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Darlings of Decay

Page 90

by Chrissy Peebles

  There are six of us altogether on my team known as RIP 1 (Resilient Infected Police) in this area. There’s myself, Tank, Adam, Jonah, Sky and Zoot. Each team has no less than six members, no exceptions, ever. It’s been that way from as far back as the older members can remember.

  We’ve lost quite a few members throughout the years, thousands. All casualties of this fucked up zombie horror that’s plagued the world for over 30 years now. It seems to only get worse as the years pass.

  Investigators, scientists and civilians are all still trying to find the outbreak’s origin, hoping once the source is found, an end can be brought and we can all finally live in peace. Well maybe not in total peace.

  A zombie free life would be fan-fucking-tastic! I’d love to not have to kill anymore. While I DO enjoy the rush and adrenaline I get from the fight and the knowledge that I just kept at least one person that’s not infected safe. It just eats me up inside, knowing that the infected I just took down was once a human, with a normal life; possibly a very happy one and might of even had a family. No one deserves to become an infected.

  The worst part is when we have to put down a younger infected. I feel as if I lose a piece of my heart each time I have to neutralize one. It’s so sad; we’ve even had some infants that have had to be brought to rest. I don’t care if they call me a chicken shit or whatever other name in the proverbial book—even I have my limits.

  It’s been 6 months since any of us had a nice zombie pounding session and we all recently petitioned the head of RIP to allow us to travel further out from our town, where I constantly sense hundreds of those fuckers, creeping like the creeps they are. I’ve only had a slight sense of their presence. So, I know they’re no less than 5 miles out.

  It drives me crazy to know they’re out there and I NEED to let out some of my frustrations by pounding on a few thousand pounds of zombie flesh until they are all no more than rancid chop meat and I end up in dire need of a shower.

  I have what you’d call the itch to bitch. But I can’t do that around my team. They don’t want to hear it. So, instead I press on. “Tank, did you hear anything from Sterling yet?”

  He’s the only one on our team that knows the truth about me and my special abilities. He’s like the goofy big brother I never had and my BFF all rolled in to one gigantic package.

  He doesn’t turn to look at me, but I know he sees me through his peripheral vision. He’s good like that. Eyes everywhere at all times. Plus, he’s a bit pissed at me for what I did to him during a training session today. He’s actually patrolling commando right now. Poor guy…not!

  “Not yet, Wunder. We’re all waiting, just as impatiently as you are, to see some action. It’s been too damn quiet and the same training regimen day after day just isn’t doing it for any of us.”

  I look away from him and sigh. “I know what you mean. There has to be something we can do to get the go ahead to venture further out. Maybe I should approach him—?”

  “I doubt that would work. It’s not just Sterling that makes the decisions you know? Besides, the main setback is the little fact the big guys are all worried that if we leave, there might not be enough fighters left behind to protect everyone, if any infected suddenly came this way.”

  Just then, I felt a shift of movement and focused on it. “Tank?”


  “I sense some moving closer. I’d say 20 to 30 give or take.”

  “Shit! How close?”

  “Not that close. I can’t tell exactly, but…” I pause to try and get a better feel for the exact number and how many are moving toward us.

  “Let’s give it a shot, Wunder. We’ll go as a group and ask if we can scout the area where you’re sensing them and take action before they get too close. We won’t know until we try. You’ve never steered us wrong yet. I don’t see why we would be denied right now.”

  “And what will we say to them Tank? Think about it for a minute. None of the heads know what I’m about and I plan to keep it that way for as long as I can. I don’t want to be a permanent pin cushion or labeled as a freak for the rest of my life. No, thank you, sorry.” I take a deep breath and wait to see if he has anything else to say after listening to my lovely rant but he remains silent and looks a bit guilty.

  We both turn our heads to the sound of a vehicle coming fast right in our direction maneuvering the last second to avoid hitting us, then coming to a hard stop. Tank and I look at one another and our other team members who are gathering around us and we move toward the vehicle as a solid unit.

  All the windows roll down simultaneously and there is a total of five people within. Two are unfamiliar to me and the others are a part of various RIP units.

  “Wunder, Tank.” Ron, the driver and also Sterling’s right hand man speaks up first. “Sterling wants you two to come along with us to the next town to help assist the supply truck and some other RIP members that are trapped. They’re completely surrounded by over a hundred infected with no more ammo and no way out.” He nods his head toward the members in the back. “Lane and Elliot are going to take your place here until we return. Sterling wants his best for this and you two are it.”

  The two RIP members that are to stand in for me and Tank are now exiting the vehicle and introducing themselves to Jonah and the others.

  Tank and I look at one another with knowing smiles and hop right in, taking the now vacant seats even before they cooled from the previous passengers.

  Ron peels out, even before we get the door closed and gets right to the point. “What’s going to happen right now is we’re going to pick up one more member, Justin who’s readying another vehicle. You two are going to go with him while we take this one. We’re going to park approximately a quarter of a mile out from the rendezvous point and foot it in with guns a blazing and swords a chopping. We want everyone that matters in one piece, no bites and as many infected exterminated as we can make happen. We have eight people to extricate at this point. There were twelve originally. But four had no patience to wait. One got infected and took his own life while a zombie was gnawing at his ankle. It’s not going to be pretty. I hope you’re both ready.”

