idiot human nearly gave you an all you can eat buffet.”

  I glared at him. I knew he meant Tyler. I didn’t think there was any way he could’ve anticipated what a bad position he put me in. “He didn’t mean to,” I muttered, feeling it necessary to defend him.

  “Yes, and you almost didn’t mean to rip out the throats of a few hundred people.” He gazed down at me, even from his position on the floor. “That was bloodlust. It doesn’t usually hit so hard but you’re newly turned, already struggling with small pangs of bloodlust, and were thrown into the most tempting situation a vampire could experience. It’s not easy to shrug off a hundred sweaty, hot, sticky, sexually charged human bodies. Even as a veteran.” His thumb stroked my cheek.

  “I should’ve expected that. I should’ve been more guarded. He had you away from me before I knew what was happening.” His hands dropped back to his legs, clenched into fists again.

  I reached forward, gently prying his fingers apart until he relaxed. “It wasn’t your fault, Carson. And no harm done. Actually, look what fun came of it.” I looked over my shoulder to the spot on the wall where he had pressed against me.

  The thrum of pleasure pulsed in me again.

  “I kind’ve wish I hadn’t stopped,” he mumbled. I stared at him, accepting that as an admission of attraction. He peered at me. His face was an expression of turmoil. He suddenly stood, pulling me upright. “You should get some sleep,” he pulled the blankets from beneath me and tucked them around my shoulders. He pressed his lips to my forehead and turned.

  “Wait,” I gasped. He turned, sharply at my tone. “Don’t leave me, please.”

  His eyes softened, looking sad.

  “It’s my first true night of sleep and I don’t know what to expect. And I’m scared. What if someone comes near me and I can’t stop myself. Just...don’t leave me please.” I was ashamed at the desperation in my voice but he didn’t seem to shame me for it. If anything, his face fell with sympathy.

  He seemed to hesitate for a moment before nodding. “I’ll sleep on the couch. I’ll be right here if you need me.”
He headed to the couch and stretched out, pulling the blanket I’d used earlier over his legs and snuggling in.

  I nestled into my bed and found that with my heartbeat slowing to normal, sleep came easily.

  Chapter Nine

  Black and white scenes flashed above me. Raoul loomed over me again, crushing my windpipe, breaking my chest. His hands pushed up my skirt, greedily, hungrily. My body exploded in pain from top to bottom. It rippled out from my chest, shaking me to me core. He swooped down on me, his fangs snatching onto my neck. Agony exploded from my shoulder and I screamed and screamed and…

  “Kyra! Kyra!” Carson screamed, shaking me violently. My arms lashed out at him, landing pounding blows against his chest that he was shrugging off. I stuttered to a stop, wrapping my arms around his chest and pulling him to me without another word.

  He pressed down into me, allowing me to snuggle against him. He dropped beside me, stretching out, drawing me against his chest, his arms wrapped tightly around me. His hand brushed over my hair gently. “Kyra, I’m here. I’m always here,” he mumbled, pressing his warm lips against the crown of my head.

  “He was there…” I mumbled, feeling tears dripping down my cheeks. They fell against the skin of his chest but he didn’t seem to mind. I felt him nod against my head. “He...was hurting me,” I devolved into sobs. He clutched me to him, passing his hand over my hair again and again until I started to get drowsy again, images of Raoul fading from my mind.

  “Please don’t leave me…” I murmured before drifting into a haze.

  “I would never,” he whispered back quietly.

  I awoke groggily, my world steadying into focus when I blinked my eyes open. Carson still lay beneath me, breathing quietly, fast asleep. My head rested on his chest and he was so warm. He smelled good, but he always seemed to smell good. His heartbeat thumped against my cheek.

  No more nightmares had come. Raoul hadn't reappeared from the darkness to torment me front beyond the grave. I had a feeling I had Carson to thank for that.

  A glance around the room reminded me of the passionate bloodletting we had engaged in the night before. I was a little sad that he managed to have the willpower to stop. Blood was crusted down my neck, shoulder, and chest. It fortunately didn't seem to have affected my sheets much but I was definitely feeling gross.


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