  “We’re always ready.” Tank states, while I’m thinking the exact same thing.

  We’re all loaded up with weapons beyond imagination and getting closer to our rescue mission fast. No one abides the speed limits posted. We haven’t done that for years!

  I’m sensing them stronger and stronger as we draw closer. There are more than a hundred but I keep that to yours truly. I cannot give myself away. I shift myself toward Tank. He and I are seated in the back while Jonah drives. I catch his eye; give a slight shake of my head and motion for him to look at my hands.

  Luckily, we have done things like this before and have a way to communicate without words to one another. Putting up one finger and doing a double zero signal. Then, he glances back at my face and I nod my head for him to look back at my hands and put up one finger with the double zero and a plus sign.

  His eyes widen, but he catches himself and clears his throat.

  Then, I sit and think, “how in the hell are we going to get through over one hundred infected fuckers and all come out in one piece?”

  Tank shoulders me back to the present. The vehicles are slowing down, getting ready to park, so we can start tracking it to our destination. I’m formulating a plan of attack in my head just like my dad always tells me to do. “Be prepared for anything Wunder and always make use of what’s at your disposal. Anything can be used as a weapon.” I turn to Tank and tell him, “I have a plan…”


  After taking only a few minutes to dish out the new plan, we go in groups of two and surround as much of the area as we can. Each of us holding machine guns with the ammo draped over our bodies like we’re Rambo wannabe’s. We’re strapped with a shit load of other killer weapons as well that say, “THE END” with their actions alone.

  I have a ton of 2-in-1 magnetic throwing stars c
ircling my waist. One of my all-time favorite weapons. There’s a 2.5 inch star stuck on top of a 3.5. Makes for double the weapon and I’m one accurate throw!

  We’re all in place and waiting for the signal. There are already a good thirty or so VERY dead infected littering the streets.

  After a heart beat passes, Ron shouts, “Everyone grab cover!”

  Gun fire erupts and all hell breaks loose. The infected don’t stand a chance against guns. Especially, when each person firing is an accurate shot. We’ve already taken down at least thirty and they are still coming on strong. These fuckers are fast! Luckily, bullets are faster or we’d be zombie toast.

  The infected bodies are piling up higher and higher. I don’t recall ever seeing such a sight. It’s fucking great! Tank stops to reload while I’m still shooting up a storm. “Hurry Tank! I’m almost out.”

  “Got it. All set!”

  Perfect timing! When Tank starts firing I hear the tell-tale click click, letting me know I need to reload. Swiftly reloading and ready to fire, I hear Ron shouting in the distance, “Look out!”

  Both Tank and I turn toward his voice and see Justin surrounded by about eight infected. I think fast and hand Tank my gun while removing stars from my belt and making quick work of four of the fuckers. Dropping them like dead fruit falling from a tree on a windy day, then making work of two more.

  Justin is kicking one of the bastards in the face repeatedly.

  Then, the other of the original eight has her eyes set on me. She starts running full speed at me like a freight train.

  I kick up my pace as well while pulling out my dagger and slicing her throat before she even knows what hit her.

  Justin is still fighting with the one bastard he’s been kicking for what seems like forever.

  An easy kill for me since this infected is practically lying on the ground. “Justin move, NOW!” I make quick work of stabbing the fucker in his cranium, I then snap his head clear off his shoulders.

  “Thanks Wunder.”

  I give a slight nod and hand him the only gun I have left which now leaves me with just a few stars, four grenades, my dagger and bare hands to finish off the few that are left.

  He takes off toward Ron while shooting down a few zombies in his path until the gun empties, making it to Ron and getting a new piece locked and loaded.

  Tank runs up beside me while I’m trying to sense how many are left. It’s difficult to explain how I can sense the infected and tell the count. It’s almost like a second pair of eyes floating around and seeing everything through night vision goggles. Similar to green hued auras...I only see three—no make that two left.

  Ron gets one right between the eyes and it drops hard.

  I sense more behind the warehouse and I tell Tank as much, so we head in that direction. I only sense seven of them. But there’s no way I’m about to let any of them live. I pull out a star and separate the smaller one from the larger one and am ready for the kill.

  What we see before us is an absolute horror. The four infected are feeding on two children, one no more than eleven years old. The other victim is even younger—so tiny and helpless.

  I quickly swallow the lump that forms in my throat and aim for the kill. I drop two within a few seconds and Tank tales down the rest with his gun.

  I don’t sense any more infected around as far as my senses go. But the children that were just attacked are going to come back once the infection runs its course. “Tank…I—I can’t. Those poor kids. What are we going to do?”

  Just then Justin, Ron and two others come running around the corner and stop in their tracks. “Oh shit!” They shout in unison.

  “I got this ya’ll”

  I shift my eyes and look at this monster of a man. This dude is HUGE! I thought Tank was large and in charge. But this guy makes him look miniscule. His accent sure as hell does not fit his look. But who am I to judge? I’ve not heard many accents except for some German, Irish and Italian throughout the years. I’m thinking a Texan; maybe.

  He looks at all of us and his eyes stop right on me. “Ya’ll go about your business. I’ll wait and take care of what needs to be done here. Go on. There are others that need you.”

  We are all staring at him.

  I turn to Ron and he gives me a nod. Right now, I honestly don’t care what the guy’s name is or even who he is. I just can’t stomach this part of the job. Those poor kids. They barely got to live and now…?

  “Let’s go, Wunder. We need to get the supply trucks back and help whoever is left and get them settled in their new homes. It’s one long ass night for us.” Tank tugs my arm to get me to start moving where we need to go.

  We walk back a bit slow to where the supply trucks and others are and I see some of the other RIP members moving infected bodies, so a path is clear for traveling through. Both by foot and by vehicle. I mean the ground is covered with infected bodies beyond belief right now.

  Just then, I hear someone say, “We need to pile them in the center over there, so nothing in the surrounding area can catch fire when we burn them.”

  A faint recognition flows through me. That voice. It’s so damned familiar. I feel warmth in my abdomen and every tiny hair on my body is standing on end. I look to my left and cannot believe what I am seeing. I think it’s him. The boy—make that the man from my dreams. It has to be! It’s as if I’ve seen him before and I’m feeling the same warm feeling I experience in my dreams whenever he is near. I only see his side profile. But WOAH! What a profile. He’s built like a man who works out daily. A sleek, tall and incredibly attractive piece of perfection. I want to see his full face. If only he’ll turn around.

  I’m staring right at him, mentally asking him to please look at me over and over in my mind.

  Suddenly, he stops chatting it up with his friend and whips his head in my direction.

  Those eyes! Oh my god—Those eyes. They’re beautiful. He’s beautiful. I’m rooted to the spot. I cannot look away as he stares at me.

  He looks stunned. He says something and his friend turns to him. But it seems as if he brushes him off.

  I try to read his lips, but all I can make out is the words shit and myself. I can’t stop the smile that blooms on my face. Did he just say he shit himself? For real? Nah, it can’t be that.

  He says some other words to himself or his friend maybe?

  I try, but I just couldn’t make them out from this distance. I’ve never been a good lip reader. Right about now, I really wish I would have practiced more. I need to know what he’s saying. His gaze is so intense and I feel as if I should move towards him. I get a moment of doubt. What if it’s not him? The one from my dreams...

  Tank nudges me. “Wunder? Come on woman. Let’s go. I would like to get some sleep tonight at least.”

  “Yea, alright. One thing first. Do you know who that guy is right there?”

  “Which one? There’s more than one over there you know.”

  “The one with the jet black hair, bright eyes dressed in all black. He’s standing next to Raul.”

  “Oh yeah, that’s one of the new guys. His name is Pete. Don’t know anything else about him though.”

  I forced my eyes away from the man I think might be my destiny and follow Tank in the opposite direction. I feel dream-boat’s gaze on me as I walk away. It’s fine. I’m not worried. He’s going to be coming to live in my town now. I’ll see him again. I know it. I feel it in my soul…

  The Wunder Series

  Wunder Book One

  (The Approach)

  The Wunder Series from Debut Author, A.R. Von

  A Semi-Zombie Erotic Treat

  Wunder isn’t your average girl; in fact, she isn’t even an average human. In a world ravaged by Zombies, she was born amidst the chaos. Where can a girl like her find the man of her delicious dreams? She has an idea and it leads her to the hottest new club in town, where she finds what’s been missing in her life.

  Pete has his own secrets to tell, and when they come together, another story unfolds while the sparks fly.

  Coming Soon:

  Wunder’s life has been far from perfect, being part Zombie in a world devastated by the plague of the walking dead. Still, she knew there was something special awaiting her, someone out there who could change everything and she did find him. Pete is everything she dreamed of and more, as she discovers passion and fulfillment for the first time in her life.

  Now her life turns into a journey of discoveries. Secrets from the past come full circle and her world is changed forever. In the coming chaos, can she keep her new found happiness and the man of her dreams?

  Don’t miss the awesome trailer!


  A.R. is a mother of two entertaining teen boys (as well as a lovely fawn Chihuahua, whom she considers her furry daughter.) She’s also a wife to a delightfully handsome and amazingly funny man-beast.

  She’s an avid reader of many genres which include (but are not limited to) erotica, paranormal, ménage, fantasy, YA, western (she has to have a hot cowboy, or two, here and there) and some historical.

  She also loves to exercise, listen to music, hike, cook, dance and write. She writes to free her mind of its constant wondering and loves the fact she can share it with readers that have the same passion for a great story.

  She loves to hear from her reader’s and chat away, so feel free to reach out to her any time.

  OR at:

  Annie Walls


  To Alisha, Mac’s biggest fan.

  A Note From The Author:

  This short is a companion to The Famished Trilogy.


  When the door of the quaint house opened, annoyance flared up, which is a familiar feeling. The short brunette peered back at me with a flushed face and puffy eyes. She was cute, and no doubt in any other situation I’d charm her legs open. My mother couldn’t be subtle about anything. I hadn’t even spoken to this girl yet but deep down, I knew.


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